Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Obama and the left – Campus Times

The optimism that arose from Barack Obamas 08 campaign, an optimism that stemmed from his magnetism, youth, and the chance to propel a person of color to the nations highest office, was remarkable. It was the first time Id ever seen people I knew genuinely excited by politics; I hope we see something like that again in our lifetimes.

That optimism has, unfortunately, insulated the former president from well-deserved criticism from the left. Understanding his failures as president is critical to understanding Hillary Clintons failed campaign and, ultimately, central to creating the new leftist movement that employs real political resistance, not #resistance.

Look no further than Obamas use of executive orders. Much has been made of President Donald Trumps dictatorial desires, but the precedent for exercising the power of the executive branch was Obamas. Now that the orders are ones we disagree with, we seem to have a newfound respect for checks and balances.

As for the recent military strike that killed an 8 year-old in Yemen, we cant forget than it was an Obama drone strike that killed her brother just a few years ago, nor can we forget the infamous double-tap strike by U.S.-armed Saudi forces that killed over 140 people a month before the election.

What about his expansion of the NSA, which now wields even more power to spy on American citizens than it did under George Bush? What about the Obama administration treating whistleblowers more harshly than any American government in modern history? He pardoned Chelsea Manning, but what about prosecuting her and throwing her in a mens prison? What about the fact that income inequality grew significantly under his watch? Whose economy did he save, exactly? What about his severe mismanagement of diplomacy in Syria, which led to todays refugee crisis? What about his failure to close Guantanamo Bay?

Spare me the obstruction argument: he had a similarly-sized majority when he was first elected to one the Republicans currently hold, and theyve done plenty in Trumps first two weeks.

Were so quick to brand Trump the reality-star president, his supporters blinded by his fame, but what about us? When Obama slow-jammed the news, were we decrying the normalization of drone strikes? When he dazzled at the White House Correspondents Dinner, were we #resisting U.S. support of the Wahhabist government in Saudi Arabia, one of the most oppressive regimes in the world, which is currently engaged in a U.S.-supported, sustained bombing campaign against the Houthis, an oppressed ethnic minority in northern Yemen?

Were as susceptible to deception as anyone, and to explain away Clintons loss as a consequence of dumb hicks who couldnt tell fact from fiction is embarrassing and untrue, not to mention a polite way to call poor people dumb.

Unfortunately, the centrist liberalism that Obama represents seems content with winning, yes, deeply important social warsfighting repugnant -isms of all stripesbut has punted on the areas on which leftist politics used to focus.

During Obamas presidency, where were our leftist voices on our abhorrent foreign policy, or our financial system that helped create the modern racial resentment Trump rode to power? Those issues are far more complex than anything that can be summarized in a Colbert monologue and, consequently, have faded from our consciousness. Those are the fields we need to reinsert ourselves into.

Clintons legacy as a politicianhelping institute her husbands mass incarceration program, sponsoring bills to make burning the flag a jailable offense, voting for the Iraq War, resorting to thinly-veiled racial attacks on Obama during the 07-08 primary, and weak Wall Street policywas somehow overlooked because she called herself a progressive and wanly stumped for a $12.50 minimum wage.

Our inability to separate the repulsiveness of her worst critics on the right, who hate her because shes a woman in power, stopped us from scrutinizing Clintons career. Ditto with Obama. But rather than realize that people were clamoring for an inspiring vision of the future, one where their jobs would come back and they could take part in this supposed economic recovery, the Clinton campaign tried to stage a moral referendum, and failed.

Obamas personal magnetism, grace, and real, emotional attachment to public service wont be forgotten anytime soon, nor should they. But rather than reaction-GIF him into oblivion, we need to avoid whats happening to Bush now, this revisionism wherein a war criminal is becoming the old guy who paints dogs sometimes.

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Obama and the left - Campus Times

Obama PACs Bus Protesters To GOP Town Halls – Daily Caller


Political action committees that fundraised for President Barrack Obama during the 2012 presidential election, bused protesters to Republican town hall events nationwide earlier in February, according to a Sunday report from The Washington Post.

Democrats nationwide continue to search for ways to oppose President Donald Trump after the 2016 election, and they are digging deep into funding from years ago. An unnamed pro-Obama super PAC organized protests at several town halls, going so far as busing protesters outside the members districts.

Since super PACS were legalized in the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision, this marks the first time that money raised to elect one president was used to undermine another. The town hall protests largely opposed the executive order that limited travel from seven nations identified as potential sources of terrorism.

Former staffers of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton are also pouncing on the opportunity. The Center for American Progress, operated by Clinton advisor Neera Tanden, worked with pro-Obama groups in February to encourage Democrats to oppose Republican lawmakers, including Reps. Jason Chaffetz and Dave Brat, atseveral town halls.

Whats organizing people is that theyre fearing for the country they grew up in, Tanden told the Post. People are definitely seeing the purpose of working through the political process to oppose.

It will take a sustained effort to keep voters motivated until the 2018 mid-term elections, especially considering the fact that neither Obama nor Clinton were able to motivate voters to the polls in November. Several groups that were largely assumed to drive votes for Democrats, like black or young female voters, either didnt turn out to vote, or voted for Trump in larger numbers than early polling suggested.

Despite the united action by former staffers, the leadership of the Democratic party is split in a continued battleas the progressive wing fights the establishment for control. Nowhere is that fight more visible than in the election for chair of the Democratic National Convention.

Progressives like Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren back Rep. Keith Ellison for the chair, but former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine openly endorsed former Labor Secretary Tom Perez. The traditional activist wing of the Democratic Party, the highly influential labor unions, remained divided on which candidate will better support their interests.

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Obama PACs Bus Protesters To GOP Town Halls - Daily Caller

Trump Drops Defense of Obama Guidelines on Transgender Students – New York Times

New York Times
Trump Drops Defense of Obama Guidelines on Transgender Students
New York Times
The Trump administration has dropped the federal government's challenge to a nationwide injunction issued last year that blocked the fulfillment of Obama administration guidelines stating that transgender students' access to bathrooms and other ...
Feds drop request to rein in ban on Obama transgender policyPolitico (blog)
Trump admin withdraws request to limit ban on Obama-era transgender policyThe Hill

all 31 news articles »

See the rest here:
Trump Drops Defense of Obama Guidelines on Transgender Students - New York Times

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency – New York Post

When former President Barack Obama said he was heartened by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators numbering more than 30,000 who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In whats shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isnt just staying behind in Washington. Hes working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular America First agenda.

Hes doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally youd expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obamas OFA. Rather, its gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Since Donald Trumps election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, Were not backing down. Determined to salvage Obamas legacy,its drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the groups account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trumps upset victory.

It is fine for everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged, he said in a conference call from the White House. But get over it. He demanded they move forward to protect what weve accomplished.

Now is the time for some organizing, he said. So dont mope.

Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!

Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show nonpartisan OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesnt have to disclose its donors, but theyve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obamas campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.

OFA, in IRS filings, says it trains young activists to develop organizing skills. Armed with Obamas 2012 campaign database, OFA plans to get out the vote for Democratic candidates its grooming to win back Congress and erect a wall of resistance to Trump at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

It will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obamas former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he and Obama call GOP gerrymandering of congressional districts.

Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which hes fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents

Critical to the fight is rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party. Obama hopes to install his former civil-rights chief Tom Perez at the helm of the Democratic National Committee.

Perez is running for the vacant DNC chairmanship, vowing Its time to organize and fight ... We must stand up to protect President Obamas accomplishments; while also promising, Were going to build the strongest grass-roots organizing force this country has ever seen.

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.

Youre going to see me early next year, he said after the election, and were going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.

Added the ex-president: Point is, Im still fired up and ready to go.

Paul Sperry is the author of The Great American Bank Robbery, which details the link between race-based housing policies and the mortgage crisis.

More here:
How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency - New York Post

Obama leaves legacy for future black men – The Tennessean

Spencer Wiggins 2:02 p.m. CT Feb. 11, 2017

Spencer Wiggins (Photo: handout)

Donald Trumps swearing in as the 45th president remindedme that with each new person who assumes this position of being the elected leader of the free world, especially after such a tumultuous election season, we as a nation must move forward and hope for the best because our democracy is strong.

It also gives me an opportunity to reflect back on the past eight years under President Barack Obama and what I consider his legacy.

Whether you were a supporter of his presidency and his policies or if you opposed his positions on various programs or the content of his rhetoric, you would have to agree that he did carry himself with dignity and respect for the office.

I personally have not always agreed with him on his positions and his tactics.His failure to follow through on his Middle East red line challenge on the Syrian chemical weapons build up immediately comes to mind.However, the differences I had in regard to some of the decisions and strategy does not take away from my respect for a man who is smart, well educated, scholarly, an extraordinary orator and well read.

Obama was not perfect, but neither was any other president been free of mistakes. As the first African American president, Obama carried himself with a strong sense of responsibility in being the first of his race to hold such an esteemed office, which was free of scandal during his eight-year tenure.

As an African American and a member of 100 Black Men of Middle Tennessee, I immediately think of our 100 KINGS imitative.

The program is designed to help African American boys to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to succeed in life. Currently the average age of the participants in the program is 15, and since they were in middle or even elementary school, they have grown up knowing only Barack Obama as President of the United States. As we have mentored them, they have observed him, not only as being the president, but how he has carried himself as a husband and a father.

Our members serve as role models for the 100 KINGS by creating an environment based upon purpose and trust through self-esteem and confidence. My personal view of the Obama legacy is that he has provided the next generation of African American males another role model for them to emulate and who will inspire them to find a pathway to a successful future.

Spencer Wiggins is a member of 100 Black Men of Middle Tennessee and past chair of the Tennessee Human Rights Commission.

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Obama leaves legacy for future black men - The Tennessean