Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Progressives File Suit to Eliminate the Party ‘line’ on Ballots – InsiderNJ

In a move they say is designed to return democratic power to the voters of New Jersey and away from politically connected party bosses, a coalition of progressive organizations and candidates has joined a landmark lawsuit to force reforms in New Jersey elections by limiting the influence county party leaders exert in drawing ballots that favor particular candidates.

For decades, New Jerseys county parties have exercised an iron grip on New Jersey elected officials from congressperson to state legislator to township councilperson by wielding control over who gets the coveted party line to give these chosen candidates an unfair advantage at the polls.

That practice violates the United States Constitution and must be reformed, according to a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.

This antiquated practice is truly indefensible. saidSue Altman, State Director of New Jersey Working Families, one of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit. If we learned anything over the last four years, its that our democracy is fragile and requires a vigorous effort maintain. This expansive coalition is fighting to make democracy stronger in New Jersey. Up and down the state advocates agree: It is long past time for real, competitive primary elections. Our democracy is at stake, this is a matter of equity and whose voice counts.

The case, filed on behalf of six candidates from all over the state, seeking offices ranging from Congress to township committee, argues that the current ballot design process violates several constitutional rights, including freedom of association and equal protection.

New Jersey is the only state that designs its ballots in this way, and the practice has significant impacts on voting patterns.

A study published by New Jersey Policy Perspective, by Rutgers Professor Julia Sass Rubin, found that in the 2020 primary election, in races where different congressional candidates received the county line in different counties, the average margin of difference between having the county line versus not having the county line was about 35 percent.

New Jerseys use of the line is a voter suppression tactic, used to pre-determine elections outcomes and diminish the voice of voters, saidJesseBurns, Executive Director of the League of Women Voters of New Jersey. Our ballots disregard all established and proven best practices for ballot design, causing voter confusion and apathy. We applaud this historic lawsuit for seeking to give voters, not county party chairs, the democratic power to elect candidates of their choosing.

The case was originally filed over the summer on behalf of a single candidate, Christine Conforti. On Monday, the suit was expanded. Additional plaintiffs were added and an amended complaint laying out new legal arguments was filed with Chief Judge Freda Wolfson of the Federal District Court in Newark, who is hearing the case.

Democracy reform is central to achieving other progressive political goals, including enhanced labor protections, strengthened civil rights laws and fair tax policies.

The line gives party insiders far too much power, helping them pick primary election winners, saidBrandon McKoy, President of New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP).This robs voters of their full power and influence and prevents new and diverse voices from running successful campaigns at every level of government. Until we have sensible ballot design, New Jerseyans cannot be confident that our elections are open, competitive and fair.

New Jerseys current system also contributed to underrepresentation at all levels of government.

The New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, a racial justice advocacy organization, is not a party to the lawsuit but supports elimination of the party line.

The party line has the effect of restricting voters choice, which can contribute to diminishing the diversity of who is elected at the local, state and county levels, saidRyan Haygood, President and CEO of the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice. As we stated in ourOur Vote, Our Powerreport, it is against the principles of democracy to stack the deck to favor one candidate simply by their positioning on a ballot. If government is to get serious about tackling issues like criminal justice reform and economic justice, we need legislators who are accountable to the people they serve. Eliminating the line is key to this process.

After taking a stand against the county party and voting my conscience on several important issues, I was ejected from the line and lost my seat, saidplaintiff Kevin McMillan, a six-time elected member of the Neptune Township Committee in Monmouth County who ran as an incumbent. I saw firsthand the outsize power county party chairs play. Im participating in this lawsuit because I want to ensure that our elected officials can act in their constituents interests without having to look over their shoulders and worry about punishment from unelected party leaders and special interests.

When state law systemically puts its thumb on the scale in favor of certain candidates by extending them preferential ballot treatment, it creates significant barriers to the electoral chances of candidates who do not benefit from political allegiance, and creates an arbitrary and confusing ballot design, saidBrett Pugach, Esq. of Bromberg Law LLC, a progressive advocate and one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs in this case.

It bears emphasis that New Jersey is the only state in the nation that designs its ballot in such a manner that prioritizes the grouping of candidates over the political office actually being voted on, saidYael Bromberg, Esq. of Bromberg Law LLC, an attorney and nationally recognized expert on voting rights and constitutional law issues who is representing the plaintiffs. Candidates can either be blessed by party leaders or be cast in Ballot Siberia, and voters and democracy suffer for it.

New Jersey communities ultimately win as a result of this type of ballot design reform, saidChristine Conforti, the original plaintiff in this case. Political candidates at all levels of government will finally be incentivized to listen to voters and be accountable to their public promises to people, not to political party insiders who most often serve corporate lobbyists who fund them. Restoring a truly democratic ballot design one that is easy to understand and give equals visibility to all candidates is the simplest form of democracy reform we not only deserve, but require at this critical moment in Americas test of integrity to its constitutional rights and values.

The notorious line prevents candidates of the same party from having the same chance to compete for voters, saidLaura Leibowitz of Central Jersey Progressive Democrats. This is especially true at the local level, where non-Line candidates do not have the same access to resources, experience or political machinery. The line makes it hard for candidates to compete and even harder for voters to evaluate their choices fairly.

This is the single most consequential fight in New Jerseyscivic world and it is a fight we will win, saidplaintiff Mico Lucide, a Mays Landing resident who is running for Atlantic County clerk.. We will bring to this fight the tenacity of New Jerseyans who are fed-up with corruption and voter suppression. Nothing is more fierce than a New Jerseyan in a fight for justice.

I am incredibly excited to be a part of this effort to address one of the foundational issues in New Jersey democracy, saidplaintiff Joe Marchica, who is also founder and Chair of Our Revolution Mercer, a progressive advocacy group. My own personal experience with it aside, the ballot line more than any single element of our democracy puts power in the hands of political power brokers and corporate special interests, depriving voters of the ability to select and hold their representatives accountable. If we want policies out of Trenton that reflect the will of the New Jersey people, abolishing the line is a necessary and crucial first step.

Its far past time that the stranglehold on democracy in New Jersey is loosened, saidplaintiffArati Kreibach, a Glen Rock Borough councilwoman who is seeking the Democratic nomination for a North Jersey congressional seat. Its clear that the line is an unfair structural barrier, conferring needless advantage to particular candidates over others. New Jersey voters and candidates deserve better than a gerrymandered ballot that suppresses democracy and ultimately impedes progress.

The lawsuit is being supported in part by the NJ Fair Ballot Legal Defense Fund, a newly formed independent nonprofit.

The time for a fair ballot where everyone is treated equally under the law is long past due, saidJonathan Lee Gibson, managing director of the New Jersey Fair Ballot Legal Defense Fund.The NJ Fair Ballot Legal Defense Fund is proud to be raising the financial support necessary to fund this groundbreaking and long overdue challenge to root out New Jerseys corruption and cronyism: The County Line.

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Progressives File Suit to Eliminate the Party 'line' on Ballots - InsiderNJ

"One more check is not enough": Progressives push Joe Biden to do more to help working families – Salon

Progressivelawmakers and activists are encouraged by President Joe Biden's first week, and his surprisingly aggressive policy rollout. But theyintend to keep the pressure on his administration to go bigger while Democratshave control of both chambers of Congress and the White House.

Many of Biden's former progressive primary foes havepraised him for getting off to a running start but hope it's just the beginning. "I think we're headed in the right direction," Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said after last week's inauguration. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has praised some of Biden's administration picksand called his coronavirus relief plan a "very strong first installment."

Biden's first major legislative proposal is a $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue packagethat includes $1,400 direct payments to most Americans, an increase of the federal minimum wage to $15, and hundreds of billions to help unemployed people, state and local governments, schools, and small businesses.

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., the former co-chair of Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign, told Salonthe plan was a "strong start" and thatthe minimum wage increase would be "foundational to improving conditions for the working class." He noted that several aspects of the bill that have not gotten as much news coverage could dramatically slash child poverty and help working families.

Lawmakers are drafting a bill that would expand the child tax credit, which currently tops out at $2,000 per child at the end of the year, to $3,600 for children under 6 and $3,000 for older kids, The Washington Postreported last week. Unlike the current credit, these benefits would be delivered in monthly payments and would be fully refundable.

Biden's proposal would also expand the earned income tax creditand provide up to 14 weeks of paid sick and family leave for nearly all American workers.

The child tax credit expansion "would cut child poverty in half," Khanna said in an interview. "Paid family leave is something progressives have been fighting for for a long time. So I am optimistic with the progressive priorities that have been included. Now we have to fight to make sure they're passed."

Khanna and other progressives, however, have bristled at Biden's proposal to send $1,400 checks on top of the $600 direct payments that Congress approved in December. The direct payments in Biden's plan are the same as thosein the bill approved by the House last month before it was rejected by Senate Republicans.

"$2,000 means $2,000. $2,000 does not mean $1,400," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told The Washington Post. She has also called for the enhanced $400 unemployment benefits in the bill to be retroactive.

A group of 54 progressive lawmakerson Thursday urged Biden to consider making the payments monthly, though they did not specify an amount.

"When that money runs out, families will once again struggle to pay for basic necessities," the letter said. "One more check is not enough."

Khanna, who signed the letter, says Biden should "do more" and send $2,000 checks monthly. But he saidhedoesn't expect that progressive lawmakers will torpedo the relief plan over the differences between the two sides.

"My sense is where the progressive fight will be is to get this passed, to get this through without compromising and losing parts of the agenda," he said.

Khanna has also joined with a growing number of Democrats in calling to scrap the filibuster in the Senate, which would allow the new Democratic majority actually, a 50-50 tie, with Vice President Kamala Harris available as a tiebreaking vote to pass legislation with a simple majority. Those calls may have hit a roadblock this week when moderate Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., vowed to preserve the filibuster. Despite Biden's optimism aboutbuilding bipartisan support for legislation, many Republicans have already balked at large partsof his relief proposal.

"I appreciate Joe Biden trying, and he is doing the right thing by trying, but it has to be reciprocated," Khanna said.

In the absence of filibuster reform, Democrats have signaled that they intend to pass the relief bill and other legislation through the budget reconciliation process, which was used by Republicans to push through a massive tax cut in 2017 that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations.

"We should do this [through] reconciliation, and if we have to amend the Byrd rule, we amend the Byrd rule," Khanna said, referring to a 1985 Senate rule that limits the types of provisions that canbe included in reconciliation bills to only budgetary items, which could stand in the way of boosting the minimum wage.

Khanna predicted that Congress could pass a large infrastructure bill through the reconciliation process as well. He added that statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico could also be approved bysimple majority vote.

"That is absolutely critical," he said. "Two things that we should ask ourselves every day:Are we getting our agenda to move to help working people? And are we getting our agenda to move to secure voting rights?That should be the prism through which we will get our policy."

Biden has also kicked off his presidency with aslew of executive orderslargely aimed at rolling back Donald Trump's executive actions, like the travel ban targeting Muslim-majority countries andthe ban on transgender people serving in the military.

"A big thing that he could do right away" is to sign an executive order canceling student debt, Khanna said. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., previously led calls for Biden to immediately cancel up to $50,000 in student debtper person. Biden has called on Congressto pass legislation to cancel up to $10,000 in debt per person. Some economists have pushed back on this particular policy, arguing that student debt forgiveness would overwhelmingly favor the top 20% of earners.

Progressive groups have also urged Biden to go further in tackling climate change. On Wednesday, Biden announced a series of executive actionsaimed at addressing the "climate crisis" a term never previously used by an American president creating a commission to focus on creating a "civilian climate corps" modeled after a similar proposal in the Green New Deal, suspending new leases for oil and gas drilling on federal land, and elevating climate change to a national security priority. He has already canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and rejoined the Paris climate accord.

The Sunrise Movement, a climate-focused progressive group, said in a statement that the actions make clear that Biden is serious about delivering on his campaign promises, while callingonhim to go further.

"Now is the moment to deliver transformative change for the American people, and our generation will not accept any excuses for delay or inaction on delivering historic legislation to build back better, creating millions of good jobs investing in clean energy, communities, and sustainable infrastructure," Varshini Prakash, the group's executive director, said in a statement.

The group has called for Biden torequire 100% clean, renewable electricity by 2035, 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2030, and 100% clean buildings by 2025, among a host of other proposals. In a sign of synchronicity, General Motors announced Thursday it would phase out all production of gasoline-powered vehicles by the 2035 model year.

"The Sunrise Movement demands that President Biden follow through on the bold, progressive climate agenda he ran on through executive actions and by passing the first pillars of a Green New Deal," Ellen Sciales, a spokesperson for the group, said in a statement to Salon.

One area where Biden has received significantpushback from the left is in his selection of White House and Cabinet officials, a numberof whom have corporate ties.

Prior to Biden's inauguration, many progressives were concerned about the number of Biden administration picks with links to corporate interests, while largely praising many of his choices. Former Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., who now heads the White House Office of Public Engagement, came under criticismfor being a top recipient of donations from big oil and gas firms and said he would be a conduit for corporations in Biden's White House. Steve Ricchetti, who serves as a counselor to Biden, is a longtime corporate lobbyist.

"It's a mixed bag," said Jeff Hauser, director of the Revolving Door Project, a progressive group that scrutinizes administration appointments. While Biden ran as the most conservative option in the Democratic primary race, Hauser said, "There's no instance in which a Biden nominee is worse from a progressive standpoint than their Obama counterpart. And there are several instances in which they are noticeably better, and even some of the weaker Biden people are making outreach steps to progressives."

Khanna said that Richmond has been "extraordinary" in his outreach efforts to his former progressive House colleagues and that Ricchetti "has also outreached to many of us and has welcomed our comments and welcomed our feedback."

"The sense I've gotten with Biden's inner circle atthe White House is that they have actually done a very good job of outreach to progressives on the Hill," he added. "Now, would Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders have had different picks in some of these positions? Of course.But Biden won the election, and he won the election on his platform. So given that, I think that the outreach to progressive wings of the party so far is sincere."

Hauser said he is still concerned about the influence of Ricchetti and Bruce Reed, Biden's deputy chief of staff, who has been criticized by progressives asa deficit hawk. Some Cabinet appointments, like Commerce Secretary-designateGina Raimondo, the Rhode Island governor and former venture capitalist who has come under criticismfor a perceivedhistory of siding with corporations over working families, are downright "terrible," he said. But there are a lot of bright spots among Biden's picks, particularly in lesser-seen roles.

Biden staffed the Office of Management and Budget with people like Sharon Block, the acting head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, who come from the labor movement and back corporate regulations, Hauser said. Hisgroup is also "encouraged" by Biden's regulatory-minded picks at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Labor Department, Department of the Interior, and some key positions at both the Treasury and Justice departments.

"Right now, there are a lot of very important wins happening, but I have some questions about the Department of Treasury and the Department of Justice," Hausersaid. "Obviously, those are two extremely important departments."

Biden has fired several Trump appointeessince taking office, but some progressives want him to go further. Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., and others have called for Biden to fire the entire U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors over their "complicity" in Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's "sabotage"that led to a nationwide mail slowdown. Biden has no power to directly fire DeJoy, but the USPS board does.

Hauser said the process of firing the USPS board is complicatedbut noted that Biden could quickly fire IRS Commissioner Charles Rettigand holdover U.S. attorneys. He also called for Biden to fire FBI Director Christopher Wray, who he said "did nothing to prevent" the Capitol riot. Biden may wish to observe the formerly-existing norm, in which FBI directors were appointed to 10-year terms and seen as independent from politics. Those days may well be gone, Hauser suggested.

"If you survived a Trump administration loyalty purge, then you should be presumptively disloyal to the rule of law in this country, because Trump opposed the rule of law," Hausersaid. "He acted upon that. You were neither fired nor quit, which means you just don't have a very active conscience."

Khanna said he is optimistic that Biden's rollout could pave the way for Congress to pass a large infrastructure package, strengthen union protections, address racial equity and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

Hauser said that Biden's first days in office, on the other hand, have made clear thatprogressives will have to fight to have significant influence over the administration.

"The Biden administration is largely run by political professionals who are constantly taking the temperature of the [Democratic] party andtrying to be at the center of the party. To the extent to which activists succeed in shifting the party's views, be it on the $15 minimum wage or ethics in governmentor clean energy and the Green New Deal and those sorts of principles,they're going to influence the Biden administration. So I think people should definitely, objectivelybe encouraged that activism matters."

Khanna acknowledged that thingswill likely get "tougher" in two years when Democrats have to defend their narrow congressional majorities in a midterm election, which historically have not been kind to the incumbent president's party, while facinganother round of Republican gerrymandering.

"I think anytime you have both chambers and the White House, you have to get as much of your agenda through as possible," he said. "I mean history shows this is not something that lasts that long. It's a very fortunate thing to have, and we have to make the most of the opportunity."

"One more check is not enough": Progressives push Joe Biden to do more to help working families - Salon

Progressives push for more money in COVID relief bill – Yahoo News

The Telegraph

Psychiatrists fear that transgender children are being coached into giving rehearsed answers when trying to access puberty blockers, the Court of Appeal has heard. Dr David Bell, a former governor at a gender identity NHS trust, expressed concern that children may be pressured by parents, friends or websites when trying to address feelings of gender dysphoria. Dr Bell, who was a psychiatrist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust from 1996 until earlier this month, was granted permission on Friday by two senior judges to intervene in a landmark case examining whether transgender children can legally take puberty blockers. In November, the High Court ruled that children should not receive the controversial drugs unless they understand the "long-term risks and consequences" of them. The NHS was forced to change its guidance overnight, preventing children from accessing the hormonal treatment without a court order. The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has since launched an appeal against the ruling. In a preliminary hearing on Friday, lawyers on behalf of Dr Bell told the court that he wishes to intervene in the appeal as he has since retired from the NHS Trust and feels he can speak more freely. In legal papers lodged before the Court, Dr Bell is described as a high profile whistleblower after he published a report in August 2018 which investigated serious concerns raised by ten clinicians working at the Tavistock. The report found that the Tavistocks gender identity clinic, GIDS, is not fit for purpose and some young patients will live on with the damaging consequences. Dr Bell said he felt victimised for whistleblowing by the Trust in the wake of the report and as a result did not feel able to participate in the initial High Court dispute. However, Dr Bell retired from the Trust earlier this month on January 15 and is no longer subject to the same constraints, the legal documents said. "There is evidence that staff members may be frightened of coming forwards," the documents continued. "Dr Bell, a highly eminent psychiatrist who until recently occupied a senior position with the Appellant, is now free from his employment and able to describe the concerns, which he investigated in some detail." Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Dingemans granted his application to intervene in the appeal, which will be heard over two days in April, while other groups, including the LGBT charity Stonewall, had their application denied. Lawyers for Dr Bell said he wants to tell the court about concerns that were raised to him by gender identity practitioners, including that children may be coached, whether from parents, peers, or online resources, to provide rehearsed answers in response to particular questions. The practitioners were also concerned that highly complex factors - including historic child abuse and family bereavement - can influence childrens attitudes towards gender, meaning puberty blockers is not always the best course of treatment. The landmark case on puberty blockers was first launched against the Trust by Keira Bell, a 23-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers before deciding to reverse the process of changing gender. Ms Bell said the clinic should have challenged her more over her decision to transition to a male when she was 16. It was also brought by a woman who can only legally be identified as "Mrs A", the mother of a 15-year-old autistic girl who is currently on the waiting list for treatment. At the initial High Court hearing in October, their lawyers said that children going through puberty are "not capable of properly understanding the nature and effects of hormone blockers". They argued there is "a very high likelihood" that children who start taking hormone blockers will later begin taking cross-sex hormones, which they say cause "irreversible changes", and that the NHS Trust offers "fairytale" promises to children because they are unable to give their consent to the sex-change process.

Progressives push for more money in COVID relief bill - Yahoo News

These Machines Wont Kill Fascism: Toward a Militant Progressive Vision for Tech – The Nation

Youth protests at Parliament Square against a new exam rating system which has been introduced in British education system in London, England. (Dominika Zarzycka / NurPhoto / Getty Images)

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The modern fascist movement relies on Big Tech to reproduceand it knows it.

Before Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest banned Donald Trump, the then-president was taking aim at a wonkish target: Section 230, a 1996 provision of the Communications Decency Act that shields tech companies from being sued for the content they host. As he told his base in the lead-up to the fumbled coup attempt on January 6, We have to get rid of Section 230, or youre not going to have a country. Around the same time, Trump vetoed the annual defense spending bill because it didnt repeal 230, and pressured Republican thenSenate majority leader Mitch McConnell to make it a bargaining chip in the stimulus negotiations.

In pursuing their campaign against 230 at the same time that theyre seeking to protect corporations from worker lawsuits related to Covid-19, conservatives have made their agenda painfully clear: Corporate liability is permissible in the tech industry only if it helps them dominate the platforms and capture a sector that has long been the darling of liberals.

It was the so-called Atari Democrats who, deeming tech a source of growth during the economically stagnant 1980s, grew the industry through tax breaks, regulatory loopholes, and the privatization of the formerly public Internet. Today, computational infrastructure has crept into nearly every corner of our lives, enabling media curation, labor control, means testing, resource distribution, and much more. These systems generally employ AIpowerful algorithms that require surveillance and other data to train and inform them. The result is an unprecedented scale and granularity of tracking and control.

This ascent was part of an implicit bargain: Democrats relied on Big Tech for campaign contributions and the partisanship of its elite workforce; in exchange, they gave companies control over the infrastructure on which our civic institutions relied. Then came 2016. The industry that Democrats had spent decades boosting wasnt living up to its unspoken agreement to use its power responsibly. Rebuking tech executives for disseminating misinformation through engagement-driven algorithms, Democrats revisited the terms of their deal. The same Federal law that allowed your companies to grow and thrive, said Democratic Senator and Section 230 author Ron Wyden, gives you absolute legal protection to take action against those who abuse your platforms to damage our democracy. For some, the time had come to break them up.

The US right, meanwhile, was taking a different tack to gain influence over tech infrastructure. Conservatives, joined by some hawkish Democrats and tech titans like Alphabets Eric Schmidt, have been working to align the profit motives of these giant corporations with the interests of the police and US armed forces. At the same time, the global far right is using YouTube and other social media to radicalize people who follow algorithmic recommendations to hate speech and misinformation while countering grassroots efforts to deplatform such dangerous language.

The right in the United States has made a clever calculus. Just the threat of repealing Section 230 restrains tech companies from taking action against online fascists and hate speech. If they were to take incendiary speech off their platforms, not only would fascists troll the firms, but Republicans would push even harder to remove 230 under the banner of anti-conservative bias. And if the right were to go through with its threat and repeal 230, companies would still want to avoid lawsuits from well-funded and well-organized conservatives. In this scenario, tech companies would push their decisions about permissible content into the hands of their top lawyers. Afraid of Republican backlash, they would become de facto editors. In either case, companies would hesitate to expel fascists, especially given the revenue-generating potential of their contentwhich is substantial for engagement-driven platforms, as Harvards Joan Donovan points out.Current Issue

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For now, the far right in the United States has hit a road bump in its attempt to seize tech from the liberals. Not only have thousands of far-right accounts been banned by the most powerful social media platforms, but efforts to move its base to Parler have been contained after the alt social network (underwritten by the powerful Mercer family) was deplatformed by Apple, Google, and Amazon, which has so far successfully invoked Section 230 against Parlers legal claim that it should be reinstated on Amazons web-hosting services. Seeking a stable transfer of power during the violent dusk of the Trump presidency, the owners of US tech platforms have finally heeded the warnings of workers, researchers, and advocates. For years, Black feminist scholars like Sydette Harry and INasah Crockett have documented the way online ad-tech companies like Facebook and YouTube amplify and enable a fascist media ecosystem in which Black women in particular are often hounded off platforms.

That it took this long for Big Tech companies to take fascists seriously enough to remove some of them from social media should serve as a wake-up call: Elites tend to realize the dangers of fascism only when violent flash points hit close to home. It is workers and historically marginalized people who areand always have beenthe anti-fascist front line. If progressives are to ensure that technical systems arent yoked to a far-right agenda, theyll need to stop relying on legislative maneuvering or entreaties to corporations and, together with these frontline actors globally, vie for control over the infrastructure itself.

Reflecting on the dynamics of German National Socialism in 1941, exiled philosopher Herbert Marcuse saw a striking example of the ways in which a highly rationalized and mechanized economy with the utmost efficiency in production can also operate in the interest of totalitarian oppression. Industrial capitalisms tools of efficiency and profit, he argued, can easily serve authoritarian ends.Related Article

The history of IBMs work on the Nazi census presents a chilling lesson. In service of the Nazi regime, IBMs German subsidiary customized its Hollerith punch card systems to allow the government to classify, track, and sort people based on categories like Jewish. Without IBMs proto-computational technology, the Holocausts ghastly efficiency would not have been possible. Indeed, the numbers tattooed on the arms of many Nazi prisoners were their Hollerith codes, which allowed them to be neatly accounted for in the database.

Nazi Germany isnt a historical anomaly in its use of such computational tools to discipline and oppress its population. South Africas apartheid government also relied on systems of technological efficiency to maintain brutal minority rule. In 1970, it contracted IBM to build the Book of Life, a computerized identity registry linked to the countrys hated passbooks. This system provided pretext for stop-and-frisk-style police domination and harassment and for managing an exploitable, racialized labor force. As one bureaucrat put it, The combination of [passbooks] and a central registry would permit total control of the black population, allowing Native Affairs bureaucrats to allocate the black labour force efficiently while permitting police to locate and identify any individual swiftly and positively.

Hollerith machines and the mainframe computers that powered the Book of Life are a far cry from the powerful computational infrastructure of today. But the modern systems are built on those foundations. They are still codifying and reproducing patterns of racialized and gendered inequality, and they are already use in high-stakes domainsapplied by insurance companies and hospitals to decide who gets health care, by landlords to select good tenants, by cops to predict who is a criminal, and by employers to determine whether or not someone will be a productive worker and then whom to surveil, control, and assess once they are hired.

Just as Big Techs command of the means of surveillance and coercion echoes authoritarian history, labors historical fight against mechanized and automated systems points a way forward, toward militant mass movements demanding ownership and agency over the infrastructure of social control.

In 1912, the Massachusetts state legislature passed a law that reduced weekly hours for women and children. But workers in the textile hub of Lawrence suspected a loophole, and their suspicions were confirmed when the mill corporations speeded up the machines and posted notices that, following January 1, the 54-hour work week would be maximum for both men and women operatives, as labor educator and historian Joyce Kornbluh recounts. In other words, while the mill owners honored the weekly-hour limit set by the legislature, they subverted its intent by speeding up the mechanical looms, which increased workloads and reduced workers take-home pay.

Organized through the Industrial Workers of the World, mill workers went on strike with banners that read, We want bread, and roses, tooa demand for more than subsistence. Reflecting on this bold political scope, labor reporter Mary Heaton Vorse commented at the time, It was the spirit of workers that was dangerous.

Those opposing the workers understood this as well. Militias made up of Harvard students attacked strikers; Congress called hearings; and strike leaders were imprisoned under false charges. Ultimately, the workers won increased wages and agreed to return to the mills. But they did not gain power over the mechanized infrastructure of worker control, which made them vulnerable to a counteroffensive. In addition to creating a spy network on the shop floor to identify and root out worker organizing, mill owners implemented additional speedups that displaced workers and nullified the wage increase won during their strike.

This is a lesson the US labor movement of the 1920s and 30s took to heart. It shaped labors demands for control over production technologies and linked them to questions of human dignity and political autonomy.

In Southeastern Michigan, workers challenged the terms of Henry Fords wage-effort bargain, in which a $5 wage and other material benefits came at the expense of domination on and off the clock. Fords sociology department would even make unannounced home visits to determine if workers were sufficiently clean and sober. Black workers, newly arrived through the Great Migration, were made especially vulnerable through usurious payment plans for homes that Ford built as industrial growth outpaced housing availability.

As the benefits that workers had traded for autonomy dried up with the Great Depressionduring which two-thirds of the sector was laid offDetroits working class began organizing through the Unemployed Councils, a national initiative of the Communist Party. This was particularly important for Black workers, who were usually the last hired, first fired. The councils shut down several plants and jump-started the first wave of strikes in the auto sector. They made economic and political demands that went well beyond the workplace: They wanted the reinstatement of unemployed workers, health insurance for them and their families, a halt to the Ford home foreclosures, an end to discrimination against Black workers, the abolition of Fords internal security agency, and even the release of the Scottsboro Boys, Black teens who had been framed for rape. These organizers understood that that worker power was a force that could achieve political ends toward justice and equity.

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Inside the plants, workers began experimenting with a series of slowdowns that culminated in the famous 193637 Flint sit-down strike. They forced the auto industry to recognize their union after shutting down several mother plants, which were indispensable to production. But their fight didnt end there. The camaraderie that developed during the plant occupations emboldened them to make demands over the pace of work and the infrastructure of worker control. On an almost daily basis, they challenged managerial authority through shop steward representation, slowdowns, and strikes. The threat these workers posed to capital accumulation prompted employers, the state, and union bureaucrats to work together to undermine their power. The postwar Red scareand the wartime no-strike pledges that laid the ground for itsaw union leadership cutting deals with management and purging left-wing dissidents. As Walter Reuther, the president of the United Auto Workers (UAW) during this period, said, Labor is not fighting for a larger slice of the national pielabor is fighting for a larger pie. What was good for business was, in Reuthers view, good for workers.

This did not turn out to be true. The narrowing of organized labors focus took militant action off the table and reduced the site of worker struggle from politics and power to negotiating contracts around pay and benefitswith few ways to push back when these were violated. Carl Keithly, a Chevrolet factory worker under United Auto Workers at this time, summarized the cost: The company will cut your wages, knock out your seniority and your vacations, and there will be no way to protest outside of quitting your job. There will be nothing left at the plant but wage cuts and speedup.

In the face of increasing automation, this was a serious misstep for labor. As scholar and autoworker James Boggs stated, A new force had now entered the picture, a force which the union had given up its claim to control when in 1948 it yielded to management the sole right to run production as it saw fit. Management began introducing automation at a rapid rate. Boggs, writing in the early 1960s, went on to remark that today the workers are doing in eight hours the actual physical work they used to do in 12.

Automation was just one aspect of US employers reassertion of control. Sociologists Joshua Murray and Michael Schwartz show that after the UAWs conciliatory turn, US automakers decoupled their production process, stockpiling parts in every plant so that workers at one particular plant would be unable to fully disrupt operations again. Moreover, as a global economic crisis took hold in the 1970s, employers invested in systems of technical management and automation in order to recover profitability, further entrenching mechanisms of worker control and immiseration. This strategy didnt return the United States to manufacturing leadership. Instead, it helped elevate tech as a sector in its own right.

Today, the app-based precarity (or gig) economy, enabled by large-scale AI systems, has led to an increasingly dire situation, in which workers livelihoods are dictated by opaque algorithms calibrated to extract as much profit from them as possible. This is compounded by US-based gig companies self-serving legislative maneuvering and dissembling marketing, which, as legal scholar Veena Dubal argues, has already rolled back US labor protection to create a low-rights category of app-based workers who lack basic protections, like an hourly wage floor or health insurance. But this isnt confined to app-based workers. Across all job categories, workers are being hired, surveilled, controlled, and assessed by opaque algorithmic systems tuned to maximize employers objectives. A start-up called Argyle is even creating a kind of worker credit score by aggregating employment data across jobs. The company sells this information to businesses for use in hiring, along with other data that is also sold to insurers and lenders.Related Article

Its not surprising, then, that weve seen a surge of labor action, particularly among workers most subject to these systems. Amazon warehouse workers, whose labor is controlled by a punishing algorithmic productivity rate, have organized across Europe and the United States, carrying signs reading, We are not robots. Striking Instacart workers have also opposed the companys black box app, which sets workers pay via an unintelligible model that mathwashes their exploitation. In a similar vein, the All India Gig Workers Union recently demanded that app-based delivery company Swiggy stop algorithmic manipulation of ratings and incentives payout.

Those suffering under Big Tech know the source of their pain and are not fooled by marketing about flexibility and entrepreneurship. These workers have broadened the terrain of labor struggle to include the technical infrastructure that dictates their livelihoods, something that heralds a return to the militancy of the 1920s and 30s.

People outside of the workplace but whose tastes and opportunities are increasingly directed by algorithms have also registered dissent. These efforts often combine strategic litigation, protest, and legislative campaigns. Protesters have pushed forand in some cases wonbans and moratoriums on the use of facial recognition in the United States. Students in the United Kingdom rallied under the slogan fuck the algorithm and successfully sued the British government for using racist software that determined student rankings during Covid-19. And in Canada, after years of struggle, the Block Sidewalk campaign forced Google to abandon its plan to develop a smart surveillant city on the Toronto waterfront.

The growing worker uprisings and community-based opposition movements present an organic coalition that progressives would do well to acknowledge and support, especially when their demands involve issues of control and ownership of technical systems. Amazon warehouse workers in Poland, who are fighting not only for a reduction in the grueling pace of work but for access to the data and algorithms that set it, are making a claim to the conditions of their labor and to the systems that mediate it. Similarly, organized white-collar tech workers are fighting for the right to refuse unethical work and the ability to shape their companies decisions on issues like climate change or whether they should partner with the US military. Importantly, many of these efforts go beyond the scope of the workplace or workers immediate material conditions. Aims shared by tech workers and community organizers in the United States have animated the movement, putting those directly affected by technologies of social control, like people experiencing surveillance and tracking by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, in coalition with workers refusing to create such technologies.

Were not likely to get much help from the mainstream of the Democratic Party in claiming a tech infrastructure for the people. Failing to situate congressional reform efforts within a broader strategy for building power, establishment liberals have a record of losing even their piecemeal initiatives to the right.

In addition to leading the charge against Section 230, Republican members of Congress Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton, and Josh Hawley spent much of 2020 working to appropriate and warp progressives antitrust agenda to combat techs alleged anti-conservative bias. In reality, the far right has been using algorithmic targeting and social media to create a powerful propaganda arm that bypasses more responsible media. Indeed, the role that social media played in helping coordinate the recent coup attempt on the Capitol speaks to the centrality of these platforms to the fascist agenda and to Big Techs historical permissiveness and perverse business incentives. And its not just in the United States; Facebook was used to fan a genocide of the Muslim Rohingya minority in Myanmar, and similar dynamics are visible now in Ethiopia.

The US far right has fashioned a compelling if fatuous narrative for its growing base: The Big Tech oligarchs, as Cotton calls them, are liberal gatekeepers driving conservatives out of business and curbing their freedom of speech. The recent enforcement of terms of service for a handful of English-speaking accounts will further fuel this narrative, even if this move follows years of inaction on similar accounts around the globe, as scholar Jillian York points out.

Establishment Democrats remain unable to counter this narrative. Hamstrung by their allegiance to large corporate donors and reticent to reclaim the interests of the working class, they are easily neutralized in their legislative efforts to reform tech. And Bidens willingness to consider Big Tech insiders to key cabinet positions does not signal a change.

Facing the consequences of punitive technologies of social control, workers and social movements are beginning to reject meek unionism and the conciliatory reforms of the Democratic Party. In the process, they are building a progressive flank in the battle for control of algorithms, data, and the computational systems. These coalitions are also claiming ownership of the imaginative horizon, including the right to dismantle, reject, and rebuild technical infrastructures. And theyre recognizing themselves as political actors, pushing institutions to meet social obligations. This is something typified by progressive teachers unions, who have not only fought the use of tracking and ed-tech surveillance but are also bargaining for the common good.

Tech workers, too, are forming unions and coalitions that unite those building technologies of social controlor, refusing to build themwith the communities harmed by them. Adrienne Williams, an Amazon delivery driver and organizer, expressed this when she called on drivers and engineers to design the algorithmically generated driving routes together. As she told Vice, Our routes [in the San Francisco Bay Area] are designed by employees in Seattle. Theyre so dangerous and inefficient. You could fix this immediately if the drivers just had someone to talk to. Here we see the progressive wing fight to determine who gets to shape, or be shaped by, tech. It is one of our best hopes for combatting a fascist takeover of computational systems of control.Related Article

While Section 230 certainly needs improvement, reform alone will neither reduce concentrated platform power nor address the capitalist incentives that propelled Big Tech companies to provide propaganda tools for fascists around the world. Meanwhile, it is also clear that the fight against a brute repeal of Section 230, which would be disastrous for sex workers and other marginalized populations, will be won only as part of a broader and more militant fight. It will require the kind of nuanced understanding of techs unevenly distributed harms and consequences that does not come from the executive offices of tech companies or the halls of Congress.

The progressive tech agenda must be international, and will emerge through supporting and drawing connections between sex workers whove opposed the harmful effects of SESTA/FOSTA, the 2018 amendment to Section 230 that made online platforms liable for content promoting sex work; elite tech workers, like those at Kickstarter whove contested their employers capitulation to fascist trolls; low-paid tech workers objecting to algorithmic exploitation; frontline workers who, in the model of Los Angeles safety councils, are demanding access to data about their lives and health; Amazon workers whove formed international organizations; Coupang e-commerce workers in South Korea who sent messages of solidarity to e-commerce workers elsewhere; tenants whove fought landlords use of assessment and surveillance technologies; and other communities and organizers resisting carceral infrastructure of control and domination. These, among others, are the protagonists shaping a more socially just tech infrastructure, and it is their struggle that regulation efforts should work to bolster.

The neoliberal bargain is fraying, and if we dont vie for control over the algorithms, data, and infrastructure that are shaping our lives, we face a grim future. It is time to rally behind a militant strategy that recognizes the danger of leaving US tech capitalists at the helm of systems of social control while far-right authoritarians jockey for access. A new and historic bloc is possible. Militant workers, engaged social movements, progressive politicians, radical lawyers, and critical researchers will find that achieving their demands for control willindeed, mustradically change the tech ecosystem. Contesting for power against those who have it is never easy, but the path forward is clear: Fuck the algorithms, dismantle the tech monopolies, and build infrastructures of care and justice where these systems of social control once stood.

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These Machines Wont Kill Fascism: Toward a Militant Progressive Vision for Tech - The Nation

How Biden Is Appeasing Progressives With His Education Department Picks – The Dispatch

In his inaugural address, President Biden called on Americans to bridge our divides, lower the temperature on our national debates, and work together to defeat the pandemic. Hes repeatedly said that one of his priorities is getting Americas kids back to school. All good and heartening notes.

Moments into his tenure, Biden then waded into the culture wars by issuing executive orders that dismantled the 1776 Commission and declared that girls sports could no longer exclude biologically male athletes. His administration has signaled that more than $100 billion in new federal aid is necessary for most schools to open sometime this spring, even as some union leaders have hinted that schools may not be fully open even in the fall. And, on Bidens second day in office, the first lady publicly welcomed the heads of the nations two major teacher unions to the White House, while lamenting how tough things are on teachers this year.

So, which will it be? Will Bidens education agenda be one of common ground, lowered temperatures, and getting kids back to schoolor will it be one of culture clashes, resurgent union power, and blue state schools that stay shuttered into fall 2021 (or even beyond)?

The most obvious tea leaf to read is Miguel Cardona, Bidens nominee for secretary of education and a safe bet to be rapidly confirmed. Unfortunately, Cardona is very much a blank slate. Having spent most of his career out of the public eyefirst as a classroom teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent in a smallish district in Connecticut, and the past 18 months as head of Connecticuts education agencyCardona has no clear public stance on charter schooling, testing, teacher unions, tenure, reform, higher education, and the rest.

This ambiguity has allowed Biden to sidestep intramural Democratic educational debates, which threatened to boil over in December, for instance, when it appeared Biden would nominate former National Education Association chief Lily Eskelsen Garcia. Biden had boxed himself in, having repeatedly promised on the campaign trail that hed name a public educator to run the Department of Education. All of which made Cardona, a veteran teacher and principal who didnt even qualify as a dark horse candidate 10 weeks ago, an appealing stealth nominee.

Cardona is a likable figure who touches key bases for Democrats. He has a heartwarming personal story. Cardona, whose parents moved to the mainland from Puerto Rico, grew up in a housing project, learned English as a second language, attended public colleges, returned to his hometown in Connecticut to teach elementary school, and went on to become Connecticuts youngest principal at the age of 28. He says its vital to get kids back to school, speaks passionately about supporting vulnerable students, and waxes enthusiastically about public education.

The teacher unions (which were going to have to approve any Biden education secretary) have welcomed his appointment. So have charter school advocates, relieved that Biden didnt name someone openly hostile to school choice. And the media has shed their DeVos-era playbook with amusing haste, rediscovering the ability to fawn. The Washington Posts editorial board termed Cardona an inspired choice to lead the nations schools and the New York Times authoritative profile lacked even a single skeptical quote.

While Cardona may be a blank slate, the appointees who will serve with him suggest that the Biden education agenda may well be driven by the White House and make it pretty clear that the reform Democrats have been routed in the internal staffing wars.

First, theres a history of the Department of Education sometimes being run rather aggressively from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This was certainly the case during George W. Bushs first term, when domestic policy chief Margaret Spellings and her team took the lead in negotiating No Child Left Behind and supervising state compliance. The department sometimes got wholly cut out of decisions, finding deals had been struck only after the fact.

Not only is Cardona a relative novice with no national experience and only a short stint as head of Connecticuts education bureaucracy, but his deputy will be Cindy Marten, the superintendent of San Diego Unified School District, a longtime educator who has never worked at the state or federal level. Meanwhile, its been announced that the White House team will include two seasoned D.C. education hands and Obama education veterans: Carmel Martin, who oversaw department policy after a long career on Capitol Hill, and Catherine Lhamon, an unapologetic culture warrior who headed up the departments Office of Civil Rights as it pursued controversial policies on Title IX, school discipline, and more.

The department looks like itll be on a short leash, with the shots called by the policy pros in the White House while the educators serve as its public face. (Strengthening that impression is thatSheila Nix, who previously served as chief of staff to Jill Biden and a senior adviser to Kamala Harris, has been named as Cardonas chief of staff.) Just what a strong White House role might mean isnt yet clear, though Lhamons role as deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council for Racial Justice and Equity suggests that the woke agenda may loom large.

Second, the department appointees announced thus far suggest that the unions and the progressive wing steamrolled the centrists when it came to staffing. None of the transition team members or Obama veterans championed by reform Democrats have been named thus far. While Cardona is a Rorschach test on charter schooling, his deputy-to-be Marten has been hostile. Indeed, she may be best known for San Diegos controversial embrace of anti-racist dogma and her vocal doubts about school reopening.

The National Education Association supplied senior adviser for policy and planning Donna Harris-Aikens as well as principal deputy general counsel Emma Leheny. Suzanne Goldberg, founding director of Columbia Law Schools sexuality and gender law clinic, was named to a senior position at the Office of Civil Rights. Other early appointments come from the Elizabeth Warren campaign and state-based left-wing advocacy organizations. In short, this is not a staffing chart that portends a determined centrism.

Is the administration going to focus relentlessly on reopening schools and hold superintendents and union leaders to the euphonious promises that theyre eager to get kids back in school, or will it offer excuses as reopening efforts lag? Is it going to abide by Bidens aspirational commitment to build bridges and lower the national temperature, or will it follow up his Day 1 dismantling of the 1776 Commission by attacking school discipline, homework, and charter schooling as racist conceits, in accord with the expressed sentiments of key Department and White House deputies?

Back in September, in this space, I observed, When it comes to domestic policy, the question is which President Biden would emerge: the affable Obamaphile centrist or the AOC sock puppet?Five months on, when it comes to education, the answer remains elusivebut the Democrats AOC wing has to be feeling pretty good about the shape of things.

Frederick M. Hess is director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute.

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How Biden Is Appeasing Progressives With His Education Department Picks - The Dispatch