Six years ago, most progressives eagerly awaited the election of Barack Obama. Now many of us are unhappy with him. Indeed, Obamas unpopularity has become the primary theme of the midterm elections. As a consequence, Republicans are more energized than are Democrats. Before November 4th, what can be done to revitalize progressives?
Remember how we got here.
After eight years of a catastrophic Bush Administration, in 2008 progressives were quick to embrace the optimism of a smart, optimistic presidential candidate, Barack Obama. Most of us knew how hard it is to change the Washington establishment. Nonetheless, we bought into the euphoria of Change you can believe in.
The fact that President Obama wasnt as liberal as we believed he was, and hasnt accomplished as much as we expected, shouldnt dissuade us from working for a better democracy. When youre in the middle of a battle with the dark side, its discouraging to recognize that your leaders have flaws. But that shouldnt keep progressives from soldiering on towards a better world.
Reemphasize our values.
1. While Barack Obama managed to stabilize the economy which was in catastrophic disorder when he was elected he did not make it more equitable. In his memorable 2004 speech at the Democratic Convention, Obama said, It is that fundamental belief -- I am my brother's keeper, I am my sisters' keeper -- that makes this country work. This belief, that to make Democracy work we have to practice the Golden Rule, is one that differentiates progressives from conservatives.
Even though Obama hasnt done what we hoped he would do, we cannot let go of our objective to build a just and equitable society.
2. Since February 2009, after the passage of the economic stimulus package, Republicans have adopted the strategy of opposing President Obama at every turn. Republican Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell said, The single most important thing [Senate Republicans] want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president. As a result there has been record obstruction in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. In the Senate, Republicans blocked a record number executive nominations and filibustered hundreds of bills.
Republicans say they dont believe in government and act accordingly. Progressives believe that government can be a positive force.
3. Republicans have not only opposed Obamas legislative initiatives, they have attacked him personally. Beginning in 2008, Republicans spread rumors that Obama had not been born in America, was not a Christian but rather a Muslim, and was connected to terrorist organizations. After he was elected President, this became an unprecedented disrespect. It first flared openly, in September 2009, when Representative Joe Wilson yelled, Youre a liar, when Obama addressed a joint session of Congress. Every day a Republican politician or one of the talking heads on Fox News suggests the President cannot be trusted.
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THE PUBLIC EYE: Resurrecting Hope