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Rand Paul gets laughed off the stage by The View crowd: Our …

The View audience hooted and jeered Sen. Rand Paul for attacking Sen. Bernie Sanders and socialism in a contentious panel discussion.

The Kentucky Republican was promoting his new book, The Case Against Socialism, but he didnt find a receptive audience for his claims.

Bernie Sanders form of socialism is actually unpopular, and he would never get elected to anything in Denmark, Paul said. In fact, the prime minister of Denmark, when he heard Bernie was going around saying hes a socialist, he said, No, no were not socialists, we have private property, and we dont have a minimum wage.'

Paul argued that Scandinavian countries paid massive taxes to pay for free stuff thats given out by the government, and Hostin said Americans paid high taxes but had poor health care and public education.

We have a different form of taxation in our country, Paul countered. Its much more progressive. Weve taken the poor off of the rolls, they dont pay income tax anymore. Most people below $50,000 dont pay any income tax, the top 1 percent in our country pay 40 percent.

The audience began laughing at the senators claims, and Hostin called him out.

Our audience says thats not true, she said, and the crowd continued laughing.

Paul insisted that IRS statistics show the top 1 percent paid a 40 percent income tax rate, and the laughter cascaded loudly over the GOP lawmaker.

Donald Trump doesnt pay any income tax, Hostin said.

Guest host Ana Navarro asked whether Paul agreed with the president that voting for Democrats would turn the U.S. into a Venezuela-style socialist country, and Paul didnt disagree.

Well, if you vote for a socialist, you might get socialism, Paul said.

Navarro erupted, arguing that president Nicols Maduro Moros was a corrupt, murderous thug who is starving his people but Paul said thats not true.

Thats not true? Navarro shot back. Maduro is not a thug and murderer who is starving his people?

Paul gestured for her to calm down, and argued that Venezuelans had voted for socialism, but Navarro cut him off.

Thats kleptocracy, not socialism, Navarro said, as Paul objected. I cant let you finish if youre not going to say Maduros a murderous thug.

The audience went wild, and Paul turned his back to Navarro and waved his hands in her face.

Dont do this to me, Navarro said, mimicking his gesture as audience continued cheering. Dont mansplain, Im 47 years old.

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Rand Paul gets laughed off the stage by The View crowd: Our ...

Rand Paul Goes to War with Ana Navarro on The View: Dont …

Meghan McCain skipped out on Sen. Rand Pauls (R-KY) appearance on The View Friday morningciting personal reasonsdespite accusing the GOP senator of having Kurdish blood on his hands in Syria the day before.

In her place was frequent guest host Ana Navarro, who Whoopi Goldberg noted at the top of the show was filling in for both McCain and Joy Behar. One for the price of two, the Republican strategist joked.

Paul was ostensibly on the show to promote his new book, simply titled The Case Against Socialism, but they began the interview with his support for President Donald Trumps controversial decision to let Turkey wipe out Americas Kurdish allies in Syria.

Sporting a white turtleneck and blue plaid jacket, Paul compared Trump to former President Barack Obama, arguing that both men knew we were overextended, that the Iraq War was a mistake, adding, if anything, Syria is more complicated than Iraq.

In an attempt to break through Pauls abstract theorizing about the cost of war, Goldberg asked him, I'm sorry, so if you have allies and they are working with you and fighting with you, and in 24 hours, somebody wakes up and says, No. we're out, is that the right way to do this? When he started to answer a different question, she repeated, No, no, is that the right way to do it?

When Paul said we should never have been in Syria in the first place, Goldberg shot back, That's not the question. That's all good, but we're in there. When the senator said that the left used to agree with him on regime change, Goldberg told him, I am not left or right, I'm just American. And I want to know, should we be walking out on them?

As the rest of the co-hosts started jumping into the conversation, Paul grew more and more agitated. There's a difference in having a strategy and leaving the Kurds there to die, which is where they are now, Abby Huntsman told him. They were left there to die. And now its the GOPs problem.

When it was Navarros turn to speak, she pressed Paul to defend America breaking our word to allies, asking, What message does that send internationally to other allies if we abandon them?

The only duty we owe, and the only oath I take is to the Constitution, Paul replied. I didn't promise to take the country to war, I promised not to take the country to war. So did President Trump by the way. He added, Anyone who tries to make the argument someone in Syria is a danger to our country, is not paying attention.

Well, I think Assad is in Syria and a danger to our country and our world! Navarro responded before Paul attempted to explain the very complicated Middle East to the panel, shouting, Dont interrupt! when Huntsman tried to get a word in. He was still talking when Goldberg threw to commercial.

The tension only ratcheted up after the break when the crew started talking to Paul about his book. Again, it was Navarro who got under Pauls skin by asking if he thinks its fair for Trump and the Republican Party to run ads that say, If you vote for Democrats, they will turn the United States into Venezuela.

Well, if you vote for a socialist, you might get socialism, Paul answered with a smirk.

Come on, don't do that! Navarro said. Maduro is not a socialist. He's a corrupt, murderous thug who is starving his people. When Paul denied those facts, Navarro added, Thats not true? Maduro is not a thug and murderer who is starving his people?

As Paul attempted to argue his point, Navarro interrupted him with, I can't let you finish. If you are going to say Maduro is not a murderous thug, Im not letting you finish because that's a damn lie! While Goldberg was trying to end the segment, Paul literally waved his hands in Navarros face.

Dont do this to me, dont mansplain, she told him. Im a 47-year-old grown woman!

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Rand Paul Goes to War with Ana Navarro on The View: Dont ...

Rand Paul neighbor attack: Senator to have surgery in Canada

Developer Jim Skaggs 'couldn't believe' when he heard that a neighbor allegedly assaulted U.S. Senator Rand Paul outside his home in Bowling Green. Matt Stone/Louisville Courier Journal

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, one of the fiercest political critics of socializedmedicine, will travel to Canada later this month to get hernia surgery.

Paul, anophthalmologist, said the operation is related to an injury in 2017 when his neighbor, Rene Boucher, attacked him while Paul was mowing his lawn. The incident left Kentucky's junior senator with six broken ribs and a bruised lung.

He is scheduled to have the outpatient operation at the privately adminstered Shouldice Hernia Hospital in Thornhill, Ontario during the week of Jan. 21, according to documents from Paul's civil lawsuit against Boucher filed in Warren Circuit Court.

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The procedure is estimated to cost anywhere from $5,000 to$8,000, according to court documents. lists a hernia repair costing between $4,000 and $8,000.

Shouldice Hernia Hospital markets itself as "the global leader in non-mesh hernia repair,"according to the clinic's website.

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While Shouldice Hernia Hospital is privately owned,it receives a majority of its funding from the Ontario government and accepts the Ontarios Hospital Insurance Plan.

The hospital's website outlines payments it accepts, including cash, check or credit card for those patients, like Paul, who are not covered by Ontario's insurance plan or a provincial health insurance plan.

Kelsey Cooper, a spokeswoman for Paul, said the hospital is privately owned and people come from around the globe for their services.

This is more fake news on a story that has been terribly reported from day one this is a private, world renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services, Cooper said in an email to the Courier Journal.

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Paul often argues for private market solutions to Americans' health care woes.

In Canada, medical careis publicly funded and universally providedthrough the country's Provincial Ministry of Health, and everyone receivesthe same base level of care.

Paul has called universal health care and nationalized options "slavery."

With regard to the idea whether or not you have a right to health care ... It means you believe in slavery," Paul said in 2011. "You are going to enslave not only me but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants, the nurses. You are basically saying you believe in slavery.

Boucher pleaded guiltyin March to attacking Paul after they reached a breaking point over lawn maintenance.

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Check out: Man allegedly threatens to chop up Rand Paul and his family with an ax

Also: Rand Paul sues neighbor-turned-attacker for medical and legal fees

Paul was mowing his yard on Nov. 3, 2017, at his home in the Rivergreen gated community in Bowling Green when Boucher saw Paul stacking brush onto a pile near his property, according to court records.

Boucher "had enough," ran downhill towardPaul who was wearing headphones and only noticed Boucher at the last second and tackled him. A medical expert said the tackle is comparable to a chest traumathat would beseen in a 25-mile-per-hour car crash, according to a Jan. 11 court document filed by Paul's attorney.

Paul is suing for $4,000 in medical costs related to the attack but said the final amount "will continue to be updated through trial and will certainly include the hernia surgery that is currently scheduled to take place in Ontario,Canada."

A jury trial related to the case is scheduled for Jan. 28 in Bowling Green.

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Oh, Canada.(Photo: Marc Murphy for the Courier Journal)

Reach Thomas Novelly:, 502-582-4465 or @tomnovelly.

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Rand Paul neighbor attack: Senator to have surgery in Canada

Rand Paul Slams Republican Richard Burr for Don Jr …

Burr, as Breitbart News and other outlets reported late Wednesday, has issued a subpoena of Trump, Jr., which the presidents eldest son is electing to rebuff despite Trump, Jr.s history of open cooperation on the Russia investigation. Trump, Jr., has been repeatedly cleared, as has the president himself.

But Burr has been trying to keep the case alive, in contravention of McConnells stated orders, and is now facing fierce backlash not just against himself but all Senate Republicans. Paul is the first Senate Republican to stand up against this, but others are expected to join him quickly.

McConnell, who is the ex officio chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and from whom Burr derives his authority as chairman, has not replied to requests for comment from Breitbart News on this matter.

But a top McConnell donor, who is also close with the Trump White House, told Breitbart News that McConnell must intervene to end Burrs decision to go rogue.

What Burrs doing isnt just a slap in the face to the President and his family, its a slap in the face to Americans across the country, the top McConnell donor said. Its incumbent that Leader McConnell steps up to the plate and strips Senator Burrs Chairmanship of the Intel Committee. If he refuses to do that, then he shoulders just as much blame for this travesty of justice as the Senator from North Carolina.

McConnells office has not answered when asked by Breitbart News what the Senate GOP leader thinks of the subpoena and whether he will allow Burr to remain as committee chairman in the wake of this move.

Its notable that Paul is the first of many expected Republicans to speak out against this, as he also represents Kentucky in the United States Senate. McConnell, who is Kentuckys other senator, is up for re-election in 2020.

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Rand Paul, Tom Udall want to pull troops out of Afghanistan

Sen. Rand Paul is fed up with the longest war in U.S. history, and he is reaching across the aisle to bring American troops home from Afghanistan.

The Kentucky Republican submitted legislation on Tuesday with Sen. Tom Udall, D-New Mexico,that says U.S. forces have completed their mission after nearly two decades of conflict.

Under the 2019 American Forces Going Home After Noble (AFGHAN) ServiceAct, the U.S. would declare victory in Afghanistan;set a 45-day deadline to formulate an orderlywithdrawal within a year ofall U.S. forces;and within one year pay a$2,500 bonus to military service memberswho have served in the war.

"This has been a long war,"Paul said during a conference call with reporters.

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The senator's office noted that more than $2 trillionhas been spent on the conflict and it has cost about2,300 military members their lives.

"We both just think that war is a terrible thing and we should only do it when we have to," Paul added.

Udall echoed those talking points about the measure, saying that the U.S. must reconsider its position on a war thatbegan in October 2001 as a response to the terrorist attacks striking the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

"This year we will reach a watershed moment in the nearly 18-year-long war inAfghanistan," he said. "Soon, American service members will begin deploying in a war that began before they were born."

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Udall praised Paul for beinga consistent voice against the war. Pauls aversion to foreign entanglements has long been a part of his ideological profile and political appealsince he was first elected to Congress in 2010.

Those beliefs have found fertile ground with the presidency ofDonald Trump, who is poised to scale back the U.S. presence in Afghanistan.Paul reportedly met privately with Trump in January, and he said the president acknowledged, "weve been at war too long and in too many places."

"I've talked to the president many times about this, and I think his instincts and his intentions are that we really have been long enough in Afghanistan and we have completed our mission," Paul told the Courier Journal.

Trump may also not be a reliable ally. NBC News reported Tuesday that the presidentwrote lawmakersthat he agrees "100 percent" with keeping a military presence in Syria just twomonths after declaring all U.S. troops would be leaving.

... War is a terrible thing and we should only do it when we have to.

Many of Paul's Senate Republicancolleagues have also voiced support for keeping a significant forcein Afghanistan and topull out of Syria more slowly.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, is chief among those hawkish lawmakers. Hebelieves terrorist groups, such as theIslamic State group, or other foreign governments will benefit ifthe U.S. pulls out of those regions.

Two months ago, McConnell, in a rare move,bucked Trump by spearheading a nonbinding amendment on a broader foreign policy bill that criticized the administration's withdrawal plans.

The language, which was added by a 68-23 vote, said leaving Afghanistan and Syria too quickly"could allow terrorists to regroup, destabilize critical regionsand create vacuums that could be filled by Iran or Russia"to the detriment of U.S.interests.

"I believe the threats remain," McConnell said during a January floor speech. "ISIS and al-Qaida have yet to be defeated. And American national security interests require continued commitment to our missions there."

McConnell spokesman Robert Steurersaid Paul's bill is being assigned to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but thereare no scheduling announcements at the moment.

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Paul told the Courier Journalthat he plans to speak withhis fellow Kentuckian about the withdrawal proposal, but that he isn't confident McConnell will allow his measure to see the Senate's daylight without outside pressure.

"I have very little hope," Paul said. "I mean, he was the leader of the amendment that chastised the president for even considering leaving Afghanistan. I just think we're on opposite sides on this."

Paul said the American public is ready to have the debate about ending the war even if McConnell and the rest of Congress is not. He said thelegislation he's co-sponsoring with Udall can also serve as a rallying cry for peace activists and the military alike.

"Our hope is that the military, who have served all these missions, will see this and say, 'you know what, I've risked my life eight times in Afghanistan, and I'm nolonger interested in serving missions to a failed state,'" Paul said. "This is to try to light a fire under the American public and get things going."

Reporter Phillip M. Bailey can be reached at502-582-4475 or Support strong local journalism by subscribing

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Rand Paul, Tom Udall want to pull troops out of Afghanistan