Progressives look for concession from Biden with running mate | TheHill – The Hill
Progressiveswant to extract a concession from former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenKlobuchar to be next guest on Biden's podcast Former Inslee staffers pitch climate plan to Biden, Congress Trump says he'd be willing to give coronavirus aid to Iran MORE with his pick for a running mate after they failed to push one of their own to the top of the Democratic 2020 ticket.
Biden, a centrist who bestedmore liberal rivals such asSens. Bernie SandersBernie SandersSanders asks for donations to reelect members of 'The Squad' Klobuchar to be next guest on Biden's podcast Biden wins Wyoming Democratic caucus MORE (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth WarrenSanders asks for donations to reelect members of 'The Squad' Providing safe child care during COVID-19 a life and death issue What Biden's VP choices bring and don't bring to the table MORE (D-Mass.) on his way to becoming the presumptive nominee, has already vowed to tap a woman as his vice presidential pick. But he will still have to traverse a political minefield to find a No. 2 who will most effectively expand his appeal and win over skeptical liberals.
Several advocacy groups told The Hill that tapping a progressiveto share the ticketwould go a long way in signaling to the party's left flank that he takes them and their policies seriously.
Joe Biden absolutely has to pick a progressive champion as his VP pick. He has to unify the party, and thats the key, Charles Chamberlain, head of Democracy for America, told The Hill. What we saw during the primary is we saw that we have two major factions of this party, the corporate wing, more establishment Democrats, and there is progressive, ascendant left. And he absolutely has to choose from that progressive left to unify the party.
Speculation over Bidens pick for a running mate kicked into hyper drive last week afterSanderss withdrawal made him the last man standing. But he will still have to recover after a divisive primary that exposed intraparty fissures.
The former vice president has consistently touted a moderate platform and campaigned on a return to normality, a stance anathema for progressives who demanded a political revolution to push the nation forward.
And while Biden has rejected leftwing policies including Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, liberal groups say the right running mate could still signal that he is willing to take progressive proposals with him into the Oval Office.
Running with a vice presidential nominee and the eventual vice president, that person matters in an administration. They bring with them a base, they bring with them followers and supporters, they bring with them a certain set of values and a particular agenda that would have to be taken seriously, said Maurice Mitchell, the national director of the Working Families Party.
The obstacles Biden faces in shoring up his left flank have been made apparent since hebecame the de facto standard-bearer. Some liberal voters are still smarting over the defeats of Sanders and Warren, and a coalition of eight progressive groups sent the former vice president a letter with a list of policies they demand he adoptif he wantstheir support.
Prominent Sanders supporters have already vowed to withholdtheir support for now, citing Biden's reluctance to adopt key progressive platforms.Briahna Joy Gray, whowas Sanderss national spokeswoman, emphatically declared this week: "I don't endorse Joe Biden."
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAlexandria Ocasio-CortezSanders asks for donations to reelect members of 'The Squad' Omar introduces legislation to cancel rent, mortgage payments during pandemic Schumer says he's focused on job when asked about possible Ocasio-Cortez primary challenge MORE (D-N.Y.), a Sanders backer and one of the most prominent progressives in the nation, has also appeared tepid about a Biden endorsement, only saying "we'll see"during a web event this week when asked aboutdeclaring support forthe former vice president.
Were having conversations with Bidens team, and trying to figure out what some of these policy conversations will look like. I would love to see the vice president clarify and deepen his policy stances on certain issues," Ocasio-Cortez said, though she added, "I think its incredibly important we support the Democratic nominee in November."
Biden has offered preliminary olive branches to progressives, proposing dropping the age to qualify for Medicare from 65 to 60 and unveiling a plan to cancel some student debt.
Butwhile progressives told The Hill they appreciate Bidens first steps, those proposals have not tempered their desire to see one of their own byhis side.
Its both important for Vice President Biden to move on the issues, but also for him to surround himself with people who do have a track record of championing some of these issues that progressives care about deeply, said Alliance for Youth Action executive director Sarah Audelo, whose group signed onto the letter to Biden.
Biden could pick from a number of progressive women to serve as his VP. Among the most prominent contenders who have been floated are Warren and Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate and state House minority leader. Both have openly expressed interest in the role, with Abrams saying she would be an excellent running mate for Biden and Warren confirming that she would accept an offer to be his No. 2.
I think Stacey Abrams in Georgia would fill a really important role to the ticket, it would bring a southerner from a very flippable state that also has flippable Senate races in it. She is very much loved by progressives, she would bring a lot to the ticket. Elizabeth Warren, fantastic, would definitely help unite the Bernie and Warren wing with the Biden wing, Chamberlain said.
While Biden has expressed admiration for several progressive contenders, he has also indicated that he needs a running mate with whom hes simpatico, drawing early warnings from liberals that a centrist pick could dampen enthusiasm for his candidacy and make his path to victory more difficult.
Doubling down on the same as what you are doesnt broaden your base, it doesnt broaden your support, Chamberlain said. Does Joe Biden want a landslide victory because hes unified the Democratic Party by putting the two most powerful constituencies together, or is he going to double down on the side of the party that won the nomination and alienate a critical part of his base?
Biden said at a fundraiser earlier this month his campaign will announce a committee in the middle of April to oversee the vice presidential vetting process, and a campaign official told The Hill there are no other details available at this time regarding a pick.
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Progressives look for concession from Biden with running mate | TheHill - The Hill