Serge Miquel Exercise progressives technics NYC – Video
Serge Miquel Exercise progressives technics NYC
By: Serge Miquel
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Serge Miquel Exercise progressives technics NYC - Video
Serge Miquel Exercise progressives technics NYC
By: Serge Miquel
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8 Shows Progressives Should Watch For Better Or Worse This Fall
8 Shows Progressives Should Watch For Better Or Worse This Fall.
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8 Shows Progressives Should Watch For Better Or Worse This Fall - Video
Citizens United the truth not progressives strawma
By: hammerhiter7
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Citizens United the truth not progressives strawma - Video
If you watch Fox News and then MSNBC cover racial issues, you can see clearly that conversations between progressives and conservatives about race frequently bog down. This happens because each side is unwilling to vary how they present their argument, thus stifling true dialogue.
In the eyes of progressives, conservatives are too quick to blame the victim by laying the problems facing black communities at the feet of blacks themselves.
For their part, conservatives see progressive concerns with the structural problems that lead to racial disparity as attacks on an economic system that conservatives believe has done a great deal of good for all, including persons of color. They also see the progressive agenda as expanding the power of government in ways they disagree with.
Both retreat to their corners, with progressives rejecting the blame-the-victim mentality and conservatives thinking that structural racism is code for ignorantly rejecting markets.
There is a way around this unwillingness to engage. Two recent events have pointed out how. The events in Ferguson have brought out libertarian voices like Rand Paul who have long argued that the militarization of local police forces have disproportionately harmed people of color, especially in the enforcement of the War on Drugs.
Author Matt Ridley on the media backlash and Twitter outrage over his op-ed Whatever Happened to Global Warming? Photo credit: Getty Images.
As the tragedy in Missouri continues, libertarian-leaning Rep. Paul Ryan has introduced a new anti-poverty program that includes a focus on the ways in which government intervention in labor markets has worked to make it much harder for poor Americans, especially ones of color, to move up the income ladder.
What both share is a belief that racial disparities need not be the result of direct person-to-person racism or the failings of minority communities. Rather, it is structural racism at work, and it concerns both libertarians and progressives, and it should concern conservatives.
When mostly white local police forces get military gear and supplies for SWAT teams and then use them to prosecute a War on Drugs that is far more likely to target black than white users, you have structural racism.
When mostly white politicians, often at the behest of mostly white businesspeople, pass occupational licensure and zoning laws that raise the cost of entering occupations or engaging in home-based businesses that are particularly attractive to non-whites, you have structural racism.
Excerpt from:
Outside the Box: How libertarians can bridge the political divide over race
Teresa Ellsworth. (Submitted photo) (Picasa 3.0)
LONDONDERRY -- Teresa Ellsworth, a Londonderry resident who mounted a Progressive Party run for state representative in the Aug. 26 primary, died Sunday.
The cause of Ellsworth's death was not clear, but Vermont State Police -- as is standard procedure -- investigated Ellsworth's death and found nothing suspicious.
Progressive Party leaders on Wednesday noted the loss of an enthusiastic candidate who had expressed an interest in furthering some of the organization's key ideals.
"We were all shocked and saddened to hear about Teresa's passing," said Kelly Mangan, elections director of the Vermont Progressive Party. "She was passionate about social justice, and she believed that we can make the world a better place."
State Rep. Chris Pearson, a Burlington lawmaker who is the House Progressive Caucus leader, expressed "my sadness and deep condolences for her family."
Ellsworth ran as a Progressive for the Windham-Bennington-Windsor state House District, which consists of the towns of Jamaica, Londonderry, Stratton, Weston and Winhall.
She was a former New York state resident who had relocated to Vermont with her husband. Ellsworth had run for tax collector in a New York town, but this was her first political campaign in Vermont.
In an interview with the Reformer before last month's primary, Ellsworth said she was "very interested in politics."
"I've spent some time in Montpelier with the Progressive Party," she said.
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Progressives note death of state House candidate