Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

For progressives, the debate is over – Chicago Tribune

Radical progressive Democrats have resorted to their old playbook: If you lose at the voting box, you then protest, demonstrate, sue in court, hold up the president's Cabinet picks, do everything to divide people, and stifle Donald Trumps presidency.

When the country looks for unity, the radicals drive a wedge between progressives and those who believe in America First.

Radicals want open borders, and if you disagree, they label you anti-immigrant, racist or worse. It's the same way with the radical approach to climate change; anyone who does not adhere to their theory is labeled a denier. Whatever happened to debate? The radical approach is: The debate is over!

Radical progressives lost an election. Get used to it with the power struggle over the borders, climate change, health care, judicial nominations and much more. In the name of unity, progressives should now do what they can to hold on to what power they have left by reaching out to President Trump. Do what's good for the country and leave the radical element of the party behind.

Tom Ploski, Mount Prospect

For progressives, the debate is over - Chicago Tribune

Progressives soft on Muslim terrorism – Bradenton Herald

Bradenton Herald
Progressives soft on Muslim terrorism
Bradenton Herald
The Democratic/Progressive party preys on emotion, which serves them well because nave people of all stripes don't seek out the facts and ponder the consequences when presented with inflammatory and emotional arguments. Statements such as: We ...

Read the rest here:
Progressives soft on Muslim terrorism - Bradenton Herald

Progressives are finding religion as they pray for the health of liberal SCOTUS justices – Hot Air

posted at 10:01 am on February 4, 2017 by Jazz Shaw

Yesterday, the legendary Andrew Malcolm published a piece here which speculates about other Supreme Court seats which may come up for grabs while Donald Trump is in office and what the fallout from such a turn of events might be. This is a grim game at the best of times because pondering an opening on the Supreme Court is frequently only thought of as meaning one thing, and it involves six people carrying a casket. But thats not the reality in most cases. Many of us tend to think that accepting a seat on that court winds up turning into a life sentence thats nearly as certain as the one Charles Manson received. However, as Zachary Goldfarb and Lydia DePillis wrote shortly after the death of Antonin Scalia, its actually a rarity. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died in office in 2005, but the last time it happened before that was in 1954. All the other ex-justices in the intervening half century left the building under their own power.

With that optimistic outlook in mind, its still worth considering whether any of the current crop are considering spending their golden years doing anything more relaxing. We would generally expect that sort of decision from the oldest members which means the Notorious RBG (83), Kennedy (80) or Breyer (78). The oldest conservative justice (Thomas) is still in his sixties. This has progressives and their liberal allies in the media in a panic at the moment. Two examples cropped up at the WaPo this week, with the first being a plaintive cry from Ruth Marcus for Anthony Kennedy to stick around until the last dog is hung or risk seeing his legacy go up in smoke.

Justice Kennedy, if youre reading this, my message is simple: Please dont retire. It could put your legacy at risk; even more, it would be terrible for the country at a moment that demands healing, not another bitter fight ripping at the seams of national unity.

Its natural, of course, that stepping down would be on your mind. At 80, you are the courts longest-serving justice 29 years this month. Appointed by a Republican president, you might decide that a Republican president should have the chance to name your successor.

Please dont.

That one is actually fairly tame when compared to a stunning offer made by Rachel Manteuffel to Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Rather than appealing to the tiny cancer survivors better angels in terms of retirement, Manteuffel cuts straight to the chase and lets Ginsburg know that shes ready to go under the knife and donate her bodily organs if it will keep RBG on the bench until Trump is gone.

I just wanted you to know that I admire you very much and have some tokens of my esteem that you might enjoy. Such as blood. If you have any need for blood, you can have the eight or so units of A-positive that are right here in my body. Theres also a gently used liver in here, lobes of it just lying around if you need them

My kidneys function well. I have two. Either one is yours for the taking. Both, if need be. ..

I have scads of nerves that you can have. Just take them. My skin would graft onto you beautifully. Bones, stem cells, a whole eyeball I dont need, feet of intestines, feet. Just a ridiculous amount of health, way more than should rightly belong to someone with my standing in the world. It is not just. And I know you like justice

I am somewhat bigger than you are, so my heart might not be a perfect fit. Have it cut to size.

I realize that Manteuffels essay is ostensibly written tongue in cheek, but these are not the thoughts of a rational person. That last line in particular about having her heart cut to size summons up images of an Aztec high priest plunging an obsidian blade into the chest cavity of a sacrificial captive on an ancient pyramid. This isnt comedy its a desperate plea from the truly unhinged, convinced that a monster (Trump) has risen up from the depths of Mordor to take over the world and there are no hobbits with magic rings of power to be found anywhere. It is, in short, thinly disguised religious fervor.

I suppose thats understandable to a certain degree. Younger political activists are facing the very real possibility of witnessing something which has almost never happened in their adult lifetime the swing of a SCOTUS seat from the far left to the far right. Kagan and Sotomayor replaced Stevens and Souter respectively both were reliably liberal. (Souter was appointed by Bush 41, but wound up voting almost exclusively with the liberal block.) Roberts replaced Rehnquist, a Nixon appointee who was considered a conservative federalist. Breyer replaced Harry Blackmun who was another Nixon appointee but went on to become one of the most liberal justices in the modern era, eventually authoring Roe v. Wade. And RBG (appointed almost a quarter century ago) replaced Byron White, a JFK appointee. In fact it could be argued that the only real ideological shift of note which younger liberals have witnessed was Alito replacing Sandra Day OConnor. Even there, OConnor was viewed as more of a swing vote and was a Regan appointee.

Now, the three members most likely to retire (or, God forbid, expire) are the current swing vote and two of the most reliable liberals on the court. If one of them is replaced by someone on Trumps current list of possible nominees it will be a seismic shift to the Right which liberals are simply not prepared to witness. And that shift would most likely continue to resonate until the current crop of liberal protesters are ready to collect Social Security. (Assuming the program lives that long without going broke.)

With all that in mind, perhaps Manteuffels offer wont bee seen as such a crazy bargain after all. And Im taking her at her word that she has a simply lovely liver to offer. Lord only knows that nobody would want mine.

Excerpt from:
Progressives are finding religion as they pray for the health of liberal SCOTUS justices - Hot Air

Elizabeth Warren Gives Progressives In Congress A Rousing Call To Arms Against Trump – Huffington Post

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) vowed steadfast resistance to President Donald Trumps agenda in a speech at the Congressional Progressive Caucus retreat in Baltimore on Saturday.

Warren argued that it was Democrats job to both fight back against the president and to address the increasing inequality and public disempowerment that laid the groundwork for his rise to power.

Our moment of crisis didnt begin with the election of Donald Trump, she said.We were already in crisis.We were already in crisis because for years and years and years, Washington has worked just great for the rich and the powerful, but far too often, it hasnt worked for anyone else.

People dont just wake up one day and elect leaders like Donald Trump because hey, everything is awesome, but what the hell, lets roll the dice and make life interesting, she added.

Democrats frequently enabled or participated in these trends, Warren said.

Republican politicians have pushed one policy after another that has favored the rich and powerful over everyone else, and far too often, Democrats have gone right along, she said. And no matter how extreme Republicans in Washington became, Democrats might grumble or whine, but when it came time for action, our party hesitated and pushed back only with great reluctance. Far too often, Democrats have been unwilling to get out there and fight.

The progressive wing of the Democratic Party is uniquely positioned to end this weak posture, she argued.

And Warren rejected the argument that Democrats must be willing to accommodate Trump.

We are not the minority party. We are the opposition party, and we need to talk about the key difference between us and them every day, she said.

We will resist every single effort to make America into a small and spiteful place. We will resist every injustice, she concluded. We will resist every effort to divide us. We will resist every effort to disgrace our Constitution. We will resist every single step toward the takeover of our government by billionaires, bankers and bigots.

Warren, beloved by progressive activists for her unwavering criticism of Wall Street abuses and other principled advocacy, drew rare liberal criticism when shevoted to confirm Ben Carson as secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Saturdays speech represents an attempt to assure these critics that she stands with Democrats progressive base in their all-out opposition to Trumps agenda.


Below are Warrens prepared remarks in their entirety.

ELIZABETH WARREN:Im going to cut to the chase: Were gathered today in Baltimore during a moment of crisis for us as progressives, for us as Democrats, for us as Americans.

Were in a moment of crisis, and I want to talk honestly about it.

Lets start with a simple fact: Our moment of crisis didnt begin with the election of Donald Trump.

We were already in crisis.

We were already in crisis because for years and years and years, Washington has worked just great for the rich and the powerful, but far too often, it hasnt worked for anyone else.

We were already in a moment of crisis because for years and years and years, the economy has worked just great for those who have already made it, but far too often, it hasnt worked for anyone else.

We were already in a moment of crisis because for years and years and years, weve been living in a nation where opportunity is quietly disappearing. A country that is giving fewer and fewer kids a real chance to succeed.

We all know that this country was never perfect. That systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry meant opportunities werent spread equally. But over the past generation, we made a shift a shift from a country bending in the right direction to one where the door to a better life to a middle class life has been getting further out of reach with every passing year.

For a long time, I have shouted from every rooftop I could find about how the middle class was on the ropes. How it was evaporating. How if we werent careful, it could be like the Arctic ice melting every year, until its gone completely, never to return. And make no mistake, as the middle class melts, the opportunities for the poor shrink to the vanishing point.

People dont just wake up one day and elect leaders like Donald Trump because hey, everything is awesome, but what the hell, lets roll the dice and make life interesting.

People dont elect leaders who break all the rules who violate all the norms when things are going pretty well.

They dont elect leaders who campaign for office by attacking communities of color, or religious groups, or immigrants, or women when things are just swell.

Men like Donald Trump come to power when their countries are already in deep trouble. When the economies of their countries are deeply flawed. When people in those countries start to lose hope for a better future and start looking for someone to blame. And men like Donald Trump rise when those with money and power get a little worried about their own privileges and decide to help out one of their own who promises to look out for them.

In November, America elected Donald Trump.

Yes, the Russians helped.

Yes, the FBI director helped.

Yes, he lost the popular vote by three million.

But we cannot let ourselves off so easy. Not as progressives, not as Democrats. The excuses end now right here in Baltimore. We hold ourselves accountable.

And we need to figure out what comes next.

There are some in the Democratic Party who urge caution. They say this is just a tactical problem. We need better data. We need better social media. We need better outreach. We need better talking points.

Better talking points? Are you kidding me? People are so desperate for economic change in this country that Donald Trump was just inaugurated as President, and people think we just have a messaging problem? What planet are they living on?

This is bigger than talking points and tactics, and yes, even than Twitter.

This country is in an economic crisis. For more than 30 years, working families, middle class families, poor families, students, seniors have been squeezed harder and harder, and now they are at the breaking point. Republican politicians have pushed one policy after another that has favored the rich and powerful over everyone else, and far too often, Democrats have gone right along. And no matter how extreme Republicans in Washington became, Democrats might grumble or whine, but when it came time for action, our party hesitated and pushed back only with great reluctance. Far too often, Democrats have been unwilling to get out there and fight.

That ends today. Its time for Democrats to grow a backbone and to get out there and fight.

Its up to usthe progressives. We need to make very clear that we, as progressives, as Democrats, as Americans, stand for a BOLD, progressive agenda. Stand for REAL solutions to this crisis. Stand for changes that will make a difference in the lives of millions of people. We need to make clear we will fight.

We fight for basic dignity and respect for every human beingeverybody counts. All people are entitled to be treated with respect.

We fight for economic opportunity not for those at the top, but for everyone. We believe that every one of our children deserves a fighting chance to build a real future.

We are not the minority party. We are the opposition party, and we need to talk about the key difference between us and them every dayand we need to say it in the plainest possible way:

Donald Trump has stirred ugly racism, sexism, and hatred in this country, and the Republican politicians smiled and climbed right into bed with him. That stink will be on them for decades to come. The national party that embraced bigotry. To every person in America, we need to say loud and clear: You dont like how women are treated? Or Latinos? Or Muslims? Or African Americans? Always remember that the bigotry stirred up by Donald Trump is perfectly ok with the Republicans in Washington. They will confirm his Attorney General, they will look the other way on religious bans, they will shuffle their feet over a Supreme Court nominee who thinks employers should decide what kind of birth control women get. Republicans are afraid to stand up for what is right. Afraid to stand up for basic American values.

Well they can nurse their fear. We are not afraid. Democrats are the party of all the people every single one. We believe everybody counts and everybody gets a chance. Nobody nobody gets cast aside. Thats the difference between Republicans and Democrats in Washington.

And one more: Donald Trump and the Republicans in Washington are on the side of the rich and powerful, and they are using every tool of government to help them get richer and more powerful. To every person in America, we need to say loud and clear: You think Wall Street has too much power in Washington? You think giant corporations call too many shots in government? You think billionaires get all the breaks while your family has to watch every nickel? Always remember: the Republicans are not on your side. Theyre rushing to unleash the big banks. Theyre rushing to gut the consumer agency that has forced banks to give $12B back to customers they cheated. They just pushed a backroom deal for giveaways to big oil companies and another for giveaways to investment advisers who cheat seniors. Theyre ramming through a cabinet of ethically challenged billionaires with long histories of grinding working people into the dirt. And the corporate CEOs and the Wall Street bankers and the lobbyists are so happy they are doing little money dances in the halls of Congress.

The so-called leaders of the Republican Party can keep their rich friends.

Thats on them. But whats on us? We need to be the party of hardworking people every single one. We need to be the party of every family and every small businesses and every person who hasnt made it yet. We need to be the party of every person who believes we should all get a chance to build something for ourselves and our families.

We need to say what we believe in, then we need to fight for those beliefs.

The world has changed a lot over the past few months, and lets be honest theres no hotline number we can call to learn how best to deal with rising right-wing extremism in this country. Like a lot of you, Im still finding my way, finding my footing, day by day, step by step. We make mistakes. But with each passing day, we learn.

The lesson of history is that when faced with a danger like Donald Trump, opposition needs to grow. Opposition needs to be focused. Opposition needs to be bold. Most of all, opposition needs to be willing to fight.

Things are moving fast, and time is running out for us to grasp what has happened, and for us to make clear in every way, from every mountaintop we can that we will fight back.

You bet we will fight back! And you better believe well keep fighting for our progressive agenda.

Next week, many of us in this room return to Washington. Eyes will be on us. We do not control the government. Many times, our side wont win. But we have our voices.

And we will add our voices to the voices of millions of people in this country who are standing up to say that the character of this nation is not the character of its President.

No. In our democracy, We the People decide the character of this nation.

When we protest, when we make phone calls, when we carry signs and ask questions, when we make our voices heard that is when we affirm our uniquely American character. We will resist every single effort to make America into a small and spiteful place. We will resist every injustice. We will resist every effort to divide us. We will resist every effort to disgrace our Constitution. We will resist every single step toward the takeover of our government by billionaires, bankers and bigots.

This is not the moment we asked for, but it is the moment we have been called to. This is our test.

The hour to fight is upon us and we are ready. We will fight back, side by side. We will fight back.

See original here:
Elizabeth Warren Gives Progressives In Congress A Rousing Call To Arms Against Trump - Huffington Post

Filibuster or bust: Progressives demand Democrats block Supreme Court nominee – Washington Examiner

Progressive activists are demanding that Democrats do everything in their power to stop President Trump from putting another conservative on the Supreme Court.

When Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., suggested he might stop short of filibustering Trump's nominee Neil Gorsuch, the response from liberal groups was swift and firm.

"There is zero appetite among the public for weakness from Democratic politicians," said Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founder Stephanie Taylor.

"Especially after Republicans stole a Supreme Court seat, Coons and all Senate Democrats should join Sen. Jeff Merkley's filibuster of Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Gorsuch. That's the kind of backbone the public needs to see right now."

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In case the point was missed, the group sent out an email to supporters urging them to call Coons. "Tell him that Democrats are counting on him to FIGHT WITH BACKBONE," the message read (emphasis in the original).

CREDO Action issued a blistering statement that opened with the suggestion that virtually anyone the president nominated would have been worthy of Democratic opposition, saying it was issued "in response to Donald Trump's nomination of [insert anti-women, anti-worker, anti-environment white male here] to the U.S. Supreme Court."

"Democrats cannot allow the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice picked by a racist, fascist, sexual predator who lost the majority vote by almost 3 million votes," the group's political director Murshed Zaheed said.

"The progressive base of the Democratic Party wants Democrats to fight Trump's fascist regime, not enable it," Zaheed added.

"There is no room for collaboration with a thin-skinned, tantrum-prone tyrant who, in just the first few days of his administration, has already displayed a reckless disregard for the rule of law and shown he is willing to undermine our Constitution."

Also from the Washington Examiner

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Many of these groups and activists threatened Democratic senators who didn't do their part with future primary challenges.

"Senate Dems, let's be very clear," tweeted liberal filmmaker Michael Moore. "You will filibuster & block this SC nom or will we find a true progressive and primary u in next election."

Many progressives want to see Democrats become part of the "resistance" against Trump, obstructing and opposing him wherever possible.

Their efforts are patterned partly on the Tea Party's pressure to get Republicans to fight President Obama and partly on the unsuccessful liberal campaigns against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

But liberals are also angry that Senate Republicans denied a hearing or vote to Obama's last Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. Garland would have given the liberal bloc control of the court. Now Republicans have the opportunity to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia with another conservative.

Also from the Washington Examiner

Republicans are pushing back on claims that they are softening their language about Obamacare's future.

02/05/17 12:00 AM

"The Democrats should treat Trump's SCOTUS pick with the exact same courtesy the GOP showed Merrick Garland," tweeted former Obama senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer. "Don't flinch, don't back down."

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., quickly became the leader of this effort in Congress.

"The most fundamental thing that must be understood about tonight's announcement is that this is a stolen seat," he said when Gorsuch was nominated. Merkley called for a Democratic filibuster.

"This is a stolen seat being filled by an illegitimate and extreme nominee, and I will do everything in my power to stand up against this assault on the Court," he added.

A filibuster would require 60 votes to end debate and vote on the nomination. Republicans control 52 seats to the Democrats' 48.

Nevertheless, some Democrats are reluctant to go down this road. It is possible Republicans would change the rules to allow future Supreme Court nominees through by majority vote. This would leave Senate Democrats powerless to stop Trump if he got to replace a more liberal justice and change the balance of power on the court, unless they have retaken the majority by then.

Judging from the reaction Democrats like Coons have elicited, this is going to be a losing argument with the progressive base.

"But I'm not going to do to President Trump's nominee what the Republicans in the Senate did to President Obama's," Coons, a member of the Judiciary Committee, told CNN. "I will push for a hearing and I will push for a vote."

Thousands have poured into the streets to protest Trump's immigration order and other policies. Even before Trump, Supreme Court nomination fights had become increasingly contentious over the past thirty years, since Democrats defeated President Reagan's nomination of Judge Robert Bork.

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Read the original here:
Filibuster or bust: Progressives demand Democrats block Supreme Court nominee - Washington Examiner