Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Commentary: Lower debt is good politics and policy

There is nothing progressive about red ink.

This year, progressives will run on strengthening the economic recovery, reducing inequality, improving college affordability, promoting broad-based wage growth and making sure the most vulnerable among us are well cared for. And if we want all these to happen, we also need to campaign on fixing the national debt not as budget scolds but as the wing of the party that connects how growing debt is incompatible with the American dream.

The national debt is currently higher than it has been at any time since World War II and is on pace to continue growing faster than the economy. Yet, when confronted with this reality, many in my party deny that this is a problem and point to the declining deficit. They ignore the Congressional Budget Offices projections that the deficit will begin to rise again and the fact that the short-term deficit and long-term debt are not interrelated. They also associate any discussion of the debt with calls for gutting welfare programs, slashing entitlements and imposing needless austerity.

As progressives, we should fight against these alleged solutions, but that does not give us the right to ignore the problem. A growing national debt can have real and profound effects on the lives of ordinary Americans. High debt levels can hobble economic growth by stifling job-generating investments and slowing wage growth. Meanwhile, debt can increase the cost of living on working families by driving up the interest rates on everything from mortgages to student loans to credit-card debt. High debt levels can reduce the availability of affordable loans for first homes or small businesses.

The precise impact of higher debt levels is somewhat uncertain but far from abstract. According to the CBO, wages two decades from now would be more than 10 percent lower if debt is on an upward path relative to the economy, compared to a downward path. In todays dollars, thats a $330,000-per-person wage cut for someone who works 40 years beginning today. Similarly, just a 0.3 point swing in the interest rate could lead a family with a $300,000 mortgage to pay an additional $20,000 in interest.

The very wealthy can bear these costs. But for ordinary Americans, that could be the difference between getting ahead and treading water or even falling further behind.

And if the direct impact of the debt werent enough, it is increasingly impairing the governments ability to be a positive force in peoples lives.

Each year, more and more of the federal budget is going toward interest payments, leaving less room for important investments in energy, education, infrastructure, low-income support and basic research. Between 2013 and 2024, interest payments will quadruple from $220 billion to nearly $880 billion. And only a few years later, 100 percent of the revenue the government collects will go toward interest payments and mandatory spending instead of spending to promote economic opportunity and improve prosperity for the next generation.

Sensible reforms that close unneeded tax breaks and better target our health and retirement programs could make the room for these important public investments. Instead, our leaders have kicked the debt down the road through discretionary spending cuts and indiscriminate sequestrations, which just make a bad situation worse and represent exactly the kind of austerity we need to avoid. Progressives can protect and strengthen our most important programs only if we show the other side that were willing to make room for these priorities in the budget.

Creating economic opportunity for all will require Washington to enact a number of policy changes. But none of these changes will have a lasting effect if we dont have a plan to keeps us from drowning in a sea of red ink.

See original here:
Commentary: Lower debt is good politics and policy

Igbokwe warns Igbo against celebrating corruption, terrorism

The Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress in Lagos State, Chief Joe Igbokwe, has urged the Igbo to stop celebrating corruption. He also warned his kinsmen not to encourage terrorism by their utterances.

Igbokwe said this in an article while reacting to the removal of a former Minister of Aviation, Mrs. Stella Oduah; and a former Chief of Army Staff, Lt.Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika (retd.), who are both of Igbo extraction.

Oduah, before her removal, was accused of corruption while Ihejirika was accused of sponsoring terrorism. The Igbo community has, however, defended both Oduah and Ihejirika, describing their travails as an attempt to discredit Ndigbo.

However, Igbokwe urged the Igbo to desist from such habits as it was a retrogressive way of thinking.

He said, Mrs. Stella Oduah was removed as a Minister of Aviation for issues bordering on corruption. She was accused of financial recklessness. When the lid was blown open, our people went to town to defend her. All Igbo organisations went to town with the chorus LEAVE STELLA ODUAH ALONE.

The shouts came from our people all over the world and it was loud enough and at best, deafening. When Oduah was eventually eased out by the Presidency, one thought our people would learn the lesson but not Igbo. Our leaders went to town with a project to honour her and others with awards in Lagos.

In preparation for the ceremony, one of the leaders spoke to the press. Hear him we are honouring our own Mrs. Stella Oduah to show the world that even when Nigeria mocks our brightest and best for doing a good job at the aviation industry, we must tell the world that we love and celebrate our own. She was given an instant title of Ada Igbo. As I write this, billboards are at strategic locations in Igboland, celebrating her as ADA IGBO.

Igbokwe said it was disheartening that the Igbo were fast becoming ethically compromised as thieves were being celebrated in the South-East.

He said by supporting Oduah, who allegedly spent over N200m of public funds on acquiring two cars, the Igbo were belittling themselves before other tribes in the country.

When Professor Grace Grange (a former Minister of Health), Inspector General of Police, Tafa Balogun; and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Patricia Etteh, were removed for corruption, did the Yoruba resort to this kind of blackmail?

Go here to see the original:
Igbokwe warns Igbo against celebrating corruption, terrorism

Porter – The Progressives – Video

Porter - The Progressives
Intro to the Progressive Era.

By: Christopher Porter

Read more:
Porter - The Progressives - Video

Mary Burke, Susan Happ rally progressives at Fighting Bob Fest

BARABOO -- As the sun started to warm the Sauk County Fairgrounds on a brisk September morning, Democratic attorney general candidate Susan Happ told a crowd of progressives, it's an "exciting political year in Wisconsin."

"For the first time, we've got a woman running for governor and a woman running for attorney general," the Jefferson County district attorney said. "And I won't tell you from which party, but I will tell you that one of us rides a Trek and the other rides a Harley."

Both Happ the one with the Harley and Mary Burke, of Trek Bicycle heritage, presented themselves at Fighting Bob Fest as tough fighters ready to take on their Republican opponents in the Nov. 4 election. Happ faces Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel, and Burke is challenging Gov. Scott Walker.

"I'm ready for a fight, and we're in a real fight here in Wisconsin, arent we? Were in a protracted battle to protect our rights. The right wing wants to restrict our right to vote and somewhere along the way, they forgot about the 'right' part. Now, the Constitution doesnt say you get to vote if you have government-issued ID. It says you have the right to vote," Happ said, referencing the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals' Friday decision to reinstate Wisconsin's Voter ID law.

Burke also mentioned the ruling, calling it a "road bump." She urged the audience not to let it stand in the way of showing a strong turnout at the polls.

Happ's speech was a battle cry, rallying progressive troops to fight against "wars" waged by conservative politicians on marriage equality, the environment and women's rights. She spoke against the influence of corporate money in politics, like many at the gathering.

"Now were on the road to taking Wisconsin back to where people, not partisan politics, are the top priority," Happ said. "Where its the size of your heart, not your wallet, that counts. Where government is not for sale. It's not even for rent. And I'm ready to fight to make that happen."

Burke also promised to stand strong throughout the race, and not back down in the face of attack ads. Both gubernatorial candidates have run ads critical of the other candidate, but the Republican Governors Association fired the race's opening salvo, against Burke, in February.

Burke used a drawing given to her by a first-grade student to illustrate what she said her campaign is about: better schools, better jobs and a better Wisconsin.

She told a story about a summer project her family took on when she was growing up building a stone walkway to their house to illustrate the work ethic instilled in her by her parents.

See the rest here:
Mary Burke, Susan Happ rally progressives at Fighting Bob Fest

TAN rallies indecent, insulting Nigerians -APC

The All Progressives Congress has insisted that the rallies being held across the country by the so-called Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria represent an assault on the intelligence and sensibilities of Nigerians, at a time of unprecedented security and health challenges in the country.

In a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in Lagos State on Sunday, it noted that no amount of inversion of reasoning by the TAN foot soldiers can wash the rallies clean of shame and disgust.

It said, Only those described as morons and sycophants by Prof. Wole Soyinka can be engaging in celebratory rallies when soldiers are dying on the Boko Haram battle front, when citizens are daily being dispatched to their graves by insurgents and when the country is still reeling from the challenge of Ebola that has claimed many innocent lives.

The partywondered how the inauguration of its regional executives in Sokoto State could be equated with the rallies being held across the country by TAN, which is another name for shame, incompetence, cluelessness, cruelty, insincerity and insensitivity.

Itsaid, If President Goodluck Jonathan had not been running a government hallmarked by impunity, there is no way any political party would have brazenly kick-started electioneering campaign under the guise of an NGO that is coordinated by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Ministers, State Governors and other public officials, at a time like this.

The PDP-led Federal Government and its NGO called TAN are bare-faced liars and cheats. They have seized an undue advantage over every other party by defying the nations laws to start an early electioneering campaign, and no one, not even INEC, dares call them to order! Little wonder, their podiums are collapsing under the weight of their lies.

The partyaccused TANs self-serving Director of Communications Udenta Udenta ofattempting to pull the wool over the eyes of Nigerians by shamelessly justifying the insane rallies.

It said, We have the following posers for the deceptive and pigs-at-the trough TAN organisers: If Mr Udenta and his co- travelers were parents, relations or friends of any of the over 200 missing Chibok schoolgirls, wouldnt such TAN rallies offend their sensibilities?

If Mr Udenta or any of his co-travelers in TAN had lost a relation or dear one to Ebola in Port Harcourt, wont such a rally in the same city about the same time offend their sensibilities? Can Mr. Udenta tell Nigerians the source of funding of TAN? Can Mr. Udenta tell Nigerians how much TAN has spent so far in canvassing for Jonathans re-election or for that matter how much it spends daily on radio jingles, television and newspapers advert, billboards etc? Can Mr. Udenta tender to the public TANs audited account?

We know Mr. Udenta has no answers to these posers, but we have no iota of doubt that Nigerians know that TAN is funded and powered by the massive corruption of this government, including but not limited to the missing $20 billion, the over one trillion fuel subsidy scam, the kerosene subsidy scam, the hundreds of thousands of barrels of our crude oil being stolen daily, the Pension scam, the Malibu Oil scandal etc. We also know through which top functionaries of government funds are funneled to TAN.

View original post here:
TAN rallies indecent, insulting Nigerians -APC