Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Letter: I favor conservatives over progressives – The Dispatch Argus

America First conservatives have never called for a civil war. Those are the words of Karl Marx progressives. I personally want elections that are free of determinative fraud and honor the principle of one legitimate ballot per one legitimate voter.

I favor electing America First Conservatives over Karl Marx progressives. I prefer using the sacred right to vote to form a righteous government. A government that will restore the constitutional republic of the United States to a land of divine promise. This creates a much better Society than any form of Karl Marx tyranny.

We already had our Revolutionary War, our Civil War, our world wars, our Civil Rights Movement. It is not a civil war that America needs, "We the people" are fighting a spiritual war over the heart and soul of our government. One nation under God or one nation under tyranny. No shots have to be fired, but elections have to be free and fair.

Chairman Stowe Foundation of Illinois

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Letter: I favor conservatives over progressives - The Dispatch Argus

Progressives in Iceland intensify campaign against Israels genocidal war in Gaza – Peoples Dispatch

From the Palestine solidarity walk in Reykjavik city. Photo: Iceland - Palestine Association

Progressive and anti-war groups in Iceland have intensified initiatives in solidarity with Palestine and against Israels ongoing genocidal war on Palestinians. The Iceland Palestine Association and BDS Iceland have called for a demonstration on January 18 outside the office of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV) in Reykjavk to urge the national broadcaster to challenge Israels participation in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest 2024 organized by European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in Sweden. In the protest titled United in Music Torn Apart by Genocide, several musicians in Iceland will deliver their petition urging RUV to refuse to participate in Eurovision alongside Israel which has been carrying out a genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Meanwhile, a public petition titled Iceland Against Genocide calling on the government to support South Africas lawsuit in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israeli genocide, was launched by peace activists. On January 11, the ICJ began hearings on charges of genocide brought against Israel by South Africa. Several countries including Malaysia, Colombia, Turkey, Venezuela, Brazil, Namibia, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and others expressed their support for South Africas case against Israel ahead of the proceedings.

As of January 17, the US-backed Zionist war on Palestinians has killed more than 24,250 people and wounded more than 61,100 others, with more than 1.9 million people displaced in Gaza.

On January 15, to mark protest on the hundredth day of the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza, trade unions including the Icelandic Teachers Union, Icelandic Confederation of Labor (ASI), and the Confederation of State and Municipal Employees of Iceland (BSRB) raised the Palestine flag in their offices and extended their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In a joint statement, the unions said that the workers movement is a global movement for democracy, human rights, and peace, and a number of our sister organizations around the world are now also using their power to end the genocide in Gaza. There is no appearance of a pause in the current attacks, as well as rising tensions in the West Bank day by day. With this symbolic action, 100 days after the start of the conflict, the organization wants to show support for the Palestinian people and we call on the Icelandic government to make greater efforts to resolve the conflict, in any way possible.

On January 13, the Iceland Palestine Association organized a Palestine solidarity walk which concluded in front of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Reykjavik city. Activist Ingolfur Gislason stated that the Icelandic government must reconcile the will of the Icelandic public and the Icelandic public wants to stop the genocide in Palestine! Councilors should use all available means to prevent gang murders, according to the United Nations Treaty. And leaders should have the guts to do what is right. Support South Africas lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice!

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Progressives in Iceland intensify campaign against Israels genocidal war in Gaza - Peoples Dispatch

Can Gov. Hochul stand up to progressives | Commentary | – Olean Times Herald

Gov. Hochul just rolled out a characteristically careful budget that points toward fiscal sanity.

Lets hope she sticks to her guns against the coming demands from the tax-and-spendaholic Legislature.

The gov has no new taxes in her $233 billion budget proposal and vows that if lawmakers push for a hike, shell tell them to go take one.

Good: New York already has the heaviest state- and local-tax burden in the country, and its driving people to flee.

And where Albany usually adds billions in new outlays, she aims to keep overall spending roughly flat.

State-funded outlays rise 4.5%, a bit more than inflation, offsetting drops in federal aid.

Budget rollbacks would be better: As the Citizens Budget Commission warns, in three years, the state will face a mammoth $15 billion budget gap and thats assuming Albany doesnt need to help with migrant costs after this year, a huge risk.

Hochul also has no specific plans to keep Medicaid from bankrupting the state: It soared 38% over the past three years.

Yet she does deserve credit for focusing attention on that $27 billion-and-counting money-gobbler, as well as on education costs still soaring amid declining enrollments.

Her plan calls for slowing the growth of school aid ($35.3 billion) and shifting funds to account for population changes and to favor higher-need districts.

All commendable though Hochul herself notes per-student outlays here blow away those in most other states, and her plans wont lower those costs one cent.

Hochul rightly flags the states housing shortage, blaming it for fueling outmigration thats cost the state $6 billion in revenue, and she offered decent ideas to address it.

One disappointing sign: She failed to utter a word about fixing criminal-justice laws cashless bail, Raise the Age despite claiming public safety is her No. 1 priority.

She clearly fears being rebuffed by prog lawmakers. But if she cant win their backing to address her top priority, how will she resist new tax hikes and added budget bloat?

Hochul often shows she knows whats right for New York. Lets hope that this year she can get lawmakers to go along.

New York Post

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Can Gov. Hochul stand up to progressives | Commentary | - Olean Times Herald

What progressives get wrong about Winston Churchill – The Spectator

Please be advised that the following article contains outdated racial representations and views some readers may find distressing. Only joking! Yet that always seems to be the unspoken line running through modern academias head whenever the subject of Winston Churchill is raised.

This year sees the 150th anniversary of Churchills birth; it will also see cohorts of academics jostling to tell us just how horrifically racist, imperialist, sexist and probably transphobic he was. As though that could be a surprise. Yet what might genuinely surprise many now is to learn that in certain respects, Churchill was in the vanguard of the woke movement. He was a progressive pioneer.

Churchill was very at ease in the company of gay men at a time when homosexual acts were illegal

And yes, that goes for his trans credentials too. In 1920, during the course of a midnight champagne-fuelled conversation with his sculptor cousin Clare Sheridan, Churchill declared: In my next incarnation, I intend to be a woman. He went on to elaborate: I mean to be an artist, I shall be free and I shall have children. He was at that moment wearing a (non-binary) silk Jaeger dressing gown. (In matters of clothing, he was always in touch with his metrosexual side: the codebreaker Sarah Baring recalled seeing Churchill moving through the Admiralty in the small hours swathed in a vast, shimmering, richly patterned oriental dressing gown.)

Churchill was also ahead of the game on todays vexed work/life balance argument. Talking to his doctor in the early 1950s, he averred that any satisfactory resolution of the Cold War might happily lead to huge rises in global production, which in turn would mean people could have what they needed more than anything else leisure They could work hard for four days and have the other three to enjoy themselves.

What progressives get wrong about Winston Churchill - The Spectator

Burlington Progressives Pick Two More Candidates for March Ballot – Seven Days

Burlington Progressives endorsed two more candidates for the Town Meeting Day ballot at a special caucus on Thursday night.

Dan Castrigano is running as a Progressive in Ward 4, and Lena Greenberg is running as an independent in Ward 5. The candidates are challenging Democratic incumbents Sarah Carpenter and Ben Traverse, respectively, on March 5.

The Progressive-endorsed candidates, who ran unopposed, won the backing by electronic ballot. Nine people participated in the virtual forum.

Progs have endorsed candidates in all eight wards, which are up for reelection on March 5.Democrats, meantime, are running candidates everywhere but in Ward 2, leaving Progressive incumbent Councilor Gene Bergman unopposed. The Dems, though, may still nominate someone before the January 29 filing deadline,Burlington Democratic Party chair Adam Roof said this week.

Burlington Progs Hightower, Magee Won't Run for Reelection

By Courtney Lamdin


Castrigano, a New North End resident, works for ReSOURCE's YouthBuild job training program. He's also an organizer with Flight Free Vermont, whose mission is to reduce air travel, and Safe Landing BTV, a campaign to halve carbon emissions at Burlington International Airport by 2030. Both he and Greenberg want to close the city's biomass-fueled McNeil Generating Station.

Castrigano's robust council climate platform includes mandating environmental education in Burlington schools, banning gas-powered lawn and garden equipment, and launching a city-wide tree planting campaign, his website says. He would also push for building more bicycle parking and bus stop shelters.

Castrigano supports rent stabilization, building transitional housing for people with substance-use disorder and opening an overdose prevention center. He also wants to upzone neighborhoods around major employers to reduce vehicle emissions.

"We have to legalize more housing within the city," Castrigano said at Thursday's caucus. "A dense, mixed-use city is strong, safe, more socially connected and more fiscally sound."

Caucus-goer Colin Larsen, who nominated Castrigano, said the candidate would bring new ideas to the council. "We need leaders who are going to push against the status quo," he said. "Dan is someone who always pushes."

Greenberg, who uses they/them pronouns, lives in the King/Maple streets neighborhood and serves on the Ward 5 Neighborhood Planning Assembly steering committee. They work as a consultant focused on food and climate issues in urban areas.

Greenberg supports moving to an income-basedmunicipalproperty tax and offering rent rebates to help low-income tenants, according to their website. They alsowant the city to hire more unarmed social workers; install needle disposal boxes in public parks; and help fund organizations that provide emergency food, such as food shelves and mutual aid groups.

Burlington Council Approves Change to Allow Housing in South End District

By Courtney Lamdin


On Thursday evening, Greenberg said the housing shortage underlies other challenges in the city, including public safety.

"If we take the time to build affordable housing and work in [the] community, we are going to see change in a way that adding more police is not going to," Greenberg said.

Council races will be competitive this election cycle, particularly with a contested mayoral race. Democrats will seek to retain their functional majority on the council, and Progressives will try to win back some of the seats they've lost in recent elections.

The Progs also wants to keep the seats that party incumbents are vacating. Councilor Zoraya Hightower is stepping down in Ward 1 and will be replaced by either Progressive Carter Neubieser or Democrat Geoff Hand. Councilor Joe Magee isn't running again in Ward 3, opening the door for either Prog-backed Joe Kane or Dem contender Malik Mines.

A win by Castrigano or Greenberg in Wards 4 and 5 would be an upset and not just because they'd knock off incumbents: A Prog hasn't held either seat for more than a decade.

Burlington Dems Cruise to Victory on Town Meeting Day

By Courtney Lamdin


"There is so much potential for change in this city that we haven't tapped into yet," Greenberg said. "That really excites me."

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Burlington Progressives Pick Two More Candidates for March Ballot - Seven Days