Afghanistan War Over... So Why Is Obama Sending More Troops?
"The new year will open with as many as 10800 U.S. troops still in Afghanistan, 1000 more than President Barack Obama pledged, with transition plans running several months behind, Defense...
By: The Young Turks
Visit link:
Afghanistan War Over... So Why Is Obama Sending More Troops? - Video
#39;Big Elf #39; Barack Obama Joins First Lady Michelle To Deliver Gifts To Annual Marine Corps Toy Drive
#39;Big Elf #39; Barack Obama Joins First Lady Michelle To Deliver Gifts To Annual Marine Corps Toy Drive #39;Big Elf #39; Barack Obama Joins First Lady Michelle To Deliver Gifts To Annual Marine Corps Toy...
By: Ryan Green
Here is the original post:
'Big Elf' Barack Obama Joins First Lady Michelle To Deliver Gifts To Annual Marine Corps Toy Drive - Video
Watch: Obama The #39;Big Elf #39; Sorts Toys For Little Girls and Boys
Obama: #39;I #39;m the Big Elf. I #39;m Like Will Ferrell #39; (ABC News) Toting two giant bags of toys, President Obama had a simple holiday message as he arrived to sort gifts at the Marines Corps #39; Toys...
By: YouHitNews
The rest is here:
Watch: Obama The 'Big Elf' Sorts Toys For Little Girls and Boys - Video
Sen. Ted Cruz Q A in Judiciary Committee on President Obama #39;s Amnesty
December 10, 2014.
By: SenTedCruz
Go here to see the original:
Sen. Ted Cruz Q&A in Judiciary Committee on President Obama's Amnesty - Video
President Santorum Would Reverse Obama Executive Amnesty on Day One
Santorum Discusses Obama #39;s Executive Amnesty and says that were he elected President he would reverse the order on day one.
By: Gnome Armada
Read this article:
President Santorum Would Reverse Obama Executive Amnesty on Day One - Video