Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Hill Republicans plan to kill Obama’s order on taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood – Washington Examiner

House Republicans will vote next week to liberate states from an Obama rule requiring them to subsidize Planned Parenthood.

In one of his last actions, Obama effectively forced states to fund Planned Parenthood. Many states have policies barring state funds for the abortion giant, and Obama's 11th-hour executive order prohibited such policies.

Next week, the House plans to use the Congressional Review Act to repeal that Obama regulation a first salvo in their fight to roll back Obama's legacy on abortion.

According to congressional aides, the vote is scheduled for late next week and will specifically axe Obama's Title X rule. During his final weeks in office, Obama finalized the regulation, explicitly barring states from pulling federal grant money from clinics that provide abortion.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told The Washington Examiner that the effort is about "protecting life and stopping the federal government from forcing states to support abortion."

"The federal government should not be sending taxpayer dollars to abortion providers, and it shouldn't force states to do so either," McCarthy said in a statement. "Overturning this regulation from the Obama Administration not only allows states to freely choose pro-life policies, but will protect the lives of the weakest and least powerful among us."

Before the Obama rule went into effect, 15 states had defunded Planned Parenthood on their own. Should the bill make it to President Trump's desk and receive his signature, it would put Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funding at risk. Currently, Republicans enjoy complete control of half the states.

Echoing Speaker Paul Ryan, McCarthy insisted the legislation wouldn't keep women from receiving reproductive care. Instead it would allow states to use Title X money for "other community health centers and hospitals that offer more comprehensive service."

Altogether, the effort will serve as a dress rehearsal for the coming fight over Planned Parenthood. Since Obama left office, Republicans have eagerly set about demolishing his legacy using the Congressional Review Act. This is the first time it's been applied to the abortion issue.

Also from the Washington Examiner

The British-Nigerian actor who portrayed Martin Luther King Jr. in the 2014 movie gave his sons a talk about Trump.

02/10/17 4:46 PM

Chances are good that the CRA will pass the House. Last July, a similar defund bill by Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., passed 241-187. In the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., could use a fast track process to neutralize a Democrat filibuster and pass the CRA.

Philip Wegmann is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

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The former first lady will be a judge on "MasterChef Junior."

02/10/17 3:22 PM

See more here:
Hill Republicans plan to kill Obama's order on taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood - Washington Examiner

Kill Obama’s Legacy Projects – National Review

President Donald J. Trump simultaneously can advance his policy agenda, fortify the rule of law, and paint vulnerable Democrats into a corner. How? Rather than kill Obamas legacy projects unilaterally, Trump should invite Congress to help him scrap the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris agreement on so-called global warming, and the related Clean Power Plan (CPP). This will force vulnerable Democrats on Capitol Hill to vote on these calamitous measures.

Trump should transmit to the Senate the Iran nuke accord and the Paris climate pact. He should ask the upper body to vote on these international measures as treaties, requiring 67 votes for passage. Neither will reach that threshold, and both will fail but not before senators vote on each proposal.

This is how these international items should have been handled. Instead, Obama dubbed the Iran deal an executive agreement, which automatically went into effect, unless Congress killed it, subject to his veto. This cockeyed procedure which Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and former speaker John Boehner inexplicably allowed made the Iran deal impossible to kill.

Even worse, the Paris treaty became binding upon America on November 4, after 55 foreign CO2-producing nations adopted it. Rather than seek the Senates consent, Obama outsourced its authorization to parliaments overseas.

These assaults on the rule of law aside, the deals are dreadful on the merits.

Rather than tame Iran, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action has unleashed an even more aggressive power. Under Obamas blessed deal, Iran has tested missiles (including one on Wednesday), harassed U.S. Navy ships in the Strait of Hormuz, and even held American sailors hostage at gunpoint and on their knees. In the closing days of his reign of error, Obama approved Russias delivery of 130 tons of natural uranium to Tehran enough to fuel ten atomic bombs. This atop some $1.7 billio in cash that the U.S. jetted to the Iranians, plus at least $50 billion of unfrozen assets. None of this has tamed Tehran.

Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton explained in Mondays Wall Street Journalhow this deal is all gums and no teeth. As Annex B states, Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons for eight years.

Called upon?

I hereby call upon Warren Buffett to send me $1 billion in Berkshire Hathaway stock. I await my shares.

The Paris Treaty sets non-binding CO2 limits. America most likely would abide by these restrictions and pay the price in economic stagnation. Brazil, China, India, Russia, and other nations probably would regard the deal as a list of suggestions, leaving America at a disadvantage.


The CPP is not a treaty. Therefore, both the Senate and the House would have to vote on it. GOP lawmakers will see that it dies a well-deserved death, and Democrats will have to decide whether to join Republicans in this merciful deed, or stand with the kite-sailor-in-chief and his nearly $1 trillion anti-warming symbol.

Obamas Department of Energy determined that, between 2015 and 2040, the CPP would cost the U.S. economy $993 billion in foregone real GDP and $382 billion in squandered disposable income. In exchange, CPP would do virtually nothing about so-called global warming. CPP would reduce expected warming by 0.02 degrees Fahrenheit in 2050. This is like cranking a thermostat from 72 degrees all the way down to 71.98 degrees. No wonder former EPA chief Gina McCarthy called CPP a strong domestic action which can actually trigger global action in other words, a trillion dollars worth of window dressing.

All of this should spread anxiety among Senate Democrats from states that Trump won, such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Deeper worry should infuse Democrats from Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia states that Trump and Mitt Romney both secured.

Senate Democrats such as Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp, and Joe Manchin should join Trump as bipartisan pallbearers at the funerals of these unpopular, foolish, and destructive policies. It will be tough for Trumps seething critics to call him an environment-hating warmonger if at least some Democrats help him and the GOP bury these horrid measures. This would boost Trumps political capital and please conservatives. But it will enrage the already volcanic Democratic base.

If, conversely, these non-rabid Democrats take a jump to the left and vote to hand billions to the worlds biggest state sponsor of terrorism and to cremate the U.S. economy on the altar of so-called global warming, George Soros will be thrilled. And moderate Democrats and independent voters will be appalled.

Either way, Trump wins, and already endangered Democrats will find themselves on ice as thin as contact lenses.

Rarely have good policy and good politics walked so tightly hand in hand. President Trump can trigger all of this simply by sending these three measures to Capitol Hill and calling for the yeas and nays.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor with National Review Online.

Read more from the original source:
Kill Obama's Legacy Projects - National Review

Obama’s Lost Army – New Republic

By that point in the race, there was every reason to think that Obama could build a lasting grassroots operation. His political machine had already amassed more than 800,000 registered users on My.BarackObama, its innovative social networking platform. MyBO, as it was known, gave supporters the abilityunthinkable in a traditional, top-down political campaignto organize their own local groups, campaign events, and fund-raising efforts. Its potential for large-scale organizing after the election was vastand completely without precedent in American politics. By Election Day, Obamas campaign would have 13 million email addresses, three million donors, and two million active members of MyBO, including 70,000 people with their own fund-raising pages. This wasnt just some passive list of campaign supporters, Edley realizedit was an army of foot soldiers, seasoned at rallying support for Obamas vision of change.

Obamas senior adviser and former law professor; came up with idea for a grassroots movement to build on the campaign.

Silicon Valley legend who teamed up with Edley. Generated support from the tech world; fought for independence from DNC.

Campaign adviser tapped to co-chair project. His Vulcan mind meldwith Kapor generated a huge vision for Movement 2.0.


As the primary season wound down, it struck me that the campaigns broad-based engagement via the internet could evolve into a powerful tool to shape progressive politics at the national, state, and local levels, Edley recalls. One goal would be to support an Obama presidency. But the agenda would be far broader.

After discussing his idea with his wife, Maria Echaveste, who had served as White House deputy chief of staff under Bill Clinton, Edley turned to his friend Kapor, a digital pioneer and progressive activist who was widely seen as a folk hero of the computer revolution. I knew that Mitch would be an indispensable partner to judge the merits of the general idea and help figure out some details, Edley says. I also realized, quite quickly, that Mitch had amazing contacts in that world whom we could enlist for the project.

Opening the July brainstorming session, Edley framed the stakes sharply, according to notes he prepared for the meeting and a summary he wrote afterward. On the morning of November 5, he told the assembled tech leaders, imagine saying to millions of donors, new voters, volunteers: Thanks for everything; so long. Instead, he urged, Imagine a way to transfer/transmute all of that involvement into a new mechanism or set of instrumentalities through which people can feel a heightened and more powerful kind of civic engagement with each other and with Obama and other leaders. And vice versa.

Edley echoed what many progressives were beginning to believe was possible with a President Obama: There is a rare opportunity to have a citizen movement heading in the same progressive direction as an incumbent president. According to his notes, the Silicon Valley luminaries on the call agreed. Most felt it would be an unacceptable loss not to take advantage of the rare alignment of an incumbent President with a progressive agenda, and an online constituency of donors and supporters who can press for change against the inevitable upsurge of entrenched special interests which will resist it.

As we now know, that grand vision for a postcampaign movement never came to fruition. Instead of mobilizing his unprecedented grassroots machine to pressure obstructionist lawmakers, support state and local candidates who shared his vision, and counter the Tea Party, Obama mothballed his campaign operation, bottling it up inside the Democratic National Committee. It was the seminal mistake of his presidencyone that set the tone for the next eight years of dashed hopes, and helped pave the way for Donald Trump to harness the pent-up demand for change Obama had unleashed.

We lost this election eight years ago, concludes Michael Slaby, the campaigns chief technology officer. Our party became a national movement focused on general elections, and we lost touch with nonurban, noncoastal communities. There is a straight line between our failure to address the culture and systemic failures of Washington and this election result.

The question of whywhy the president and his team failed to activate the most powerful political weapon in their arsenalhas long been one of the great mysteries of the Obama era. Now, thanks to previously unpublished emails and memos obtained by the New Republicsome from the John Podesta archive released by WikiLeaks, and others made available by Obama insidersits possible for the first time to see the full contours of why Movement 2.0 failed, and what could have been.

In the midst of the 2008 campaign, the idea for Movement 2.0 seemed both obvious and inevitable. Obama himself recognized that he was sitting atop an organizing juggernaut. Speaking to hundreds of his core staffers in June, Obama praised them for building a campaign machine that had just taken down Hillary Clinton. Collectively, all of youmost of whom are Im not even sure of drinking ageyouve created the best political organization in America, and probably the best political organization that weve seen in the last 30 to 40 years, Obama told them. Thats a pretty big deal.

Movement 2.0 gathered steam quickly. In the wake of the initial brainstorming call, Edley connected Mitch Kapor with law professor Mark Alexander, a senior Obama adviser, and gave them the job of chairing the project. Kapor was excited. Mark and I are exchanging email brain dump to try to surface big question and big priorities overall, speaking by phone, and meeting all day next Tuesday in New Jersey to do Vulcan mind meld, he emailed two colleagues. Already Mark and I have shared vision its huge, and will go far beyond normal January end of transition.

Obama confidant who co- chaired transition team. Called Edley brilliant, but may not have shared his idea with Obama.

Transition co-chair who seemed to support M2.0, but warned Edley that it caused some heartburn from the political crowd.

Obamas Senate chief of staff; after he forwarded an early draft of the idea to two D.C. insiders, it quickly ran into trouble.


Kapor and Alexander dived into the task. They spoke with Bob Bauer, the campaigns legal counsel, about how to structure a new organization after November. They had several meetings with the architects of Obamas online operation, including Slaby, the chief technology officer; his boss, Joe Rospars, the new media director; and Chris Hughes, the online organizing director. They dug into the details of how the campaign had built and managed its online network, and sketched out a way to transition it forward.

With barely three months left until Election Day, Kapora veteran of many tech startupsknew that time was short for such an ambitious effort. Coordination is going to be vital, he emailed Edley on July 23, and I know campaign time and attention is going to be very limited, so the sooner we can figure out what the bridge is between campaign and transition with respect to online community, and whether its a footpath or a highway, the better. I am worried that as each day goes by without knowing anything about what we on the transition side might be building and how it does or does not connect, the deadline pressure to actually deliver on time gets worse and worse.

A few weeks later, on August 18, Edley sent a progress report to John Podesta and the other two co-chairs of Obamas transition board, Valerie Jarrett and Pete Rouse. Campaign folks are joined at the hip with this effort (Rospars, Slaby, others), Edley assured them. The technical discussions about the software platform, etc., are moving quite well. While he acknowledged that the Senator would ultimately have to sign off on the plan, Edleyconfident that he was still channeling his old friends wishessaid he didnt see any particular hurry about it. The candidate, he understood, had a few other things on his mind.

Edley attached the initial concept document for Movement 2.0. It outlined an audacious vision: to create a new home place for Obama supporters that would be ready to go, the day after the election. The new entity would be closely aligned with Obama but independent of the party and his re-election campaign. Think of it for now as AFO (Americans for Obama), the memo declared, envisioning it as the principal means for continuing the active participation of people in the Movement. AFO would not simply whip up support for Obamas legislative agendait would gather the input to help shape it. It would be a place where Obama supporters can come together, affiliate and organize for change using cutting-edge online tools that will create and support a new and deeper form of civic engagement.

Critically, the Movement 2.0 team envisioned AFO as a tax-exempt organization that would operate free of the Democratic National Committee. Mitch and I argued that to make the movement authentic and entrepreneurial, Edley says, it would have to be built outside of the DNCwhich has institutional commitments and incumbent allegiances that will always be a fact of party life. The team concluded by asking for permission to raise $250,000 to set up a staff infrastructure and develop the web site. The founding board would include Edley, Kapor, Alexander, and Podesta.

Podesta decided to circulate the concept document to higher-ups in the campaign. He asked Pete Rouse, Obamas Senate chief of staff and key political consigliere, to forward the memo to Steve Hildebrand and Paul Tewes, partners in a political consulting firm who had risen to positions at the top of Obamas organization. Hildebrand was the deputy national campaign manager, and Tewes, after directing Obamas Iowa campaign, was now running the DNC on the candidates behalf. Podesta had a simple question for them about Edleys plan: He wanted to see if they care whether this goes forward to a planning stage.

That was the moment when Movement 2.0 began to stall.

The proposal had started with the campaigns technology team and true believers, but now it had landed in front of two consummate Washington insiders. Hildebrand came to like the idea; creating a movement free from the DNC, he believed, would put more pressure on Congress to implement Obamas agenda. But where others had seen great possibility, Tewes saw potential disaster. Four days later, he wrote to Rouse and his colleague Hildebrand:

As both of you know, I have many concerns about this..... as a lover of Party I really dont like this.

I think the decision needs to be made and discussed on this vs. party or this and party. The discussion should focus onWhat is best for Barack Obama, his politics, his agenda and his future.

If the first step is to move outside the party with your organization, the political ramifications and future ramifications need to be thought through. Further, a discussion should be had of party over thiswhy and why not?

Marching into this seems premature and secondly creating something before hand (before e-day) has appearance problems in my opinion.

I would ask that we postpone any of this till after the convention and do a little gathering where we can discuss. Please.

Rouse forwarded Tewess response back to Podesta. Podesta, in turn, sent it along to Edley with a pithy comment: Lets discuss Monday. Obviously some heartburn with the political crowd.

Deputy campaign chief and top D.C. consultant; argued that keeping M2.0 out of the DNC would put more heat on Congress.

Political consultant who ran the DNC for Obama. His reaction to the idea was swift and decisive: I really dont like this.

Told by Obama to keep our supporters involved, the campaign manager bottled up the movement inside the DNC.


There was plenty in Movement 2.0 to inspire heartburn in that crowd. In Silicon Valley terms, Obama 2008 had disrupted presidential campaigns, demonstrating how an underdog candidate could defeat a more experienced opponent by changing the terms of the game and empowering millions of people in the process. Now, it seemed, the Obamaites and their tech wizards wanted to disrupt the Democratic Party, diverting money and control from the DNC into an untried platform, while inviting input, and possibly even organized dissent, from Obamas base. Earlier that summer, activists unhappy with Obamas flip-flop on warrantless surveillance had used MyBO to build a group of more than 20,000 vocal supporters, earning national press and compelling a response from the candidate. What if Obamas base didnt like the health care reform he came up with, and rallied independently around a single-payer plan? Besides, grassroots movements, no matter how successful, dont reliably yield what political consultants want most: money and victories for their candidates, with plenty of spoils for themselves. For insiders like Tewes, Movement 2.0 was a step too far.

Edley knew that Tewess blowback spelled trouble. On August 24, the day before Obamas triumphal convention began in Denver, he emailed Podesta to express hope that it was just a misunderstanding. He asked Podesta to keep the issue off the agenda of the transition boards next meeting until they figured out what to do. Podesta agreed. I think we should [n]ot raise at all tomorrow, he told Edley, and come up with seperate [sic] plan on how to proceed.

Looking back, Edley says now, Podesta made a tactical error by sharing the plan with party regulars like Tewes and Hildebrand before it had garnered more high-level support in the campaign. John shouldve realized that of course the DNC would have competitive objections, he says. Our proposal wouldve created, at least in our dreams, yet another set of political forces and policy energy. At the time, I just didnt realize the powerful pull that the architects of the Obama movement would feel away from movement building and toward paranoid possession of the conventional trappings of political power. If youre not really that committed, as a matter of principle, to a bottom-up theory of change, then you will find it nonsensical to cede some control in order to gain more power.

It would be five long weeks later, on October 2just a month before Election Daybefore any reference to Movement 2.0 would surface again in Podestas emails. By that time, radical revisions had been made to appease the political crowd. Chris Lu, the transition teams executive director, circulated a revised concept memo to Podesta and its board, in preparation for an all-day meeting. It was a far cry from Edleys original call for a citizen movement. Instead, the memo explained, we recommend a new, integrated approach to the Movement 2.0 work, in complete coordination with the ongoing efforts of the DNC, to plan for the continued growth and development of the online-offline community in support of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, our candidates and issues.

Gone was the idea of a new organization, independent of the DNC. A key working assumption, the memo stated, is that we should affirmatively empower Barack Obama as the head of the Party, and in the process strengthen both him and the Party. All Obama politics should be filtered through the DNC, and all Party politicsincluding existing organizations that support candidates for Congress and statehousesshould be filtered through the DNC. This all serves the agenda of one person, Barack Obama.

The original backers of Movement 2.0 had been sidelined. I had nothing to do with the new memo, Edley says. I guess they liked our name for it, but chose to pervert the idea to something quite conventional and, forgive me, trivial. To me, real movement building had to be about defining and advancing progressivism, not a communication strategy from the West Wing basement costumed as faux movement. The kind of movement we wanted would have helped Obama a great deal, without making it all about him. After all, even Obamas campaign wasnt only about him or his policy platform.

Edley and his cohorts werent finished yet. The idea of keeping Obamas online loyalists involved and active had not entirely died; the new memo called for moving quickly to enable the campaign to keep engaging its grassroots supporters after the election. Steps should be taken now to ensure this possibility does not evaporate, leaving no vehicle for community in the short-term, the memo read. But there was no proposed budget for that to happenjust a call for the formation of a new working group for Movement 2.0, to pull all the stakeholders together. That group never materialized.

The revised memo was not the only postelection plan being considered. Julius Genachowski, co-chief of the transition teams Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform group, wanted to launch a White House web site aimed at engaging the public in policy discussions. The TIGR group was a powerhouse of wonks, many of whom were headed into top positions in government, and its planning memo ran to 12,500 words, compared to just 1,500 for the revised Movement 2.0 proposal. The resultin the middle of a heated campaign and a global economic meltdownwas widespread confusion about what would happen to Obamas campaign machine after Election Day.

On October 10, Edley told Kapor and Alexander by email that Pete Rouse had agreed to try to arbitrate all of this. But five days later, Edley reported that he was getting nowhere. I am frustrated beyond words on this. Will work it hard today. I think since the campaign team has rigged something for the transition period they just keep back-burnering the longer run issue. A day later, Kapor reported back that Rouse was too busy (w/ debate prep and all) to deal with M2.0. I think fundamentally its not going to be a priority until after the election.

Ultimately, the transition team agreed on only one project: build a simple postelection site, to be called, as a place where people could learn more about the transitions plans and job-seekers could submit their rsums. In the end, there would be no footpath or highway, as Mitch Kapor had envisioned, for transitioning Obamas two million supporters on MyBO into a new platform. There wasnt even a rope bridge.

But Kapor didnt give up. In late October, he spoke to Jim Messina, chief of staff to campaign manager David Plouffe, and came away convinced that both Plouffe and Rouse now backed the original vision for the movement. Importantly, Messina said Plouffe is not only on board but wants his sole responsibility after the election to be getting M2.0 going, Kapor emailed Edley and Alexander on October 23. Even if it was too late to build on the momentum from Election Day, there was still a chance that Movement 2.0 would take wing.

On November 5, the day after Obamas victory, his headquarters in Chicago was deluged with phone calls and emails from supporters asking for guidance on how to keep going. Exactly as Edley had feared, no answers were forthcomingnot even about whether the tens of thousands of volunteers who had built personal fund-raising groups on MyBO would be able to continue them. Were all fired up now, and twiddling our thumbs! wrote one frustrated volunteer from Pennsylvania. ALL the leader volunteers are getting bombarded by calls from volunteers essentially asking: Nowwhatnowwhatnowwhat?

It wasnt until three days after the election that Chris Hughes, the campaigns director of online organizing, put up a post on his personal MyBO page. The site isnt going anywhere, he promised supporters. The online tools in My.BarackObama will live on. Barack Obama supporters will continue to use the tools to collaborate and interact. As a stopgap, that was reassuring to grassroots organizers who had used the site to build strong local networks. But it wasnt a plan. There was no plan.

One person, however, seemed to understand that such half-measures wouldnt be enough: the president-elect. The same day Hughes posted his message, Obama reached out to David Plouffe. Unlike other top operatives from the campaign, the campaign manager had decided not to follow Obama into the White House, but to take time off to be with his family before returning to political consulting. His daughter was born in the early hours of November 7, and Obama called him that morning.

I know youre disappearing for a while to change diapers and play Mr. Dad, Obama told Plouffe, but just make sure you find time to help figure out how to keep our supporters involved. I dont think we can succeed without them. We need to make sure theyre pushing from the grassroots on Washington and helping to spread what were trying to do in their local communities. And at the very least, we have to give them the opportunity to stay involved and in touch. They gave their heart and soul to us. This shouldnt feel like a transactional relationship, because thats not what it was. I want them along for the ride the next eight years, helping us deliver on all we talked about in the campaign.

Three days later, Kapor emailed Edley and Alexander, frustrated that no progress was being made. What is needed now, he wrote, is for the President-elect and his designees to decide how to move forward with Movement 2.0. Would the group be independent or part of the DNC? Who would run it? How would it interact with the White House? I dont see how anything can happen until the project is given a green light and the basic issue of structure and leadership is settled by those with the power to do so, Kapor concluded. In other words, someone please just make a decision.

Plouffe led Obamas supporters to believe that the decision was in their hands. On November 19, he emailed a survey to everyone on the campaigns list. Youve built an organization in your community and across the country that will continue to work for change, Plouffe told them, whether its by building grassroots support for legislation, backing state and local candidates, or sharing organizing techniques to effect change in your neighborhood. Your hard work built this movement. Now its up to you to decide how we move forward.

Obamas army was eager to be put to work. Of the 550,000 people who responded to the survey, 86 percent said they wanted to help Obama pass legislation through grassroots support; 68 percent wanted to help elect state and local candidates who shared his vision. Most impressive of all, more than 50,000 said they personally wanted to run for elected office.

But they never got that chance. In late December, Plouffe and a small group of senior staffers finally made the call, which was endorsed by Obama. The entire campaign machine, renamed Organizing for America, would be folded into the DNC, where it would operate as a fully controlled subsidiary of the Democratic Party. Plouffe stayed on as senior adviser, and put trusted field organizers Mitch Stewart and Jeremy Bird in charge of the new group. Bird says the OFA team was never even told about the idea for Movement 2.0. None of these documents were even shared with us, he says. Im not sure the senior staff on the campaign even knew they existed.

Obama unveiled OFA a week before his inauguration. Volunteers, grassroots leaders, and ordinary citizens will continue to drive the organization, he promised. But thats not what happened. Shunted into the DNC, MyBOs tools for self-organizing were dismantled within a year. Instead of calling on supporters to launch a voter registration drive or build a network of small donors or back state and local candidates, OFA deployed the campaigns vast email list to hawk coffee mugs and generate thank-you notes to Democratic members of Congress who backed Obamas initiatives. As a result, when the political going got rough, much of Obamas once-mighty army was AWOL. When the fight over Obamas health care plan was at its peak, OFA was able to drum up only 300,000 phone calls to Congress. After the midterm debacle in 2010, when Democrats suffered their biggest losses since the Great Depression, Obama essentially had to build a new campaign machine from scratch in time for his reelection effort in 2012. (Plouffe and Messina declined requests to speak about Movement 2.0; Axelrod, Podesta, and Rouse said they had no comment.)

Republicans, on the other hand, wasted no time in building a grassroots machine of their ownone that proved capable of blocking Obama at almost every turn. Within weeks of his inauguration, conservative activists began calling for local tea parties to oppose the presidents plan to help foreclosed homeowners. FreedomWorks, an antitax group led by former Representative Dick Armey, and Americans for Prosperity, funded by the Koch brothers, quietly coordinated hundreds of nationwide demonstrations designed to look like a spontaneous populist uprising. When members of Congress went home for the summer to hold town hall meetings with their constituents, they were confronted by well-organized and disruptive protests over health care reform. The grassroots discontent that Obama had harnessed so skillfully in 2008 now belonged to the right.

Killing OFA reduced the possibility of competing for the hearts, minds, and votes of the Tea Party disaffected, says Lester Spence, associate professor of political science at Johns Hopkins University. It also killed the one entity possible for institutionalizing the raw energy created by the Obama campaign in 2008.

Edley, for his part, still cant get over the opportunity that was lost. He admits that he probably alienated Obamas top campaign brass with his earlier intervention, but he doesnt think thats why his idea for Movement 2.0 died. Mostly, he believes, it was an issue of control. Our proposal would have required that members of the political team who had just won the nomination be willing to cede control of the grassroots movement and turn it more in the direction of policy advocacy and progressive advocacy, he says.

Even today, Edley doesnt know if Obama was ever told of the idea, and he regrets not bypassing the campaign operatives and reaching out to him personally. I was loath to go around them and try to reach Barack directly, Edley says. That is probably one of the biggest mistakes of my professional life, given the dismal disappointment that OFA became.

Ultimately, of course, the failure to keep the grassroots movement going rests with Obama. It was his original, and most costly, political mistakenot only a sin of omission, but a sin of imagination, one that helped decimate the Democratic Party at the state and local level and turn over every branch of the federal government to the far right. In December, in an exit interview with NPRs Morning Edition, Obama himself sounded haunted by it. You know, when I came into office, we were just putting out fires, he said. We were in a huge crisis situation. And so a lot of the organizing work that we did during the campaign, we started to see right away wasnt immediately transferable to congressional candidates. More work would have needed to be done to just build up that structure. And, you know, one of the big suggestions that I have for Democrats as I leave, and something that, you know, I have some ideas about is: How do we do more of that ground-up building?

Read the original here:
Obama's Lost Army - New Republic

Obama’s party-building legacy splits Democrats – Politico

A painful Democratic rift over Barack Obamas political legacy is finally bursting into the open.

For years, the former presidents popularity among Democrats stifled any public critiques of his stewardship of the party a period in which the party suffered tremendous losses at the state and local levels.

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But now that Obama and the political operation that succeeded his campaign, Organizing For Action, have expressed interest in playing a role in the task of rebuilding, its sparking pitched debates over how much blame he deserves for the gradual hollowing out of a party that now has less control of state-elected positions than at any other time in nearly a century.

That degree of mistrust rooted in the idea that OFA was always primarily interested in advancing the presidents political interests, often at the expense of the party is already showing signs of hampering Obamas former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as he pursues the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee. And the wariness expressed by nearly three dozen Democrats in interviews also threatens to create a divide between Obamas loyalists and the rest of the party.

[With] all due respect to President Obama, OFA was created as a shadow party because Obama operatives had no faith in state parties. So I hope the OFA role is none. I hope OFA closes their doors and allows the country and state parties to get to the hard work of rebuilding the party at the local and grass-roots level, said Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb, echoing a sentiment that has dominated private chatter among state party chairs for months. OFA had no faith or confidence in the state parties so they created a whole separate organization, they took money away and centralized it in D.C. They gave us a great president for eight years, but we lost everywhere else."

While Obama has taken some responsibility for the partys down-ballot failures Democrats now have unified control over just six states, and 10 fewer governorships than when he took office, while Republicans have taken over the U.S. House and the Senate his political allies have made clear that he hopes to help the Democratic comeback through his involvement with a redistricting effort. And the groups around him, like OFA, intend to play a role when it comes to organizing, recruiting candidates and training activists.

Thats a reversal from Obamas longtime lack of interest in the partys infrastructure, dating back to when his advisers felt that he had to run against the state party establishments in his challenge to Hillary Clinton in 2008.

The former presidents newfound interest in party-building is partly about preserving his White House legacy when its under attack from Republicans which is in the interest of his fellow Democrats but there has thus far been no coordination between Obamas political world and the rest of the partys leadership structure.

I have not been briefed on the future of OFA and the presidents involvement, said Donna Brazile, the DNC chair.

And that silence is what alarms Democrats who resentfully remember a president who for years couldnt be bothered to replace then-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, even after she became a source of intraparty controversy. They recall a commander in chief whose campaign was seen by state party officials as circumventing them, rather than working with them. And they think back to a party leader who didnt want to get too closely involved in governors races ahead of 2010s redistricting, which many of them say is a reason for Democrats state-level bloodbath in the ensuing years.

Still, there is no consensus over the amount of blame Obama should get for Democrats woes. To Boyd Brown, a former South Carolina state legislator and until recently a DNC member, the finger-pointing is a territorial ego game."

A lot of what happened with regard to the party at every level was the congressional leadership, said former Pennsylvania Rep. Jason Altmire who lost his seat in 2012 after the states electoral map was redrawn deflecting the responsibility from Obama alone. Democrats as a whole overreached greatly leading up to 2010 and unfortunately for Democrats that was right before redistricting."

If you look at the organizational work that OFA did, they absolutely knew what they were doing, they were effective, they won two presidential elections, they helped get people like me in 2008 a 22-year-old elected to the state legislature because of their organizational efforts. So I think the more the better, I dont have a problem with having 100 different organizations out there, added Brown. Were still in the stage of a grief period where folks are blaming others, and that appears to be what these folks are doing."

That tension has reached the point where state chairs pitching donors now feel the need to explain what their local committees can legally do that an external effort like OFA cannot. Those state leaders also went out of their way to ensure that the data and supporter lists from Clintons campaign would revert to the party after the election. OFAs data treasure trove, after all, didnt settle at the DNC until 2015 three years after Obamas reelection.

It created a shadow organization that was recruiting the same volunteers [as the DNC], using resources from a very limited number of donors, and therefore, as a result it weakened the DNC and the impact that the DNC and state parties could have on politics during his tenure, said South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison, a candidate for DNC chair. Youve got five organizations knocking on the same door with five different messages. Thats not conducive. In the age of Trump we need to be a lean, mean, strategic machine."

Harrison and Adam Parkhomenko, a former Clinton campaign and DNC organizing official who is now running for the party vice-chairmanship, have both raised that problem in the partys public candidate forums in recent weeks. And that public airing has spurred a round of talk between state-level Democrats over the extent to which they wish to see a return of the Obama machine which, after all, is the only Democratic one to win nationwide since 1996.

Resources that are financial, and other resources like data and ideas that people are trying to bring to fruition in terms of organizing kits and materials: thats what the DNC needs to spend its time doing, so the only outside apparatus we should have in terms of the party is the [state] parties, said Parkhomenko, pointing to years of low investment and attention paid to local Democratic committees. The lack of party and DNC [capacity] was a big contributing factor to what happened in the last election, [and] hopefully it will be a lesson to our party to never let this happen again."

A major question now confronting DNC members is the extent to which this lingering frustration with Obamas political operation has a material effect on the race for party chairman: while Perez is widely seen as the Obama-wing candidate due to his praise from the former president and backing from former Obama White House officials like former Vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Eric Holder and former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Obama has not formally endorsed him, and Perez was never involved with OFA itself.

The concerns over OFAs role as a parallel organization to the DNC are just as ripe when it comes to Our Revolution, the heir to Bernie Sanders campaign: a group that has not handed over Sanders golden email lists to the DNC, and which has endorsed Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, widely seen as the Sanders-wing candidate.

But those questions are operational, and not about the broader issues facing the reeling party. For those questions, Democrats insist, they cant afford to sideline Obama, their most popular and successful figure.

OFA should fold into the DNC. Having two organizations is redundant, and dilutes and confuses the mission. Given the urgency of the moment, we need laser-like focus, with clear lanes and cohesion, not duplication, said former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm. "President Obama, I hope, will be fully engaged in helping the party rebuild. We need his inspiration, his ability to fundraise, his brilliant strategic mind and his ability to convene and mobilize. He can also help to engage millennials and communities of color, in addition to the work he will be doing on redistricting. He is also the best messenger of our generation: we need him."

People might have differences with some things he did about party issues, added Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy. "They all might have wanted him to do something one way or something another way, but clearly hes a gigantic draw in the Democratic Party. He should be heard. He has a voice, and if hes inclined to use that voice, Im inclined to listen."

As such, even the biggest skeptics of Obamas political organization agree that the former president is likely to be the partys most potent surrogate and potential fundraising tool in combating Donald Trump. They just dont trust his political operation to carry out the groundwork.

We all welcome President Obama and Vice President Biden, theyre heroes and giants in the Democratic world. This has nothing to do with them, this has everything to do with the political operatives in the D.C. bubble and not out in Nebraska, said Kleeb. Im sorry, you had eight years to build us a party, but you failed. So no, sorry, we do not want you. Thanks, but no thanks."

Edward-Isaac Dovere contributed to this report.

Read the rest here:
Obama's party-building legacy splits Democrats - Politico

Trump is crediting many of his policies to a surprising source Obama – Sacramento Bee

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Trump is crediting many of his policies to a surprising source Obama
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See the original post here:
Trump is crediting many of his policies to a surprising source Obama - Sacramento Bee