Progressive Politics and Political News
Same old rhetoric from the right wing
Its premature and unfair to criticize the Affordable Care Act when its significant reforms dont start to take effect until January. Calling Obamacare a failure over early website problems is political propaganda at its worst.
Rep. Daniel Reed, R-N.Y., said that Americans would come to feel the lash of the dictator. Sen. Daniel Hastings, R-Del., declared it would end the progress of a great country. Rep. John Taber, R-N.Y., said it would enslave workers. Rep. Thomas A. Jenkins, R-Ohio, called it a compulsion of the rankest kind. The conservative American Liberty League called it the end of democracy. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce called it a job killer and unconstitutional. The Republican nominee for president called it a fraud on the working man and a cruel hoax and promised to repeal it if elected.
Though these statements may sound familiar to recent ones, they were made by Republicans and their allies in the mid-1930s while criticizing new legislation called Social Security.
Social Security has become one of the most popular federal programs in U.S. history and likely our greatest achievement in the past 80 years. Social Security protects our elderly against poverty and assures young people of a more secure future. And if Republicans had gotton their way, it probably wouldnt exist.
Conservative hero Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a likely GOP presidential candidate, was born in Canada to an American-born mother and a father born in Cuba, who was a Cuban citizen until 2005.
Birthers claim that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is therefore an illegitimate president. In numerous polls of Republican voters, a majority of participants have questioned whether Obama is eligible to be president.
Just like Cruzs mother, Obamas mother was a U.S.-born American citizen. Even birthers dont dispute that. Read more
The origins of the progressive movement date back to the 1880s. Progressivism describes a political movement and ideology in which subscribers believe in progress, change, or reform, particularly in regard to who has control over peoples lives.
Progressives tend not to like the status quo and see the current political climate as being dominated by corporate and other special interests whose agendas are contrary to the best interests of the vast majority of Americans. Progressives embrace pluralism and individual human freedom.
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