Ketanji Brown Jackson Is Now a Supreme Court JusticeAnd Progressives Are Thrilled – In These Times
Progressive politicians, activists, and advocacy groups on Thursday cheered as Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court, becoming the first Black woman and first public defender to serve on the nations highest judicialbody.
Jackson, who was nominated by President Joe Biden to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in amostly party-line vote of 5347. Three Republican senatorsSusan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Mitt Romney (Utah)joined all members of the Democratic caucus in voting to confirm the 51-year old federal appellatejudge.
This is truly ajoyful day for the country, said Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (DWash.), calling Jackson one of the most experienced nominees in decades: aformer district court and court of appeals judge, Supreme Court clerk, U.S. Sentencing Commission member, and former publicdefender.
The country saw her poise, grace, thoughtfulness, and brilliance as she handled every part of the confirmation processincluding some outrageous attacks from Republican senators that damaged only their credibility, not hers, she added. She has shown what it means to rise above the nastiness and to bring her history as ajudge and her experience as aBlack woman to her jurisprudence. She rightfully has earned the admiration and respect of millions across thecountry.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (IVt.) said in astatement that in these difficult times, the stakes for the future of this country are higher than ever and the Supreme Court will play asignificant role in shaping thatfuture.
In my view, we need anew member of the Supreme Court who has astrong track record of standing up for justiceeconomic justice, racial justice, social justice, political justice, and environmental justice, he added. There is no doubt that Judge Jackson is thatperson.
Jacksons confirmation was also hailed by Rashad Robinson, president of the civil rights advocacy group Color of Change, who said she has raised the bar in terms of qualifications for the Supreme Courtgreatly raising our countrys expectations for who should sit on ourcourts.
Her perspective as apublic defender has long been missing from the court and denied influence across the judiciary, as has her real-world experience addressing racial injustices in sentencing, he continued. We must remember and redouble our commitment to redefining the role of judges and prosecutors across our countryto ensure they serve the people rather than serving corrupt interests and ensure they end racial injustice rather than exacerbatingit.
We must also remember that Black activismand Black votersbrought us to this long-awaited moment, Robinson added. Black voters and activists made President Biden promise to appoint aBlack woman to the Supreme Court, and Black voters and activists made him keep thatpromise.
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law president and executive director Damon Hewitt said that Judge Ketanji Brown Jacksons rise to the Supreme Court is amoment unlike any other in our nationshistory.
Hewitt added:
Our democracy is on the precipice, which is evident from the relentless attacks on voting rights and the right to reproductive freedom, efforts to ban truthful curriculum from schools, and threats to school board members and election workers. These are all manifestations of the politically motivated culture war that undoubtedly fueled the unnecessarily fraught process that Judge Jackson endured these past few weeks. The spectacle should not be regulated to ahistorical footnote, but should instead stand as awarning that the embrace of baseless attacks on nominees corrodes our political systemand that those intent on waging aculture war ultimately will notwin.
The disability advocacy group RespectAbility noted that during her time on the lower courts, Justice Jackson has ruled that public school districts must do their due diligence to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, providing students adequate services before placing them in privateschool.
Justice Jackson has also ruled incarceration facilities must address the needs of every prisoner with adisability upon entry, the group added. As apublic defender, Justice Jackson defended clients with mental health, intellectual, and developmentaldisabilities.
In astatement, RespectAbility policy director Philip Kahn-Pauli said that we look forward to her continuing to advocate for people with disabilities on the highest court in theland.
A coalition of climate and environmental advocacy groupsAzul, Chispa League of Conservation Voters, Clean Water Action, Corazn Latino, Earthjustice, Endangered Species Coalition, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace USA, Interfaith Power and Light, League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Trust for Public Land, Waterway Advocates, and The Wilderness Societyreleased ajoint statement celebrating Jacksonsconfirmation.
Clean air, clean water, climate action, environmental justice, and the right to vote are at stake in our judicial system right nowespecially in the Supreme Court, the groups wrote. Our laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them. We are confident that Justice Jackson understands the governments authority to protect the public and will hold everyone, including powerful corporate polluters, to the same high standards of thelaw.
After 233years, it is well past time for the Supreme Court to include aBlack woman, they added. This is an essential step forward, as communities of color bear disproportionate burdens of toxic air and water pollution and our nation faces the enormous challenge of addressing environmental injustices from coast tocoast.
This story was first published at Common Dreams.
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Ketanji Brown Jackson Is Now a Supreme Court JusticeAnd Progressives Are Thrilled - In These Times