An obvious truth hidden in plain sight is suddenly common knowledge: At 81, Joe Biden is old and losing it.
Apparently we needed an epically disastrous debate performance, an op-ed from George Clooney and Biden mixing up Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with Putin, along with referring to Donald Trump as his Vice President at the NATO summit yesterday, for permission to believe our own eyes.
Ive long had concerns about the presidents fitness to run the country, but the debate at the end of June was even worse than I expected. Of course, his 78-year-old opponent is no spring chicken either, but its no exaggeration to say the contrast between the candidates sharpness was as stark as night and day.
But what was most shocking to me is how many other people were shocked by the performance as if theyre only just now realizing that the president isnt as sharp as he used to be.
I have many friends on the left, and I was floored to see how many of my smart, inquisitive, well-informed peers didnt see Bidens blunders coming. Where have they been burying their heads in the sand?
Since the debate, the Overton window shifted. All of a sudden its okay to point out a very elderly doddering man is in charge of our country.
Multiple New York Times editorials have called on Joe Biden to step down. Democratic members of Congress have demanded the same. Even George Clooney, a long time donor and supporter of Biden, pleaded with the President to step aside in a Wednesday op-ed.
Ill give them credit for finally calling a spade a spade. But the spontaneous narrative shift is eyeroll-inspiring.
So many of us have been calling it like it is for ages including reporters at this very paper who have been pointing out Bidens trail of gaffes for years.But, rather than engage with meaningful concerns about Bidens fitness, many on the left roundly dismissed us.
The deniers claimed we were participating in a right wing smear campaign. Unflattering clips of Biden were shrugged off as politically motivated, plucked out of context, surreptitiously edited, or merely in poor taste.
Its not in bad faith to demand that your president have the mental capacity to lead the free world. Just because a media source you dont like points something out doesnt mean its not true.
Conservatives have voiced concerns about the Presidents advancing age since his last campaign in 2020.
Thats when he asserted that poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. He then inexplicably called a young female voter a lying dog faced pony soldier and also called a retired Iowa farmer who challenged his fitness to run fat and a damn liar.
His presidency, too, has been filled with blunders.
In March 2022, in the early days of the war in Ukraine, he flippantly said Putin cannot remain in power an apparently unauthorized call for a regime change that his panicked staff quickly walked back.
In September of 2022, he looked for a Representative Jackie in a crowd during a speech apparently forgetting her last name, and the fact that she had died a month earlier.
Then, in June 2023, he bafflingly touted plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean.
Biden has even read instructions from teleprompters out loud, throwing end of quote, repeat the line, and pause into his speeches throughout his term.
When he was asked about his mental focus on 60 Minutes in 2022, his response inspired minimal confidence: Oh, its focused. Id say its I think its I I havent look, I have trouble even mentioning, even saying to myself, my own head, the number of years. I no more think of myself as being as old as I am than fly.
The list goes on and on and on.Even after the debate disaster, his attempts at redemption have ended with him putting his foot right back in his mouth.
On July 4th, he told WURD radio station that he is proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman to serve with a black president.
And during a campaign speech he confidently asserted, Im staying in the race. Ill beat Donald Trump. Ill beat him again in 2020.
This is sad. This is uninspiring. I dont want to live in a country ruled by a president in mental decline or his unelected handlers.
Bidens health can longer be ignored, but, thanks to some combination of willful ignorance and gaslighting by the mainstream media, many American have managed to miss whats been right in front of them months and years.
This isnt just vindication for those of us who have been sounding the alarm bells. Its also a reminder to those whove found themselves blindsided to evaluate the evidence, think for themselves, and believe their own eyes.
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Dems in denial: Progressives gaslit us about Bidens age for years now theyre admitting the terrifying truth - New York Post