Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Obama-Aligned Organizing for Action Relaunches for Trump Era –

After a long period of withdrawal from the public eye, Organizing for Action, the political group that grew out of Barack Obama's first presidential campaign, is ramping back up for the Trump era with a focus on defending the Affordable Care Act and training grassroots organizers, officials tell NBC News.

Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, OFA was likely headed for a wind-down. But with Trump in the White House, the relaunched OFA will claim a spot in the increasingly crowded marketplace of groups looking to fight the new president's agenda.

OFA has hired 14 field organizers in states home to key senators as part of its campaign to defend Obama's signature healthcare law. To run that campaign, the group hired Saumya Narechania -- the former national field director at Enroll America, which worked to sign people up for Obamacare -- and a deputy campaign manager.

Jennifer Warner is returning to the group as national organizing director after running Democrats' coordinated campaign in Ohio last year. And former Clinton campaign spokesperson Jesse Lehrich has joined OFA as its communication director.

The rest of the group's leadership is largely remaining intact, with former Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina and former White House aide Jon Carson as co-chairmen, Katie Hogan as executive director, Jack Shapiro as director of policy and campaigns and Aaron Buchner promoted to chief of staff.

What role Obama himself will play remains unclear.

OFA is looking to expand into other issue areas as well, like climate change and gun control, and is exploring the possibility of launching a program to recruit and train people to run for office. But it is unlikely to get directly involved in electoral campaigns, according to OFA.

For now, it's focused on planning events ahead of the congressional recess later this month, when members of Congress will hold events in their district. Organizers are hoping to produce more moments like the one at Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz' town hall Thursday night when he was confronted by angry constituents.

OFA has gone through several iterations since it first launched in 2009, all of which faced criticism from Democrats who felt it detracted from other party efforts while accomplishing little.

Those concerns have become more public after an election loss in which many Democrats feel their forces were too fractured and poorly coordinated, and that Obama neglected his duties to maintain and build party infrastructure.

"OFA should fold into the [Democratic National Committee]. Having two organizations is redundant, and dilutes and confuses the mission. Given the urgency of the moment, we need laser-like focus, with clear lanes and cohesion, not duplication," former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm told Politico this week before the new contours of the group were announced.

Defenders say OFA has learned from its experiences and that its activities will not directly compete with other organizations, even though it will continue to raise money from both large and small donors that fund other progressive and Democratic organizations as well.

Instead, OFA says it can fill a niche that will benefit the progressive movement as a whole by nurturing a broad base of grassroots organizers and working with other groups to mobilize voters on specific issues.

"There are important progressive organizations that mobilize supporters around key issues of the day and OFA has great partnerships with many of them," Lehrich said in an email. "OFA fills a unique role by investing in organizing to build a lasting and successful progressive movement. We're bringing in thousands of new people who have never been engaged before, connecting them to a nationwide grassroots network, providing them with cost-free training, and empowering them to apply those skills to make change in their communities."

It's a humbler vision for a group that once, paradoxically, tried to raise a grassroots army it could command at will to push Obama's agenda through Congress.

The narrower focus has, for instance, led OFA to stay out of confirmation battles over Trump's cabinet nominees and the dozen other fights liberal groups are engaged in at any given moment.

OFA says more than 1,800 people have applied to its Spring Community Engagement Fellowship, a six-week training program, two-thirds of whom have not previously been involved with OFA.

And the group has teamed up with Indivisible, a buzzy newcomer to the progressive movement, to offer organizing training that began Thursday night with a video conference. A combined 25,000 people have registered to participate in those trainings, OFA said.

To defend Obamacare, the group says it has planned 400 health care-focused events in 42 states this year with partners that include mainline liberal groups, like the Center for American Progress and Planned Parenthood, as well those from the progressive wing, like

OFA says 20,000 people have used their tool to call senators' offices to urge them not to repeal Obamacare and says one million supporters have already taken action with OFA.

The goal is to further hinder the already stalling momentum around repeal the Affordable Care Act.

For instance, OFA helped get Obamacare supporters to flood townhalls for Florida Republican Rep. Gus Bilirakis, Illinois GOP Rep. Peter Roskam, and California Rep. Tom McClintock, which lead to national news coverage about anti-repeal backlash.

Obama himself has no legal affiliation with the non-profit organization that for years housed the valuable email list, which it only turned over to the DNC in 2015.

But Obama brand is still strong among Democratic donors and rank-and-file voters alike, and OFA is a natural home for any political activity Obama may wish to take. That affiliation -- it's one of only two groups listed on his post-presidential website -- guarantees OFA toehold in the progressive movement, no matter what criticism it may face.

An Obama spokesperson did not respond to a request for clarification about how the former president plans to engage with the group.

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Obama-Aligned Organizing for Action Relaunches for Trump Era -

Video game turns Barack Obama into the Baller in Chief – Chicago Tribune

Barry O'Bomber is back and taking NBA superstars to the cup.

A German gaming personality has put out an NBA 2K video with former president Barack Obama starring as a digital player. Dressed in a No. 44 Charlotte Hornets uniform, Obama drives to the basket, dabs and dunks on players like Carmelo Anthony.

"Hello, fellow ballers," the Obama video game doppleganger says in Nyke Faller's video, "most of you know me as the President of the United States of America. But I am no longer. And for that reason it is time for me to pursue my true passion: basketball."

Though Obama's playing for the Hornets, there are some hometown Chicago touches in the video. A poster in the background of one early scene features the Bulls head logo with the words "Windy City" underneath, and Obama's wearing a pair of Air Jordan 1's.

The "Chicago" colorway, of course.

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Video game turns Barack Obama into the Baller in Chief - Chicago Tribune

Barack and Michelle Obama Take First Steps Toward Next Chapter: Memoirs and Speeches –

Former President Barack Obama wasnt kidding when he said he and wife Michelle Obama would get back to work soon after their post-White House vacation in the British Virgin Islands.

Less than one month after leaving office, the Obamas have signed Washington, D.C., attorneys Robert Barnett and Deneen Howell to manage contract negotiations with potential publishers for the former president and Mrs. Obamas respective books, Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president, says in a statement to PEOPLE.

With an eye on the equally lucrative speakers circuit, the Obamas also announced on Friday that they have selected the Harry Walker Agency to coordinate speaking engagements. The heavyweight agency also manages Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Al Gore and Barbara Walters.

There are not yet any dates set for the speaking opportunities or the book releases, says a source close to the Obamas. As another person involved in the process put it, We are just launching on the adventure.

These two new ventures come on top of the work the former First Couple are expected to pursue at the Obama Foundation. As the former president put it at the end of last year: With respect to my priorities when I leave, it is to build that next generation of leadership; organizers, journalists, politicians. I see them in America, I see them around the world, 20-year-olds, 30-year-olds who are just full of talent, full of idealism. And the question is how do we link them up? How do we give them the tools for them to bring about progressive change? And I want to use my presidential center as a mechanism for developing that next generation of talent.

In Barnett the Obamas are getting a super-lawyer with a long record of landing big book deals for the biggest authors, especially in politics. Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, former first ladies Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy are just a few of the names in Barnetts portfolio.

Both of the Obamas books are expected to be very successful.While this will be Mrs. Obamas first time writing a memoir, former President Obama already has two bestselling books under his belt: 1995sDreams from My Father and2006sThe Audacity of Hope.

The news comes just one week after the Obamasreturned home from vacation to settle in to their new rental mansionin Washington, D.C. They had spent 10 days atVirgin Group founderSir Richard Bransons private island retreat, where Obama reveled in kitesurfing and beach time.

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Barack and Michelle Obama Take First Steps Toward Next Chapter: Memoirs and Speeches -

This Ritz-Carlton KL Manager Shares What It Was Like To Host Obama – Forbes

This Ritz-Carlton KL Manager Shares What It Was Like To Host Obama
Former U.S. President Barack Obama travelled a lot during his two terms in office. Twice, he found himself in Kuala Lumpur and on both occasions, he stayed at one hotel The Ritz-Carlton. The 19-year-old establishment was the country's first truly ...

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This Ritz-Carlton KL Manager Shares What It Was Like To Host Obama - Forbes

Sean Spicer falsely claims ‘there was no concern’ from the media when Obama criticized the Supreme Court – Washington Post

White House press secretary Sean Spicer in his daily media briefing on Thursday falsely accused journalists of holding President Trump to a different standard than they applied toformer president Barack Obama, when it comes to criticizing the judiciary.

Responding to questions about the propriety of Trump's recent tweets about a federal judge who ruled against a travel ban on refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, Spicer drew an imperfect comparison to Obama's public opposition to the Supreme Court's decision in the 2010 Citizens United case and said inaccurately that there was no concern from reporters at the time.

The idea of one branch talking about or commenting on another branch is as old as our republic, Spicer said. So, I don't know why and I, I find it interesting [that] when President Obama criticized the Supreme Court for its Citizens United comments in the State of the Union, there wasn't a similar concern about that. It seems like there's clearly a double standard when it's how this is applied. When President Obama did it, there was no concern from this briefing room. When [Trump] does it, it's a ton of outrage.

Just in case you don't remember exactly what Obama said about the Supreme Court in his State of the Union address seven years ago, here it is:

Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests including foreign corporations to spend without limit in our elections. Well, I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that's why I'm urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong.

And here is what Trump has tweeted about U.S. District Judge James L. Robart:

Trump's rebuke was far more intense than Obama's.

Obama, a lawyer, merely labeled the Supreme Court's decision wrong and called on Congress to pass a bill that would reverse it. Trump cast aspersions on Robart's qualifications by referring to him as a so-called judge and blamed him for a hypothetical, future terrorist attack.

It is one thing for a president to disagree with a ruling, on the merits; it is another to suggest that a so-called judge could have blood on his hands.

Still, Obama's critique of the Citizens United decision was a big deal especially because Justice Samuel Alito could be seen on camera shaking his head as Obama spoke. The episode was dissected at length on cable news:

It was covered on the front page:

And at the first White House press briefing after the State of the Union, it, of course, came up:

Q: Would the president support requiring shareholder approval before a company could spend money on ads, like in reference to the Supreme Court decision?

DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY BILLBURTON: There are a series of reforms that the president is looking at and talking to members of Congress about. I don't want to get into the specifics of the negotiations and what those are, but campaign finance reform has become a lot more important in the course of the last couple of weeks and the president and his team are focused on it.

Q: What's the president's reaction to Justice Alito's reaction to his speech?

BURTON: Well, this issue is something that many have serious concerns about. It's something that Justice Ginsburg brought up in her oral arguments. It's something that Justice Stevens wrote about in his dissent. It's an issue that the court could have specifically addressed in its findings, but they didn't. And the American people deserve the right to know that foreign corporations cannot interfere with American elections.

So this is another one of the issues that the president is looking at in terms of campaign finance reform. In terms of the specific reaction to Justice Alito, one of the great things about our democracy is that powerful members of the government at high levels can disagree in public and in private. This is one of those cases. But the president is no less committed to seeing this reform.

Once again, Spicer stood before a roomful of journalists and made an assertion that is totally at odds with the facts.

Originally posted here:
Sean Spicer falsely claims 'there was no concern' from the media when Obama criticized the Supreme Court - Washington Post