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The Quantum Leap: How Quantum Logic Gates are Shaping the … – CityLife

The Quantum Leap: How Quantum Logic Gates are Shaping the Future

The Quantum Leap: How Quantum Logic Gates are Shaping the Future

The world of computing is on the verge of a paradigm shift, thanks to the rapid advancements in quantum computing. This emerging technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from finance and healthcare to artificial intelligence and cryptography. At the heart of this quantum leap are quantum logic gates, which are the building blocks of quantum computers. These gates are responsible for manipulating quantum bits, or qubits, which are the quantum equivalent of classical bits used in traditional computing.

Unlike classical bits, which can only represent a 0 or 1, qubits can exist in a superposition of states, meaning they can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously. This unique property allows quantum computers to perform multiple calculations at once, leading to an exponential increase in computational power. As a result, quantum computers can solve complex problems that are currently intractable for classical computers, such as simulating quantum systems, optimizing large-scale logistics, and breaking cryptographic codes.

One of the most promising applications of quantum computing is in the field of cryptography. Currently, most encryption methods rely on the difficulty of factoring large prime numbers, a task that is virtually impossible for classical computers. However, with the power of quantum computing, this encryption could be broken in a matter of seconds, rendering current security systems obsolete. To counter this threat, researchers are working on developing quantum-resistant encryption methods that can withstand attacks from quantum computers.

Another area where quantum computing is expected to have a significant impact is in the field of drug discovery. The development of new drugs often involves simulating the interactions between molecules, a task that requires immense computational power. Quantum computers can perform these simulations much more efficiently than classical computers, potentially speeding up the drug discovery process and leading to the development of new treatments for various diseases.

Artificial intelligence is yet another domain that stands to benefit from the advancements in quantum computing. Machine learning algorithms, which are the backbone of AI systems, require massive amounts of data and computational power to train and optimize. Quantum computers can process this data much more quickly and efficiently than classical computers, potentially leading to significant improvements in AI capabilities.

Despite the immense potential of quantum computing, there are still several challenges that need to be overcome before this technology becomes mainstream. One of the primary obstacles is the issue of error correction. Due to the fragile nature of qubits, quantum computers are highly susceptible to errors caused by environmental factors, such as temperature fluctuations and electromagnetic radiation. Researchers are currently working on developing error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant architectures to address this issue.

Another challenge is the scalability of quantum computers. Currently, most quantum computers consist of only a few dozen qubits, far from the millions or billions of qubits that would be required for practical applications. However, recent breakthroughs in the development of more stable qubits and scalable architectures have brought us closer to realizing the dream of large-scale quantum computers.

In conclusion, quantum logic gates are paving the way for a new era of computing that promises to revolutionize various industries and solve problems that were once considered unsolvable. While there are still challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of quantum computing are undeniable, and researchers around the world are working tirelessly to bring this technology to fruition. As we continue to make strides in the development of quantum computers, we can look forward to a future where the power of quantum computing is harnessed to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.

The rest is here:
The Quantum Leap: How Quantum Logic Gates are Shaping the ... - CityLife

Quantum Materials: The Key to Unlocking Quantum Computing – CityLife

Quantum Materials: The Key to Unlocking Quantum Computing

Quantum computing, a revolutionary technology that promises to dramatically increase computing power, has been a subject of intense research and development for several years. At the heart of this technological revolution lies the development of quantum materials, which are the key to unlocking the full potential of quantum computing. These materials exhibit unique properties that enable the creation of quantum bits, or qubits, which are the fundamental building blocks of quantum computers.

Traditional computers use bits to represent information in binary form, either as a 0 or a 1. Quantum computers, on the other hand, use qubits, which can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously, thanks to a phenomenon known as superposition. This allows quantum computers to perform complex calculations at a much faster rate than their classical counterparts. However, the development of stable and scalable qubits has proven to be a significant challenge, as they are highly sensitive to their environment and prone to errors.

This is where quantum materials come into play. These materials possess unique properties that can be harnessed to create qubits with improved stability and performance. For instance, some quantum materials exhibit a property called topological protection, which can help shield qubits from external noise and disturbances, thereby reducing errors. Moreover, certain quantum materials can also enable the creation of qubits that are more resilient to decoherence, a phenomenon that causes the fragile quantum states to collapse and lose their quantum advantage.

One such quantum material that has garnered significant attention is graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Graphene is known for its remarkable electronic properties, such as high electron mobility and ballistic transport, which make it an ideal candidate for creating qubits. Researchers have been exploring various methods to harness the unique properties of graphene, such as creating hybrid structures that combine graphene with other materials or inducing superconductivity in graphene by placing it in close proximity to a superconductor.

Another promising quantum material is topological insulators, which are materials that behave as insulators in their bulk but possess conducting states on their surface. These surface states are topologically protected, meaning they are immune to certain types of disturbances, making them an attractive option for creating stable qubits. Researchers have been investigating ways to exploit the unique properties of topological insulators to create robust qubits that can withstand environmental noise and maintain their quantum states for longer periods.

Majorana fermions, which are exotic particles that act as their own antiparticles, have also been proposed as a potential building block for qubits. These particles can be realized in certain quantum materials, such as topological superconductors, and are predicted to exhibit non-Abelian statistics, a property that could be harnessed to create fault-tolerant qubits that are resistant to errors. The experimental realization of Majorana fermions in quantum materials has been a subject of intense research, with several recent breakthroughs providing promising evidence for their existence.

The development of quantum materials is a crucial step towards realizing the full potential of quantum computing. As researchers continue to explore and discover new materials with unique properties, the prospects for creating stable and scalable qubits become increasingly promising. These advancements in quantum materials research will not only pave the way for more powerful quantum computers but also have far-reaching implications for other emerging technologies, such as quantum communication and quantum sensing.

In conclusion, quantum materials hold the key to unlocking the true potential of quantum computing. By harnessing their unique properties, researchers can overcome the challenges associated with creating stable and scalable qubits, thereby bringing us one step closer to realizing the quantum revolution. As our understanding of these materials continues to grow, so too does the promise of a future powered by quantum technology.

Originally posted here:
Quantum Materials: The Key to Unlocking Quantum Computing - CityLife

A Closer Look at LightSolver’s Laser-based Processing Unit (LPU … – All About Circuits

Emerging computing technologies continue to push the boundaries of speed, efficiency, and problem-solving abilities. Among these advancements, laser-based processing units (LPUs) have emerged as promising candidates for accelerating computation in optimization and simulation tasks. By harnessing the unique properties of light, LPUs offer an alternative to traditional processors, paving the way for innovations in various industries.

With their optical architecture, LPUs tap intocoherence, interference, and parallelism to perform computations, allowing them to process various computational elements simultaneously. As a result, LPUs have the potential for remarkable acceleration and efficiency.

In this article, we delveinto the development of the so-called firstpure laser-based processing unit (LPU) by Israeli startupLightSolver. We also share insights from our interview with Chene Tradonsky, CTO and co-founder at LightSolver. The company believes its processors hold immense potential for tackling complex optimization problems across diverse domains, from logistics and finance to energy and manufacturing.

Tradonsky says that his doctoral on coupled laser arrays inspired the LightSolvers optical system, which uses similar physical principles. But theres more to it than that. LightSolver also draws on other paradigms of optical computing and advanced mathematical abstractions, he says. This enables us to apply our optical device to real world problems and solve them."

At the core of LPUs is their optical architecture, consisting of components such as lasers, beam splitters, modulators, and photodetectors. Together, these componentsmanipulateand control laser beams for computational purposes. They also rely on optical interconnects (high-speed optical channels) to facilitate efficient communication and data transfer within the processing unit.

LPUs leverage various properties of lasers for efficiency and high performance. One of those properties is coherence, the property of light waves in synchronization. The lasers used in LPUs demonstrate coherence, which enables them to perform multiple operations simultaneously. Another crucial property is interference, which occurs when lights interact. By carefully controlling the interference patterns, LPUs can perform computations efficiently.

Photonic memory is another essential part of the LPU. It provides high-speed access to information. With their fast and reliable data retrieval,LPUs can quickly access and manipulate large datasets.

In most cases, LPUs draw inspiration from quantum computing techniques, such as quantum annealing and the Ising model. Quantum annealing involves gradually transitioning a physical system, represented by qubits, to a low-energy state that corresponds to the optimal solution of aproblem. LPUs conductthe same process with optical components to efficiently search for near-optimal results among a vast set of possibilities.

LightSolver recently introduced a pure LPUclaimed to outperform classical computers as well as quantum and supercomputers. The company's quantum-inspired solution uses all-optical coupled lasers and does not require any electronics for computation. This solution is specificallydesigned forbusinesses that require solutions for complex multivariable challenges.

Solving complex optimization problems is quite challenging and requires significant computational power. Although supercomputers and quantum computers have historically beenthe preferred choice for these types of applications, supercomputers are reaching performance limits, and quantum computers are not scalable and practical.

LightSolver's LPU works by first converting a problem into a physical logic, which is then mapped as obstacles within the optical path. Due to the properties of lasers, like coherence and interference, the beams converge in a desired solution. After finding and measuring the optimized solution, it is translated into a suitable language for the user.

Interestingly, Tradonsky says that how he positions the working principles of the LPU depends on who the expert is using the technology. For complex systems experts, we can generate an array of coupled oscillators with any type of connectivity to simulate the behavior of any other complex systems and find optimal configurations, he says.

For lasers and optics experts, LightSolver uses what we call laser bits, turning optimization problem constraints into the lasers' relative phases, which interact by diffracting light from each laser to all others in a controllable manner, says Tradonsky. This means we can generate a programmable large array of coupled lasers fully connected via integrated electro optical elements.

Beyond all those "secret sauce" working principles of the LPU, he says that LightSolver makes use of off-the-shelf Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs). Theseenable the manipulation of light waves and control the spatial properties of light such as wavelength, light intensity, and so on.

In three recent trials testing the performance and accuracy of the new LPU, the device showed promise against its supercomputing and quantum computing counterparts in the following ways:

According to Tradonsky,the Tel-Aviv-based company's technology can solve optimization problems by converting business challenges into mathematical formulations, such as Ising models. However, it is not limited to binary models and can implement other models. He adds that,unlike quantum technology, LightSolver's device is portable, operates at room temperature, and is not affected by environmental factors or error correction protocols. Scaling is also a big differentiator.

The scaling ability of the LPU is far superior to alternatives. Unlike in quantum computers, where each logical qubit is typically represented by several physical qubits, the LPU represents each variable with a single laser spin."

This characteristic of the LPU facilitates scalability, as the number of variables can be increased without the need for a proportional increase in physical resources, saysTradonsky. When it comes to supercomputers, solutions are poor in quality, and the time-to-solution increases exponentially with the problem size. In contrast, thanks to LightSolvers use of continuous laser technology, optimization problems can be solved orders of magnitude faster than other current techniques.

On the question of whether his LPU technolgy is a direct competitor to classical and quantum computing, Tradonsky's answer is nuanced. "We consider LightSolvers LPU mainly as a direct competitor in certain computing tasks," he says.

"The LPU is highly specialized and can perform significantly better on a specific class of problems known as QUBO (Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization) problems. The LPU can also operate as a complementary solution to classical and quantum computers positioned before (pre-processing) or after (post-processing) these computers to enhance their performance and maximize efficiency."

Read more:
A Closer Look at LightSolver's Laser-based Processing Unit (LPU ... - All About Circuits

3 Quantum Computing Stocks That Could Skyrocket in the Next 12 Months – InvestorPlace

Source: Boykov /

Sometimes, what appears to be the most boring, can be the most rewarding. Look at the assortment of quantum computing stocks, which rely on quantum computing technology to solve complex calculations at ultra-high speeds.

Just last year, for example, a team of Australian researchers proved that near-error-free quantum computing is possible, which could help the world solve extremely complex problems in just seconds. When the errors are so rare, it becomes possible to detect them and correct them when they occur. This shows that it is possible to build quantum computers that have enough scale, and enough power, to handle meaningful computation, they found.

That may sound boring. But its also proven itself to be extremely profitable. Here are three quantum computing stocks I think are worth buying to play this trend.

Source: Shutterstock

The last time I mentioned quantum computing stocks to buy, IonQ(NYSE:IONQ) traded at $4.56 on March 13. Today, its up to $9.84 and still running. For one, its working with Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) to bring the 25 qubits IonQ Aria to the Amazon Braket, or the Amazon Web Service for quantum computing. This means Amazon can now work on developing software and services on IonQ computers more easily than before.

Also, in the first quarter of 2023, the company saw revenue of $4.3 million, which was well above the $2 million posted year over year. It also saw $4.1 million in new bookings in the quarter. While it did post a loss of $27.3 million, it does have $525.5 million in cash and investments to keep it afloat.

Source: Shutterstock

On March 13, I also mentioned an opportunity in quantum computing stocks to buy, the Defiance Quantum ETF (NYSEARCA:QTUM). At the time, it traded at $44.30. Now, its up to nearly $49 per share, and could see higher highs. With an expense ratio of 0.4%, the ETF provides exposure to companies at the forefront of cloud computing, quantum computing, machine learning, and other transformative computing technologies, at a relatively low cost.

Some of its top holdings includeWipro Ltd.(NYSE:WIT),Accenture PLC(NYSE:ACN),IBM(NYSE:IBM),Micron Technology(NASDAQ:MU),Nokia Corp.(NYSE:NOK), andON Semiconductor Corp.(NASDAQ:ON). If you were to buy each of these stocks individually, it would cost far more than the $49 price tag on the ETF.

Source: Poetra.RH /

Nvidia(NASDAQ:NVDA) was another top pick on March 13. At the time, the tech stock traded at just $229.65. Today, its up to about $400 a share and could see higher highs. This is all thanks to hype around artificial intelligence, explosive earnings, gaming, and quantum computing to name a few catalyst. Impressively, when it comes to quantum computing, NVDA may be a leader here, too.

Remember, NVDA releasedcuQuantum,a software development kit (SDK) of optimized libraries and tools for accelerating quantum computing workflows. Also, with NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs, developers can use cuQuantum to speed up quantum circuit simulations based on state vector and tensor network methods by orders of magnitude, as noted by the company.And as noted byInvestorPlacecontributorJoel Baglole, Without Nvidias technology, much of the improvements of quantum computing, AI, and other areas of science wouldnt be possible.

On the date of publication, Ian Cooperdid not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned.The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to theInvestorPlace.comPublishing Guidelines.

Ian Cooper, a contributor to, has been analyzing stocks and options for web-based advisories since 1999.

See the article here:
3 Quantum Computing Stocks That Could Skyrocket in the Next 12 Months - InvestorPlace

Haiqu Raises $4M in Pre-Seed Funding to Boost Adoption of Near-Term Quantum Computing – HPCwire

SAN FRANCISCO, June 6, 2023 Haiqu, a startup building software to enhance the performance of quantum processors, today announced it has closed a $4 million financing round led by MaC Venture Capital with participation from Toyota Ventures, SOMA capital,, SID Venture Partners, and Roosh Ventures. The round also included private contributions from Paul Holland, Alexi Kirilenko, and Gordy Holterman.

We are accelerating the timeline to practical quantum computing by developing novel software that can extract value out of clumsy near-term quantum hardware, enabling quantum applications that were previously impossible, said Richard Givhan, co-founder and CEO at Haiqu. We are proud to be backed by investors with remarkable deep-tech ecosystems and a track record of supporting the commercialization of breakthrough tech.

The investment will drive the companys research and development efforts and the establishment of strategic partnerships to bring their product to market.

MaC is thrilled to be supporting Haiqu through their next stage of growth, said Adrian Fenty, Managing General Partner at MaC Venture Capital. We firmly believe that the future of quantum computing will fundamentally change the way we are able to solve meaningful problems. We hold deep convictions that Richard and Mykola are uniquely positioned to tackle these issues in order to accelerate the timeline that will enable quantum to get to widespread commercial adoption.

Jim Adler, founder and general partner at Toyota Ventures, commented, Haiqu caught our attention with their optimization software that boosts quantum hardware to solve practical industry problems. We are so thrilled to support the Haiqu team as they tackle this challenging and exciting frontier.

The startup was formed and incubated in the fall of 2022 within the Creative Destruction Lab Quantum stream in Toronto by Richard Givhan (CEO), a Stanford alumus and former EIR at Mitsubishi Electric, and Mykola Maksymenko (CTO), formerly a researcher at the Max Planck Society and the Weizmann Institute of Science and head of R&D at global consultancy SoftServe Inc.

Haiqu addresses the foundational bottlenecks precluding the adoption of quantum applications: a limited number of qubits and the high noise sensitivity of near-term quantum processors. The startup develops platform-agnostic technology that extends quantum hardware capability by orders of magnitude and enables a broader set of practical use-cases in finance, chemistry, life sciences, mobility and other domains.

We leverage our expertise in quantum complexity, AI, and high-performance computing to create a product that we believe can streamline the entire industry, said Mykola Maksymenko, co-founder and CTO at Haiqu. With past experience in building and scaling deep tech R&D in large corporations, we appreciate the challenges of bringing a complex technology to market. We are eager to get our tech into the hands of users as soon as possible.

Having started as a remote collaboration of co-founders, Haiqu is growing globally via a distributed team spanning the United States, Ukraine, Canada, Germany, and Switzerland. Given the scarcity of quantum talent, this provides the startup access to some of the worlds leading talent pools in quantum and software engineering.

About Haiqu Inc.

Haiqu Inc. is a quantum computing software startup focused on developing enabling technology enhancing the performance of modern quantum hardware. Their software addresses the adoption bottlenecks precluding scalable quantum applications and enables a broader set of practical use-cases in finance, life sciences, mobility and other domains. For more information, please visit

Source: Haiqu

View original post here:
Haiqu Raises $4M in Pre-Seed Funding to Boost Adoption of Near-Term Quantum Computing - HPCwire