Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Obama grabs coffee and a Broadway show in NYC – Washington Examiner

Former President Barack Obama, sporting a partially unbuttoned white oxford beneath his jacket, was greeted by hundreds of ecstatic onlookers in New York City on Friday.

Obama exited a coffee shop inside a Fifth Avenue building and waved to the crowds. He held his coffee, put on his sunglasses and boarded his black SUV, one of three in his motorcade.

Hours later, Obama and his eldest daughter, 18-year-old Malia, turned up at the Roundabout Theatre Company to see a Broadway show, a remake of Arthur Miller's "The Price."

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The father-daughter duo disappeared during intermission, but returned before the show continued. At the conclusion, they joined the audience in a standing ovation before being led out by Secret Service.

Obama was spotted back in his hometown of Chicago in mid-February attending meetings for the Obama Center he is working to build in Jackson Park.

It was the first time Obama has been back home since he delivered his farewell address on Jan. 10. The first family traveled to San Diego following President Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20. They vacationed in California and the British Virgin Islands before returning to Washington, D.C., where they will reside until their youngest daughter finishes high school.

Obama started working fulltime out of his Chicago-based post-presidential office the first week of February. Last Wednesday, Obama attended four strategy meetings regarding the South Side facility, which will include a museum, library and event center.

Also from the Washington Examiner

Several states resumed debate over whether to ease or restrict access to bathrooms by transgender students.

02/25/17 12:37 AM

He met with neighborhood leaders at the Obama Foundation's Hyde Park office and three others about fundraising the hundreds of millions of dollars necessary for construction.

Obama and his family currently reside in Washington, D.C.'s Kalorama neighborhood.

Read the original here:
Obama grabs coffee and a Broadway show in NYC - Washington Examiner

Obama left school bathrooms a mess – The Hill (blog)

There is no federal law that requires any educational institution to refrain from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. There are only federal laws that require institutions to refrain from discriminating on the basis of sex.

Like it or not, that is a fact. The Obama administration decided that it would be a good thing if schools that receive federal funding accommodated transgendered students by permitting them to use bathrooms and locker-rooms that aligned with their own subjective sexual orientation. Having made that decision, there were two ways the Obama administration could have proceeded to achieve that goal.

One way would have been to candidly announce that the current legal framework did not permit the federal government to impose such a requirement on schools.

And a legitimate part of Obamas legacy would have been the commencement of an honest debate about how transgendered people should be treated.

A second way to proceed would be to pretend that the administration had power it actually did not have under the law.

The Obama administration chose the second way: it pretended that statutes that prohibit discrimination based on sex were equivalent to (non-existent) statutes that would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The Obama administration prided itself on paying close attention to the teachings of science, and it mocked those who were not sufficiently attentive to science. Yet, that same administration chose to accept the view that, if an individual subjectively feels very strongly that his or her gender identity is at variance with fully functional sex organs, that very strong subjective feeling would change the individuals sex.

I dont believe serious students of the science of human reproductive biology would accept any such proposition.

But the Obama administration was willing to accept that proposition, and now Trump administration has decided to call a halt to what has been, at best, a charade. Of course, the new administration did not have to rescind the Obama administrations edicts regarding transgendered students.

Its a safe bet that, if Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonReport: New national security adviser breaks with Trump on 'radical Islamic terrorism' EPA head previously used private email for government business Arkansas lawmaker proposes bill that would remove Clinton name from airport: report MORE had been elected, her administration would have left those regulations in place.

Still, no matter who won the White House, the Obama regulations would continue to lack any adequate legal foundation. So, the new administration refuses to continue with the charade, and, very predictably, Pres. Trump is portrayed in many venues as the bad guy in the drama.

But, before jumping on the bandwagon of condemnation, it might be worthwhile to stop and consider allnot just someof the issues that are at stake.

Transgendered students and their supporters believe that it is important that they be accommodated in accordance with their subjective sexual orientation. That is a given, and they are of course entitled to those very strong opinions. But there are other people who have different views, and they too are entitled to their opinions.

Even those who feel most strongly on either side of this issue ought to appreciate that it makes a difference how we, as a society, come to decide how transgendered people should be treated.

If we want to live in a society where transgendered students must be accommodated, it should be obvious that we must decide as a society that that is what we want. And the way we decide that kind of thing as a society is to have our elected representatives pass legislation that codifies such accommodations into law.

If there is not enough political support now to win such accommodations, then those who favor them have to labor in the political vineyards until sufficient support has been created.

That is how democracy works.

It is a kind of cheating to rely on a particular administrations regulations or guidance to accomplish that end, when the law does not give that administration, or any administration, the legal power to issue such regulations. That kind of cheating might, for a time, accomplish its end. But, if a new administration decides to play the game by the rules, the cheating will end very abruptly.

Now, what we have is a mess. Recriminations will abound; town hall meetings will be disrupted; feelings will be hurt; names will be called; resistance will be fierce. And the plain fact is that the mess is the fault of Obama.

In this area, as in so many others, Obama thought it would be a terrific idea to pretend to have greater legal authority than he actually had. As a result, the hopes of millions of people were falsely raised by the misleading illusion of presidential authority; those hopes were dashed when there was a change of administration.

Perhaps thats what Obama was referring to when he ran on the slogan of Hope and Change.

David E. Weisberg is an attorney, and a member of the New York state bar. His writing has appeared in the Social Science Research Network and in The Times of Israel.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.

Excerpt from:
Obama left school bathrooms a mess - The Hill (blog)

Crowds gather as Obama goes on New York coffee run – CNN

Crowds gather as Obama goes on New York coffee run
(CNN) Hundreds of cheering onlookers got a glimpse of former President Barack Obama Friday in New York City as he left a Fifth Avenue building after grabbing coffee. Obama casually getting some coffee outside of the DoSomething office. ...

Read this article:
Crowds gather as Obama goes on New York coffee run - CNN

The Forgotten Treachery of Obama’s State Department – Townhall


Posted: Feb 25, 2017 12:01 AM

We all know about the Obama administration's lies and treachery regarding Benghazi. But how many of you know about the Obama administration's lies and treachery against the American families of the Americans ambushed and murdered on the orders of Raul Castro?.......

Thought so...Well, please read on:

You see, amigos: This week 21 years ago three U.S. citizens and one legal U.S. resident who belonged to a humanitarian volunteer organization known as Brothers to the Rescue were busy at their volunteer humanitarian jobs when Raul Castro (then head of Cubas military) gave orders for his air force to ambush and murder them.Raul Castro himself boasted about these orders.

These American volunteer workers were tangibly saving more innocent lives (countless men, women and children) than most Peace Corp workers or community-organizers could ever show for their work, despite all the media hype.

You see, amigos: Twenty times as many people (men, women, children) have died trying to escape Castros Cuba as died trying to escape East Germany. So during the mid 1990s a volunteer outfitknown as Brothers To the Rescue based in south Florida flew unarmed Cessnas over the Florida Straits alerting the U.S. Coast Guard to the location of these desperate escapees from Stalinism and keeping many from joining the terrible tally of death by drowning, dehydration or getting ripped apart and eaten alive by sharks. By 1996 these American humanitarian volunteers had flown 1,800 missions and helped rescue 4,200 men, women and children.

Considering how prior to Castroism Cuba was swamped with more immigrants per-capita (mostly from Europe) than was the U.S.considering how people once clamored to enter Cubathe exodus from Castroite Cuba and the rescue flights were viewed by Castro (and his innumerable U.S. agents-of influence) as very bad publicity for the Stalinist regime..

So in preparation to murder Brothers to the Rescue (the historic Castroite remedy for this type of thing) Castro infiltrated a KGB-trained spy named Gerardo Hernandez into south Florida and into the humanitarian group.On Feb, 24, 1996, Hernandez passed to Castro the flight plan for one of the Brothers humanitarian flights over the straits.

With this info in hand, Castros MIGS ambushed and blasted apart (in international air space) the lumbering and utterly defenseless Cessnas, murdering the four humanitarian volunteers. Three of these murdered men were U.S. citizens, one was a Marine who volunteered for two tours in Vietnam.

The murdered Armando Alejandre Jr. came to the U.S. at age ten in 1960. His first order of business when he reached the age of 18 was fulfilling his dream of becoming a U.S. citizen. His next was joining the United States Marine corps and volunteering for service in Vietnam. He returned with several decorations. As a member of Brothers to the Rescue he often dropped flowers over the sea, in memory of the thousands they'd been unable to rescue in time.

A man with a weapon or with both hands free to fight has always palsied the Castros with fright. The notion of Raul Castro facing a United States Marine in combat mode is simply laughable, in a pathetic sort of way. So Castro waited for Alejandro and his brothers to be carrying flowers--and made his move, ambushing and murdering them in cold blood. Migs against Cessnas, cannon and rockets against flowers.

Castros spy, Gerardo Hernandez,was shortly uncovered and convicted in U.S. federal court of conspiracy to commit murder and the conviction was upheld all the way to the Supreme Court.

The Communist spy was serving two life sentences for the murder of Americans while the Castros (and their innumerable U.S. agents-of-influence) constantly clamored for his release and return to Cuba. This clamoring was incessant for 20 years and through three U.S. presidential administrations. But to no avail, owing to the overwhelming proof of Hernandez guilt in conspiring to murder Americans.

Enter Barack Obama. On Dec. 17, 2014 exactly 48 hours after Obama announced his new Cuba policy, convicted Communist murderer/spy Gerardo Hernandez was released and flown first-class to Cuba.

Worst of all, amigos: For months prior to the Obama-Castro deal that released the Communist murderer, the families of the Americans he murdered were repeatedly assured by Obamas State Department. that no such shameful deal would ever take place.Often they made this promise face to face with the grieving families, as documented in this video where Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen confronts ObamasState Department. with their bald-faced lies and relentless treachery against U.S. citizens. Hillary Clintons Benghazi testimony has got nothing on this.

The Obama administrations fetish to quickly and fully satisfy every whim of the Communist murderers of U.S. citizens reached Jerry Springer Show levels whenprior to his release-- a specimen of Gerardo Hernandez semen was ferreted from his prison cell to Cuba. Hernandez and his wife, you see, were eager to add another Communist subject to the Castro-Family Kingdom but couldnt quite figure out a workable procedure.

Fear not! Raul Castro rang his little bell and Obamas State Department. (Ben Rhodes in particular) quickly scurried over, smiling, bowing, eager to please. No hotel valet has ever been as solicitous of the whims of a big-tipping guest, no butler to his masters whims-- as Ben Rhodes was to the whims of the terror-sponsors who premeditatedly murdered innocent U.S. citizens.

The convicted Communist spy and terrorist provided his semen from his maximum security jail cell and Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahys aide Tim Rieser dutifully delivered the precious item to communist wife in Havanaall with the obvious (and eager) approval of the Obama State Department.

Dont believe me do you?.... Theres no way even the Obama administration could have sunk to something so smutty, treasonous, foul and grotesque! you say. Well, read about it yourself.

Go here to see the original:
The Forgotten Treachery of Obama's State Department - Townhall

Obama’s photographer trolls WH for banning news outlets from briefing – The Hill (blog)

Pete Souza, the former White House photographer to President Obama, jabbed the Trump administration Friday on Instagram after it barred several news organizations from a question-and-answer session.

"Waiting with press secretary Robert Gibbs, right, for the start of a press conference in 2010. The New York Times, CNN and Politico were of course in attendance (as well as Fox News)," Souza wrote in the caption of a photo showing Obama.

Those three news organizations were among the ones barred from an off-camera "gaggle" that White House press secretary Sean Spicer held in his West Wing office earlier Friday.

A number of other news organizations were also barred from the meeting, including BuzzFeed, The Hill and the Los Angeles Times. The meeting was held in lieu of the regular on-camera briefing in the White House briefing room.

Several conservative outlets were allowed into Spicers office, including Breitbart, The Washington Times and One America News Network. ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Reuters, Bloomberg and McClatchy were also allowed into the meeting.

The incident came hours after Trump slammed the media during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Souza himself clashed with the White House press pool over getting exclusive photos during his time in the White House.

A New York Times article from 2013 highlighted tensions between the press and the White House, pointing to a visit Obama made to South Africa during which photographers were allowed to take a single shot of the president in Nelson Mandela's jail cell but were excluded from other photo ops.

Souza captured a moment in the cell when Obama hugged his daughter Sasha, a photo captured and widely distributed by Souza.

The rest is here:
Obama's photographer trolls WH for banning news outlets from briefing - The Hill (blog)