Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Joe Biden is no savior for progressives | MSNBC

Despite the feverish stream of strategic leaks in recent days, there are still very real questions about whether Vice President Joe Biden will ultimately decide to jump into the presidential race, or whether hes merely positioning himself as a backup in case Hillary Clinton falters.

But if Democratic voters who are feeling lukewarm about Hillary see the veep as a potential white knighteither because hes more liberal or because hes more electablethey could be in for a rude awakening.

Biden has been a loyal and effective vice presidentand a recent personal tragedy of unimaginable proportions is generating broad sympathy for him and his family right now. But over his long career, Bidens record is hardly that of a progressive crusader. And his candidacy would perhaps pose more political problems for the Party than it would solve.

Related:If Biden jumps into the race, who will Obama support?

Here are 10 reasons why Joe Biden isnt going to be progressives saviorand why a Biden campaign could even make it harder for Democrats to hold the White House:

1.Biden was the main Senate author of the 1994 Violent Crime Control Act, which, among other steps, encouraged states to incarcerate more people. Theres now widespread agreement that that approach was disastrous. We now know with the fullness of time that we made some terrible mistakes, one expert said last year in reference to the law. And those mistakes were to ramp up the use of prison. Today, Biden supports legislation to reduce mandatory minimum sentences.

2. As a young senator in the 1970s, Biden pandered to conservative constituents by turning himself into a leading anti-busing crusader, as one chronicler of the episode recently put it. Speaking in support of an anti-busing amendment offered by the segregationist Sen. Jesse Helms, Biden called busing a bankrupt concept. His opposition would help shift Democrats away from a forthright stance in favor of de-segregation policies.

3. Biden has frequently voted to ban so-called partial-birth abortions, and has avoided voting when other abortion legislation was being considered. He said in 2008 that he believes life begins at the moment of conception, though he wouldnt impose that judgment on everyone.

4.As Senate Judiciary chairman, Biden angered some womens rights advocates with his handling of Clarence Thomass contentious 1990 confirmation hearings, in which Thomas was accused of sexual harassment by a female subordinate, Anita Hill. Biden didnt allow testimony from two of Hills female colleagues who would have corroborated Hills claims, but he did allow a parade of witnesses to challenge Hills credibility, often in flatly sexist terms. (One suggested Hill might suffer from erotomania.)

5. Bidens home state of Delaware is home to numerous credit card companies, and hehas a long history of support for the banking industry. He was a lead sponsor of an industry-backed 2001 bill that would have made it much harder for struggling Americans to declare bankruptcy, and voted for a similar 2005 measure that passed. Among the leading opponents of those bills? A Harvard law professor named Elizabeth Warren.

6. Biden voted for the Iraq war. Clintons vote for the war was perhaps the single most important reason she ultimately lost the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 to Barack Obama. Both Biden and Clinton have since said it was a mistake to trust President Bush to conduct the war effectively.

7. When Biden and Clinton both served in the Senate, from 2001 to 2009, his voting record was generally slightly more conservative than hers, according tostatisticianNate Silver.

8. Theres little policy rationale for Bidens candidacy. On the economic issues that are most important to many Democrats right now, Clintons proposals to date have been relatively strong. Not much in Bidens backgroundsave one meeting with Elizabeth Warrensuggests hed be well-suited to run to the left of her. Any effort to do so would involve wresting voters away from Bernie Sandersa more credible messenger for progressive economic policies.

9. Policy positions aside, theres currently little reason to think Biden would offer Democrats a better chance of keeping the White House than Clinton, as Silver recently explained. He generally performs worse than her in head-to-head polls against Republican contenders, and his personal favorability ratings are no better than hers, even though hes faced far less scrutiny from the press and the GOP. His two previous presidential bids, in 1988 and 2008, were flops (in the first one, he quit the race after plagiarizing a speech from a British politician). Hes never been a prodigious fundraiser. His habit of touching younger women in public has raised eyebrows. And hed be 74 by the time he was inaugurated, making him by far the oldest president to take office.

10. A Biden candidacy at this point in the race would lend steam to the questionable notion that Clintons use of a personal email account is a major scandal, helping paint a picture of a fatally damaged Democratic front-runner. And it would split the Democratic party, much of which is already behind Clinton. Because there arent many clear policy differences between the two (see Number 8), Biden would likely have to argue that Clinton isnt trustworthy enough to be elected, which could trigger a particularly bitter and divisive campaign. President Obama would be placed in a near-impossible position, stuck between his vice president and his one-time secretary of statea dynamic thats already begun. Add to that the spectacle of a man preventing history from being made by trying to nudge aside a woman seen to have paid her dues, and its a potential recipe for Democratic suicide.

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Joe Biden is no savior for progressives | MSNBC

How Progressives Should Think About Russia | The Nation

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The US has little standing to condemn Russias oligarchs while the Trump administration openly loots the public with a tax reform bill designed to benefit the wealthiest Americans.

Most Democrats and Republicans in Congress are committed to punishing Vladimir Putin and the network of oligarchs surrounding him for election meddling by expanding the sanctions regime first imposed by the Obama administration following Russias annexation of Crimea in 2014. Congress has attempted to tie Trumps hands by imposing new sanctions in retaliation for election interference, but the Trump administration has been lax in enforcing them. However, even properly enforced sanctions will never solve the underlying problem: Russia is functionally a kleptocracy, and the United States bears some responsibility for making it that way.Current Issue

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In the 1990s, Washington encouraged the rapid and blatantly rigged privatization of Russias economy, resulting in skyrocketing inequality, the impoverishment of millions, and the elevation of a tiny billionaire elite. While Putin has claimed credit for a revival of stability and a measure of prosperity in the 2000s, driven to a large extent by high energy prices, over time he has consolidated power at the top of a fundamentally corrupt system. The United States has emerged as a leading destination for Russias elite to park their fortunes, often at the expense of middle-class Americans in major real-estate markets like New York, and with the help of banks and law firms happy to turn a blind eye to corruption overseas. Russian money-laundering through high-end real estate is also a major issue in London, where British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has proposed tackling it in response to the recent attempted poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Going after the money is far more likely to produce meaningful results than expelling diplomats, the strategy the United States and its European allies have so far pursued.

The United States has little standing to condemn Russias oligarchs while the Trump administration openly loots the public with a tax-reform bill designed to benefit the wealthiest Americans and with taxpayer dollars constantly funneled through Trump Organization properties. The next administration should make the case that the transnational oligarchy spanning from New York to London to Moscow isnt merely greedy but also poses a threat to national security by undermining the integrity of the political process. It should expand FARA and end foreign lobbying, both legal and illegal, on K Street. It should crack down on money laundering through banks and real estate, as well as offshore tax havens.

Contrary to what some writers on the left have argued, the American public is legitimately interested in the Trump-Russia scandal and isnt going to stop paying attention. But rather than singling out Russia, the next president should pledge to take on kleptocrats everywhere, using Trumps outrageous corruption (including but certainly not limited to his Russia ties) to make the case for a more just economic order.

In addition, the next president should place a champion of global environmental justice in charge of the State Department, rather than the CEO of ExxonMobil or an outspoken Islamophobe and climate-change skeptic, to make clear that the oil-and-gas sector is not in charge of US foreign policy. Exxon, like other energy companies, has lobbied for normalized US-Russia relations so that it can exploit Russias vast natural resources at whatever cost to the climate, and has even been fined by the Treasury Department for violating sanctions by signing an agreement with the Russian oil giant Rosneft under Rex Tillersons management. Reducing tensions with Russia should not mean deepening ties between the energy barons in both countries.

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The consensus in Washington is that the United States must contain Russias imperial revisionism on every front, as though the Cold War never ended. But this only encourages a similar consensus in Moscow, empowering hard-line nationalists who see their country encircled by US proxies and consider neighboring former Soviet republics to belong in Russias rightful sphere of influence.

Those countries, including flashpoints like Ukraine and Georgia, are entitled to sovereignty under international law, and Russian encroachment on that sovereignty, from Crimea and the Donbass to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, deserves condemnation. But the next president must also make clear that the United States does not intend to extend its own sphere of military influence via NATO or in any other capacity.

Moscow opposed, and still deeply resents, the expansion of NATO into the Baltic states and Eastern Europe during the 1990s and 2000s, and in particular the 1999 NATO military campaign against Yugoslavia despite a Russian veto at the UN Security Council. With considerable justification, Russian military planners see NATO as existing primarily to surround and isolate Russia.

For better or worse, Washington is committed to the security of its Baltic allies now. But the next president should affirm that the United States does not have long-term designs on a military alliance with Ukraine, Georgia, or any other country on Russias border. This does not mean abandoning those countries. The United States and its European allies should commit to negotiating a just peace that will preserve Ukraines territorial integrity and work to ensure that Russia complies with the 2014 Minsk Protocol. Russia must not be rewarded for the illegal annexation of Crimea, which should not be recognized as long as Putin is in power. Down the line, negotiations to hold a UN-sponsored referendum on Crimeas fate could be held if tensions ratcheted down. The reality, as most policy-makers in Washington are well aware, is that it is unlikely Crimeans would choose to return to Ukraine in a fairly organized vote.

For better or worse, Washington is committed to the security of its Baltic allies. But the next president should affirm that the US does not have long-term designs on a military alliance with Ukraine, Georgia, or any other country on Russias border.

In Syria, Washington is understandably wary of rewarding Russias horrific conduct in defense of Bashar al-Assads regime against rebel groups backed by the United States and its allies. While there is no justifying Russias or Assads atrocities, the United States also bears responsibility for stoking this civil war in the first place and for its interventions in Iraq and Libya, which Putin opposed and which have been catastrophic. Moscow views Washingtons enthusiasm for toppling dictators as destabilizing, and while this view is motivated by Russian geopolitical interests, that doesnt make it wrong. The next president must be willing to work for a negotiated peace between all factions in Syria, accepting that Assad will be left in control of much of Syrian territory for the foreseeable future, with the long-term goal of withdrawing US and Russian forces from the region.

Finally, the next administration should seek to once more engage Russia in negotiations over nuclear weapons. Under Obama, the United States and Russia signed the 2011 New START Treaty aimed at dramatically limiting the deployment of strategic nuclear arms by both countries. Trump, however, has disparaged New START and recently committed to a new nuclear-arms race. If there is one lesson to be drawn from Trumps volatile and unpredictable behavior as president, its that nuclear weapons cant be safely entrusted to anyone. The United States and Russia must recommit to diplomacy with the aim of further arms reductions and a stronger global nonproliferation regime.

It is reasonable for the United States to want to hold Russia accountable for its 2016 interference, including the dissemination of fake news via social media and the DNC email hacks. A proportionate response would be to release embarrassing information about the shady finances of Putin and his inner circle. But this may have already occurred in the form of the Panama Papers, a giant info dump on the global oligarchy published in early 2016 that Putin blames on the US government, along with the Olympic doping scandal.

It is in neither countrys interest to pursue this tit-for-tat indefinitely, although arguably both Americans and Russians benefit from the exposure of their respective elites secrets. Ultimately, there will have to be negotiations, including other major powers like China, to establish rules of the road for cybersecurity. At the same time, the United States should recommit to strong campaign-finance laws in order to insulate itself not only from interference by foreign powers but by oligarchs and corporate interests everywhere.

But if the United States wants to prevent Russian cyber attacks in future elections, one crucial step would be to begin dismantling the tech monopolies that have left the US electorate badly exposed to foreign influence.

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In 2010, Russias then-President Dmitry Medvedev visited Silicon Valley as part of Obamas ill-fated reset policy. An impressed Medvedev met with the CEOs of companies like Apple, Google, and Twitter, which at the time were seen by Democrats as pillars of American innovation. While Medvedevs dream of a Russian Silicon Valley remains unrealized, Russia has plenty of homegrown tech talent, as seen in the troll factory that sought to manipulate swing voters.

The next US president should make clear to the public that the biggest tech companies have gotten dangerously powerful, and that their hoarding of private data for profit undermines national security and election integrity. Social media can be a powerful tool for grassroots political organizing and protesting authority, but when it is only regulated by the free market it becomes a way for wealthy interests, including foreign governments, to manipulate people. Renewed antitrust enforcement should be a priority in general as a way to protect consumers and small businesses, but with regard to Silicon Valley it would offer the additional benefit of countering foreign influence and restoring the credibility of real news.

Russian hackers have exposed a flaw in the US political system created by years of coddling unaccountable monopolies.

Russian hackers have exposed a flaw in the US political system created by years of coddling unaccountable monopolies. Lawmakers have pressured companies like Facebook and Twitter to crack down on Russian bots, but this doesnt solve the underlying threat for-profit social networks pose to the democratic process. The extent of this threat is clear from new revelations about how Cambridge Analytica used Facebook data, acquired without the consent of Facebook users, to help the Trump campaign target voters. As Tamsin Shaw, a professor at NYU who has written about cyber warfare, told The Guardian, Silicon Valley is a US national security asset that [Russia has] turned on itself. The only effective solution is to break these monopolies up and regulate them like utilities.

Despite what Steven Lee Myers has claimed in The New York Times, that Putin is a hero for the worlds populists, strongmen and others occupying the fringes of global politics, both left and right, few on the left are under the illusion that Russia is a utopia. As Jeremy Corbyn wrote recently, Labour is of course no supporter of the Putin regime, its conservative authoritarianism, abuse of human rights or political and economic corruption. And we pay tribute to Russias many campaigners for social justice and human rights, including for LGBT rights. Bernie Sanders has voiced similar sentiments, stating that our goal is to not only strengthen American democracy, but to work in solidarity with supporters of democracy around the globe, including in Russia. In the struggle of democracy versus authoritarianism, we intend to win.

Putin has attacked civil society, consolidated control of mass media, and marginalized opposition parties. One of the most prominent opposition leaders, Alexei Navalny, was barred from running for president this year in what everyone understands were sham elections. Many journalists and politicians have been murdered, and LGBT people have faced discriminatory laws throughout Russia and a brutal purge in Chechnya.

Putin, with the close cooperation of the Orthodox Church, has selectively stoked xenophobic nationalism, homophobia, misogyny, and jingoism, not only at home but with support for far-right parties in Europe. The left has an interest in countering this influence, which is in direct opposition to core progressive values, but the next president must do so in a way that is not a cover for empire and is not aimed at regime change in Russia. Putin uses the perception of Western designs on Russia to maintain his legitimacy and to justify his most aggressive policies.

Putin will eventually leave power, but it is not Washingtons place to facilitate this, nor is it an inherently desirable outcome. No one knows what will follow in Putins wake, or who could fill his role after nearly two decades and counting in the Kremlin. And no one doubts that Putin is genuinely popular, although support for him in the capital and among younger educated Russians has slipped.

The United States should not ignore human-rights abuses in Russia. But principled criticism is only undermined by the perception that civil-society groups in Russia serve as fronts for US intelligence, and Russia has become increasingly hostile to such groups. The next administration should make clear that the United States is not trying to bring Putin down, and that its support for human rights is genuine. It should be wary of directly supporting opposition figures, who are easily tarred as American puppets. And it should lead by example and hold its allies accountable for their human-rights abuses and elite corruption as well.

Ultimately, the best way the United States can help civil society in Russia is by normalizing relations enough that private civil-society groups from the United States and other countries can more effectively work in tandem with Russian counterparts. It is hard to argue that the US-Russia tensions following the failure of Obamas reset have done Russian civil society any favors.

In short, the next presidents Russia policy should reflect an agenda of combating corruption, inequality, and abuses at home. If the US political system is vulnerable to interference from abroad, it is only because it has decayed from within.

Russia should be held accountable for its intervention, but the greater priority must be to hold accountable those Americans who accepted Russias assistance in order to enrich themselves at the expense of the public. The most important thing the next administration can do to prevent another 2016 is to root out the institutionalized corruption in Washington that Russia successfully exploited, and to investigate, expose, and prosecute everyone in Trumps orbit who knowingly facilitated Russian interference. The only way to secure American democracy from foreign influence is to make America more genuinely democratic.

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How Progressives Should Think About Russia | The Nation

The La Follette Progressives – United States American History

Certainly the most successful third party in the immediate post-World War I era was the Progressive effort led by Senator Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin. The end of the war had seen an upsurge in left-wing political activity in the United States, as evidenced in the growth and development of the Workers Party (the Communists), the Socialist Party and the Farmer-Labor Party, all of which increased their ranks at the beginning of the 1920s.

Also making an impact at this time was the Conference for Progressive Political Action (C.P.P.A.), which in 1922 merged the efforts of several railway unions into a surprisingly effective state and local political force. They successfully backed a number of liberal candidates in Congressional races and had visions of greater success in 1924. The C.P.P.A. held a national nominating convention in Cleveland, Ohio, that year and concluded that their best hope of gaining real influence would come through backing a candidate with a national reputation. La Follette fit the bill, but he was leery of Communist influence in left-wing political parties and styled himself an Independent. He was, however, enticed to accept the Progressive nomination by being given full control over the party platform and the choice of his running mate.

The C.P.P.A., in many ways heir to the defunct Bull Moose or Progressive Party of Teddy Roosevelt, offered a platform in 1924 that was only marginally more socialistic than the statement issued a dozen years earlier. La Follette called for:


The Progressive Party unraveled quickly following the election defeat in 1924, but it staged a comeback in the 1930s on the state level in Wisconsin where La Follettes sons, Robert Jr. and Philip, forged a successful movement that lasted until the end of World War II.

A third effort bearing the name of Progressive Party would be a factor in the Election of 1948.

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The La Follette Progressives - United States American History

All Progressives Congress News

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My dear Compatriots, I am happy to welcome you to the beginning of a New Year in our beloved country Nigeria. I felicitate with you today at a time when our nation is witnessing a new and impressive turnaround in our security and socio-economic situation. I know you will join me to, once again, congratulate []

Sept 2 is Aso Villa demo day to promote Technology & Innovation in Nigeria, buhari administration wants to ensure equal opportunities for more young people Next month a group of 30 young Nigerians with vibrant technology-based ideas and innovations would be welcomed to Aso Rock, reflective of the Buhari administrations appreciation of the enormous creativity []

As the 2016 Olympic Games opens in Rio De Janeiro, President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed optimism that the countrys team will put up an impressive showing to delight fellow countrymen. In a message to the Nigerian Olympic contingent on Friday, President Buhari said he hoped that the victory of Nigerias Under 23 football team, the []

Fellow Citizens: I have read the various observations about the fuel pricing regime and the attendant issues generated. All certainly have strong points. The most important issue of course is how to shield the poor from the worst effects of the policy. I will hopefully address that in another note. Permit me an explanation of []

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All Progressives Congress News

Congressional Progressive Caucus – Wikipedia

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is a membership organization within the Democratic congressional caucus in the United States Congress.[5] The CPC is a left-leaning organization that works to advance progressive and liberal issues and positions and represents the progressive faction of the Democratic Party.[6][7] It was founded in 1991 and has grown steadily since then, having more recently added 20 members since 2005 and having hired its first full-time Executive Director, Bill Goold, in May of that year. Subsequent Executive Directors have included Andrea Miller (20092011) and Brad Bauman (20112014). With 78 members, it is currently the largest Democratic congressional caucus. The CPC is currently co-chaired by U.S. Representatives Ral Grijalva (D-AZ) and Mark Pocan (D-WI). The current Executive Director is Mike Darner. Of the 20 standing committees of the House in the 111th Congress, 10 were chaired by members of the CPC. Those chairmen were replaced when the Republicans took control of the House in the 112th Congress.

The CPC was established in 1991 by six members of the United States House of Representatives: U.S. Representatives Ron Dellums (D-CA), Lane Evans (D-IL), Thomas Andrews (D-ME), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Additional House Members joined soon thereafter, including Major Owens (D-NY), Nydia Velzquez (D-NY), David Bonior (D-MI), Bob Filner (D-CA), Barney Frank (D-MA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Patsy Mink (D-HI), George Miller (D-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA), John Olver (D-MA), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Sanders was the convener and first CPC Chairman. Bill Goold served as Staff Coordinator for the Progressive Caucus in its early years until 1998.

The founding CPC members were concerned about the economic hardship imposed by the deepening recession and the growing inequality brought about by the timidity of the Democratic Party response in the early 1990s. On January 3, 1995 at a standing room only news conference on Capitol Hill, they were the first group inside Congress to chart a detailed, comprehensive legislative alternative to U.S. Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Contract with America, which they termed "the most regressive tax proposals and reactionary social legislation the Congress had before it in 70 years". The CPC's ambitious agenda was framed as "The Progressive Promise: Fairness".

In April 2011, the Congressional Progressive Caucus released a proposed "People's Budget" for fiscal year 2012.[8] Two of its proponents stated: "By implementing a fair tax code, by building a resilient American economy, and by bringing our troops home, we achieve a budget surplus of over $30 billion by 2021 and we end up with a debt that is less than 65% of our GDP. This is what sustainability looks like".[9]

The CPC advocates "universal access to affordable, high quality healthcare", fair trade agreements, living wage laws, the right of all workers to organize into labor unions and engage in collective bargaining, the abolition of the USA PATRIOT Act, the legalization of same-sex marriage, U.S. participation in international treaties such as the climate change related Kyoto Accords, strict campaign finance reform laws, a crackdown on corporate welfare and influence, an increase in income tax rates on upper-middle and upper class households, tax cuts for the poor and an increase in welfare spending by the federal government.[10]

All members are members of the Democratic Party or caucus with the Democratic Party. In the 115th Congress. there are currently 78 declared Progressives, including 76 voting Representatives, one non-voting Delegate, and one Senator.





















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Congressional Progressive Caucus - Wikipedia