NH Primary Source: Progressives hit DCCC’s ‘no abortion litmus test’ stand – WMUR Manchester
New Hampshire Primary Source covers breaking and behind-the-scenes news and analysis on all things political in the Granite State. John DiStaso is the most experienced political writer in New Hampshire and has been writing a weekly column since 1982.
PROGRESSIVES UNHAPPY. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and many party leaders have been saying for more than a decade that the party should provide support financial and otherwise to candidates regardless of their positons on abortion.
As far back as 2006, then-DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel threw out the old playbook and recruited moderate Democrats some of them anti-abortion to run in red districts. The party picked up nearly 30 seats in a mid-term election.
That approach continues in 2017. In April, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Congressional Committee, said, I would encourage our candidates to be pro-choice candidates, but its also important that we have a big tent. I think we actually can do both.
In mid-May, a spokesman for DNC Chair Tom Perez said, The party does not believe in a litmus test. Two weeks earlier, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi voiced the same view in an interview with The Washington Post, adding, This is not a rubber-stamp party.
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the former presidential candidate and progressive champion, recently campaigned along with Perez for an anti-abortion Democratic candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. Sanders said that despite his own staunchly pro-choice position, Democrats just cant exclude people who disagree with us on one issue.
Sanders' and Perezs endorsement of that candidate, Heath Mello, earned them criticism from NARAL Pro-Choice America, whose president, Ilyse Hogue, said it is not only disappointing, it is politically stupid.
Now, progressives are taking aim at DCCC chairman U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, who reiterated the leaders long-standing position in an interview with The Hill on Monday.
There is not a litmus test for Democratic candidates, he said, adding that the party must make sure you have candidates that fit that district, that can win in these districts across the country.
Vermont-based Democracy for America which last year endorsed Sanders for president, by the way quickly pounced on Lujan.
It is profoundly disturbing to hear the person tasked with helping Democrats take back the House suggest that our party can credibly talk about confronting economic inequity, while turning a blind eye to candidates who want to limit women's right to control their own bodies, DFA Executive Director Charles Chamberlain said.
Abortion rights are inextricably tied to the fight against economic and racial inequity, full stop, and until all leaders of our party fully understand that, we're going to keep losing.
Jennifer Frizzell, vice president of public policy for Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund, referred to the Democrats new A Better Deal for American Workers plan.
Last week, congressional Democrats unveiled a policy vision that centered on expanding economic opportunity, she said. At the Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund, we know that access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including safe, legal abortion, is central to expanding economic opportunity for New Hampshire citizens and all Americans.
This access is fundamental to womens economic security, health and well-being. We are fortunate that in New Hampshire, we have a full congressional delegation that is committed to fighting for all New Hampshire women to have access to quality reproductive care. They have always shown that access to safe, legal abortion is part of their core principles. They know that having the ability to plan, prevent and space pregnancies creates more stable families and increase economic opportunities.
Democracy for America, NARAL, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, EMILYs List and nearly a dozen other groups unveiled a Statement of Principles reiterating their pro-choice stand and strongly implying that anti-choice Democrats will face primaries in 2018.
Where do New Hampshires two strongly pro-choice House members stand on the litmus test question?
U.S. Rep. Shea-Porter is not with the party leadership.
Carol understands and respects every candidate's right to have his or her own personal views, anti or pro, but Democratic candidates should support a woman's right to make her own medical decisions, her spokeswoman, Marjorie Connolly, said. This is one of many areas where Carol and DCCC leadership hold different views."
U.S. Annie Kuster said, Ensuring that women have the right to make their own reproductive health care decision is one of my top priorities. As long as Republicans control Congress those rights will be in jeopardy. Ultimately, we need to elect Democrats across the country who are going to fight to support hard-working families by defending access to health care, expanding economic opportunity and working to create good jobs.
But, she added, Democrats are not a one-issue party, and I respect that there is a diversity of opinions within our caucus.
Thursday afternoon, Aug. 3 update: AMERICAN BRIDGE GROUP LAUNCHES AD. American Bridge, a liberal pro-Democratic political committee founded by Hillary Clinton supporter David Brock, quickly jumped into the controversy surrounding President Donald Trumps description of New Hampshire as a drug-infested den Wednesday. Click here.
The original Thursday morning New Hampshire Primary Source column follows.
CANDIDATE PROTESTS HOUSE RECESS. Republican 1st District U.S. House candidate Eddie Edwards is ramping up his criticism of both parties now that his GOP House leaders decided to send members home on a five-week break. Click here.
GROW PAC LAUNCHED. Former House Speaker Terie Norelli said Wednesday that she and other top Democratic women launched a new political action committee called GROW out of concern that women are not as prevalent in New Hampshire offices as they were during her tenure in office from 1996 to 2014. Click here.
RAISING MONEY FOR HOUSE DEMS. WMUR reported in July that U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, will visit New Hampshire on Aug. 16 to appear at the New Hampshire Young Democrats Summer Cookout in Hampton. For more on that visit, click here.
MORE SPECIAL ELECTIONS ON TAP. Democrats are looking to parlay the momentum of recent legislative special election victories into wins in upcoming contests in several Republican districts. The NHGOP, meanwhile, is hoping to rebound. Click here.
LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Steve Marchand said this week that he has hired a fourth campaign staffer someone with a last name familiar to followers of Granite State politics. Click here.
(John DiStaso can be reached at jdistaso@hearst.com or distasoj@gmail.com. Follow him on Twitter: @jdistaso and on Facebook: Facebook.com/JohnDiStasoWMUR.)
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NH Primary Source: Progressives hit DCCC's 'no abortion litmus test' stand - WMUR Manchester