Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Today’s protests are a preview of our progressive future | TheHill – The Hill

If you want to know what the United States would look like if progressives someday take over the federal government, just turn on your television set and watch the nightly chaos play out before your eyes in cities run by progressives.

Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland, is an interesting example of left-wing delusion. Every night for about two months, demonstrators have taken to the streets and run roughshod in the city while the police stand by and pretty much do nothing.

When President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump says he will ban TikTok from operating in the US Trump's 2019 financial disclosure reveals revenue at Mar-a-Lago, other major clubs Treasury to conduct policy review of tax-exempt status for universities after Trump tweets MORE sent in federal law enforcement officers to protect federal buildings, the mayor was incensed. Why? Because, he says, the federal presence is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism.

Lets see if we have this right: Federal law enforcement officers not the vandals are the problem. Federal agents are the ones figuratively pouring gasoline on fires that the rioters literally started with their own gasoline.

Nuts doesnt do justice to what passes for the mayors reasoning.

In New York City, police on the Brooklyn Bridge came under attack and were beaten bloody with sticks and clubs. In Chicago, protesters who wanted to topple a Christopher Columbus statue threw rocks, frozen water bottles, fireworks and other projectiles at police, leaving nearly 50 officers injured, including one with a broken eye socket. In Seattle, where a mob had taken over a downtown section of the city, protesters recently went on a rampage and smashed storefront windows and damaged the municipal courthouse.

In San Francisco, the progressive district attorney has said he wont prosecute cases involving so-called quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted, the D.A. said after his election.

The coronavirus pandemic is bad enough. Throw in the daily destruction at the hands of the mobs, and one of the things that made America great lively, vital, dynamic U.S. cities is suffering a serious blow. Lets hope its not a fatal blow.

Progressives, as I say, are running these cities. Theyre the ones who arent doing much to end the violence and destruction. Theyre the ones reciting the mantra that most of the demonstrations are peaceful.

If progressive figures such as Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersVermont has a chance to show how bipartisanship can tackle systemic racism The Hill's Morning Report - Presented by Facebook - At loggerheads, Congress, White House to let jobless payout lapse Sanders calls for the end of the filibuster following Obama's remarks MORE (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAlexandria Ocasio-CortezTrump holds mini-rally at Florida airport Overnight Defense: House passes 5B Pentagon spending bill as part of broader package | One dead, eight missing after Marine Corps training accident | White House says Trump stands by controversial nominee House approves amendments to rein in federal forces in cities MORE (D-N.Y.) have condemned the violence and destruction, if theyre as mad as hell about whats going on, I guess I missed it.

As for former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHillicon Valley: Three arrested in Twitter hack | Trump pushes to break up TikTok | House approves 0M for election security Wisconsin Republicans raise questions about death of Black Trump supporter Trump holds mini-rally at Florida airport MORE, the Democratic Partys expected presidential candidate, heres what he has to say about the urban chaos: Our freedom to speak is the cherished knowledge that lives inside every American. We will not allow any president to quiet our voice.

And what about all those cities where people are not protesting peacefully and respectfully? Is it okay to send federal troops into those places to stop the destruction? Maybe Joe Biden will have to answer that at one of the debates assuming (and this is a big assumption) one of the journalists acting as debate panelists will ask him about it.

How this will play out in the November election is still unknown. At the moment, voters seem to be more concerned about the coronavirus than the protesters. But that can change over the next three months.

By November there might be enough Americans, frustrated and unhappy with the chaos in the streets, to get Trump off the mat, which is where the polls now have him. Well know soon enough.

But at some future point, if not in November, progressives likely will elect a president and a Congress and effectively take over the federal government. Its bound to happen sooner or later.

Progressives already have taken over a large chunk of American culture our major news outlets, Hollywood movie studios, TV sitcoms, some of our top colleges. Theyre the ones cheering on the cancel culture where you can lose your job for having an unacceptable opinion. And when theyre in charge of the federal government, the future will look a lot like the present the one were watching on TV every day.

But dont worry. As the progressive mayors of our once-great cities and the likely Democratic candidate for president are all telling us, its just a case of people demanding change peacefully and respectfully.

Just one question: Where?

Bernard Goldberg, an Emmy and an Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University award-winning writer and journalist, is a correspondent with HBOs Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. He previously worked as a reporter for CBS News and as an analyst for Fox News. He is the author of five books and publishes exclusive weekly columns, audio commentaries and Q&As on his Patreon page. Follow him on Twitter @BernardGoldberg.

Originally posted here:
Today's protests are a preview of our progressive future | TheHill - The Hill

Progressive Groups To Congress: Election Funds Non-Negotiable in Next Relief Bill – Common Dreams

WASHINGTON - On Monday, August 3, Stand Up Americas Sean Eldridge will host a press call with Fair Fight Action Founder Stacey Abrams and Indivisible Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director Leah Greenberg to demand that election funding be a non-negotiable part of the final coronavirus relief package.

This week, Senate Republicans drew massive backlash for failing to include any election assistance in their plan even after House Democrats passed the HEROES Act with $3.6 billion in funding for the states ten weeks ago. As Congress continues negotiating into next week, the speakers will demand that Republicans work with Democrats in both chambers to allocate more federal funds for states to implement safe, fair, and accessible elections this fall.

Earlier this month, Stand Up America, Indivisible, and Fair Fight Action led a coalition of voting rights groups and progressive organizations in calling on the Senate to end congressional recess early and come back to approve $3.6 billion in election assistance funds.

WHAT:Progressives Call Out Senate GOP On Election Funding

WHEN:Monday, August 3, at 11:00 AM EDT

WHO:Stacey Abrams, Founder, Fair Fight ActionSean Eldridge, Founder and President, Stand Up AmericaLeah Greenberg, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Indivisible

RSVP:Members of the media interested in joining the call should RSVP to Ryan Thomas at


See the original post:
Progressive Groups To Congress: Election Funds Non-Negotiable in Next Relief Bill - Common Dreams

Seattle Is Now the Symbol of All That Is Wrong with Progressive Politics –

Upstanding children singing those old time Christian songs back in the heyday of CHOP/CHAZ. Charles Mudede


He took on Trump to protect our Democratic values. It's time for his proven progressive leadership.

Back to this Vigdor chap. He believes that progressives have brought Seattle to the brink of disaster. Our atrociously high minimum wage, our oversized investments in public transportation, our general utopian dreaminess has left us with bridges that are falling, unemployed people who can't get jobs because they are too expensive to hire, and the horrors of horrors: the autonomous zone. But the most pronounced flaw in this economist's analysis turns out to be the same as Furman's: there is no break between the world before or after the pandemic. Yes, unemployment is 15 percent in Seattle, yes, that is really up there; but it was nearly 3 percent in January. And what does any of this have to do with Ed Murray, Seattle's disgraced former mayor?

Vigdor writes:

Fewer than four years later, that dream remains unrealized.

Yes, Ed Murray promised a new and bright Seattle. That did not happen. A hairy dog sits in the passenger seat of a red Mazda parked at the Columbia City Walgreens. He has many dreams that did not happen. A woman in a hat with a floral pattern looks out at Lake Washington on a sunny summer day. She hopes to see someone walking on water. This does not happen. What I'm trying to express is the feeling I had after reading Vigdor on Seattle. How does this thing (Ed Murray) connect with that (pandemic economics)? No idea. He mentions a whole bunch of developments in the previous decade and somehow attempts to connect them to a city that has been on lockdown for 3 months and is still social distancing and will continue doing so for many months without coming anywhere close to a full economic recovery. What do the West Seattle Bridge woes have to do with the present pandemic?

You get my point. Vigdor is nothing more than a fog machine for some show. And so it is best not to examine the generator of the artificial fog, and instead attempt to make out the show or scene whose mood or feeling Vigdor wants to enhance. Here is what I can tell. The murder of George Floyd found Trump, the leader of the right, returning to a part of his inaugural speech that was not much use to him while the economy was expanding and unemployment was low. But when millions lost their jobs in March due to the pandemic, Trump was left with nothing. All he had was the economy. In this respect, his understanding of the situation was not that different from the one Bill Clinton had during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Clinton survived that episode and its impeachment because the economy was booming. If it was in shambles, the blowjob in the Oval Office would have ruined him. Trump needed to be in Clinton's shoes. 42 had one front to deal with, 45 has more than you can count.

Let's revisit March 2020. Trump's reelection chances depend on repairing the crashed economy, and the process of repair depends on re-opening the economy. But re-opening America can mean only one of two things: the pandemic is over or making people live with the pandemic. Trump is in a terrible hurry, so he settles for the former. But it doesn't work. Re-opening America while infection rates and death rates are very high (what I call necro-economics) proves, by June, to be deeply unpopular with voters. The V-shaped recovery ain't happening like it's supposed to. What to do? Look over here, there's George Floyd and the protests his murder ignited.

At that point, Trump exhumed and dusted off this passage from his inaugural speech: "This American carnage stops right here and stops right now." This was about cities, their liberal mayors, their tolerance. These cities are decaying, are in chaos, are without law and order. This is the show Vigdor is trying to enhance with his New York Post piece. But who is Trump and Vigdor trying to scare? Who is their audience? Oddly enough, it's suburban voters.


In remarks on the South Lawn, Trump claimed Washington Democrats want to assume control of local zoning decisions and attacked a rule meant to combat segregation, a move he said would "obliterate" suburbs.


Enjoy 10% off your favorite participatingbusinessesin Capitol Hill starting July 22nd.

More here:
Seattle Is Now the Symbol of All That Is Wrong with Progressive Politics -

Congressional upsets: Progressives, candidates of color, and GOP outsiders net primary wins – USA TODAY

Civil rights experts point to long wait times to vote as a sign of growing voter suppression in the U.S. Here's what to expect in the 2020 election. USA TODAY

The 2020 congressional primary electionshave been marked by a number of upsets, where candidates with little name recognition have been propelled into the national spotlight.

Early primaryupsets demonstrated the strength of some progressiveand staunch conservative candidates, who sometimes lacked backing fromtheir respective parties.

In New York,three Democraticcandidatesare poised to replaceor succeedmoderate longtime incumbents in June. In Illinois, a progressivecandidate, backed by the Justice Democrats organization, beat the most conservative Democrat in Congress.In Pittsburgh, a progressive statehouse candidate making her first run for officeoustedan incumbent who is the brother of the city's former mayor.

More: Booker beats progressive challenger, Van Drew race set and other takeaways from Tuesday's primary

Candidates of color, specifically Black candidates, have been on the winning side of several notable upsets. PhysicianCameron Webb, who is Black, beat three white opponents in Virginia's 5th congressional districtprimary, a seat Democrats hope to take back now that the Republicanincumbent lost his own primary. Wesley Hunt and Burgess Owens,Black candidates who won Republican nominations in Texas and Utah, respectively, are both running to represent districts in which Black people are minorities.

Jamaal Bowman, who's running against Rep. Eliot Engel in a Democratic Party primary, pictured at an endorsement event with Zephyr Teachout in Mount Vernon.(Photo: courtesy Bowman campaign)

More Republican women are also winning primaries. According tothe Center for American Women in Politicsat Rutgers, arecord 55 Republican women won House primaries this year, clearing the previous barof 53 set in 2004.That's in part because more Republican women are running 220 filed to run for the House, up from120 who ran in 2018.

Here are some of this primary season's most surprising upsets:

Rep. Scott Tipton, a five-term incumbent from Colorado, lostthe 3rd congressional district's Republican nomination to Lauren Boebert, a restaurant owner and outspoken gun rights activist. Boebert beat Tipton by nearly ten points.

More: John Hickenlooper wins Colorado Democratic primary, will face Sen. Cory Gardner

Trump hadendorsedTipton, tweeting his support for the congressman in December as well asthe night before the election. Boebert's website describes her asa supporter of Trump, praising "his policies to Make America Great Again."

Lauren Boebert waits for returns during a watch party in Grand Junction, Colo., Tuesday, June 30, 2020.(Photo: McKenzie Lange, The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel via AP)

Boebert's restaurant, Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado,becamethe subject of national media attention in 2014, for an open carry policy allowing staff to be armed with guns. Her commitment to gun rights also earned her a viral moment in 2019, when she confrontedthen-presidential candidateBeto ORourke at a town hall.I was one of the gun owning Americans who heard (O'Rourke)speak regarding your Hell yes Im going to take your AR-15s and AK-47s,'" she said. "Well, Im here to say, hell no youre not.'

Boebert was also covered by local press as a vocal critic of Democratic Gov. Jared Polis' coronavirus lockdown measures, reopening Shooters Grill in defiance of state orders.

Diane Mitsch Bush, a former state lawmaker, won the district's Democratic nomination and will face Boebertin the fall.

New York's congressional primary in June saw a near sweep of Democratic nominationsby progressives. With several candidates projected to beatmore centrist orestablishmentcompetitors, the electionsmirrored Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's upset against 10-term former Rep. Joe Crowley in 2018.

Jamaal Bowman, a former middle school principal from the Bronx,beat longtime Democratic incumbent Rep. Eliot Engelwith about60% of the vote.

Jamaal Bowman speaks to attendees during his primary-night party in June. The former middle school principal has toppled 16-term U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel in New York's Democratic congressional primary.(Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, AP)

Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, represented the 16th District for more than 30 years.

The Justice Democrats-backed Bowman began to surge after Engel, asking to speak at an event, was caught on mic saying, If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care, according to NBC News. Engel was criticized by primary challengers for not returning to his district for months during the COVID-19 crisis.

Bowman, who was endorsed by Ocasio-Cortez, ran a campaign firmly aligned with the party's progressive flank. He is a proponent of multiple "New Deals," including the Green New Deal an Ocasio-Cortez-spearheadedproposal that outlines a broadplan for tackling climate change as well as plans to reform education and public housing.

"I am excited, I am happy, I cannot wait to get to Congress and cause problems for the people in there that have been maintaining a status quo that has literally been killing our children," Bowman said during his election night watch party.

There is no Republican challenger for the November election.

More: AOCs blowout win, last-minute voting in Kentucky and other key takeaways from Tuesdays primaries

Madison Cawthorn, theowner of a real estate investment company, unexpectedly beat Lynda Bennett, a real estate agent and activist, in the race to claim the Republican nomination for Mark Meadows' 11th District seat in North Carolina, which he gave up to become Trump's chief of staff.

Madison Cawthorn(Photo: Courtesy Cawthorn for NC)

Cawthorn, 24,beat Bennett with 65.82% of the vote in the district's runoff election in June. The outcome was considered an upset, given that the Trump and Meadows-endorsed Bennettwon the vote in March (but not by a wide enough margin to avoid a runoff election).Like Boebert, Cawthorn is a supporter of Trump.

Cawthorn said that he was inspired to run for Congress because he was disappointed by how the Republican party handled full control of the White House and Congress in 2017.

It felt like Donald Trump was having to pull teeth from Congress to try to get anything done, and so I want to go over to Washington D.C. to break that status quo, to actually get something done, he said in an interview with The Hill.

More: With second primary underway, Cawthorn addresses voting in-person, by mail options

Cawthorn's website toutshis conservative views on health care, immigration, abortion rightsand gun control. "Im running because our faith, our freedoms and our values are under assault from coastal elites and leftists like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez," he states.

If elected in November, Cawthorn would become the youngest member in Congress, a title currently held by Ocasio-Cortez. He willface off against Democratic candidateand retired U.S Air Force colonel Moe Davis in the fall.

Iowa Republicans ousted nine-term incumbent Rep. Steve King, nominating state Sen. Randy Feenstra to run for the state's 4th congressional district seat. Feenstra beat King by nearly ten points.

State Sen. Randy Feenstra and Rep. Steve King. Feenstra is challenging King in the GOP primary for the 4th District Congressional seat.(Photo: Robin Opsahl)

The conservative district has long had to contend with King's controversial remarks. While talking about "Dreamers" in a July 2013 interview, King claimed that for every young immigrant who becomes a school valedictorianthere are "100 out there that, they weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."In an interview with The New York Timeslast year, Kingsuggested that the term "white nationalist" should not be consideredoffensive.

King was removed from his committee seats over the comments he made to the Times. King'scompetitors, including Feenstra, used King's rejectionfrom those committees as proofFeenstra would be more effective as an ally of Trump.

Republicans largely rebuked King through their support of Feenstraduring the primary campaign. Feenstra significantlyoutraised King, andwas endorsed by theU.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Right to Life Committee. Five Republican congressmen even donated to Feenstra's campaign.

Feenstra will compete with J.D. Scholten, who ran uncontested for the Democratic nomination, in the fall. Scholten previously lost to King by a slimmarginin the 2018 general election.

Feenstra's win is likely. Support for a Republican representativein Iowa's 4th congressional district exceeds support fora Democrat by 22%, according to aJune Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

Republican Mike Garcia, a former U.S. Navy pilot and defense contractor executive, beat Democrat Christy Smith,a member of the California State Assembly, in the special general electionfor Illinois Rep. Katie Hill's seat in May.


Garcia's 25th District victoryrepresents the first time a Republican candidate has flipped a Democratic seat in California since 1998. Trump had endorsedGarcia on Twitter, though he originally saidthe election would be "rigged" by California Democrats.

The two candidates will run against each other again in the fall.

Rep. Denver Riggleman, a freshman congressman, lost the Republican nomination for Virginia's fifth district seat to Bob Good, aformer official in the athletics department at Liberty University in June.

Denver Riggleman speaks during a forum at the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance in Lynchburg, Va., Monday, Oct. 22, 2018.(Photo: Taylor Irby, AP)

Riggleman, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, was the subject of intense criticism from Republicans in his district after he officiated a gay wedding for two former campaign volunteers last summer.

The Virginia county GOP formally censuredRiggleman last fall, doubtinghis "support for traditional family values, and other conservative principles," according to The Hill.

"He's out of step with the base of the party on life," Good saidin May,in a debate with Riggleman on The Schilling Show, a Charlottesville radio program. "He's out of step on marriage. He's out of step on immigration. He's out of step on health care, on climate, on drug legalization."

Riggleman claimed the election process was riggedby Republican insiders, by makingthe nomination process a convention instead of a primary. Conventions traditionally favor more conservative candidates and have been used for years by Virginia Republicans to block moderate candidates from winning elections.

Good will face off against physician Cameron Webb in the fall's general election.

Ronny Jackson, aTrump-backed former White House physician with no political experience, beatJosh Winegarner, a former cattle industry lobbyist, in the Republican runoff for Texas' 13th District House seat.

Jackson, whowas a White House physician to President Donald Trumpand former PresidentBarack Obama, received endorsements from Trump on Twitter, who called him "strong on Crimes and Borders" and insisted Jackson would "protect your #2A."

Winegarner had the support of outgoing Republican Rep. Mac Thornberry.

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson arrives at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, April 2, 2018.(Photo: Andrew Harnik, AP)

Jacksonpositioned his relationship with Trump as the biggest asset to his candidacy. Thedistrict has some of the highest rates of support for Trump in the country, giving the president 80% of its vote in 2016, according to the Cook Political Report.

Jackson had afundraising advantage over Winegarner as well, accruing just over $490,000 since April, comparedto Winegarner's almost $300,000 haul duringthat same time period.Jackson won with about 56 percent of the vote, beating Winegarner by more than 11 points.

Jackson, who is a retired U.S. Navy rear admiral, was in the running to be Trump's nominee for Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2018, but ultimatelywithdrew from consideration amid a swarm of allegations of prior misconduct.

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Former colleaguestold Senate investigators that Jackson regularly drank on duty, had an "explosive" temper, and that he abused his powers to prescribe himself prescription drugs for recreational use, among other allegations of misconduct.

Jackson denied all of the allegations leveled against him, calling them "completely false and fabricated." Theinvestigation was opened by the Pentagon inspector general in June 2018 and remains ongoing.

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On election night, Jackson celebrated his win by tweeting, "Jane and I just got off the phone with @realDonaldTrump! Its official! I am honored to be the Republican nominee for #TX13! I promise I will make you proud!"

Jackson will face off against Gus Trujillo, who won the Democratic runoff election.

Mondaire Jones, a lawyer from Rockland County, wonthe nomination forlong-time incumbent Rep. Nita Loweys 17th District seat in New York. The Associated Press did not call the race until about three weeks after it ended, though the nomination was always considered Jones', who had picked up more than double the votesof any other candidate by election night.

Mondaire Jones, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 17th C.D., speaks during a rally honoring lives lost to police violence in front of the Westchester County Courthouse in White Plains July 15, 2020. The rally was sponsored by the Westchester Coalition for Police Reform.(Photo: Seth Harrison/The Journal News)

His closest competitor, former federal prosecutor Adam Schleifer, hadfour times Jones budget.

Jones received endorsements from progressive members of Congress such as Ocasio-Cortez, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Jones' campaign did not accept corporate PAC donations, and signed the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.He ran on a platform that advocated for labor rights and student debt relief, as well as Medicare for All and paid sick leave as responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like Bowman, he is also a proponent ofthe Green New Deal.

In an interview with NPR, Jones said that it was his commitment to progressive policies that set him apart during the primary election."I am the only candidate in a crowded Democratic primary who supports the only policy that would literally ensure everyone has health care in this country and that is Medicare for All," he said.

In the fall, Jones will face Maureen McArdle Schulman, who won the district's Republican nomination.

Marie Newman, a former management consultant and founder of an anti-bullying non-profit, narrowly beat incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinksi in the Democratic race for Illinois' third district seat in March.

Lipinski's father, WilliamLipinski, held the seat for more than twodecades before his son succeeded him. Newman's win represents the first time the seat will be out of the Lipinski family since 1983.

Marie Newman smiles as she campaigns in the Archer Heights neighborhood of Chicago.(Photo: Charles Rex Arbogast, AP Images)

Lipinskiisnotoriously one of the last few conservative Democrats in Congress. His opposition to abortion rights, the DREAM Act, and the Affordable Care Act all alienated him from his party. In contrast, Newman was backed by progressive groups such as Justice Democrats, the political action committee that supportedOcasio-Cortez in 2018.

Newman will compete withCounty Board Member Mike Fricilone, who won the Republican nomination, in the fall.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was previously Alabama's U.S. Senator for 20 years, lost his runoff bid to former football coach Tommy Tuberville.

Tuberville considers himself a Christian conservative,and ran a campaign that was pro-life and pro-gun rights. He told the Montgomery Advertiser in March that he supported Trumps efforts to build a border wall with Mexico, and wanted to reduce the national debt through cuts to social programs, with exceptions for Social Security, Medicare, andMedicaid.

The race to see who would compete with Sen.Doug Jones, who flipped the traditionally Republican seat in 2018, also highlighted the rift between Trump and Sessions.

Former college football coach Tommy Tuberville defeated former Senator and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the Alabama Republican Senate primary. Tuberville goes on to challenge Democratic Senator Doug Jones. (July 15) AP Domestic

In the early days of Trump's presidency and during his campaign Sessions was a prominent ally. Sessions was the first U.S. Senator to endorse Trump's campaign, providing it cruciallegitimacy before the 2016 Super Tuesday elections. Sessions publicly supported Trump as early as 2015, sporting a Make America Great Again hat at a Trump rally in August2015 and praising Trump's border wall plans.

More: Illinois GOP congressman criticizes Trump for lack of 'loyalty' to former Attorney General Sessions

Sessions' goodwill with Trump expired when herecused himselffrom the Russia investigation, whichled to Robert Mueller'sappointmentas special counsel and anearlytwo-year investigation that shadowed Trump's early years in office. Trump was not charged, and fired Sessions in 2018.

In a television interview last summer, TrumpcalledSessions' appointment as attorney general the "biggest mistake" of his presidency.

Although Trump regularly endorses GOP candidatesusually on Twitter he paid special attention to the race between Sessions and Tuberville,explicitlytyinghis endorsement of Tuberville to Sessions' recusal.

Tuberville will face off against Jones in November.

Contributing: William Cummings, Brian Lyman, Stephen Gruber-Miller, and Nick Coltrain

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Congressional upsets: Progressives, candidates of color, and GOP outsiders net primary wins - USA TODAY

These are the innocuous words progressives want to ban you from using – New York Post

Solving Americas race-related problems is hard. So hard that nobody really has any clue how to do it. Burning down an auto-parts store isnt going to help. But forcing people to attend reeducation seminars also seems unlikely to work.

Just as we spend more time watching TV than training for marathons, we lapse into doing whats easy. And whats easy, when it comes to race, is pretending to be outraged about commonly used words. Trying desperately not to get canceled, bosses are trying to think ahead about what words might create a fake Duraflame firestorm of anger, and preemptively ruling ordinary words out of bounds.

At the Los Angeles Times, for instance, an editor has said the word looters, which has been used many times in the paper, now has a pejorative and racist connotation and that anyone who is inclined to use the word should talk to your immediate supervisor. Translation: Best not use the word at all, if you want to stay employed. So what to call looters? Non-paying shoppers? That doesnt quite tell the story: Ordinary shoplifters dont usually bust up all the windows. How about self-appointed retail-justice-commandos? Revolutionary mass goods-redistribution agents?

Harvard, which in 2015 abolished the name House Master for professors in charge of residential houses, is being sweated by a group called the Coalition for a Diverse Harvard that decided to be triggered by the term Board of Overseers, an alumni panel dating back to the 17th century that selects the university president. Past members include John F. Kennedy. The Coalition proclaimed that the name must be changed because Overseer also refers to men hired by plantation owners during that same time period to violently control and abuse enslaved people. Plantation overseers were paid to elicit the most work out of enslaved etc. I didnt finish the paragraph because my stupidity alarm was ringing in my ears. In June, the University of Louisville ditched the name overseer from student government organizations because of slavery.

In Houston, a Realtors association announced it would no longer use terms such as master bedroom or master bathroom not because any sane person ever associated a nice Mediterranean-style 4BR with Kunta Kinte getting whipped in Roots but because some yellow-blazered property guru thought this would be a way of expressing generalized racial niceness. Is any single black person better off because of this word-juggling? No, but people are confusing gestures with actions more than ever.

Twitter, which is saturated with woke-campus paranoia, this month announced that it was blacklisting the word blacklist, along with other supposedly non-inclusive terms such as grandfathered (ageist, I guess), guys (too gendered) and sanity check, which is something most of us could use a little more of in our lives, but Twitter desperately needs on a daily basis, the way Uma Thurman needed that adrenaline shot in Pulp Fiction.

But any noun that has any association with anything bad in anyones mind, or ever did at any point in history, is now under scrutiny. Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah says the Texas Rangers name is racist. Now that the woke left has succeeded in getting the Washington Redskins to change their name a decision that despite nonstop cheerleading by the media never enjoyed more than 29 percent support in polls every other team name is under scrutiny.

The teams name is not so far off from being called the Texas Klansmen, Attiah wrote.

Wait till she finds out what cowboys did. For that matter, doesnt the term Vikings trigger deep-seated fears of marauding, raping and pillaging, often carried out by people wearing horns they had cut out of the heads of innocent animals? I feel unsafe. Clearly the Minnesota football franchise should stop celebrating a people associated with bloodshed and rename themselves the Conflict De-Escalation Counselors. Rethinking every noun in America is the only way forward, people. Or do you want to be considered one of the Klansmen?

Kyle Smith is critic-at-large for National Review.

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These are the innocuous words progressives want to ban you from using - New York Post