Archive for the ‘Quantum Computing’ Category

The Quantum Decade | IBM

We are progressing through the Quantum Decade, the decade when enterprises begin to see business value from quantum computingonce viewed as a futuristic technology that would change everything, if it ever moved from the fantastical to the practical.

What can and should farsighted leaders and organizations do to position themselves effectively in this brave new era? Our key learnings, explained in detail in the latest edition of The Quantum Decade, revolve around phases of organizational evolutionfrom Quantum Awareness to Quantum Advantage.

Whats new in the third edition of The Quantum Decade:

Quantum Advantage: A process, not a destination

When quantum demonstrates its superiority over traditional computing for a specific problem, thats Quantum Advantage. Its gradual, coming in waves that both progress and pause, but ultimately move the technology forward.

CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. They cannot afford to play catchup.

Industry use case

By combining hybrid classical and quantum resources, IBM and Boeing are advancing quantum chemistry research on the mechanism for corrosion.

Designing corrosion-resistant materials is a critical task that could make airplanes easier to maintain, but performing experiments on these new materials is often very expensive or otherwise impractical. Numerical simulations present a much more practical alternative for researchers who wish to model and study the molecular systems that make up experimental materials. However, classical computers are only able to create approximate simulations of molecular systems, and those approximations become even less accurate when dealing with molecular systems that are large in size.

Quantum computers, by contrast, have the potential to compute precise simulations of even incredibly complex molecular systems. However, these systems may be too large for our current generation of quantum hardware to simulate them all at once. Thats why researchers use a class of techniques called circuit knitting to break up those larger molecular systems into smaller simulation problems.

A circuit knitting technique like quantum embedding, for example, makes it possible to focus the quantum computers efforts on a tractable partition of the full simulation problem. When researchers combine circuit knitting with classical pre- and post- processing techniques like active space selectionwhich serves to identify the portion of the chemical system that is active during chemical reactionsthey can extrapolate their solutions to understand properties of the entire system.

Researchers from IBM and Boeing collaborated to develop automated methods of active space selection suited to studying not only corrosion but all manner of chemical reactions that take place on surfaces. By leveraging local embedding methods with the designated active spaces, the researchers were able to use variational quantum algorithms to study the splitting of a water molecule on a magnesium surface. At the time of completion, this study represented one of the first ever instances of quantum algorithms being used to investigate surface reactions.

Your journey to Quantum Advantage awaits. Download The Quantum Decade to access the insights you need to prepare for the most significant computing revolution in 60 years.

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The Quantum Decade | IBM

US mulling bans to stunt Chinas quantum computing

Last November, IBM launched its 127-qubit Eagle, surpassing Chinas 113-qubit Jiuzhang to become the worlds fastest quantum computer. Now, China risks falling further behind in the quantum computing race as the United States reportedly weighs new export controls on the game-changing technology.

The new ban, if implemented, would target quantum computing, artificial intelligence software and other emerging technologies that could have security implications vis-a-vis China. The ban would mark a next salvo on the Biden administrations October 7 move to block high-end chips and advanced chip-making equipment exports to China.

Bloomberg reported that US industry experts are now weighing in on the potential parameters of the restrictions, which are still preliminary, and that US allies are being consulted. Analysts say any such ban would further antagonize China, which strongly protested the October 7 bans, and could put the two rivals on a dangerous collision course.

Chinese media commentators say the US aims to strengthen efforts to slow Chinas development in emerging technologies, where the two strategic rivals are racing to lead the way. The commentators suspect the US will not only aim to block China from obtaining key quantum computing parts and software but also force other countries to uphold the bans.

The US is making no secret of how it views the emerging and sensitive technology.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said ina speech last monthon technology, competitiveness and national security that computing-related technologies, including microelectronics, quantum information systems and artificial intelligence as among developments set to play an outsized importance over the coming decade. He also noted the importance of export controls to maintain as large of a lead as possible over rivals.

Currently, Alphabets Google, Intel, Microsoft and IBM are all investing heavily in quantum computing projects. Other major players in the sector include US-based IonQ and Japans Fujitsu Ltd.

Quantum computers mark, well, a quantum leap over the speed and power of current supercomputers.

That means they will likely be able to crack and bypass the encryption technologies used to secure current computer communications. More broadly, the technology is expected to unleash waves of new innovation that will revolutionize industry, communications and, crucially, defense.

On September 15, US President Joe Biden signed an executive order urging the US Treasury DepartmentsCommittee on Foreign Investment into the US (CFIUS) to ensure more robust consideration of evolving national security risks.

What may otherwise appear to be an economic transaction undertaken for commercial purposes may actually present an unacceptable risk to US national security when conducted with foreign adversaries or countries of special concern, according to the Executive Order.

It said the committee should consider the transactions effect on US supply chain resilience and national security across the microelectronics, AI, biotechnology and quantum computing sectors.

The Biden administration is now working on an outbound investment review mechanism that would scrutinize money heading to certain Chinese technologies, and new quantum computing and artificial intelligence controls could be included, according to an anonymous source quoted by Bloomberg.

Biden has said the new curbs unveiled by the US Commerce Departments Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) on October 7 have already successfully blocked Chinas access to key US chip technologies. Thecurbshave also limited how US citizens and residents are allowed to work and collaborate with Chinese tech firms., a Shanghai-based research institute, noted in several articles this year that quantum computing can be applied in computing, communication, navigation, power and military defense industries. It said quantum computing had the potential to change the results of future wars.

One article said quantum computers can be used to initiate cyber warfare by decoding passwords and bypassing encryption used on current digital computers. It said quantum computing technologies can also be used to navigate drones and submarines.

Another article, citing a report in the European Physical Journal, said a quantum radar would be launched one day and used in space war.

China is making strong progress in the field in the current open trading environment. The 66-qubit Zuchongzhi 2, for instance, is reportedly 10 million times faster than Googles 55-qubit Sycamore.

In December 2020, a University of Science and Technology of China research team led by scientist Pan Jianwei launched Jiuzhang, a light-based or photonics quantum computer that can work at room temperature. It is said to be 10 billion times faster than Googles Sycamore.

In May 2021, Pan and his team launched Zuchongzhi 2, a superconducting quantum computer that needs to work at a temperature close to absolute zero. Jiuzhang and Zuchongzhi 2s details were published last November by the Physical Review Letters, a scientific journal of the American Physical Society.

Soon thereafter, IBMs Eagle surpassed Zuchongzhi 2 to become the worlds fastest superconducting quantum machine, underscoring the two sides budding rivalry in the filed.

Read: New US chip ban takes tech war to dire next level

Follow Jeff Pao on Twitter at@jeffpao3

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US mulling bans to stunt Chinas quantum computing

Podcast with Professor Peter Kogge from Notre Dame, Professor Geraldo Ortiz from Indiana University and Dr. David Stewart from Purdue about the new…

Podcast with Professor Peter Kogge from Notre Dame, Professor Geraldo Ortiz from Indiana University and Dr. David Stewart from Purdue about the new Center for Quantum Technologies  Quantum Computing Report

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Podcast with Professor Peter Kogge from Notre Dame, Professor Geraldo Ortiz from Indiana University and Dr. David Stewart from Purdue about the new...

Physics Nobel Prize winner Serge Haroche on quantum computing: There are still many difficulties to overcome – EL PAS USA

Physics Nobel Prize winner Serge Haroche on quantum computing: There are still many difficulties to overcome  EL PAS USA

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Physics Nobel Prize winner Serge Haroche on quantum computing: There are still many difficulties to overcome - EL PAS USA

Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Qubits for a Programmable, Solid-State Superconducting Processor – SciTechDaily

Researchers have demonstrated that large numbers of quantum bits, or qubits, can be tuned to interact with each other while maintaining coherence for an unprecedentedly long time, in a programmable, solid-state superconducting processor.

Long-Lived Coherent Quantum States in a Superconducting Device for Quantum Information Technology

Scientists have been able to demonstrate for the first time that large numbers of quantum bits, or qubits, can be tuned to interact with each other while maintaining coherence for an unprecedentedly long time, in a programmable, solid-state superconducting processor. This breakthrough was made by researchers from Arizona State University and Zhejiang University in China, along with two theorists from the United Kingdom.

Previously, this was only possible in Rydberg atom systems.

A qubit, or quantum bit, is a basic unit of quantum information. It is essentially the quantum version of conventional computers most basic form of information, the bit.

In a new paper, scientists demonstrated a first look at the emergence of quantum many-body scarring (QMBS) states as a robust mechanism for maintaining coherence among interacting qubits. Such exotic quantum states offer the appealing possibility of realizing extensive multipartite entanglement for a variety of applications in quantum information science and technology to achieve high processing speed and low power consumption. The paper, which will be published today (October 13) in the journal Nature Physics, is authored by ASU Regents Professor Ying-Cheng Lai, his former ASU doctoral student Lei Ying and experimentalist Haohua Wang, both professors at Zhejiang University in China.

QMBS states possess the intrinsic and generic capability of multipartite entanglement, making them extremely appealing to applications such as quantum sensing and metrology, explained Ying.

Classical, or binary computing relies on transistors which can represent only the 1 or the 0 at a single time. In quantum computing, qubits can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously, which can exponentially accelerate certain computing processes.

In quantum information science and technology, it is often necessary to assemble a large number of fundamental information-processing units qubits together, explained Lai. For applications such as quantum computing, maintaining a high degree of coherence or quantum entanglement among the qubits is essential.

However, the inevitable interactions among the qubits and environmental noise can ruin the coherence in a very short time within about ten nanoseconds. This is because many interacting qubits constitute a many-body system, said Lai.

Key to the research is insight into delaying thermalization to maintain coherence, considered a critical research goal in quantum computing.

From basic physics, we know that in a system of many interacting particles, for example, molecules in a closed volume, the process of thermalization will arise. The scrambling among many qubits will invariably result in quantum thermalization the process described by the so-called Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, which will destroy the coherence among the qubits, said Lai.

These findings will help move quantum computing forward and will have applications in cryptology, secure communications, and cybersecurity, among other technologies, says Lai.

Reference: Many-body Hilbert space scarring on a superconducting processor 13 October 2022, Nature Physics.DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01784-9

Collaborators from the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, include Jean-Yves Desaules and Zlatko Papic.

Dr. Hekang Li fabricated the device at Zhejiang University. Other collaborators from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, include Pengfei Zhang, Hang Dong, Jiachen Chen, Jinfeng Deng, Bobo Liu, Wenhui Ren, Yunyan Yao, Xu Zhang, Shibo Xu, Ke Wang, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, and Chao Song.

Additional contributors include Liangtian Zhao and Jie Hao from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China and Fangli Liu from QuEra Computing, Boston, MA.

Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Qubits for a Programmable, Solid-State Superconducting Processor - SciTechDaily