Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Kate Barnard: An icon for Oklahoma progressives – NonDoc

I have found my silver lining!The dark cloud of election night and a Donald Trump presidency has lifted or at least thinned.

Nov. 9, 2016, as I awoke (probably still drunk), picked myself off my bed, dried my eyes and applied my mask, I did what can only be described as a Hail Mary:

I ordered books off Amazon.

While this might seem a small step in a general direction, these were special books. Although I havent gotten through them all (yet), the first has given me new pride in my Oklahoma home.

Davis D. Joyces collected essays,An Oklahoma I Had Never Seen Before,changes my life with every new sitting. Each essay brings a new facet of our progressive beginnings: from Kate Barnard and prairie populism to a personal essay by Clara Luper, the collection of the peoples history easesthe aches in every progressive-stuck-in-a-red-states soul.

(Editors Note:The text below referencesthis article by Jim Loganas well as this book by Musselwhite and Crawford.)

The annals of time have been cruel to our first hero, Kate Barnard. As a pioneering reformer whose political career started almost a decade before the passage of the 19th Amendment, she lives on as a feminist icon for Oklahoma progressives.

Barnard started her career as a teacher in Oklahoma City. Within 10years, she had moved on to social reform. As one of the authors of the Shawnee Demands, her belief in child-labor laws and mandatory childhood education made a dramatic impact on the Demands, which would soon become the basis for our new states constitution.

With the first election, Barnard became the first woman elected to public office in Oklahoma and only the second nationwide (again, before women were allowed to vote). While the first state Legislature expected her to sit quietly in her corner and attend her feminine duties, Barnard had other plans.

Within a year, she had created drastic changes in Oklahomas prison system (or lack thereof). Having infiltrated a Kansas penitentiary housing Oklahoman prisoners and seeing the abominable conditions, including torture, Barnard petitioned the state to build its own prison system and end many inhumane practices previously in use.Gaining national attention from the scandal, Barnard began speaking across the country about prison reform.

This, combined with her new crusade championing orphaned Native children, would prove to be her downfall.

Native children were stripped of land and mineral rights, abused by court-appointed guardians and subjected to aracist, capitalist system by ones entrusted with their care. As she continued protecting the rights of children, Barnard would end up taking on judges, representatives and corporations.

In response, the Legislature continuously attacked Barnard as well as her prosecutor. Unable to remove her from office without a popular vote, they gutted her budget and created popular dissidence for her new campaign as well as her focus on speaking publicly nationwide.

Sadly, Barnard faded into obscurity later in life. Suffering from a skin disease as well as other health complications, shedied alone in a hotel room at the age of 54. For more than 50 years, her body resided in obscurity in an unmarked grave.

Todays young Oklahoman women can take solace in Kate Barnards story. In a millennial generation stunted by a poor economy and the shackles of growing student loans, fellow late bloomers remind us that its never too late to start caring or effect change. Barnards compassion for the poor, unrepresented and abused masses in a state that so often forgets so many of its citizens reminds us all to add a little more sympathy to our everyday humanity.

I highly recommend you visit Barnards grave in Fairlawn Cemetery and pay tribute to a local heroine in any way you see fit.

Continue reading here:
Kate Barnard: An icon for Oklahoma progressives - NonDoc

Trump at 100 days: It’s time for progressives to go on the offensive – National Catholic Reporter (blog)

Today as I write marks the first 100 days of President Donald Trump's administration. It's almost an abomination of equating the concept of 100 days to Trump, since this comes from President Franklin Roosevelt's first 100 days in office in 1933. That was a remarkable beginning of his administration, when a variety of economic programs were enacted to confront the severity of the Great Depression. He set the standard for the beginning of any administration, and few, if any, subsequent ones have come anywhere close to the mark with the exception of Lyndon Johnson's first full 100 days after his election in 1964 following the Kennedy assassination. By comparison, Trump is a joke, since, in his first 100 days, instead of pursing policies to help people, his proposals have been aimed at hurting people. For example, the Republican health care plan that tried to change Obamacare would have thrown millions off of their health insurance.

Trump's first 100 days have been further filled with attacks on our constitutional liberties and an assault on federal programs that provide a safety net for Americans. Instead, as seen in both his version of a new health insurance program and in his proposed tax cuts, everything about his administration is to support the very rich. Trump's beginning is largely a failure with respect to any achievements. On the other hand, he continues to succeed in polarizing the country and emboldening the extreme right including anti-immigrant nativists and those harboring racist views to people of color. Trump stands for an America of the past with all of its troubling aspects and is totally against the reality of the new diverse America that is the future of the country.

One other success can be linked to Trump's first 100 days: He has helped to create a new progressive opposition that is involving millions of Americans who will not succumb to Trump's authoritarian state. The massive demonstrations throughout the country and the confrontation at congressional town hall meetings are all testimony of a new political movement to first defend our rights and the federal programs that support people.

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However, this defensive movement has to also begin to go on the offensive looking forward to the 2018 elections and the defeat of the Republicans in the House and Senate. The system may be corrupt and failing, but progressives still have to work through it, especially with respect to the electoral system. As Csar Chvez said, we can work in the system but not with it. People power can make a difference in changing the entrenched institutions of power, and we have to take advantage of it. Progressives have to remember that their aim is not just to change people in power and their hate speech, but also to begin to change the institutions. We need to keep our eyes on the prize. It is not just getting rid of the Trumpities but the system that gives rise to Trumpism. We have to remain optimistic that this can be done and that it will be done.

See the original post here:
Trump at 100 days: It's time for progressives to go on the offensive - National Catholic Reporter (blog)

Fake progressives – Mondoweiss

As the United States wraps up the first 100 days of Donald Trumps administration the worst first 100 days of any administration, according to various assessmentsmillions of Americans are expressing horrified surprise not at that abysmal record, (itll get worse in the second 100 days), but rather, at former President Barak Obamas speaking fee: $400,000 for a talk on health care, to a Wall Street firm. And in the wake of this (not so) shocking news item, yet more articles are being published reminding us of the reality of his actions, behind the beautiful faade of the elegant, loving, scandal-free model family.

Before that, and scandal-ridden as he was, Bill Clinton was described by TV political show host Rachel Maddow as the best Republican president this country ever had. Maddows description is a sad variation on the sorry refrain we hear in progressive circles today, that the reason we got into the mess we are currently in, is our leniency with what has come to be considered the left. Indeed, we seem to fall very easy prey to the power of grammatically-correct, eloquent statements, even when they are utterly belied by the speakers actions.

Obama, as well as the Clintons, both Bill and Hillary, are only a few of the many politicians that have completely departed from a stated commitment to progressive causes, into implementing actions that range from neo-liberal to outright hawkish. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who will receive an Israel advocacy award from StandWithUs on May 7th, is another such example.

Murrays record is exemplary of that of fake progressives and their subservience to established systems of oppression and disenfranchisement. Most recently, in the wake of Trumps Muslim and Immigrant Ban, he defiantly stated that Seattle will remain a sanctuary city, even as the Seattle Police Department stopped transit service to the Sea-Tac International Airport to stem the flow of protesters heading there. Before that, and also during his administration, members of the Seattle Police Department went on counter-terrorism seminars in Israel sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League, a Zionist organization more concerned with Israel advocacy than with the defense of civil rights. Not surprisingly, considering the fact that the Israeli military and police are invested in defending an illegal occupation and repressing the indigenous impulse towards freedom and dignity, the Seattle Police Department is now under consent decree because of the racism and violence it has characteristically engaged in. Murray has also facilitated the building of a new youth jail in the historically African American part of the city, despite sustained opposition from his constituents. And while he expressed his opposition to that facility, it was his administration that granted the permits, and his lawyers who joined the countys efforts to deny anti-prison organizers the opportunity to be heard, to appeal the permits for the new jail. Today, as Palestinian prisoners in Israels jails are currently engaged in a hunger strike for dignity and human rights, up to 750 prisoners in the Northwest Detention Center, one of the largest immigration detention centers in the country, are currently on hunger strike to protest their appalling conditions. And while Murray is not directly in charge of that prison, immigrant rights organizers say that Washington state politicians claim that they will not follow through with Trumps immigration ban is proving to be a paper tiger. The connections between the two hunger strikes, one just outside of Seattle, the other in Israeli jails, will be foregrounded with a solidarity rally by Palestinian rights activists on May 13th, days after Murray will have been honored by StandWithUs.

Like other fake progressives, Mayor Murray consistently denounces racism, issuing statement upon statement about his city being welcoming, tolerant, a sanctuary, yet rather than side with the victims of racism, he has chosen to align himself with an apartheid country whose very existence as the Jewish state hinges on discrimination. An openly gay man, he has also jumped on the pinkwashing bandwagon, and agreed to keynoting a pinkwashing conference in Israel in 2015, despite appeals from the Seattle queer community to stop promoting that country as a gay haven, when in fact it misrepresents its own intolerance, and exploits regional homophobia, to distract from its egregious overall human rights abuses.

According to StandWithUss event information, Murray is being honored for standing up to anti-Israel pressure, and remaining a good friend of the Seattle-area Jewish community. StandWithUss claim is intentionally misrepresentative, as the Zionist organization knows full well that many members of the Seattle-area Jewish community, from the vibrant Jewish Voice for Peace local leadership and general membership, to the many Jewish members of QuAIA-Seattle (Queers Against Israeli Apartheid), are completely opposed to Zionism. Similarly, members of the Seattle-area Jewish community are spearheading the newly-launched JVP Deadly Exchange campaign, which seeks to end US-Israeli police partnerships.

Yet even as ample documentation keeps streaming in from various quarters, including the Israeli government itself, that Israel is an apartheid country that consistently, systematically, engages in human rights violations, Murray stands not with his own constituents, and not with the progressive Jewish community in Seattle, but with apologists for Zionism.

Murray is currently the incumbent in a mayoral race with another nine candidates, and is attempting to sound more progressive in his bid to be re-elected in a liberal city. Nevertheless, at the close of his four-year tenure as mayor, (and well over 20 years in political office in King County) Murray is not being honored by immigrants, youth activists, anti-prison organizers, people of color, the homeless, the queer community, but rather, by StandWithUs, an organization devoted to sugarcoating violent racist settler-colonialism.

Obama was our first black president, Hillary Clinton would have been our first female president, Ed Murray is Seattles first openly gay mayor, in an interracial marriage. These are indeed social breakthroughs. But at this critical juncture, we need to look beyond the symbolism of an individual. Throughout history, the greatest progressive leaders and organizers, even when grounded in the issue closest to their circumstances, have understood the global interconnectedness of oppressive systems. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to end segregation and voter disenfranchisement, but he also opposed war and militarism overseas. Nelson Mandela knew that the freedom of black South Africans was incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians. At the grassroots level, Palestinians understand that the struggle to block the North Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock is a struggle for indigenous sovereignty. Today, the organizers of the International Womens Strike oppose sexism, but also racism and colonialism around the globe.

At this juncture, as the US critically needs to free itself from the grip of corrupt politicians and the devastation they are wreaking on all our social networks, the question we need to ask is how we can avoid more fake progressives in the future.

One answer may well be that we need to look away from politicians, and focus on amplifying and escalating the work grassroots organizers are doing, with no ambition to holding political office. We can put all our energy into uplifting the efforts of our community members, rather than our supposed representatives.

But since political offices must be filled, we need to support our organic leaders as they shoulder that role. And we must always, always, stay away from Zionists and Israel apologists. Because support for Israel, with its well-documented institutionalized racism, hypermilitarism, settler-colonialism, its violation of international law and the human rights of its indigenous community, is a fail-proof indicator of moral corruption and disrespect for disenfranchised communities everywhere.

Fake progressives - Mondoweiss

Why progressives want to protect fat cats against Trump – New York Post

Savor the irony: Progressive politicians like Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo are freaking out over a key way President Trumps tax reform would soak the 1 percent.

Trump wants to end the federal deduction for state and local taxes while doubling the standard deduction and ending the Alternative Minimum Tax, so that the middle class doesnt get slammed.

The loophole is a huge boon for high earners in high-tax states like New York and New Jersey. Nationwide, the Tax Foundation estimates, 88 percent of the benefits go to taxpayers with over $100,000 in income.

And the Empire Centers E.J. McMahon calculates that the overall Trump plan would still leave New York families earning under $500,000 better off. (The AMT, in particular, is a bane on the upper-middle class, though its supposed to only hit the rich.)

The pain only gets serious for those pulling in more than $2 million a year the folks Cuomo just hit by extending New Yorks millionaires tax, and the ones de Blasio is always eager to see pay their fair share.

Of course, these politicians real fear is that, should the wealthy feel the full impact of New York taxes, theyd be more likely to move away.

As the Manhattan Institutes Steve Malanga notes, New Jersey lost an estimated $200 million a year in tax payments when a hedge-fund manager fled to Florida (a no-income-tax state) last year.

No one really knows how many fat cats would flee if Trump gets his way. After all, theyre willing to pay a hefty (if smaller) premium to live here now.

Whether its the citys restaurants and cultural institutions, the regions beauty, having family nearby or the company of their neighbors, they think its worth it. They certainly can afford to pay, as de Blasio will tell you.

Heck, plenty of them support raising taxes on the rich Wall Street was big for Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama before her.

Yes, Trumps reforms would put more of the federal income-tax burden on high-tax states but mainly because theyre also rich states. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut (which is fast becoming high-tax under Gov. Dan Malloy) have lots of gazillionaires and median incomes well above the US average.

If you tax the rich more, youre going to take more from New York and less from Mississippi. That ought to be something that the likes of Bill de Blasio support.

How progressive can it possibly be to protect a tax write-off for the rich?

Read more here:
Why progressives want to protect fat cats against Trump - New York Post

Judith Levine: Progressives don’t compromise on women’s rights –

Editors note: This commentary is by Judith Levine, a writer and activist from Hardwick.

NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue said it eloquently and succinctly last week: Access to safe, legal, affordable, universally accessible abortion is not a single issue or a social issue. It is a proxy for women to have control over our lives, our familys lives, our economic well-being, our dignity, and human rights.

Criticism in advance of the rally did not move Sanders to change his plans to appear with Mello as part of a national unity sweep for the Democratic Party. Instead, he and party leaders doubled down on their unnecessary decision to get behind a flawed local candidate. These apologists noted that in spite of personal opposition to abortion, Mello has pledged to uphold the law protecting womens access to abortion if elected. But when Mello was in elected office and as a legislator had the opportunity to uphold the law, he voted to change it in order to make abortion more onerous to obtain.

A week later, in The Nation, D.D. Guttenplan provided a more nuanced picture of Mellos role in Nebraskan reproductive politics, interviewing some pro-choice activists in the state who argued, essentially, that it was more pro-choice than outside critics had made it look. But before the rally, neither Bernie nor the Democrats had even thought to look into the issue. Having failed to look, they then refused to retract their endorsements once they got wind of Mellos numerous radical anti-abortion bills and votes. And, having relegated womens rights to an afterthought, they exacerbated the oversight by turning it into political principle.

Sanders, both as candidate for the Democratic Partys presidential nominee and now as its de facto progressive torchbearer, has distinguished economic equality from social issues, including abortion rights the former a set of principles from which no party member, particularly no progressive, may diverge, and the later from which they may. While granting wide latitude to Mello, Sanders recently dismissed Jon Ossoff the Democrat who nearly flipped former Republican Rep. Tom Prices Georgia district as not a progressive, in part because he didnt talk about single-payer health care.

The Democrats must cease demanding that women compromise our economic, social, sexual and existential equality in the name of party unity.

The party has largely done the same. In response to the Mello dustup, even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reiterated that while the Democrats are officially pro-choice, they welcome members who are anti. Arguably, granting its imprimatur to anti-choice Democrats is as damaging as Republicans straight-out attack on abortion, because it makes opposition to choice look like a widely held, bipartisan position. In fact, a recent Pew study found that a majority of Americans support Roe v Wade, including 84 percent of Democrats. Meanwhile, according to Gallup, only 73 percent of Democrats support a federally funded single-payer health care system, one of Sanders apparent criteria for progressivism.

In fact, for women theres no distinction between reproductive freedom and economic equality; a large and growing body of literature confirms the link between the ability to determine whether and when to have children and educational, social, and economic benefits for women. Access to abortion affects poor women disproportionately. As Sejal Singh wrote in an excellent piece on Feministing:

Nearly 70 percent of women who obtain abortions live below 200 percent of the federal poverty line, often because they cannot afford to care for a (or another) child. . . . The landmark Turnaway Study tracked women across 21 states who sought but were denied abortion care; researchers found that women who carried an unwanted pregnancy to term are three times more likely than women who receive an abortion to be below the poverty level two years later.

Forcing women to have babies against their will was one of the vilest aspects of Americas foundational crime, slavery. And just as mass incarceration is a modern iteration of legal racial subjugation, the slow re-criminalization of abortion is the 21st century form of the sanctioned violation of womens bodily integrity. In 2015, 32-year-old Purvi Patel (not incidentally, a woman of color) was sentenced in Indiana to 20 years in prison for killing her baby in a self-induced late-term abortion. A judge overturned the feticide conviction but upheld a charge of felony neglect of a dependent; she deemed Patels 18 months already served as appropriate punishment.

The Democrats must cease demanding that women compromise our economic, social, sexual and existential equality in the name of party unity. And no one, not even St. Bernie, should be credited with the mantle of progressive if he does not defend womens reproductive freedom as an inviolable pillar of his or her values.

Go here to read the rest:
Judith Levine: Progressives don't compromise on women's rights -