14 Tech Pros Predict The ‘Next Big Thing’ In Cybersecurity And Encryption – Forbes
Cybersecurity is a constant arms race. Because of its continuous evolution, what firms have solved for today might be obsolete by tomorrow. But unfortunately, many media outlets don't focus on the technical innovations of the industry and prefer to look at the failures of cybersecurity.
Instead of covering how encryption technology has evolved, media outlets cover how hackers have bypassed security measures. As a result, people may be less aware of what the current and future trends of cybersecurity and encryption are. To help educate and inform others, 14 experts from Forbes Technology Council explore the latest innovations and trends coming soon in the world of cybersecurity and why they are important.
1. Security By Design
Over the first 20 years of the internet age, security and encryption have been add-on products on top of systems built without it. For the next 20 years we'll see security from the ground up go mainstream. An example in today's world is the Apple iOS for iPhone/iPad or Microsoft Windows 10 with BitLocker and Defender enabled. - Bret Piatt, Jungle Disk
2. Proxy Re-Encryption
Fueled by the rise of distributed applications, new advancements in encryption technologies allow private data to be stored on public, decentralized networks. Exciting developments in proxy re-encryption (PRE) make this possible, and usability is critical. Data owners can grant or revoke access to their encrypted data without having to worry about the complexities of encryption and key management. - Mark Pryor, The Seam
3. Secure Multiparty Computation
This is an exciting time for cryptography. Secure multiparty computation (MPC) replaces dated hardware, realizing operational agility and cost-effectiveness, and is a natural fit for cloud. MPC eliminates single points of failure, and is synergetic with cybersecurity technologies, improving authentication, insider threat mitigation and key management while driving innovation. - Yehuda Lindell, Unbound Tech
4. More Customization And Smarter Solutions
The next big thing in cybersecurity will be responsive and predictive technologies underpinning sector-specific, real-time defense systems. There will be a shift away from reliance on one-size-fits-all security services and toward more intelligent and informative cybersecurity solutions customized to better engage, protect and serve particular industry ecosystems. - Charles Aunger, Health2047 - American Medical Association
5. Artificial Intelligence-Powered Cybersecurity
Expect more AI in cybersecurity, from both the perspective of a hacker and from those trying to defend against attacks. Hackers will be able to infuse AI-powered malware, for example, to infiltrate networks and stay dormant until it finds the optimal time to deploy its payload. On the flipside, security tools will use AI to identify anomalies that we may currently miss. Who will win is anyone's guess. - Jason Lau, Crypto.com
6. A Predictive Model To Eliminate Threat Vectors
The current generation of cyber protection using a solution that is divorced from the asset it is protecting so as to catch the predator in advance of the actual attack on protected resources will continue to be enhanced. Next big thing? The introduction of artificial intelligence and data analytics into a predictive model that will determine threat vectors and shut them down before they even start. - Jerry Nelson, Beyond Impact
7. Increased Focus On Physical Security
The vast majority of breaches and hacks come from a failure to maintain good physical security. The bottom line is most hacks start with someone gaining access to credentials. A hacker will not be successful if you do not invite them in. Want to lessen your risk of intrusion? Get streetwise and make sure your staff is, as well. "Think before you click" is my motto. - Wayne Lonstein, VFT Solutions, Inc.
8. Integration Of Self-Contained Tools
There is a difference between cybersecurity and digital privacy. But the two need each other to survive. I think the next big thing will be twofold. First, expect tools for communication that are self-containedwith privacy built into be integrated, so that information is kept within company borders. The second will be the growing use of AI to fight the other AI that is and will be most responsible for data breaches. - Gran Wgstrm, Idka
9. Use Of Data Access Security Brokers
Organizations need to separate the tools used for access control, such as encryption, from the data by inserting a layer between them that functions as a data access security broker. The broker will validate policies and authorize the user/application/device/etc. to access the data, allowing organizations to retain control of data at all times. - Jeff Capone, SecureCircle
10. Enhanced Third-Party Vetting
At the heart of many breaches plaguing the news are missteps by third parties many organizations work with. Third parties must be vetted carefully by an organization for their risk management and data protection policies and procedures, because they also use third parties, quickly spreading the original organizations data into a complex spider web. Proper vetting procedures can mitigate such a risk. - Matt Kunkel, LogicGate
11. Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
Encrypting information so only those who should be able to access it can, has been extremely valuable for cybersecurity, but with the coming of quantum computing, brute force attacks could become much more efficient and speedy. Quantum-resistant cryptography (QRC) algorithms will become increasingly important as quantum computing becomes more mainstream in the future with cyber adversaries. - Michael Xie, Fortinet
12. Homomorphic Security
In the ERP world, we battle cybersecurity every day, and for our massive amounts of data in our client databases we want to have an avenue that is more secure than in any other manner. As such, we have begun working with homomorphic encryption. No key stores anywhere for the data inside a database and no key stores for thieves to use data in any way. It would take two trillion years to break - Christopher Carter, Approyo
13. Increased Transparency And Ease Of Use
The biggest problem I've had in my 20-year cybersecurity career is that users will find ways to circumvent security technology if it makes their respective jobs more tedious. Continuous training with the right tech leads to greater adoption and security. For example, with proper training, the Corcoran $400k email scam would've been prevented. - Tim Maliyil, AlertBoot
14. More Focus On Protecting People
The next era of cybersecurity will focus on protecting people, not just the networks and devices they use. Today, most data breaches are caused by human error. Businesses need a people-centric approach to cybersecurity, layering awareness training with advanced machine learning technology to understand human behavior online, and predict and prevent incidents of human error before they happen. - Edward Bishop, Tessian
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14 Tech Pros Predict The 'Next Big Thing' In Cybersecurity And Encryption - Forbes