Archive for the ‘Pepe The Frog’ Category

It’s Time For Democrats To Take Responsibility For Their Assassination Porn – Fox News

By Quiana Fulton, The Federalist

If inflammatory rhetoric poisons the well of civility, then certainly liberals bear some responsibility for Wednesdays hideous assault against Republicans.

Wednesday, our public servants were violently attacked. Except, this time it wasnt a man or woman with brown skin who swears allegiance to Allah. Nor was it a man or woman who worships in the deep state of Pepe the Frog and Alex Jones conspiracies while swearing allegiance to right-wing conservatism.

Instead, the perpetrator shares the same political ideals as 50 percent of the country. Yesterday a liberal supporter who volunteered for the Bernie Sanders campaign attacked a political servant, capital police officers, and Hill staffers. Yesterday, our political divide came to its breaking point.

Wednesday, our public servants were violently attacked. Except, this time it wasnt a man or woman with brown skin who swears allegiance to Allah. Nor was it a man or woman who worships in the deep state of Pepe the Frog and Alex Jones conspiracies while swearing allegiance to right-wing conservatism.

Instead, the perpetrator shares the same political ideals as 50 percent of the country. Yesterday a liberal supporter who volunteered for the Bernie Sanders campaign attacked a political servant, capital police officers, and Hill staffers. Yesterday, our political divide came to its breaking point.

What a tragic day for our country, and our democracy. Thankfully, the victims will heal, but what will it take to heal the deeper divide festering in our democracy, where the party comes before country, and the us versus them mental complex achieves victory daily?

More here:
It's Time For Democrats To Take Responsibility For Their Assassination Porn - Fox News

Apple Rejects New Game App Featuring ‘Objectionable’ Pepe The Frog – HuffPost

Pepe the Frog is persona non grata at Apple. The cartoon stoner amphibian, adopted as a mascot by the alt-right, is not so much deplorable as he is objectionable by Apple standards, and the company has rejected a new game app featuring Pepe.

Pepe Scream, developed by Spirit Realm Games, is a kind of Flappy Bird game in which users control Pepe by screaming into the phone. The game doesnt appear to be an issue only the use of Pepe.

Your app contains images and references of Pepe the Frog, which are considered objectionable content, an Apple App Review Board employee wrote in a rejection notice to Spirit Realm, VicesMotherboard confirmed. It would be appropriate to remove the references and revise the images in your app.

Another game featuring Pepe, Build The Wall: The Game, was rejected by Apple in October.

The Pepe Scream issue first surfaced on Reddits The_Donald subreddit when one of the creators complained about the rejection and criticized the bunch of cucks at Apple. Cucks is a pejorative word for what the alt-right considers fake conservatives. The developers told Motherboard they created Pepe Scream simply as a silly and funny idea to just show off to our friends.

The app problem is another sad chapter in poor Pepes mysterious and arduous identity crisis. Cartoonist Matt Furie created the little green guy as a gentle-souled stoner dude who liked nothing better than hanging out with his three 20-something slacker pals. The bros exploits debuted in the deadpan Boys Club zine on Furies MySpace blog in 2005, and their continuing exploits were later published in a collection byFantagraphics.

But soon Furie discovered that Pepe was suddenly channeling some evil shit by popping up on alt-right sites and images. Things got so bad that Pepe was officially classified as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League.

Furie first tried to save Pepe, but then simply attempted to bury the past and Pepes trip to the dark sideby drawing the frog in an open casket at his own funeral in a single-page strip for Fantagraphics Worlds Greatest Comics.

But Pepe still lives. And though Pepe Scream has been rejected by Apple, the game is available onGoogle Play. Spirit Realm told Motherboard that its considering dropping Pepe for another character so the game wont be rejected by Apple.

Wake up to the day's most important news.

Follow this link:
Apple Rejects New Game App Featuring 'Objectionable' Pepe The Frog - HuffPost

Inevitably, there’s a racist backlash to the Black Panther trailer – Newshub

Over the weekend, Marvel released the trailer for Black Panther, which was met with widespread praise along with vulgar, racist slander.

Adapted from the comics of the same name, the film sees its titular hero return home to the fictional African nation of Wakanda to claim the throne after his father's death.

While much of Twitter celebrated the trailer, some critics called it "too black" and "too militant". Others shared similar sentiments, with far worse language that often included the N-word.

Black Panther is the first Marvel Cinematic Universe title with a black lead star, a mostly black cast and a black director. That has been heralded as progress by many, but some feel otherwise - just as they did about the female-led, female-directed Wonder Woman.

"N**ger movie named after a terrorist organisation immediately following feminist Wonder Woman. No agenda here," tweeted a person whose background image features both Pepe the Frog and Nazi propaganda.

"Now there is a Superhero Villan [sic] that is not only a domestic terrorist but also has racist followers that hate white people," tweeted another.

Website has catalogued some of the responses in an article entitled Saltine Fury: Racist Mayo Packets Are BIG MAD About Black Panther's Blackity Blackness.

Inevitably, there's a racist backlash to the Black Panther trailer - Newshub

Apple removes Pepe The Frog game from its App Store – A.V. Club

Alt-right hate mascot Pepe The Frog may be dead, but as everyone surely predicted, that hasnt stopped the more despicable corners of the internet from continuing to worship the cartoon at their craven altars. Case in point: New York Magazine is reporting that some people recently tried to release a Pepe-themed game on the App Store, but they were summarily rejected due to the fact that Apple now recognizes Pepe as an offensive symbol. Being primarily associated with hate groups and internet creeps tends to do that.

This story doesnt stop there, though, because the developers at Spirit Realm Games tried to play it off like they had no idea that Pepe was anything more than a funny internet memea point of view that would require someone to have stayed off the internet for over a year. Spirit Realm Games gave a statement to Vice, saying that they saw some Pepe memes and something clicked, inspiring them to make an innocent game about a silly and funny idea that they could show off to their friends.

Naturally, they presented the story a bit differently when they explained the situation on the The_Donald page on Reddit, with New York Magazine braving that vile wasteland for a full, very stupid quote:

My friend and I came up with the idea of combining shitposting with autistic screeching, so we made this just for fun. But when we tried to release to the App Store, we got hit with Your app contains images and references of Pepe the Frog, which are considered objectionable content.

This is pretty stupid, because we spent a ton of hours trying to get this to work on iOS and spent $99 on the developer license, and now we cant even post it to the App Store.

tl;dr: Apple is full of cucks, Android for lyfe

Basically, they wanted to be assholes and are frustrated with Apple for not letting them be assholes. Also, if anyones curious about what the game is like, its called Pepe Scream and it is available on the Google Play store. Its basically a Flappy Bird clone that you control with your voice, which sounds utterly awful, so maybe Apples decision to reject it was just as much about quality as it was about content.

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See the original post here:
Apple removes Pepe The Frog game from its App Store - A.V. Club

Apple Rejects ‘Pepe the Frog’ Game, Citing ‘Objectionable Content’ – Heat Street

The Apple App Store has rejected a mobile game based on Pepe the Frog after the corporate curators deemed the character to be objectionable content. The green-skinned mascot of the deplorable Trump-supporting right became the subject of political controversy during the 2016 presidential election.

Apple dings apps and mobile games that it deems too controversial for its audience. The company previously declined to accept social media app Gab, and banned temporarily banned a historical strategy game called Ultimate General: Gettysburg over its inclusion of Confederate army flags. It also rejected a game that made fun of Hillary Clinton.

According to Adland, the makers of Pepe Scream received a rejection notice for their game after submitting it to the store. It read:


We are writing to let you know the result of your appeal for your app, Pepe Scream.

The App Review Board evaluated your app and determined that the original rejection feedback is valid. Your app does not comply with:

Safety 1.1.

Your app contains images and references of Pepe the Frog, which are considered objectionable content. It would be appropriate to remove the references and revise the images in your app.

The game, which is available on Android through Google Play, is a simple clone of Flappy Bird, which was popular on the platform in 2014 for its simplicity and difficulty. Replacing the aforementioned flappy bird with Pepe the Frog, the simple game includes 4chan-inspired memes like REEEE and >tfw no gf. Its clearly intended as a satireand there is nothing particularly objectionable about it unless you believe Pepe the Frog to be a symbol of white supremacy, which it is not.

Apples arbitrary rules for submissions and lack of transparency allow the company to reject and accept submissions with little rhyme or reason, providing vague explanations to rejected applicants. Its anyones guess why Apple found Pepe the Frog objectionable, but the mainstream medias slanted coverage of the amphibian caricature is undoubtedly the mainreason for its rejection.

Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken media critic. You can reach him through social media at@stillgray on Twitterand onFacebook.

Excerpt from:
Apple Rejects 'Pepe the Frog' Game, Citing 'Objectionable Content' - Heat Street