Archive for the ‘Quantum Computer’ Category

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through June 27) – Singularity Hub


Amazon Shakes Up the Race for Self-Drivingand Ride-HailingAarian Marshal | WiredUber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi says his company wants to be the Amazon for transportation. Friday, Amazon made clear that it intends to be the Amazon for transportation. The ecommerce giant said it hadagreed to acquireBay Area-based autonomous vehicle company Zoox, a dealreportedly worth more than $1 billion.

Wrongfully Accused by an AlgorithmKashmir Hill | The New York TimesMr. Williams knew that he had not committed the crime in question. What he could not have known, as he sat in the interrogation room, is that his case may be the first known account of an American being wrongfully arrested based on a flawed match from a facial recognition algorithm, according to experts on technology and the law.

Meet Silq: The First Intuitive Programming Language for Quantum ComputersLuke Dormehl | Digital TrendsThe creation of the C programming language was a massive milestone for classical computing. It was easy, intuitive, and helped open up computer programming to an entirely new audience. Now, nearly 50 years after C was created, computer scientists have reached a similar milestone: A new programming language that brings the same level of coding simplicity to quantum computing.

How Green Sand Could Capture Billions of Tons of Carbon DioxideJames Temple | MIT Technology ReviewThis process, along with other forms of whats known as enhanced mineral weathering, could potentially store hundreds of trillions of tons of carbon dioxide, according toa National Academies report last year. Thats far more carbon dioxide than humans have pumped out since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

Scientists Made a List of Every Place Aliens Could Be HidingGeorge Dvorsky | GizmodoTheExotica Catalog further signifies the ongoing shift away from traditional SETI strategies, in which scientists search for familiar alien signatures (such as radio emissions), and the shift toward Dysonian SETI, in which scientists look for extraterrestrial technosignatures, that is, signs of alien technology: stuff like Dyson shells (a star surrounded by solar panels), industrial waste, gigantic space habitats, beacons, and things we cant even imagine.

The Rocket Motor of the Future Breathes Air Like a Jet EngineDaniel Oberhaus | WiredWhile a conventional rocket engine must carry giant tanks of fuel and oxidizer on its journey to space, an air-breathing rocket motor pulls most of its oxidizer directly from the atmosphere. This means that an air-breathing rocket can lift more stuff with less propellant and drastically lower the cost of space accessat least in theory.

$100 Billion Universal Fiber Plan Proposed by Democrats in CongressJon Brodkin | Ars Technica[Electronic Frontier Foundation Senior Legislative Counsel Ernesto Falcon] argues that a plan like Clyburns is needed for the US to deploy fiber throughout the country within a few years instead of decades. Such an ambitious program would have the United States match Chinas efforts to build universal fiber with the US completing its transition just a few short years after China, Falcon wrote. Without this law, the transition would take decades.

Does Dark Matter Exist?Ramin Skibba | Aeonover the past half century, no one has ever directly detected a single particle of dark matter. Over and over again, dark matter has resisted being pinned down, like a fleeting shadow in the woods. And as long as its not found, its still possible that there is no dark matter at all. An alternative remains: instead of huge amounts of hidden matter, some mysterious aspect of gravity could be warping the cosmos instead.

Image credit: twk tt /Unsplash

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This Week's Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through June 27) - Singularity Hub

Kids Corner – The Tribune

Life lessons learned during lockdown

Harshita Sharma, Class IX, BCM School, Dugri, Ludhiana

As we all know that the whole world is suffering due to a virus which originated in China and has now become a worldwide disaster. By the grace of God and the decisions taken by the Indian government, there are still lesser number of cases in India as compared to other countries. The decision of lockdown is the best way to keep ourselves safe from this pandemic disease.

This lockdown is the best period of time which can be utilised by a person for many useful things. I have made this lockdown productive for me and my family. This lockdown made me realise my potential of doing things in a better way. First of all, I was surprised to see myself as a cook in the kitchen. Before lockdown, I thought I was not a good cook but now I have become a chef as I make delicacies every day.

Secondly, I improved my communication skills and read many books online. After a month or two, I was getting bored so I started doing some creative work and made a family photo frame which was much appreciated by my parents. Like me, many students also made good use of this lockdown as it brought family time with it. We spent time with our family and were happy to have this golden period which will not come again where the whole family sits together without any tension of work.

The biggest advantage of this lockdown is that our environment is getting cleaner. We can see around birds that were nowhere to be seen before this lockdown. We can now breathe in a pollution-free air. This lockdown has brought a new virtual world to the students as they are now studying through online classes which is a unique experience.

However, this lockdown also brought sadness to those who don't have money at their disposal. Some are stuck far away from their families and can't be with them. But now the government of India has taken steps to provide everyone meals during this lockdown. They have now started transportation facilities for those who want to return to their homes. Now, scientists around the world are researching on vaccine of coronavirus. I hope that this difficult time end soon. But this period of lockdown is a memory that will never be forgotten.

Video Games and Gen Next

Parth Dutta, Class IX, Ryan International School, Chandigarh

Technological advancement has reached its zenith. There is no looking back now. Computer is evolving into its fifth generation- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. Virtual reality is no different from our reality and for the purpose of entertainment a digital world is built where one can turn all their dreams, ideas and imagination into a reality. Video games are one such medium. They are extremely popular among younger generation and especially boys.

Every new game is better than the previous one in terms of fascinating characters, weapons, costumes, ambience, etc. They open an altogether different gateway of opportunities for people and are quite refreshing. There is uncountable number of games of every kind, the most famous among them being Fortnite, PUBG, Freefire, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, etc.

Video games take us into an imaginary world of ideas manifested into reality. Contrary to the real world, we can fulfil our wishes to fight a gangster, kill a dragon, live in future, join army or battle clans. It turns fantasy into reality. Some people play it purely for entertainment whereas some others are professional gamers. One can make money from gaming, making it a wonderful career option. Other than this, video gaming also improves hand-eye coordination, decision making, relieves emotional pain, and enhances sociability and teamwork and the ability to solve problems.

However, video gaming has some negative effects too. It may lead to addiction. Gamers are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. They tend to become impatient, suffer from attention deficit disorder and even sleep deprivation. Other issues faced by frequent gamers include uncontrolled aggression and violence.

Video games are fun if a few things are kept in mind. A reasonable time limit must be fixed after discussing with the elders in the family and it should be adhered to strictly. Exercising, playing sports, physical activities such as dancing, studying or sleeping hold more importance than virtual gaming. Seek professional help if you are already addicted to it. Video games should be the last resort to be given by parents as a reward to children for any achievement as we all know that too much of anything is bad.

See the rest here:
Kids Corner - The Tribune

This Is What the Worlds Most Powerful Quantum Computer Looks Like – Barron’s

Honeywell International announced Thursday that it has created the worlds most powerful quantum computer. And some of the things quantum computers can do are truly strange.

With a quantum volume of 64 the Honeywell quantum computer is twice as powerful as the next alternative in the industry, reads a blog post on the companys website.

A 64-volume quantum computer sounds amazing. But what is it? It means software-industrial conglomerate Honeywell (ticker: HON) has tethered together six high-functioning q-bits, or quantum bits.

OK, amazing. But who should care? The short answer is everyone.

Its tough to find an area of human activity where [quantum computing] wont help, Christopher Savoie, CEO of Zapata Computing, tells Barrons.

Quantum computing is still in its infancy, and the science is daunting, to say the least, but Savoie has a useful analogy. The Wright brothers took their flight in 1903, and by 1918 we had global air forces, he says. Honeywell is months past the Wright brothers in terms of quantum computing development, according to Savoie.

Quantum computers are, essentially, way more powerful computers. Problems which would might take days, weeks, or years to solve on a traditional computer can take minutes on a quantum computer.

Climate change, drug discovery, logistics, notes Savoie, right now you are limited by the number of variable your computer can handle. Quantum-computing speed grows exponentially. There is a hockey-stick graphic look in computing power as new q-bits get added to the system.

Honeywell stock doesnt trade on quantum fundamentals yet. Shares are down about 16% year to date, worse than the comparable drops of the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average. Honeywell is a large aerospace supplier, and the commercial aviation business has been hammered by Covid-19. Boeing (BA) stock, for instance, is off more than 40% year to date.

Honeywell stock is flat in early Friday trading. The S&P is up about 0.8%.

The quantum-computing industry hasnt yet arrived, despite todays announcement. But quantum computers are already better than regular computers in certain instances. Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL) demonstrated the ability of its rudimentary quantum computer to beat traditional systems.

Our quantum computing starts with having a MEMS layer that acts to trap individual ytterbium atoms. We take atoms and hit them with a laser, which strips an electron and traps an ion in an electric field, Tony Uttley, president of Honeywell Quantum Solutions, told Barrons a few months ago, when the company embarked on its quest to make the most powerful computer. The ion is the q-bit. The cool thing about quantum mechanics is a q-bit can be a one or a zero at the same time.

The explanation of the quantum-computing hardware is nearly incomprehensible to most people. And the analogy between the quantum world and the regular world breaks down eventually. Its totally different tech. Quantum computers arent faster just because of the dual nature of a q-bit. They are also faster because of quantum entanglement and constructive interference.

Readers might have to Google both terms, but Uttley tried to help Barrons understand. With constructive interference, only the correct answer survives, he says. The system filters out the wrong answers.

Ask a question and receive only the correct answer. Quantum computers are always right? That situation feels almost religious, like querying God.

What constructive interference really means is the quantum computer solves a maze like a human does, says Savoie. Looking from overhead and tossing out obvious wrong paths before it even starts. That helps a little, but all the explanations help to drive home the idea that quantum-computing technology is a game-changer.

For Honeywell, its a business opportunity. It can create the hardware and join with business such as Zapata to build quantum software and data-analytic platforms.

Zapata is, essentially, an enterprise software company. Businesses arent likely to hire their own quantum programmers, but now they have someone to call to help with the toughest analytical problems.

It would be hard for each company to build their own quantum-computing department, though some banks are doing that already. Quantum programmers? reflects Uttley. The people who know how to program are called theorists, they are a combination of physicists and mathematician, and there are hundreds in the world, not thousands.

Thats one reason why between Honeywell and its partners, which include Microsoft (MSFT), are building a QaaS, or Quantum as a Service, business model.

Write to Al Root at

See the rest here:
This Is What the Worlds Most Powerful Quantum Computer Looks Like - Barron's

This Is the First Universal Language for Quantum Computers – Popular Mechanics

Przemyslaw Klos / EyeEmGetty Images

A quantum computing startup called Quantum Machines has released a new programming language called QUA. The language runs on the startups proprietary Quantum Orchestration Platform.

Quantum Machines says its goal is to complete the stack that includes quantum computing at the very bottom-most level. Yes, those physical interactions between quantum bits (qubits) are what set quantum computers apart from traditional hardwarebut you still need the rest of the hardware that will turn physical interactions into something that will run software.

And, of course, you need the software, too. Thats where QUA comes in.

The transition from having just specific circuitsphysical circuits for specific algorithmsto the stage at which the system is programmable is the dramatic point, CEO Itavar Siman told Tech Crunch. Basically, you have a software abstraction layer and then, you get to the era of software and everything accelerated.

The language Quantum Machine describes in its materials isnt what you think of when you imagine programming, unless youre a machine language coder. Whats machine language? Thats the lowest possible level of code, where the instructions arent in natural or human language and are instead in tiny bits of direct instruction for the hardware itself.

Coder Ben Eater made a great video that walks you through a sample program written in C, which is a higher and more abstract language, and how that information translates all the way down into machine code. (Essentially, everything gets much messier and much less readable to the human eye.)

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Machine code acts as a reminder that, on a fundamental level, everything inside your computer is passing nano-Morse code back and forth to do everything you see on the screen as well as all the behind the scenes routines and coordination. Since quantum computers have a brand new paradigm for the idea of hardware itself, theres an opening for a new machine code.

Quantum Machines seems to want to build the entire quantum system, from hardware to all the software to control and highlight it. And if that sounds overly proprietary or like some unfair version of how to develop new technology, we have some bad news for you about the home PC wars of the 1980s or the market share Microsoft Windows still holds among operating systems.

By offering a package deal with something for everyone when quantum computing isnt even a twinkle in the eye of the average consumer, Quantum Machines could be making inroads that will keep it ahead for decades. A universal language, indeed.

QUA is what we believe the first candidate to become what we define as the quantum computing software abstraction layer, Sivan told TechCrunch. In 20 years, we might look back on QUA the way todays users view DOS.

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See the article here:
This Is the First Universal Language for Quantum Computers - Popular Mechanics

Brighton scientists in the race to build quantum computer – The Argus

TWO scientists have received millions of pounds to build a piece of groundbreaking technology.

Dr Sebastian Weidt and Professor Winfried Hensinger, who both carry out research and teach at the University of Sussex, have secured 3.6 million investment for their plans for the worlds first large-scale quantum computer.

It puts them up against the likes of Google and IBM in a race to create what Sebastian described as the technology of the century.

He said: A quantum computer is a completely new computer. Its not the sort you have at your desk.

Its a machine which can solve certain problems that the most powerful conventional computer would take millions of years to solve.

Professor Winfried Hensinger and Dr Sebastian Weidt, founders of Universal Quantum

Unlike their competitors, who have designed quantum computers which use billions of laser beams for calculations at extremely cold temperatures marginally above minus 273C, Sebastian and Winfried have developed technology based on trapped ions, or charged atoms.

These atoms carry out calculations within the computer using microwave technology, such as that used in mobile phones, and do not need the same extreme cooling requirements.

It means their computer is more practical and can operate millions of qubits, or units of data, at the same time and solve complex problems.

Sebastian said their computer could be used to develop new drugs as it can work out chemical reactions very quickly and could also help in the development of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technologies.

He said: Its an enabling technology which a lot of sectors will use to help them work out their own problems, just like we do now with conventional computers.

In ten or 20 years we will look back and think, this is the technology of the century.

Sebastian and Winfried, who founded their start-up company Universal Quantum in 2018, have been researching quantum mechanics for more than 20 years.

The pair have received funding from a number of investors including Hoxton Ventures, which was an early backer of Deliveroo, and Village Global, which is backed by the likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos.

Sebastian said: Its very humbling and incredibly exciting as we have these leading investors who believe in our technology and our team.

Universal Quantum is really about taking the solutions we have developed through research at Sussex and putting them into practice.

Sebastian and Winfried are looking for a suitable facility in Brighton and Hove to begin the challenge of building the quantum computer and they will need to hire hundreds of engineers to help them.

Silicon microchips were used in Sebastian and Winfried's prototype for a large-scale quantum computer

Sebastian said: Its a long-term mission but we really wanted to do this in Brighton. We want the city to be a quantum technology hub.

We love Brighton and we actively chose not to go to the US or other places a lot of start-up companies like to go.

Winfried said: Quantum computing has the power to change the world for the better.

Were assembling the brightest minds to do just that, paving the way for a British start-up to lead the journey to a truly useful and usable one million qubit quantum computer.

Our large-scale quantum computers will one day allow us to tackle the grand global issues of our time, from creating new pharmaceuticals, revolutionising financial modelling, tackling optimisation problems, machine learning even helping to feed the worlds population by making fertiliser more efficiently.

The rest is here:
Brighton scientists in the race to build quantum computer - The Argus