Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul: All leakers must be found | TheHill – The Hill

Sen. Rand PaulRand PaulRand Paul spokesman: Lindsey Graham doesn't speak for us Graham: Rand Paul is 'irretrievably gone' on healthcare Graham: GOP ObamaCare repeal likely to fail MORE (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said that those leaking information need to be found.

"We just can't have everybody in the intelligence community, they have such power to suck up every bit of every transmission, every communication we ever made, we can't just have them willy-nilly releasing that to the public," Paul said on "Fox & Friends."

"All of them have to be found, and I guarantee there's a paper or a computer trail of who released these documents and who released these conversations."

.@RandPaul: All of the leakers have to be found. We can't have intel officials willy-nilly releasing classified information to the public.

The Department of Justice announcedMondayit is charging Reality Leigh Winner, afederal government contractor with top security clearance, for leaking classified materials to a news outlet.

They have got to get after theseleaks, Chaffetz told host Martha MacCallum on "The Story" on Fox. I want people in handcuffs and Iwant to see people behind bars.

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Rand Paul: All leakers must be found | TheHill - The Hill

Graham: Rand Paul is ‘irretrievably gone’ on healthcare – The Hill

Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey GrahamAir Force chief says delayed Trump nominations make her job 'difficult' Rand Paul spokesman: Lindsey Graham doesn't speak for us McConnell: Senate will move ObamaCare repeal bill in 'near future' MORE (R-S.C.) said Tuesday that the GOP has already suffered a key defection on its healthcare reform bill and it may make sense to move past the issue sooner instead of later.

Were stuck. We cant get there from here, Graham told reporters. Im very leery of a healthcare bill passing the Senate that can get through the House. Weve already lost Rand PaulRand PaulRand Paul spokesman: Lindsey Graham doesn't speak for us Graham: Rand Paul is 'irretrievably gone' on healthcare Graham: GOP ObamaCare repeal likely to fail MORE, so were down to 51.

Graham said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is irretrievably gone, meaning GOP leaders can only afford one more defection and still pass legislation repealing and replacing ObamaCare.

While we do have a press assistant opening in the Communications Department, Senator Graham has not applied and should not make public statements on behalf of Senator Rand Paul, Paul spokesman Sergio Gor said in a statement, however. Senator Paul remains optimistic the bill can be improved in the days ahead and is keeping an open mind.

Republicans control 52 seats in the Senate, and Vice President Mike PenceMike (Michael) Richard PenceGraham: Rand Paul is 'irretrievably gone' on healthcare Karen Pence, Agriculture secretary install beehive at VP's residence Pence on NATO: 'Our commitment is unwavering' MORE can break a 50-50 tie, but three GOP no votes would spell the end of the legislation.

Graham is the latest Republican senator to publicly express doubt over the Senates ability to pass a healthcare reform bill that has any chance of later passing the House and becoming law.

Theres growing concern within the GOP conference that they will end up spending too much time on a healthcare debate that goes nowhere and will then have less chance of overhauling the tax code, another top priority.

Graham said if the Congressional Budget Office score for the Senate healthcare bill is as negative as its analysis for the House-passed measure, were in trouble.

We need to bring this to an end and move to taxes, he said. A lot of the blame is on the Congress here.

Sen. Richard BurrRichard BurrComey's Thursday hearing will be only public testimony Flynn hands over more than 600 pages of documents to Senate Intel: report Graham: Rand Paul is 'irretrievably gone' on healthcare MORE (R-N.C.), one of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnellMitch McConnellRand Paul spokesman: Lindsey Graham doesn't speak for us McCain to question Comey at intel hearing: report McConnell: Senate will move ObamaCare repeal bill in 'near future' MOREs (R-Ky.) closest allies in the Senate GOP conference, last week said he did not think the Senate would be able to pass a comprehensive healthcare reform bill this year.

I think its unlikely we will get a healthcare bill, Burr told a local television station, calling the House bill dead on arrival and not a good plan.

McConnell told Reuters last month that he does not yet know how he will find 50 votes to pass a healthcare overhaul, a comment that was interpreted among Senate Republicans as lowering expectations for a legislative victory.

Graham said on Tuesday Republicans should let ObamaCare collapse and then work with Democrats to find a better solution.

He added that the GOP should move quickly to taxes.

On taxes, that needs to be the next agenda item. We need to do it in calendar year 2017, he said.

--Jordain Carney contributed to this report, which was updated at 3:22 p.m.

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Graham: Rand Paul is 'irretrievably gone' on healthcare - The Hill

Sen. Rand Paul missed the point | Letter – The Courier-Journal

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Its fine and dandy thatPaul has supposedly been working with other senators to help reduce sentencesfor non-violent drug offenders etc.

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CJ Letter 1:25 p.m. ET June 5, 2017

Senator Rand Paul chats upon arrival with those assembled at the St. Matthews Community Center on Monday morning. 3/20/17 (Photo: Marty Pearl/Special to The C-J)Buy Photo

I read with amusement the guest contribution from Sen. Rand Paul that took issue with a recent writer's opinion published in the Courier-Journal. Its fine and dandy thatPaul has supposedly been working with other senators to help reduce sentencesfor non-violent drug offenders, end mandatory minimum sentences, help expunge criminal records, restore voting rights, etc. These are all worthwhile and admirable endeavors. In his response, he failedto address the main point of the whole op-edarticle. How could someone advocate for the reformsPaulmentions still vote to confirm a person like Sen. Jeff Sessions as Attorney General? Sessions is totally opposed to everything that Paul stated that he has been working to improve. Sen. Paul, how could you in good conscience do that or are you just another unprincipled politician?

Dave OBryan

Louisville 40243

More: Justice reform a bipartisan effort | Rand Paul

More: Sen. Rand Paul not an example of profile in courage| Aaron Kall

More: The mass incarceration problem or, why Sessions shouldnt bring back mandatory minimums

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Sen. Rand Paul missed the point | Letter - The Courier-Journal

Rand Paul Blasts Climate Alarmism in Debate with Jake Tapper … – Townhall

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke Thursday with CNNs Jake Tapper about the U.S. leaving the Paris Climate Agreement and ended up debating the extent of the threat of climate change as well as arguing that the agreement was bad for jobs.

The sky is falling, Mass extinction? Really? Paul asked, characterizing the reactions hed seen to the decision to leave the agreement. I dont think we should be alarmists about this I mean the planets 4.5 billion years old, we have gone through great extremes of climate change, natural and now we may have a man-made influence as well but these people, the question I always ask these alarmists is how much is nature and how much is man?

Is there climate change? Can man have an impact?" He asked, "yes, but lets not be so alarmist as to say such outrageous things that if we dont sign the Paris Accord theres going to mass extinction. That is a ridiculous statement.

Are you really saying that man is not contributing to climate change? Tapper asked at one point.

How much is nature and how much is man? Paul asked again. Im perfectly willing to admit that man can have an influence and we should minimize our pollution. But those who say that it is all man and dont acknowledge that the 4.5 billion year old planet has gone through massive climate change based on natural effects.

Not to the degree that weve seen in the last century, Tapper countered.

Absolutely incorrect, Paul claimed. When you look at climate change the most dramatic ice age, the dramatic warming and cooling period all happened before man was even around for the most part.

Senator Paul also emphasized that the deal would cause the U.S. to lose more than six million jobs.

We would lose 6 and a half million jobs, he said, while countries like India and Iran -- We would have to pay them to reduce their carbon emissions.

I think one of the reasons President Trump was elected was that he would defend the American worker and defend American jobs, Paul said, adding, I cant imagine a worse agreement for the American worker.

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Rand Paul Blasts Climate Alarmism in Debate with Jake Tapper ... - Townhall

Justice reform a bipartisan effort | Rand Paul – The Courier-Journal

Rand Paul, Guest Contributor Published 11:03 a.m. ET June 2, 2017 | Updated 4 hours ago

In this April 7, 2017, file photo, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington.(Photo: J. Scott Applewhite, AP)

Apparently, the Courier-Journal would prefer to stoke the flames of partisanship and division rather than engage their readers in an honest discussion of the problems plaguing our criminal justice system.

In a recently printed guest editorial, the Courier turns an issue with significant bipartisan support into a partisan attack on a Republican.

For my entire public life, I have worked with both Democrats and Republicans to eradicate the racial injustices of the war on drugs. I have co-authored a variety of bipartisan bills to reform criminal justice on all fronts.

Ive advocated to end mandatory minimum sentencing, which has too often unfairly dealt out decades-long sentences for nonviolent offenses.

The mass incarceration problem or, why Sessions shouldnt bring back mandatory minimums

Sen. Rand Paul not an example of profile in courage| Aaron Kall

Ive supported second chances legislation to allow nonviolent offenders to expunge their records after a period of good behavior.

With Democrat Corey Booker, I introduced a bill to end solitary confinement for juveniles, and Ive introduced bills addressing the militarization of our police force, body cameras for police, and civil asset forfeiture procedures.

I've introduced bipartisan legislation to restore voting rights to those who have served their time. I even traveled to Frankfort to testify before Kentuckys General Assembly as they worked on state legislation to restore voting rights.

I have made these issues an important part of my work in the Senate because we cannot afford to let the current system run its destructive course on the most vulnerable members of our society.

Yet for that work, the thanks I get from the liberal media is to print attacks that discount years of bipartisan efforts to make our criminal system more just.

When the media refuses to even acknowledge one of the few areas of bipartisan agreement, is it any wonder that our political system is so polarized?

Sadly, this is not the first time Ive been under fire for supporting an issue that is probably one of the best chances we have for finding bipartisan compromise in Washington.

I went out of my way to compliment President Obama on criminal justice reform, a President with whom I disagreed on many, many fronts. I have great working relationships with those across the aisle on this issue.

This newspaper does a disservice to reform efforts by continuing to let their editorial pages serve as a bastion of partisanship.

I urge the media to delve a bit deeper before allowing one of our best chances at bipartisanship to be sullied by petty partisan attacks. The Courier-Journals readers deserve better.

Rand Paul is the junior senator from Kentucky.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says his directive that prosecutors should charge suspects with the most serious crimes is a "key part of President Trump's promise to keep America safe." (May 12) AP

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Justice reform a bipartisan effort | Rand Paul - The Courier-Journal