Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Ill declare bid for Presidency Sept 24 -Atiku

Former Vice-President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has finally said he will contest for the position of the President in 2015 on the ticket of the All Progressives Congress.

He said he would be making the public declaration on Wednesday, September 24.

This was contained in a statement issued by his Media Adviser, Mallam Garba Shenu, in Abuja on Friday morning.

He said, The Turaki Adamawa will contest for the ticket of the All Progressives Congress, in the 2015 presidential elections.

The former Vice President will be making the declaration on Wednesday, September 24.

He said that the campaign will be anchored by someone he described as a veteran of successful presidential contests and a former Minister, Prof. Babalola Borisade.

Borisade, he said, is also a well-known political strategist who worked for the victory of the late General Shehu Musa YarAdua and thereafter, late Chief M. K. O. Abiola on the platform of the defunct Social Democratic Party.

He said Borisade also worked as the strategist for President Olusegun Obasanjo in 1999 and 2003 elections, both of which were won resoundingly.

This is not about me, it is about our young people. It is about Nigerians. It is their future, not the past. It is about reforming government, securing the people and reconciling the nation, Atiku was quoted as saying.

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Ill declare bid for Presidency Sept 24 -Atiku

*New* Winning Fortunes Progressives – Far East Fortunes – WMS Slot Machine Bonus – Video

*New* Winning Fortunes Progressives - Far East Fortunes - WMS Slot Machine Bonus
Just wanting to show some play on a newer game by WMS Filmed at the Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ Thanks for watching and stopping by! Please feel free to sub...

By: CasinomanCT - Slot Machine Wins!

See the article here:
*New* Winning Fortunes Progressives - Far East Fortunes - WMS Slot Machine Bonus - Video

SimCity Progressives

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture scrapped the Food Pyramid that it had promoted for nearly two decades. Split into six sections, the Food Pyramid rested on a hefty load of complex carbohydrates: 611 servings of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta.


Whatever else one may say of it, the Food Pyramid was clear, specific, and so simple that even a child could understand it. But there was just one problem: Americans were getting fatter. Increasingly, nutritionists blamed the carbs.

So out went the Food Pyramid, and in came MyPlate, a guide whose visual recommendations are so vague that anyone not deeply connected to the ongoing nutritional debate might have a hard time saying why it even exists or what it is trying to accomplish. Still, at least it doesnt recommend the massive daily doses of pasta.

Americans, being the good, obedient souls that they are, promptly started losing weight.

GOVERNMENT-CENTRIC THINKING At least thats the story told here in Washington, where all the right-thinking folks hold that every good outcome has a federal explanation. Here, it was the quite possibly improved federal nutrition guidelines, along with first lady Michelle Obamas advocacy against childhood obesity.

If the citizens are happy, then surely a bureaucrat is behind it, and its only a question of figuring out which one to thank. If they are sad, well, in this town, thats just another word for opportunity.

Whatever our ideology, we all grew up playing governmentality games.

A more sensible take on obesity, of course, would be to note that no trend continues forever, not even American fatness. Reversion to the mean, while it hasnt quite happened yet, ought never to surprise. Every trend continues until it cant anymore. None go on forever.

MyPlate serves as a good example of the sort of thinking I like to call SimCity progressivism. On this view, the governments purpose is not necessarily to provide any particular goods or services, and not even (or only) the ones found in the Constitution.

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SimCity Progressives

Western Progressives Successfully Prevent Israel's SodaStream From Employing Palestinian Workers

Guest post written by Abraham Miller

Mr. Miller is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Cincinnati.

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel appears to have won a Pyrrhic victory over SodaStream, resulting in 900 Palestinian workers, who received Israeli wages and benefits, being thrown out of their jobs. SodaStream is putting a good face on the potential closing, saying it is not submitting to the terror-aligned BDS campaign. But two hundred Palestinian workers have already been let go, and to many observers in Israel, the handwriting is on the wall.

In the front ranks of the campaign against SodaStream has been the sanctimonious Oxfam, which proudly reminds us that it does not support BDS, but it is for boycotting SodaStream.

The thing most to be admired about the left is how they are so good at achieving moral clarity, enunciated sometimes with an Oxbridge accent, as long as it is someone elses pocket to be picked and someone elses job that is on the line.

Whether youre a California Central Valley farmer who has been driven into ruin by a man-made drought to save the Delta smelt, a bait fish, or a logger sent to the unemployed lines to save the spotted owl, rest assured that your personal economic disaster was part of a noble venture celebrated by trust fund babies and effete liberals who never got their hands dirty save when changing the ink cartridge on a printer.

Now the left can celebrate sending 900 Palestinians into poverty, people who made four times the going rate for wages in the Palestinian Territoriesthat is if they could have found jobs in an economy with 40% unemployment.

In the Berkeley hills, the peace and justice crew and the gaggle of assorted leftists are opening fine bottles of California wine, looking out over their million-dollar views, and clinking crystal glasses in celebration. Meanwhile some of these 900 former factory workers will find their way into the territories sole thriving industry, terrorism.

As Alexis de Tocqueville observed in The Old Regime and the French Revolution, there is among some segments of society a true absence of the heart, an inability to comprehend or care how their actions affect the lives of others.

The leftist retort is that the settlements are illegal and they impoverish the Palestinians. Like most things that come from the left, the legality or illegality of the settlements is far and away more complex than stated, especially in the SodaStream case, which operates in Area C, an area legally under joint Israeli/Palestinian administration.

Go here to read the rest:
Western Progressives Successfully Prevent Israel's SodaStream From Employing Palestinian Workers

Katniss Everdeen is not turning your kid into a right-wing nutjob

Even the dystopias have gone bad.

Thats the conclusion from a much-shared piece by Ewan MorrisoninTheGuardianyesterday. Morrison surveyed the young adult fiction advocated by a left-leaning friend and did not much like what he saw:

Books such asThe Giver, DivergentandtheHunger Gamestrilogy are, whether intentionally or not, substantial attacks on many of the foundational projects and aims of the left: big government, the welfare state, progress, social planning and equality.

Morrison compares such stuff unfavourably to the fiction of H.G. Wells and Philip K. Dick. It was those earlier books, he decides, that his buddy (a progressive parent friend of mine) must have been contemplating when he declared dystopian YA a great left-wing educational tool.

By contrast, in todays bestsellers the bad guys are not the corporations but the state and those well-meaning liberal leftists who want to make the world a better place.

Lets back up here.

Like all mass cultural products, the titles Morrison lists are thoroughly over-determined. We might equally declareThe Hunger Gamesan allegory for Bushs War on Terror, with young people from poor rural backgrounds forced to fight in meaningless struggles for the benefit of a pampered elite. But that too would be crass. Were dealing with sprawling franchises accessed across an array of formats (books, films, games, fan sites, etc), and its simply not sensible to pin their meaning down so glibly. TheHarry Potterempire might, as Morrison says, fill childrens heads with right-wing dreams of public schoolsbut thats not all it does.

In any case, progressive dystopias warning about an all-powerful state run by those who say they want to bettersociety are scarcely new (think of Orwells1984).

Its not the dystopias that have changed so much as the worldand the attitudes of so-called progressives.

A fortnight or so ago, the little American town of Ferguson was rocked by scenes that might have come straight from a dystopian movie, as Robocop paramilitaries dispersed demonstrators protesting against the killing of an unarmed teenager. In the context of Edward Snowdens NSA surveillance revelations, its scarcely surprising that faith in big government and social planning has plummetedblack kids in America dont need a book to mistrust the state.

See the rest here:
Katniss Everdeen is not turning your kid into a right-wing nutjob