Senator Rand Paul comments on California, Kentucky travel ban – WKYT
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP/WKYT)- Senator Rand Paul released a statement regarding his thoughts on the California, Kentucky Travel Ban.
Senator Paul released the following statement to WDRB News; I thought we fought the Civil War a long time ago. We were going to be one country, not separate countries. Banning travel is a really really short-sided,
The Governors office has also already released a statement saying the only reason the California Attorney General made this decision was because Kentucky doesnt share ideological and political views and that this is just an excuse for West Coast Liberals to continue to rail against the president's orders.
Both statements come after California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced Thursday that Kentucky, Alabama, South Dakota, and Texas were added to its list of states subject to travel restrictions because of laws that could be considered discriminatory against members of the LGBTQ community. North Carolina, Kansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee are already on the list.
A California statute that went into effect in January prohibits state-funded and state-sponsored travel to states with laws that authorize or require discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression or against same-sex couples or their families.
Those travel restrictions apply to state agencies, departments, boards, authorities, and commissions, including an agency, department, board, authority, or commission of the University of California and California State University.
Becerra says California taxpayers' money "will not be used to let people travel to states who chose to discriminate."
The state added Kentucky because of Senate Bill 17 which was passed during the legislative session earlier this year. Officials in California say the law could allow student-run organizations in colleges and K-12 schools in Kentucky to discriminate against classmates based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
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Senator Rand Paul comments on California, Kentucky travel ban - WKYT