Spiritual Progressives
The Network of Spiritual Progressives the interfaith advocacy arm ofTikkun magazine seeks to transform our materialist and corporate-dominated society into a caring society through consciousness raising, advocacy, and public awareness campaigns that promote a New Bottom Line based on generosity, peace, and social transformation. The NSP shifts mass consciousness by challenging status-quo ideas about what is possible. The NSP is not only for members of religious communities but also for people who do not believe in God or do not associate with any religion but do realize the need for aNew Bottom Linein our world today.Become a Member and Join Our Movement! Want to learn more about how you can get involved? Email the NSPs Executive Director, Cat Zavis, today! What is Spiritual?
Heres what is spiritual: Ethics, aesthetics, love, compassion, creativity, music, altruism, generosity, forgiveness, spontaneity, emergent phenomena, consciousness itself, and any other aspect of reality not subject to empirical verification or measurement.
Many scientists are also spiritual: They understand that the scientific method is appropriate for describing regularities in the natural world, but not for understanding all of reality. Those aspects of reality that cannot be reduced to publicly observable and verifiable behavior we call spiritual.
What Is A Spiritual Progressive? (Hint: You dont have to believe in God or Be Part of a Religion).
YOU are a spiritual progressive ifyou endorse the New Bottom Line:A New Bottom Line is one that judges the efficiency, rationality, and productivity of our institutions (education, healthcare, legal, etc.), government (and its policies), corporations and even our personal behavior based not on the old bottom line of whether they maximize money and power, but instead assessing them on the extent that they maximize love and caring, kindness and generosity, empathy and compassion, social and economic justice, peace and nonviolence, and environmental sustainability, as well as encourage us to transcend a narrow utilitarian approach to nature and other human beings.
You dont have to believe in God, deny science, or be part of a religion to be a spiritual progressive.
Spiritual progressives use the New Bottom Line to assess the value of our economic, political, and social arrangements and seek to do tikkun (heal and transform the world), using tactics and strategies which themselves manifest that new bottom line (e.g.nonviolenceandnonviolentcommunication). Or to put it in a short sound byte: we supportThe Caring SocietyCaring for Each Other and Caring for the Earth.
Embracing Israel/Palestine is now available. Click here to order your copy right now!
Embracing Israel/Palestine is a must-read for those who care about peace in the Middle East. It is provocative, radical, persuasive, and, if given the attention it deserves, could make a major contribution to reconciliation. Please read this book!Archbishop Desmond Tutu
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Spiritual Progressives