Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

‘The Left Has Gone Insane’: Tucker on Progressives’ Use of Political … – Fox News Insider

In his opening remarks tonight, Tucker Carlson denounced Montana Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte for body-slamming a reporter who tried to ask him a question.

Tucker said this highlights the growing problem of violence in politics, which is simply never acceptable.

He saidGianforte, who has been charged with misdemeanor assault, may be a Republican, but the threat of violence in the current political climate comes overwhelmingly from the progressive left.

"The left has gone insane. And if you don't believe it, check out what's been happening to non-liberal members of congress lately," Tucker said, pointing to Republican members of Congress Martha McSally, Tom Garrett and David Kustoff, who have recently been on the receiving end of harassment and death threats.

He acknowledged there will always be "loonies" in a country of 320 million, and political movements shouldn't be judged solely by their violent outliers.

"And yet when every conservative speaker on campus is an excuse to riot, when every Trump rally is a chance to assault someone wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat, when your party's elder stateswoman is famous for celebrating racial violence during the L.A. riots - as Maxine Waters is - it's no longer a matter of outliers," Tucker said. "It's something very different."

He said political parties exist to conduct politics, which is supposed to be conflict without bloodshed.

"The moment those parties embrace violence - not just committing it, but also excusing, condoning, fantasizing about it - they are no longer political organizations. They're awfully close to militias," Tucker said. "And the rest of us are definitely much closer to the breakdown of everything we cherish in this country. Violence is the bright line, and they're very close to crossing it."

Watch more above.

GA Veteran Gets Letter of 'Violation' for Flying Flag Outside Home

Former Army Ranger: Celebs' Reactions to Manchester Show Their 'Bulletproof Bubble'

Trish Regan to Former Hillary Spox: Obama Policies Led to Rise of ISIS

'The View' Bashes Trump as Unpresidential for Calling Terrorists 'Evil Losers'

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'The Left Has Gone Insane': Tucker on Progressives' Use of Political ... - Fox News Insider

Progressives and Jihadists: A Multicultural Matrimony of Cultural Genocide Wedded in Bliss – Canada Free Press

If you want to coexist with Islamic savages, ISIS is looking for new recruits

Assimilation is a crime against humanityThere is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and thats itThe mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the cupolas our helmets, and the faithful our soldiers. -- Tyyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, 2008

The progressive altar of multiculturalism and diversity was bloodied yet again with the lives of the innocent. Many young girls, one as young as eight, were savagely murdered by a 22-year-old Islamic suicide-bombing loser who detonated a bomb full of nails, bolts and other shrapnel. Twenty-two innocent people murdered, families obliterated, dozens maimed and scarred for life by, yet again, another Muslim male.

Progressive leaders and politicians in the UK are just as much to blame for this Islamic carnage and wear the blood of these victims on their hands. Progressives in the US are equally as guilty as the progressive mantra, spouted by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, have provided protection for the jihadists by their willful avoidance of identifying the enemy of Western Civilization.

Pray for Manchester? Why not. How about we pray that the leaders in the UK pull their progressive heads out of their behinds in order to start protecting their citizenry instead of protecting jihadists through accusations of Islamaphobia levied against any outspoken observer or skeptic of Islam.

In the UK, its a hate crime to speak truthfully about Islam. I guess its not a hate crime to destroy families and cultures with seventh century savagery and blow up little English girls.

Prime Minister Theresa May would not only be wise but HUMANE to ban No Go Zones, burkhas, radical Imams, and Sharia Courts that have invaded swathes of Great Britain. The centuries-old Islamic Conquest has penetrated the UK so deeply that the most popular name of new born boys is Mohammed. The first Muslim Mayor of London, Mayor Khan, said that terror is just part and parcel of living in a big city.

Really? I am old enough to remember a time when terror wasnt part and parcel of living in a big city. Maybe in third world hellholes terror is a common occurrence, but not in any civilized society. The political theology of Islam and cultural, legal norms of Sharia, is anything but civilized, unless you consider female genital mutilation, honor killings, the execution of homosexuals, stoning of rape victims, and treating women like chattle, cornerstones of free civilizations.

This normalization or mainstreaming of terror protects jihadists and destroys civilized cultures and innocent livesgenerations of families destroyed. But hey, par for the course of living in a big city, according to Londonistans mayor.

The choice between accepting little girls being blown up in the name of this sickening death cult and exterminating this evil should be an easy one. Yet, when progressive leaders welcome unvetted refugees, knowingly allowing hundreds if not thousands of jihadists to walk amongst their citizens, and then accuse those citizens of Islamophobia for expressing their fears, they are no better than the savages who they have allowed to invade their countries and endanger their citizenry. Progressive leaders are not only de-facto savages, but are traitors to their homeland for willfully endangering their citizenry in the progressive, deadly guise of multiculturalism and diversity.

And if you think anything I just said is Islamophobic?

xxxx you!

If you want to coexist with Islamic savages, ISIS is looking for new recruits. I am sure there is a nice flat in a Shariah No-Go Zone in London for you. Yet, I hear its a little rainy this time of year but a burkha should keep you nice and dry, you soulless, ignorant, progressive piece of human debris.

Articles with Katy Grimes

Megan Barth is the founder and proprietor of, a nationally recognized political commentator and womans advocate. She has appeared on NewsMax TV, One America News Network, America Trends with Dr. Gina, The Blaze Radio, and has regular weekly appearances on a variety of nationally syndicated radio shows.

See the original post:
Progressives and Jihadists: A Multicultural Matrimony of Cultural Genocide Wedded in Bliss - Canada Free Press

Tee Hee: California Progressives Allege Voter Fraud in Democratic Party Election, Demand Voter ID – Townhall

Earlier this month, we highlighted apopcorn-worthy story of former DNC workers suing the Democratic Party -- ostensible champions of the little guy -- over sub-minimum wage salaries, and an alleged refusal to offer overtime pay. This story out of Californiamay be even richer. You may have heard that the stateparty'sannual convention was marred bydiscord and vulgarity, with national DNC Chairman Tom "F-Bomb"Perezgetting booedby delegates even before histerrible fundraising numbers came out. One of the most controversial moments of the tumultuous meeting was the narrow election of an establishment Democrat to chair the state party, beating a Bernie-style left-winger. The defeated candidate's supporters were furious, insisting that the outcome was highly suspicious, if not outright fraudulent. And one of theirspecificobjections was absolutely delicious:

People voting in a close election "without proper ID"? Perish the thought. Even California's beleaguered Republican Partycouldn't whiff on this one. Swing and a drive:

I, for one, am disgusted by California progressives' support for "voter suppression" methods such as requiring proper identification to ensure the integrity of an election. Their demandthat only eligible voters be permitted to cast ballots, according to established rules, is an outrage. And quite possibly racist, or something. Because as we've been told, voter frauddoesn't exist. It'sa myth. Conjuredout of thin air by the terrible Republicans. To combat afake problem. Or maybe, when the chips are down and the stakes matter to them, lefties realize that thevast majority of Americans who are in favor of voter ID laws support a common sense measure to safeguard electoral results. By the way, a primary source of acrimony at this week's convention wasfury from grassroots lefties over some elected Democrats'concerns about a proposedsingle-payer healthcare scheme:

Ah, but in case you missed it,there's ateeny tiny problem (among others)with their gloriouscause:

Read the original here:
Tee Hee: California Progressives Allege Voter Fraud in Democratic Party Election, Demand Voter ID - Townhall

Vox: Populist Surge Led to a Surge of Formerly Inactive Progressives – The Nonprofit Quarterly (registration)

May 22, 2017; Vox

This fall, when Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election, many people felt it as more than a political loss. They despaired or felt unsafe, as though they and their communities were being attacked and their fellow citizens only watched silently. It has been frustrating to watch as years of progress on a number of issueswomens rights, climate protection, education, criminal justice reformare stymied or reversed. To many progressives, it feels as the past has intruded upon the present and hidden holders of unpopular opinions have come out of the woodwork in greater numbers than were ever anticipated.

But is that whats really happening? Vox recently collected polls on major issues from numerous sources, and found some surprising results. Nearly two-thirds of Americans agree that immigration helps the United States more than it hurts and oppose the much-touted wall on the Mexican border; more than half of Americans say they want a government that does more to solve problems and meet peoples needs rather than leaving it to businesses; nearly three-quarters of Americans see foreign trade as an economic opportunity, not a threat.

We are not at war with our fellow citizens; we agree on more than we think. This isnt to say there arent people with extreme views or that issues like climate change, civil rights, and economic justice championed by liberals and progressives dont still need constant attention. But if these numbers are anything to go by, advocacy works. Lots of these progressive-conservative ratios have flipped within the last 10 years. But what are we doing with that consensus?Given those figures, Democrats should have triumphed, but instead they were beaten in the great majority of races, resulting in a net gain of almost 1,000 federal and state offices for the GOP since 2008. If most Americans support foreign trade, how did we get a president who threatens to pull out of NATO and NAFTA?

This is not the place (if there ever is one) to analyze the election, but to ask where the work of nonprofits is needed or supported and what shape it should take. If most Americans opinions on climate change and immigration align with the values of progressive civic society, how can we connect that to policies and policymakers who hold those views as well? Do we have a wider base of funding and support than we thought?

As Vox points out, part of the disparity between the views shown in the chart and those represented in government is due to gerrymandering; in several states, progressive candidates got more than half of the popular votes but less than half of the Congressional seats. Racially biased voting districts have been challenged in North Carolina and other places, but voting rights are not yet universal and districts reflect that bias.

Part of it has to do with the story we tell about our society and how people feel they fit into it. People understand themselves and their history through stories; white Americans are used to being the protagonists of Americas story, and that may be more important to voters than gun control or tax policy. In fact, as NPQ reported, racial identity played a major role in the results. Yuval Noah Harari wondered in The New Yorker if liberalism was at an end, saying, As people lose faith in the systems ability to fulfill their expectations, they become disillusioned even amid unprecedented peace and prosperity. As pure liberalism proves itself inadequate to deal with huge problems like climate change or cybersecurity, as alternative histories brought to light by civil rights campaigns threaten the story white Americans grew up hearing about themselves, reactionary voting can result in representation that doesnt align with (some) policy values. But perhaps theres an opportunity here to bridge a divide.

The opportunity for nonprofits is to capitalize on and expand the areas of consensus. Most Americans support public intervention to help solve big problemsa decidedly illiberal view in economic terms, but one that is great news for the public sector. The story of nonprofit advocacy and civic values did not stop or swerve with the November election; there is reason to believe that the good work being done is having an effect. Now, as Voxs Ruy Teixeira said, you may return to your regularly scheduled panic.Erin Rubin

Erin Rubin is the Editorial Coordinator & Community Builder at the Nonprofit Quarterly. Previously, she worked as an administrator at Harvard Business School and as an editorial project manager at Pearson Education, where she helped develop a digital resource library for remedial learners. Erin has also worked with David R. Godine, Publishers, and the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, & Writers. As a member of the TEDxBeaconStreet organizing team, she works to communicate innovative ideas and translate them into action

Originally posted here:
Vox: Populist Surge Led to a Surge of Formerly Inactive Progressives - The Nonprofit Quarterly (registration)

Progressives: Trump Education Budget ‘Wrecking Ball,’ ‘Assault on American Dream,’ ‘Cruel to Kids’ – Breitbart News


The proposal eliminates a number of programs with the rationale that the programs have been proven to be either ineffective or are duplicated in other areas.

The plan calls for a $1 billion increase for Title 1 for new Furthering Options for Children to Unlock Success (FOCUS) grants that would be awarded to school districts that enhance school choice opportunities.

The budget also seeks a $167 million increase for the Charter Schools Grants program to allow states to launch new charter schools or expand current ones.

Former U.S. Education Secretary under President Barack Obama, John B. King Jr.,said in an interview with establishment education media Education Week that Trumps budget is really an assault on the American Dream.

King criticized the Trump administrations elimination of the Professional Development and 21st Century programs, and the changes in the student loan forgiveness program.

The former secretary said the budget plan is an attack on the very resources students in high-needs communities need to be successful.

The heads of the nations largest teachers unions also weighed in on the proposed budget.

President Trumps budget proposal is manifestly cruel to kids, said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers. It is catastrophic to the public schools our most vulnerable and at-risk students attend, while being a windfall for those who want to profit off of kids or make education a commodity rather than a great equalizer and an anchor of democracy.

Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president the National Education Association said Trumps plan is a wrecking ball aimed at our nations public schools.

Their reckless and irresponsible budget would smash the aspirations of students, crush their dreams, and make it difficult for them to go to college and get ahead, she added.

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, however, said in a statement that the plan reflects a series of tough choices we have had to make when assessing the best use of taxpayer money.

It ensures funding for programs with proven results for students while taking a hard look at programs that sound nice but simply havent yielded the desired outcomes, she said.

Trumps budget plan would save over $1 billion by eliminating subsidized student loans, and an additional $859 million would be saved by ending student debt forgiveness for those who enter public service.

The administrations budget proposes to streamline student loan repayment by consolidating several income-driven repayment (IDR) plans into one single plan. IDR plans provide student borrowers with the option of making lower monthly payments according to other factors such as income and family size.

The single IDR plan would cap a borrowers monthly payment at 12.5 per- cent of discretionary income, the budget states. For undergraduate borrowers, any balance remaining after 15 years of repayment would be forgiven. For borrowers with any graduate debt, any balance remaining after 30 years of repayment would be forgiven.

The Trump budget would guarantee that all student borrowers who use the IDR pay an equitable share of their income.

The Obama administration allowed even more student borrowers to reduce their monthly student loan payments based on their income.

CNN Money reported in December of last year, however, that Obamas policy could result in twice the costs for the federal government, i.e., taxpayers, as expected:

The program loses money because some participants, over the life of their loans, will pay less than they would under a standard repayment plan.

Its difficult to predict how much the program will cost in the future. But theGovernment Accountability Officeestimates that loans issued between 2009 and 2016, originally projected to cost $25 billion, will cost $53 billion.

Its an expensive program thats bigger than anyone ever told us it would be, said Jason Delisle, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

The GAO found that the government will lose $21 for every $100 in student loans issued to someone who takes advantage of an income-driven repayment plan.

According to Time, Natalia Abrams, executive director of advocacy organization Student Debt Crisis, said that over 550,000 borrowers are currently enrolled in the debt forgiveness program.

We need to make it easier for people to go to and pay for college, this budget does the exact opposite, Abrams said, although the Education Department said those students already in the loan forgiveness program would not be affected by the proposed changes.

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program was initiated in 2007 with the hope that university graduates would respond to the incentive by accepting government jobs and teaching positions in remote rural areas. The program allows the student borrowers debt to be forgiven after 120 payments, or 10 years.

The Trump education budget also would save $1.2 billion by eliminating the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC), a program that allowed expansion of before- and after-school and summer school programs.

The Budget proposes eliminating the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program given performance data demonstrates that the program is not achieving its goals, and the program has low participant attendance rates, the administration states. Nearly 60 percent of students attended a 21st CCLC center for 30 days or fewer during the 2014-2015 school year.

The proposed education budget would end as well the International Education program, which is designed to improve American education in foreign languages and international studies.

Other Federal Agencies whose primary mission is national security implement similar programs and are better equipped to support the objective of these programs, the budget document states.

The Trump administrations full budget for education for FY 2018 would make some long-overdue cuts at the Department of Education, eyeing reductions in spending totaling $9.2 billion a 13.6 percent cut in the agencys current $68 billion annual budget, said Lindsey Burke, director of Heritages Center for Education Policy.

That type of reduction signals a serious commitment to reducing federal intervention in education a necessary condition to make space for a restoration of state and local control, she added.

See the original post:
Progressives: Trump Education Budget 'Wrecking Ball,' 'Assault on American Dream,' 'Cruel to Kids' - Breitbart News