Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

How Netanyahu Beat Obama – POLITICO Magazine

On March 3, 2015, Benjamin Netanyahu took a major gamble. Two weeks removed from Israels election day, sagging polls showed the prime minister narrowly behind the opposition Zionist Union. For the first time in a long while, it seriously looked like Netanyahu might losewhich made his presence in a foreign country, an ostensible break from the campaign trail, all the riskier.

That day, late in the morning, Netanyahu became only the second foreigner to address a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress three timesthe other being Sir Winston Churchill. But unlike Churchill, Netanyahu arrived for this third speech without an invitation from the sitting president and fully intending to denounce the administrations signature foreign policy priority at the time: the Iran nuclear deal.

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The entire trip was something of a diplomatic slap in the face. President Barack Obama pointedly did not meet with Netanyahu during his March 2015 stay in Washington. House Speaker John Boehner had invited the prime minister to speak before Congress without first informing the White House, and Netanyahu had accepted the invitation in the same manner. His address before the House chamber had one major themebranding the product of the Obama-backed nuclear negotiations with Iran as a very bad dealand one clear goal: giving his own reelection efforts a jump-start in the closing weeks of the election.

In the end, Netanyahus speech did not prevent the implementation of the nuclear deal with Iran; Obama won that fight. But it did help him recover in the polls and, against all odds, win another term as Israels prime ministera victory that ensured Netanyahus political career would outlive that of his American rival.

This week, as Netanyahu visits the United States for the first time in post-Obama Americahis first trip here since the inauguration of President Donald Trumphe arrives with virtually the same mission he had when he met with Obama in 2009. His agenda abides, even as Netanyahu himself is a man transformed by the Obama yearsa leader whose global standing and approach to leadership is genuinely different than it was eight years ago.


As Obama began his presidency, his team expected to pressure Israel into making major concessions that would speed up the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank. Netanyahu, however, had other ideas.

In the spring of 2009, the Netanyahu-Obama dance around the IsraeliPalestinian peace process began. Like a cagey boxer in the ring, Netanyahu didnt want to make the first move against an unfamiliar competitor; he waited for Obama to telegraph his intent.

The two leaders met at the White House on May 19, 2009, after the new administration sent its customary invitation to the Israeli prime minister. During the course of the meeting, Obama focused his attention on Israel and Palestine, arguing that continued Jewish settlement in the West Bank was unacceptable. He wanted Netanyahu to commit to the two-state solution, but the prime minister resisted making any such declaration in Washington. For Netanyahu, the meeting with Obama was all about Iran and making the case for military action against it sooner rather than later.

Their differing priorities did not bode well for U.S.-Israeli relations for the subsequent years. Obama talked of hope, Netanyahu of fear. It wasnt just their agendas that werent coordinated; their outlooks on the world were miles apart.

Early in his presidency, Obama aimed to try to repair some of the damage caused by his predecessors policies in the Middle East. He threw down the gauntlet to Netanyahu during a major speech on June 4, 2009, at Cairo University in Egypt. Though the address was intended to reconnect the United States with the Muslim world, it was Obamas comments on Israel and Palestine that drew the greatest attention, setting out his policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the clearest manner possible.

Obamas remarks on the topic began on a fairly anodyne note. For decades, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive, he said. [I]f we see this conflict only from one side or the other, then we will be blind to the truth: the only resolution is for the aspirations of both sides to be met through two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security.

As the Cairo speech was broadcast live across the globe, Netanyahu listened intently as Obama expressed sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians and condemned Israel in strikingly harsh terms. Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestines, he said. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop.

Netanyahu fully understood this would not play well with his right-wing constituency, even as Obama challenged the wider Arab world to recognize Israel. The speech was a triumph for Obama and remains, arguably, one of the best of his first term in office. It was well received in its target market, the Muslim world, and in particular among the many Palestinians who saw it as evidence that Obama would bring a more critical approach toward Israel.

Now, in his pragmatic way, Netanyahu started carefully to prepare his rebuttal.

One thing that impressed Netanyahu about Obamas speech was its sense of drama and history. He wanted to imbue his response with similar sweep and grandeur, giving any concessions hed offer the largest possible amount of publicity around the world.

On June 14, 10 days after Obama spoke at Cairo University, Netanyahu took the stage at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv. Predictably, the order of the subjects in Netanyahus speech was the opposite of Obamas, reflecting their different political agendas. Starting with Iran, Netanyahu talked about the countrys nuclear program in the troubling context of the encounter between extremist Islam and nuclear weapons, which he called the greatest danger to Israel, to the Middle East, and to all of humanity. He quickly moved on to a brief discussion of the challenges the global economic crisis caused for Israelis, followed by a call for Arab states to help foster a stable regional peace.

Only then did he turn to the subject most people were waiting to hear about: the resolution of the conflict with the Palestinians. From their first meeting, Netanyahu was perceptive enough to understand that that Obama saw maintaining the status quo on the Palestinian peace process as unacceptable. His speech was crafted with that reality in mind. After a preamble about the impact of the conflict on peoples lives, including a reference to the loss of his own brother, an Israeli commando who was killed decades earlier in a hostage-rescue raid against Palestinian and German terrorists, the prime minister came to his main point: He was accepting the two-state solution.

Palestinians ripped the speech as a carefully constructed ruse. Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about negotiations, but left us with nothing to negotiate as he systematically took nearly every permanent status issue on the table, wrote Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian negotiator, in response. Nor did he accept a Palestinian state. Instead, he announced a series of conditions and qualifications that render a viable, independent and sovereign Palestinian state impossible.

Reaction from the White House, however, was much more favorable. Officials in the Obama administration saw Netanyahu as having caved in to American pressure over the question of the two-state solution, glossing over the important point that Netanyahu had rejected Obamas demands for a complete freeze on Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

In Israel, the speech was viewed as careful and balanced, even while for Netanyahu personally, it represented a major shift and a pragmatic acceptance of political realities in Israel and in the Obama-led United States. He had been careful not to be seen to have given the Americans everything that Obama had demanded in his speech in Cairo; there were important domestic reasons for holding back on some issues. In selling the two-state solution to his right-wing constituency, it would be essential for Netanyahu to be seen as not having surrendered entirely to the Americans. Even so, many on Israels right wing still considered the acceptance of the establishment of a Palestinian state as an act of collective national suicide.

Once Netanyahu had given the Americans what they wanted in terms of accepting the possibility of a Palestinian state, the U.S. administration concentrated its efforts on the other item Obama had outlined in his Cairo speech: the settlements. On this issue, Netanyahu proved a tougher nut to crack, making it clear in meetings that he would not agree to a permanent freeze on settlement construction.

Eventually, a compromise agreement was reached. On Nov. 25, 2009, Netanyahu announced a halt to all new residential construction in the West Bank for a period of 10 months. While both leaders could point to the agreement as evidence of meaningful good-faith efforts to restart the peace process, the early Netanyahu-Obama relationship was initially characterized by Obamas demands, which Netanyahu, a little reluctantly and only partially, met.

It was a win for Obama. Netanyahu, however, was in for the long haul, and part of his strategy relied on waiting and watching while Obamas wave of goodwill and optimism receded, which it inevitably would.


The onset of the Arab Spring, from December 2010 onward, became the catalyst for the deteriorating relationship between Netanyahu and the Obama administration. The fallout from the events surrounding it helped entrench Netanyahus power in Israel. At first, it appeared the Arab Spring might help push the Middle East forward, rapidly democratizing states while weakening the regions powerful autocracies. But in the short term, at least, it pushed the region backward.

The rapid souring of the Arab Spring, and its takeover by radical elements, appeared to illustrate that Netanyahus caution had been well founded. His plan for effectively trying to sit out the Arab Spring before making any potential concessions toward the Arabs also resonated well among many Israelis, who were focused on security rather than peace.

Netanyahus outlook, while increasingly accepted in Israel, was not welcomed in Washington. Early in 2011, Netanyahu and Obama had experienced a clash of visions over the IsraeliPalestinian conflict and the impact of the Arab Spring. The slow-burning disagreement resulted in one of the most extraordinary news conferences of Obamas first term, following his meeting with Netanyahu in the Oval Office on May 20, 2011.

One day earlier, at the State Department in Washington, Obama made a keynote speech on the Middle East, an apparent update to his Cairo address that would take into account the dramatic events sweeping the Arab world. During his speech, which was timed to coincide with the arrival of Netanyahu in Washington the next day, Obama announced a significant shift in U.S. policy: The pre-Six-Day War 1967 borderswith minor land swaps to reflect the large Israeli settlement blocks in the West Bankwould be the foundation for a negotiated agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. This went well beyond what Netanyahu had in mind for the borders of any state for the Palestinians.

The timing of it, just hours before Netanyahus trip to Washington, gave the impression that the prime minister was coming to America to try to right a wrongwhich gave his meeting with the president a sense of drama and high-stakes diplomacy. As Netanyahu arrived in Washington, he felt Obamas speech had laid an ambush for him. For those eager to witness drama, the meeting and news conference did not disappoint.

Everything about this Obama-Netanyahu encounter telegraphed that things had changed. Even the time of the meeting was different: By design, the White House had insisted it be held much later in the day than the two leaders six previous meetingslate enough to ensure that the meeting wouldnt be done in time for the election-season evening news in Israel.

The first part of the news conference that followed went more or less by the book, with the president taking just over seven minutes to summarize the meeting in the most positive light possible. Obama was something of a master at the art of turning difficulties into positives. As he handed over to the prime minister, he expected Netanyahu, also a master at this art, to do the same. Netanyahu had other plans.

The prime minister rebuked the president for trying to create a peace that was not based on political realities. I think for there to be peace, the Palestinians will have to accept some basic realities, Netanyahu said. The first is that while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible. Obama sat, stone-faced. Netanyahus refusal to accept Obamas position meant, in reality, the end of serious attempts by the Americans to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Afterward, aides de camp on both sides described the meeting as difficult, with the two men outlining their different visions of the Arab Spring, their positions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iranian nuclear program. And the iciness of the Obama-Netanyahu relationship would only grow chillier over the course of Netanyahus U.S. visit, as the prime minister received ample opportunity to address his problems with Obamas positionswhich he did, repeatedly, whether in media interviews, speeches to pro-Israeli lobby groups, and even in a speech to a joint session of Congress on May 24, 2011.

Even after this most difficult of meetings, the Obama-Netanyahu relationship, while never personally warm, had its ups and downs. The peak came in September 2011, when Obama helped secure the release of Israelis who were trapped in their embassy in Cairo, during an Egyptian protest march. Netanyahu, in turn, went out of his way to pay tribute to Obamas personal intervention, which he saw as having been vital to securing the release of the Israelis.

Arguably the deepest trough came on Nov. 3 of the same year at the G-20 Summit in France, when Obama was overheard on an open microphone in conversation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. I cannot bear Netanyahu, hes a liar, Sarkozy told Obama, both apparently unaware that the microphones in the meeting room had been left on. Youre fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day, Obama replied.


For Netanyahu, being seen as standing up to Obama was a political gift. Obama, despite professing his admiration for Israel and the historical ties between it and America, was never really able to connect emotionally with many Israeliswhich foreclosed his ability to talk past the prime minister and appeal directly to the Israeli people, as President Bill Clinton had done so successfully in the 1990s.

Partly for this reason, and also because most Israelis disagreed with Obamas position of an Israeli return to 1967 borders, Obama was much less of a danger to Netanyahus political fortunes than was generally perceived. Moreover, Netanyahu was careful to cultivate close ties with key members of Congress from both parties, whose vocal support insulated him from Obamas pressure tactics. As a result, Obama found himself facing a leader of a foreign country who was expert at playing American political games and whose power base in Congress was so strong that he could not be dismissed as just any old foreign leader.

For Netanyahu, defeat at Obamas hands over Iran was compensated for by a victory in the other divisive split in U.S.Israeli relations: the thorny issue of the Palestinian peace process. Although reluctant to admit it publicly, Netanyahu prioritized the Palestinian problem over the Iranian one, and in this area, he was far more successful in resisting pressureindeed, he used his position on the one issue as leverage when it came to the other. The possibility of an Israeli military strike against Iran became a means of getting the U.S. to take the heat off Israel on the Palestinian front.

Netanyahu outmaneuvered Obama. But Netanyahus success wasnt entirely a product of his own achievementmuch of it was the result of Obamas self-inflicted damage.

Netanyahu understood that Obama was merely dangling his feet in the water at the prospect of a peace process, and was not risking any substantial political capital. The Obama administration made lots of noise but took no real action until it was too late. It was a route Obama took up into his last full month in office, when, on Dec. 23, 2016, the U.N. Security Council voted to condemn Israeli settlements. Rather than using its power to veto the resolution, the U.S. abstaineda classic case of taking action at a point when it no longer much mattered.

With the Obama era now over, Netanyahu knows that he has seen off yet another political rival and has emerged with a deep understanding of the importance of tactical maneuvers and political trade-offs in order to achieve his major strategic goals and aims. And while nobody is entirely sure what challenges President Donald Trump will bring to the Middle East, Netanyahu understands that he beat Obama on the most important issue, Palestine. He sees the fruits of his success whenever he travels across the West Bank in his helicopter: Jewish settlements scattered across the land, and the chances of a viable Palestinian state receding by the day. For many observers around the world, this is an unacceptable reality; for Netanyahu, it represents evidence of a mission accomplished.

Neill Lochery is the Catherine Lewis professor of Middle Eastern & Mediterranean Studies at University College London, and author of The Resistible Rise of Benjamin Netanyahu.

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How Netanyahu Beat Obama - POLITICO Magazine

John Oliver Sick Of Seeing Obama On Vacation While America Is On Fire! – Deadline

Im a little sick of seeing photos of President Obama on vacation with Richard Branson, John Oliver told Seth Meyers last night on NBCs Late Night, speaking for us all.

Tone it down with the kitesurfing pictures from Bransons personal island, the HBO late-night star complained to Obama in absentia.

Im glad hes having a nice time America is on fire! I know people have accused him of being out of touch with the American people during his presidency. I dont think hes ever been more out of touch then he is right now, Oliver described:

Were losing public schools whee!

Youre fiddling while Rome burns whee!

Oliver seemed particularly irked by the photo of Obama clowning around with billionaire Branson, as the rest of us grapple with billionaire President Donald Trump and his billionaire Cabinet.

Later in the interview, Oliver observed that Trump always acted like the most powerful man in the world. Thats how he carries himself. Now he actually has the power to go along with that. Its like The Secret was real, and it worked for one person, and unfortunately it was him.

See the original post here:
John Oliver Sick Of Seeing Obama On Vacation While America Is On Fire! - Deadline

Barack and Michelle Obama Are About to Get Even Richer – Fox Business

The White House doors may have closed on former President Barack Obamas presidency, but for him and his wife Michelle, the path to lucrative new book deals and paid speeches is wide open.

The Obamas recently hired top-dollar attorneys Robert Barnett and Deneen Howell to handle their book contracts, and a high-profile public relations agency known for repping the Clintons and Mia Farrow to coordinate speaking appearances. The Obamas haven't yet set book-release dates or announced any scheduled speeches.

The Harry Walker Agency, which exclusively represents former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former vice presidents Dick Cheney and Al Gore, will handle the Obamas post-White House speeches, according to Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis.

In the private sector, the former president stands to earn more than half of his $400K annual presidential salary per speech, Peter Shankman, founder and CEO of social media, marketing and PR strategy firm The Geek Factory, told FOX Business.

No doubt [former President Obamas] first speech could easily [command] $250k at minimum, Shankman, whose firms clients have included American Express, Walt Disney World and The U.S. Department of Defense, said.

Its not only the former president who will be fetching the big bucks. The former first lady will likely rake in an equal share, Shankman said.

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Michelle will also see numbers around [$250K per speech] for the first year as well, he said. Those fees probably won't drop anytime soon, when you stop and think about it, especially if Obama continues to be vocal, as he [has] said he would.

These figures would be comparable to what former President Bill Clinton makes per speech, which was just shy of $250K in 2011, according to Hillary Clintons filings for the calendar year. Over the course of 54 speeches he made a total of $13,434,000 that year alone. Mrs. Clinton makes slightly less on average, at $235K a pop. From 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign, the pair earned $153 million combined in speaking fees, according to CNN.

On the other hand, former President George W. Bush makes between $100K-$175K per appearance, according to a 2015 analysis by Politico.

Another source of income for the Obamas will be book deals. Mr. Obama has already penned a number of books including, Dreams From My Father, The Audacity of Hope and Of Thee I Sing. These three books have earned him more than $10 million, according to financial disclosures.

While Bill Clinton received an advance of $15 million for his highly anticipated 2004 autobiography My Life, the worlds highest advance fee at the time, it is projected that the Obamas will dwarf Clinton with contracts that could amount to $20 million to $45 million, according to a report by the New York Times.

Mr. Obama will also receive a pension from the White House, as is the standard with every former president. This is expected to be about $207K per year.

While in office, each U.S. president earns a salary of $400,000. President Trump, who is the richest president to serve the country, has said he will refuse the salary, and will instead accept the legal minimum of $1 per year.

The rest is here:
Barack and Michelle Obama Are About to Get Even Richer - Fox Business

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn – Washington Free Beacon

Michael Flynn / AP

BY: Adam Kredo February 14, 2017 3:26 pm

The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump's national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in and out of the White House who described to the Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodesthe architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamberincluded a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed.

The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration's efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.

Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the months before Trump's inauguration to establish a set of roadblocks before Trump's national security team, which includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in January.

Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon requested anonymity in order to speak freely about the situation and avoid interfering with the White House's official narrative about Flynn, which centers on his failure to adequately inform the president about a series of phone calls with Russian officials.

Flynn took credit for his missteps regarding these phone calls in a brief statement released late Monday evening. Trump administration officials subsequently stated that Flynn's efforts to mislead the president and vice president about his contacts with Russia could not be tolerated.

However, multiple sources closely involved in the situation pointed to a larger, more secretive campaign aimed at discrediting Flynn and undermining the Trump White House.

"It's undeniable that the campaign to discredit Flynn was well underway before Inauguration Day, with a very troublesome and politicized series of leaks designed to undermine him," said one veteran national security adviser with close ties to the White House team. "This pattern reminds me of the lead up to the Iran deal, and probably features the same cast of characters."

The Free Beacon first reported in January that, until its final days in office, the Obama administration hosted several pro-Iran voiceswho were critical in helping to mislead the American public about the terms of the nuclear agreement. This included a former Iranian government official and the head of the National Iranian American Council, or NIAC, which has been accused of serving as Iran's mouthpiece in Washington, D.C.

Since then, top members of the Obama administration's national security team have launched a communications infrastructure after they left the White House, and have toldreporters they are using that infrastructure to undermine Trump's foreign policy.

"It's actually Ben Rhodes, NIAC, and the Iranian mullahs who are celebrating today," said one veteran foreign policy insider who is close to Flynn and the White House. "They know that the number one target is Iran [and] they all knew their little sacred agreement with Iran was going to go off the books. So they got rid of Flynn before any of the [secret] agreements even surfaced."

Flynn had been preparingto publicize many of the details about the nuclear deal that had been intentionally hidden by the Obama administration as part of its effort to garner support for the deal, these sources said.

Flynn is now "gone before anybody can see what happened" with these secret agreements, said the second insider close to Flynn and the White House.

Sources in and out of the White House areconcerned that the campaign against Flynn will be extended to other prominent figures in the Trump administration.

One senior White House official told the Free Beacon that leaks targeting the former official were "not the result of a series of random events."

"The drumbeat of leaks of sensitive material related to General Flynn has been building since he was named to his position," said the official, who is a member of the White House's National Security Council."Last night was not the result of a series of random events. The president has lost a valuable adviser and we need to make sure this sort of thing does not happen again."

Other sources expressed concern that public trust in the intelligence community would be eroded by the actions of employees with anti-Trump agendas.

"The larger issue that should trouble the American people is the far-reaching power of unknown, unelected apparatchiks in the Intelligence Community deciding for themselves both who serves in government and what is an acceptable policy they will allow the elected representatives of the people to pursue," said the national security adviser quoted above.

"Put aside the issue of Flynn himself; that nameless, faceless bureaucrats were able to take out a president's national security adviser based on a campaign of innuendo without evidence should worry every American," the source explained.

Eli Lake, a Bloomberg View columnist and veteran national security reporter well sourced in the White House, told the Free Beacon that Flynn earned a reputation in the Obama administration as one of its top detractors.

"Michael Flynn was one of the Obama administration's fiercest critics after he was forced out of the Defense Intelligence Agency," said Lake, who described "the political assassination of Michael Flynn" in his column published early Tuesday.

"[Flynn] was a withering critic of Obama's biggest foreign policy initiative, the Iran deal," Lake said. "He also publicly accused the administration of keeping classified documents found in the Osama bin Laden raid that showed Iran's close relationship with al Qaeda. He was a thorn in their side."

Lake noted in his column that he does not buy fully the White House's official spin on Flynn's resignation.

"For a White House that has such a casual and opportunistic relationship with the truth, it's strange that Flynn's lie' to Pence would get him fired," Lake wrote. "It doesn't add up."

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer stated in his daily briefing that "the evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation and a series of other questionable incidents is what led the president to ask General Flynn for his resignation."

A third source who serves as a congressional adviser and was involved in the 2015 fight over the Iran deal told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration fearedthat Flynn would expose the secret agreements with Iran.

"The Obama administration knew that Flynn was going to release the secret documents around the Iran deal, which would blow up their myth that it was a good deal that rolled back Iran," the source said. "So in December the Obama NSC started going to work with their favorite reporters, selectively leaking damaging and incomplete information about Flynn."

"After Trump was inaugurated some of those people stayed in and some began working from the outside, and they cooperated to keep undermining Trump," the source said, detailing a series of leaks from within the White House in the past weeks targeting Flynn. "Last night's resignation was their first major win, but unless the Trump people get serious about cleaning house, it won't be the last."

See original here:
Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn - Washington Free Beacon

How ICE Arrests, Deportations Under Trump Could Differ From Obama –

President Donald Trump said he delivered what he promised on immigration when hundreds of people were arrested in enforcement operations last week.

But Immigration and Customs Enforcement's fugitive operation teams have been carrying out such operations for years and during the eight years Obama was in office, they became more precise about picking up immigrants who were priorities for deportation.

Under Obama, those priorities were immigrants who were criminals, those who were a public safety or national security threat and those who illegally entered the country after January 1, 2014.

Whether Trump has unleashed a "deportation force" different from Obama's will come down to numbers the Department of Homeland Security didn't include in its news releases about its arrests: how many people who are not priorities as defined by the Obama administration were picked up by ICE in last week's raids and how many are being detained and deported.

In a statement, Homeland Security Secretary Richard Kelly said 75 percent of the 678 people arrested were convicted criminals. They were arrested in the areas overseen by Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, San Antonio and New York.

News releases issued by DHS listed crimes for which immigrants were arrested, but did not detail how many people had no convictions or how many entered the country after the Jan. 1, 2014 date set by Obama.

The type of crime also matters. Under Obama, the priorities were those who had committed at least one felony or a misdemeanor of significance such as drunk driving or dealing drugs or three misdemeanors.

According to ICE's website, 99.3 percent of ICE removals in 2016 "clearly" met the Department of Homeland Security's priorities.

NBC News reached out to three ICE press officers by email and phone for further information on those arrested last week, but the officers responded by referring to news releases that accompanied a statement by Kelly.

Related: ICE Arrests Stir Fear In Immigrants Wary of Trump's Orders

Fugitive operations teams had been far less targeted before Obama took office.

In a 2009 analysis of the Bush administration's ICE fugitive operations teams, the Center for Migration Policy found that despite a huge increase in money from Congress - from $9 million to $218 million - and a 1,300 percent increase in personnel, the share of immigrants with criminal convictions who were arrested by the teams was decreasing.

Between 2003 and February 2008, 73 percent of individuals apprehended by fugitive operations teams were people without criminal convictions, the report said.

In the years since the 2009 report, the fugitive operations teams "have become very good at targeting" arrests according to the (Obama) administration's priorities, said Doris Meissner, director of the Migration Policy Center's U.S. Immigration Policy Program. She served as Immigration and Naturalization Service commissioner in the Clinton administration.

ICE said in a draft statement sent to NBC News Friday that of the 160 arrested in Los Angeles, 150 had criminal histories.

The agency said 10 people without criminal convictions were taken into custody and five had final orders of removal or had been previously deported. That information was not in the release issued Monday.

Related: ICE Says California Immigration Raids Planned Before Trump's Orders

Obama's priority system has been a source of complaint for Republicans, groups who want severe enforcement and the head of the ICE union.

"That's something detractors, especially (then Sen.) Jeff Sessions and the anti-immigrant groups complained bitterly about. The complaint was that Obama was more and more foregoing interior enforcement," Meissner said. Sessions is now the U.S. attorney general.

If Trump implements his executive orders and those have become or do become the guidance for arrests, ICE may return to its less targeted approach, which means more people could be subject to deportation.

That's a possibility that many in the immigration community had been bracing for and that helped spread panic and fear during the ICE arrests made last week. That fear was heightened with the deportation of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, who had used a false Social Security number to get a job and was convicted of criminal impersonation. Many immigrants use false or stolen Social Security numbers to work but have not necessarily been a high priority for deportation.

Under Trump, de Rayos could be a target for fugitive operations teams.

Trump's orders allow for arrest and removal of those convicted of a crime or charged with one, as well as those immigrants that authorities suspect have "committed a chargeable criminal offense." The latter could be illegal entry, driving without a license or using a fake Social Security number.

His executive order also prioritizes for removal people who have "engaged in fraud or willful misrepresentation" before a government body, abused a public benefits program, have a final order of removal or in the judgment of an immigration officer pose a risk to public safety or national security. His orders have called for the removal of people found to have immigration violations once their removal proceedings are complete.

In future sweeps, how many people are arrested who are criminals will be key to knowing whether Trump is unleashing a deportation force. Trump has stated criminals are his focus, but his executive orders "go far broader than that," Meissner said.

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How ICE Arrests, Deportations Under Trump Could Differ From Obama -