Archive for the ‘Progressives’ Category

Is the Progressive Prosecutor Movement on Its Last Legs? – Filter

Once upon a time, Milwaukee elected Frank Zeidler, the last socialist mayor of a major American city. His last term ended in 1960. As famously noted in Waynes World, he was actually one of three socialists the city historically elected to the seat. But historyeven if some argue that parts of what such mayors accomplished later became mainstreamis what it is.

In fact, in 2019, Milwaukee was rated the worst city for Black people to live. That has much to do with decisions by the citys contemporary leaders, including Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm, who still refuses to stop prosecuting marijuana possession unlike his peer progressive prosecutors.

Luckily enough for Chisholm and many others who suffer by comparison, the number of progressive prosecutorsidentified particularly as those elected post-2014 with the help of George Soros-affiliated Super PACs seeking to remold the professionhas stopped growing.

On May 17, two candidatesBrian Decker in Washington County (suburban Portland), Oregon and Damon Chetson in Wake County (Raleigh), North Carolina, whose platforms included elements of decarceration, drug policy reform and death penalty abolitionwere electorally defeated. That was despite major problems in the administrations of the incumbents they were challenging.

The movement is now firmly on defense, if not life support.

In Washington County, District Attorney Kevin Barton has opposed drug decriminalization and described defunding the police as a mistake. He has long wanted to criminalize violent video games, despite this being unconstitutional and far from mainstream public opinion. One of his top deputies, Bracken McKey, has infamously suggested that marijuana is associated with people beating their wives and neglecting their kids.

In Wake County, District Attorney Lorrin Freeman has repeatedly tried to shove capital punishment down local jurors throats, even though they have time and time again rejected it. After her office was forced to exonerate not one but two innocent Black men convicted of serious felonies, Freeman gave an impassioned defense of the prosecutor who obtained both convictions at trial.

No matter: Both Barton and Freeman secured comfortable election victories.

Numerous incumbent luminaries of the progressive prosecutor movement, such as Baltimore States Attorney Marilyn Mosby, are meanwhile under heavy fire. The movement is now firmly on defense, if not life support.

The broader political picture is that the momentum we saw for sweeping reform of the criminal-legal system in the wake of the 2020 George Floyd protests seems to have been well and truly stalled by right-wing exploitation of rising rates of violent crime (rates that still remain far below historic highs). Never mind that the fear of crime that conservatives love to stoke is not assuaged by higher incarceration rates.

There are of course nuances as to why the latest races may have turned out the way they did. Unlike in the recent past, Soros did not give millions or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to political unknowns running on a progressive platform for top local prosecutor seats. After giving $1 million to then-Manhattan DA candidate Alvin Bragg last year, Soros gave a comparatively measly $20,000 to Decker in Oregon. In North Carolina, Chetson got nothing.

Candidate selection has proven a major issue, in part because very few people want the stress of being a district attorney. It is a thankless job, and one that marks attorneys for professional retaliation if they lose.

And in the case of Damon Chetson, until very recently, he was a registered Republican, even if he also has a past of opposing the drug war. It is unsurprising that Soros would not spend money on him. And Soros money is all-but-essential to secure wins for reform candidatesa fact that underlines, as I have previously written, the argument for public financing for prosecutor campaigns.

The stigma against Republicans turned alleged progressives is not entirely irrational, either, especially with the impending repeal of Roe v. Wade. When I worked on Mecklenburg County (Charlotte) DA Spencer Merriweathers re-election campaign in 2018, part of my motivation was to prevent progressive challenger Toussaint Romain, also a recent former Republican, from getting elected.

While many fellow public defenders supported Romain, I could not get past the fact that Romain, a graduate of Regent Universitys hyper-conservative law school, called obtaining an acquittal for a man who attempted to incite violence against doctors who perform abortions a a win for the Kingdom; a win for this alum; a win for my Calling; a win for us!

San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin is almost certain to be recalled, and Los Angeles DA George Gascn faces a similar fate.

Did the so-called progressive prosecutor movement fail to do due diligence? Unfortunately, this is a pattern of such instances. In another 2018 race, the propped-up progressive who challenged Californias most influential conservative prosecutor, Sacramento DA Anne Marie Schubert, was outed for sending racist, misogynistic emails at work. Another so-called progressive who found his home in the movement was 2019 Pittsburgh DA candidate Turahn Jenkins, a public defender whose campaign tanked after it came out that he spewed anti-LGBTQ rhetoric at his church

The one brighter spot for progressives in a May 17 primary was that Durham DA Satana Deberry kept her seat. But compared to other progressive DAs, Deberry barely qualifies. When she first ran for DA in 2018, she, like Milwaukees Chisholm, refused to promise any decriminalization policies, for even the most trifling of nonviolent misdemeanors.

With San Francisco DA Chesa Boudinalmost certain to be recalled, and Los Angeles DA George Gascn facing a similar fate, the progressive DA movement is in dire straits.

Perhaps progressive prosecutors will one day be remembered similarly to Milwaukees socialist mayors: politicians ahead of their time, some of whose policies would later be mainstreamed. Is that the best supporters of criminal justice reform, unswayed by rampant media alarmism, can hope for?

Photograph by Domesticat via Flickr/Creative Commons 2.0

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Is the Progressive Prosecutor Movement on Its Last Legs? - Filter

Progressives Exhibit Woke Fragility Over Being Labeled Groomers

For people who love name-calling and mudslinging, progressives sure have their collective panties in a bunch over the word groomer. As the debate over Floridas Parental Rights in Education bill continues to rage, folks on the hard left are all kinds of upset because conservatives are giving them a small dose of their own medicine.

In case youve been living in a cave over the past few months, the issue started when far-leftists became angry at people for supporting the notion that teachers should not be instructing seven-year-olds on matters pertaining to gender identity and sexuality and cutting their parents out of the equation. Conservatives responded by referring to those pushing this type of ideology on schoolchildren as groomers.

Of course, these folks dont mean groomers in the traditional sense in which a pedophile grooms a child in order to victimize them. Nobody is saying teachers and people opposing Floridas law are trying to have sex with minors. But the fact that they want state employees to speak to children without their parents knowing is a form of grooming.

But now, high-profile leftists are whining about what they believe to be an unfair label after spending five years calling anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders Nazis and literally Hitler.

In Politicos newsletter, author Matt Friedman deceptively claimed the groomer term was being used to promote the false stereotype that gay people regularly prey on children to convert them into homosexuals. He wrote:

Lately, commentators on the right are characterizing these standards and laws as indoctrination or, arguably worse still, grooming. Thats playing on an age-old anti-gay trope that theres a compulsion among non-heterosexual people to convert vulnerable children to their sexual orientation. Nevermind that some of the organizations that have had the worst sexual abuse scandals have historically been anti-gay. Do you really need me to name them?

The New York Times published a piece featuring four progressive podcasters and columnists. These folks also chimed in on the cultural battle over school curriculum. Podcaster Jane Coaston took issue with the use of the term, referring to a right-leaning writer who has used it:

Rod Dreher, the conservative writer said that, oh, no, no, when were talking about grooming, were not talking about pedophiles which is ridiculous. But he essentially said that, oh, it means that an adult who wants to separate children from a normative sexual and gender identity to inspire confusion in them, which just reminds me of Anita Bryant in 1978, essentially arguing that homosexuals must recruit, and that all children are cisgender and heterosexual until something happens.

Former Vox editor Ezra Klein also complained about people being called groomers and even made a pathetic attempt to link it to conspiracy theory cult QAnon. He said:

And on the other side you have this groomer thing, which is an attempt to take QAnons view which is one reason its resonating on the far right that all of politics is an effort by Democrats to protect pedophiles and then find some way to sort of wink, wink that youre on board with that view of politics while saying its actually a little bit about something else.

Last, but not least, we have New York Times commentator Jamelle Bouie, who also pretended the term was being used specifically for members of the LGBTQ community. He said:

To go back to what weve been talking about, I think that something similar may happen with these bills. Screaming that your kids gay third-grade teacher is a pedophile or a groomer when you know that this person has been absolutely lovely to you, your child and your family its not going to fly, I think, for most people or for people outside of this narrow bubble.

Of course, these folks dont actually believe for a second that when conservatives use the term groomer, they are referring to the stereotype about members of the LGBTQ community. They know better.

The problem is that they know they or people in their camp have been engaging in this type of behavior for decades. Are conservatives inaccurately labeling some folks as groomers? Of course, they are in many not all cases. Does the term get its point across? Depends on who you ask, but for those who arent taking the progressive line on this, it is more likely to make sense.

But the left has no leg to stand on when it comes to the use of this particular political tactic.

Where were the folks on the left criticizing their comrades when they tried to convince the public that anyone who disagreed with them was a racist/sexist/homophobe/other slur? When Democrats were calling Republicans racist for disagreeing with Obamacare, we didnt see these folks call out anyone on their own side.

Democrats and the activist media have been comparing Trump supporters to people who gassed millions of Jews and killed millions more during World War II. There was nary a peep coming from the left.

Their president tried to lump in people who disagreed with the Democrats Voting Rights Act with the likes of Bull Connor and other purveyors of Jim Crow. Where was the pushback coming from his party?

Case in point.

Sure, there are a few on the left who will criticize their fellow leftists for engaging in this behavior. Jane Coaston is one of them. Conversely, there are folks on the right who will rightly point out that not everyone who questions Floridas law is supporting the sexual grooming of little kids. But this is the world the far-left has created. These are the rules they wanted to play by. Like Ive said before, dont dish it out if you cant take it.

Now, would American political discourse be much healthier if neither side engaged in this behavior? Of course it would. It would also be nice if someone gave me a million dollars, but that aint happening today, is it?

What we are seeing is progressives losing a battle they thought they could win. Although, for the life of me, I cant figure out why they thought arguing against parental rights and promoting teaching sexuality and gender identity to small children was ever going to be a winning issue. But they are now dealing with backlash coming from Democratic and Republican voters alike. They dont like being hit with that label. But if they didnt want this to happen, they shouldnt have started it in the first place.

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Progressives Exhibit Woke Fragility Over Being Labeled Groomers

Jonathan Zimmerman: Progressives have turned a deaf ear to minority …

I live in Philadelphia, a hugely unequal city. Our access to education, transportation and health care and the quality of these services often depends on our ZIP codes. And nobody knows that better than people who live in minority communities.

So lets suppose I said theyre wrong. Sure, they think they need better services. But they dont know what theyre talking about, and the rest of us dont need to listen to them.

Progressives would be outraged and rightly so. The residents in our minority neighborhoods want to be afforded the same dignity and opportunities as anyone else. Its callous and, yes, racist to ignore their wishes.

Except, it appears, when it comes to policing. Poor and minority people want more police on their streets. And progressives arent listening.

Consider a recent survey by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which found that roughly two-thirds of Black and Hispanic citizens in Philadelphia dont believe the city has enough police officers, whereas white people were more than twice as likely as Black citizens to say that there are too many police. And the people who said the city had enough or too many police were also more likely to have a college degree and an annual income of over $100,000.

You dont need a criminology degree to figure out why. As the same survey confirmed, over half of Black and Hispanic residents in the city reported that gun violence has affected their quality of life, while a little less than 20% of white citizens said the same. Minority communities face more danger, so they want more policing. And white and wealthier communities have less to fear, so theyre less likely to demand more police.

Its not just a Philly thing; we can see the same trend in national polling. And African American elected officials are taking note of it. In New York, Chicago and San Francisco, Black mayors have called for more police. And here in Philadelphia, Councilwoman Cherelle Parker has led a charge to add 125 officers to the citys strapped police force.

The response from many progressives? Police are the problem, not the solution. We can get more surveillance, more cops patrolling the streets harassing our neighbors, but we cant actually get safety with that, said Kris Henderson, executive director of the Amistad Law Project. Instead, Henderson argued, the city should devote resources to what minority communities really need: education, health care and so on.

But thats a false dichotomy, as the Pew survey confirms. Of course, our poor and minority communities need and deserve much better social services. But they also need more police officers, as residents of those communities have made clear. Theres nothing inconsistent about wanting both.

Nor is there anything contradictory about demanding better policing along with more officers. Racial profiling and brutality remain endemic problems on many municipal police forces. Thats why fewer than half of all respondents in the Pew survey said they feel confident that police in their community treat Black and white people equally.

But minority residents think thats a reason to improve policing, not to reduce it. So why wont progressives listen to them?

One answer lies in what political analyst Ruy Teixeira calls the Fox News Fallacy: If something appears on right-wing media, anyone who repeats it must be wrong. Turn on Fox, and youll see an endless loop of crime stories plus demands to step up policing. So if you want more police on our streets, the story goes, youre enabling the other team.

Nonsense. The best way to empower Fox News and to elect Republican candidates in November is to dismiss minority concerns around policing. Ignoring them will confirm the GOP narrative about progressives as out-of-touch elitists, who hate on the police from the safety of their Uber rides and doorman-protected apartments.

I dare you to tell someone who lives with gun violence every day that we need less policing. And then tell me how you can call that progressive. Im listening.

Jonathan Zimmerman teaches education and history at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author, with cartoonist Signe Wilkinson, of Free Speech and Why You Should Give a Damn.

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Progressives Win Some, Lose Some in House Primaries – New York Magazine

Marquee progressive House candidate Jamie McLeod-Skinner of Oregon. Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer: Photo: Jamie McLeod-Skinner Campaign

On the night of May 17, Democratic progressives were pleased with the statewide victories of John Fetterman in Pennsylvanias U.S. Senate primary and of Tina Kotek in Oregons gubernatorial primary. But even as the defenestration of Madison Cawthorn in a North Carolina Republican primary soaked up much of the attention paid to House races, there was drama on the Democratic side. In each of these states, progressives faced centrists with mixed results.

The left appears to have won the evenings marquee House primary in Oregon as Jamie McLeod-Skinner holds a strong lead over seven-term incumbent Kurt Schrader, a Blue Dog heretic and pharma favorite who was nonetheless endorsed by President Biden. The only real doubt stems from a ballot problem in Schraders stronghold of Clackamas County that is slowing results there, but its unlikely Schrader will win by a big enough margin in Clackamas to surmount McLeod-Skinners overall 6139 lead with more than half the vote counted. The district leans Democratic but could become a GOP target in November. Among other things, McLeod-Skinner is attempting to become the West Coasts first openly lesbian member of Congress.

Another big (and still unofficial) progressive win came in Pittsburgh, where a House seat held by 14-term incumbent Democrat Mike Doyle seems to have been won by state legislator Summer Lee, who edged out attorney Steve Irwin. Doyle endorsed Irwin to succeed him, while Lee was backed by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But much of the drama in the race stemmed from Irwins heavy backing by the United Democracy Project, a group created by the pro-Israeli organization AIPAC. The UDP poured over $2 million into the contest, reportedly out of concern for Lees regular criticism of Israels treatment of Palestinians.

The UDP (and Democratic moderates) did better in North Carolina. In a relatively blue district in the northeastern part of the state, the primary to succeed another veteran House Democrat, Congressional Black Caucus member G.K. Butterfield, was easily won by State Senator Don Davis, who has supported some abortion restrictions in the legislature. Davis was endorsed by Butterfield and benefited from UDP spending motivated by some criticisms of Israel from former state legislator Erica Smith, who was backed by Warren and several progressive groups. Similarly, in a Research Triangle district represented by retiring longtime congressman David Price, Durham County commissioner Nida Allam, the first Muslim woman to hold an elective office in North Carolina, drew strong national and local progressive support, but she lost the primary to State Senator Valerie Foushee, a Black legislator backed by the AFL-CIO, EMILYs List, and UDP. Aside from more conventional sources of campaign cash, Foushee benefited from sizable donations from eccentric crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Frieds Protect Our Future PAC, which has selectively and massively become involved in the 2022 Democratic primaries.

Another Protect Our Future beneficiary in an ideologically charged primary was Kentucky state senate minority leader Morgan McGarvey, who was running against state legislator and racial-justice advocate Attica Scott in a Louisville district being vacated by retiring congressman John Yarmuth. McGarvey was endorsed by Yarmuth and heavily outspent Scott, who was backed mainly by progressive organizations; McGarvey won by a comfortable margin.

But the biggest spending explosion by Protect Our Future came in Oregons Fifth District (which includes the state capital, Salem), where the PAC threw in over $11 million on behalf of first-time candidate Carrick Flynn, who lost to state legislator Andrea Salinas. This wasnt so much an ideological contest as a test of Bankman-Frieds clout; he apparently backed Flynn heavily because of their shared commitment to effective altruism, a data-based philosophy concerned especially with long-term pandemic-prevention measures. Somewhat mysteriously, Flynn drew serious money from a PAC associated with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well.

The perennial struggle for the soul of the Democratic Party will continue in future midterm primaries, but its off to a good start with victories by both sides on Tuesday.

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Progressives Win Some, Lose Some in House Primaries - New York Magazine

Alaska progressives fear a shutout in the 48-way race for US House – Anchorage Daily News

A ballot for the June special primary election. (Anne Raup / ADN)

This story originally appeared on Alaska Public Media and is republished here with permission.

For weeks, Fairbanks mathematician Leah Berman Williams was in a quandary over which candidate to vote for in the special primary for U.S. House. Shes a Democrat and sees several good choices among the 48 people running. And that poses a double dilemma: Who is her favorite, and who does she think is the favorite of other left-of-center voters?

There are five or six that I think would be excellent, she said. Are any of those candidates going to make it through the gauntlet of the primary? And should I even bother to be thinking strategically?

Williams is looking forward to the special general election in August, when shell have a chance to rank four candidates. But in this special primary, she can only choose one. Her fear is that progressive voters will split their vote every which way so that none of their candidates will advance.

I worry about that a lot, she said. I have seen no consensus theres no coalescing around a single progressive candidate.

Williams isnt the only one concerned about that. Theres an angst gnawing at Alaskas liberals as they contemplate the special primary election to fill the remainder of the late U.S. Rep. Don Youngs term. The feeling isnt as acute on the right. The left has a smaller share of the Alaska electorate to start with. They feel they cant afford a split.

On social media you can find them casting about, testing strategic theories and taking each others temperature with Twitter polls.

Vote for Al Gross, some say, because hes got the best name recognition. Others fret that he wont capture enough of the Democratic vote, now that the Democratic Party has broken with him.

The far left is drawn to Santa Claus, the North Pole City councilman, for his ideological purity. But some question his viability since he isnt accepting campaign contributions.

Many Democrats like former legislator Mary Peltola but worry labor voters wont forgive her 2005 vote to cut teacher retirement, which she calls the biggest regret of her legislative career.

They also like Anchorage Assemblyman Chris Constant but wonder if hes got statewide appeal.

And so it goes. What progressive voters fear is squandering their votes and allowing four conservatives to advance.

[In a special U.S. House race, Alaska Democrats see opportunity]

Pollster Ivan Moore says theres not much chance of a shutout, by either side. He conducted a poll in early May that was not commissioned by any candidate or campaign. The situation is fluid, and campaigning could change the picture significantly, he noted.

I hate to say this, but to a certain extent, youve got to take things with a pinch of salt, because therell be a lot of jumping around, right? This really is a snapshot in time, he warned.

So, with those caveats in mind: His poll showed Republicans Sarah Palin and Nick Begich were leading the pack, followed by Gross. (The poll was conducted around the time the Democratic Party denounced Gross for sounding non-committal about which side hed caucus with if elected.) After those three, a lot of candidates were bunched in the middle.

Looking at the top 5 Republican candidates, Moore says its not clear more than two will advance.

Most of the Republicans have gone over and voted for one of Sarah Palin, or Begich, and that doesnt leave much for the other three, he said. So its going to be tough for them.

If Moore is right about that, the concentration of Republican votes on two candidates virtually assures that conservatives cant be shut out, and it leaves room for one or two non-Republicans to advance.

And yet the liberal angst is real.

Anchorage health care professional Carrie Harris feels it.

I really like Chris Constant. I really like Mary Peltola. And Santa Claus, she said.

Shes holding on to her ballot while she listens to friends and people on social media whose opinion she values to learn more.

Im not a numbers-cruncher, she said. I want to vote intelligently but really, for this election, strategically is more important to me, to make sure that we get a truly viable candidate.

[Some of Alaskas US House candidates are millionaires. Another is paying off student loans.]

As for Williams, the mathematician in Fairbanks, she gave up on working the numbers and just chose the candidate she likes best.

I think the primary, with 48 people its just too complicated to be trying to strategize our way into the general, Williams said.

Williams filled in the oval for Peltola, added the necessary signatures and dropped her ballot in the mail on Sunday.

For voters still deciding, ballots must be postmarked by June 11.

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Alaska progressives fear a shutout in the 48-way race for US House - Anchorage Daily News