Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul urges AUMF before Trump military action – Washington Times

Sen. Rand Paul sounded one of the more discordant notes last week after President Trumps retaliatory missile strike against the Syrian regime, suggesting it was ill-advised and illegal, and insisting Congress needs to get involved.

But after years of gridlock, the Kentucky Republican acknowledged there is little hope that Capitol Hill will take up the issue or, if it does, that it will do any better this time. Asked what it would take, his answer was succinct: Different colleagues.

The strike against an airfield that the U.S. says was the staging point for last weeks chemical weapons attack on civilians has reignited the debate over U.S. policy in the region and over how much authority the president has to act without having to go to Congress.

A small but vocal group of lawmakers, including Mr. Paul, said Mr. Trumps missile strikes were illegal and insisted that any military action against a government that hasnt attacked the U.S. must get congressional approval first.

Having served on active duty as a JAG, I am well aware of the legal authorities for the use of military force. President Trumps unilateral decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles at another countrys military which had not attacked the U.S. was unconstitutional, said Rep. Ted Lieu, a California Democrat who is still a colonel in the Air Force Reserve and a member of the Judge Advocate Generals Corps.

But the vast majority of lawmakers on Capitol Hill said the series of strikes was a properly proportionate response to the horrific use of nerve gas agents on President Bashar Assads own people.

I thought it was very clear what this strike was about. You dont use chemical weapons without consequences. I think thats a pretty clear message, and I dont necessarily read into that a larger strategy in the area, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican.

Mr. Trumps decision to enforce the red line, first clumsily drawn by President Obama, took Washington by surprise. After years of warning that the U.S. should stay out of the Syrian mess, Mr. Trump said the photos of children suffering from the chemical attack were too much for the civilized world to tolerate.

Some lawmakers are worried about the next steps and appear eager to pin down the policy of a president who just days ago said he wasnt concerned about Mr. Assad.

We cannot stand by in silence as dictators murder children with chemical weapons, said Rep. Steve Russell, Oklahoma Republican, and Rep. Seth Moulton, Massachusetts Democrat, who are chairmen of the Warrior Caucus of combat veterans in Congress.

But military action without clear goals and objective gets us nowhere. We look forward to hearing the president present a plan for Syria to the American people, for Congress to agree on bipartisan action, and for America to partner with the world community to help bring this treacherous conflict to an end, the two lawmakers said.

Sen. Christopher Murphy, Connecticut Democrat, said Mr. Trump appeared to be free-styling in his approach to Syria and showed disdain for Congress war-making authorities.

If you cant get an authorization of military force from Congress to strike in Syria or another country in the Middle East, then you shouldnt do it, Mr. Murphy said.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, demanded that Republicans cancel a two-week spring break and reconvene the House to debate military policy in Syria.

As heartbreaking as Assads chemical weapons attacks on his own people was, the crisis in Syria will not be resolved by one night of airstrikes, she said. The killing will not stop without a comprehensive political solution to end the violence.

The U.S. has conducted nearly 8,000 strikes against targets in Syria since Mr. Obama first committed the military to operations in the country in 2014. Those strikes were targeted at the Islamic State. Mr. Obama also committed a small number of American troops to help rebels fight the Islamic State group, and Mr. Trump last month boosted the number of those troops.

But the U.S. airstrikes were the first directed specifically against the Syrian regime, leaving a number of lawmakers to say it went beyond the powers that Congress granted in the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force that gave presidents the power to target al Qaeda, the Taliban and affiliated international terrorist organizations.

First Mr. Obama and now the Trump administration argue that the Islamic State is an offshoot of an offshoot of al Qaeda.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have long disputed that assertion.

In 2015, after years of heckling from Congress, Mr. Obama wrote his own proposed AUMF for Syria and the fight against the Islamic State and sent it to Capitol Hill. Some members of Congress said it went too far, another faction said it didnt go far enough and the legislation was quickly shelved, leaving the president with a free hand to continue.

Mr. McConnell didnt seem eager to restart the AUMF debate this year and said it is up to Mr. Trump to decide if he wants more war powers.

If the president can think of some AUMF that he thinks strengthens his hand, Id be happy to take a look at it, Mr. McConnell said.

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Rand Paul urges AUMF before Trump military action - Washington Times

Paul: Trump Must ‘Ask Permission’ Before Committing Acts of War – Fox News Insider

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Saturday that President Trump should have gotten Congressional approval before bombing a Syrian airbase.

Paul said the situation was similar to what President George Bush faced when dealing with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

But, Paul noted that Bush sought Congressional approval before attacking the Hussein regime, unlike Trump's actions toward Bashar al-Assad.

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Trump Applauds US Military After Syria Airstrike

He said that by the president first asking Congress, he is effectively getting the people's permission to bomb another country.

"We would be at war all the time if there weren't limits," Paul said. "[An] atrocity is not an excuse to disobey the Constitution."

Paul added that no one knows who would rise to power in Syria if Assad was toppled.

He noted ISIS and al-Nusra oppose Assad as they do the West, and that some rebel groups have said they will turn their anti-armament weapons toward Israel once Damascus is taken.

"I don't want my money going to people who attack Israel either," he said.

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Paul: Trump Must 'Ask Permission' Before Committing Acts of War - Fox News Insider

Rand Paul: Trump’s Syrian strike is ‘unconstitutional’ –

Libertarian-leaning KentuckySen. Rand Paul is one of the minority of congressional Republicans including Reps. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) and Tom Massie (R-Ky.)not onboard with President Donald Trumps decision to conduct missile strikes in Syria.

During an interview on Fox Business Varney & Co., host Stuart Varney asked Paul what his immediate reaction was to Trumps actions in Syria as a Russian ship reportedly steams toward our forces in the Mediterranean.

This is why we should have a deliberate discussion. This is why this should originate in Congress, Paul said. This is why our Founding Fathers said under the Constitution that wars should be debated fully by Congress and initiated and declared by Congress.

The president really doesnt have the authority under the Constitution to initiate war, and so what I think were doing now is illegal and unconstitutional, he continued.

Paul would not answer as to whether or not he personally approved of Trumps actions but instead, reasserted that the move was unconstitutional and that a debate was needed to decide whether or not the U.S. shouldproceed forward.

The senator went on toremind Varney that there was massive approval to go to war with Iraq and that the war served tostrengthen Iran.

If we topple Assad, what comes next? Will we like the Islamic rebels that take over? Perhaps they hate us and Israel more than Assad does, Paul said, referring to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Paul, along with Utah RepublicanSen. Mike Lee, wrote an open letter to Trump in January, urging him to not follow the same path President Barack Obama had when it came to initiating military actions overseas.

Paul and Lee urged Trump to seek the approval of Congress before making any strategic decisions, saying the complexity of the security questions we face as a nation calls for robust debate, prudence and cooperation. The challenges are too great and the risks too high to simply defer to yesterdays status quo. Now is the time for bold leadership and sober judgment.

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Rand Paul: Trump's Syrian strike is 'unconstitutional' -

Sen. Rand Paul: Syria, Trump and another unconstitutional …

Every American condemns the atrocities in Syria, and we cannot help but be shaken by the images of innocent women and children dying. It is also true that often in foreign policy, things are not as simple as they appear, and actions often have consequences well beyond the obvious.

It is for this very reason that the Founders wanted a deliberate, thoughtful foreign policy, and when military action was needed, they wanted it debated and authorized by Congress.

Make no mistake, no matter who is president or what their party is, it is my firm belief that the president needs congressional authorization for military action, as required by the Constitution. I call on this president to come to Congress for a proper debate over our role in Syria, just as I did in 2013 when President Obama contemplated acting in Syria.


I believe that nothing about this situation has changed. Military action is not in our national security interest and should not be authorized. Our prior interventions in this region have done nothing to make us safer, and Syria will be no different.

There is no doubt Assad is a brutal dictator. But if we seek to remove him, we must ask what comes next. Assad is fighting radical Islamic rebels, including large parts of ISIS. Who would take over Syria if Assad is deposed? Experience in Libya tells us chaos could reign, and radical Islamists could control large parts of the country.

Make no mistake, bombing Assad means the United States is fighting on the same side as ISIS and other radical Islamists in Syria. This is a dangerous and morally wrong policy.

But no matter your view of the merits of engaging in Syria, every member of Congress should stand up today and reclaim our Constitutional authority over war.

The Constitution clearly states that it is Congress that has the power to declare war, not the president. Even the War Powers Resolution, shoved forward by hawks as justification, clearly states criteria under which the president may act a declaration of war, a specific statutory authorization, or a national emergency created by an attack on the United States.

Thats it. Absent those criteria, the president has no authority to act without congressional authorization. Congress must stand up and assert its authority here and now.

No president is above the law or the Constitution. I said so when it was Barack Obama, and I will say so when it is Donald Trump.

Our Founding Fathers had this right, and we should heed their wisdom about allowing the president to have war powers. They were concerned the president could rule like a king.

Madison wrote that the Constitution supposes what history demonstrates that the executive is the branch most interested in war and most prone to it. The Constitution, therefore, with studied care, vested that power in the legislature.

Before any act of war, we should have a serious and thoughtful debate over the ramifications.

In Syria what is our goal? What happens if we depose Assad? Will the Islamist rebels, as they have threatened, turn their weapons and attention elsewhere, including Israel next door?

I will hold accountable and oppose the actions of any president who takes military action without proper legal authority and congressional consent.

Republican Rand Paul represents Kentucky in the United States Senate.

See the original post here:
Sen. Rand Paul: Syria, Trump and another unconstitutional ...

RELATED: Criticism, praise emerges after Trump’ Syria missile strike – AOL

As Capitol Hill lawmakers sound off on Trump's missile strike against Syrian airfields late on Thursday, bipartisan criticism of the president's military move has emerged from Democrats and Republicans alike.

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii slammed President Trump on Thursday night for his decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles on Shayrat airfield, saying the move -- which is believed to have left six dead -- makes it "much harder" to prosecute Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for chemical weapons use on his own civilians.

"This escalation is short-sighted and will lead to more dead civilians, more refugees, the strengthening of al-Qaeda and other terrorists, and a possible nuclear war between the United States and Russia," Gabbard said in a statement. "This Administration has acted recklessly without care or consideration of the dire consequences of the United States' attack on Syria without waiting for the collection of evidence from the scene of the chemical poisoning."

RELATED: Criticism, praise emerges after Trump' Syria missile strike


Criticism, praise emerges after Trump' Syria missile strike

See Gallery

While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked.

The President needs Congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution.

Our prior interventions in this region have done nothing to make us safer and Syria will be no different.

In statement, @TulsiGabbard condemns Trump's military action in #Syria, says he 'acted recklessly.' #HINews

Pelosi calls U.S. Airstrikes in Syria a "proportional response"

Senator Rubio releases statement after U.S. conducted air strikes against Assad regime in Syria

Trump sent US ground troops to Syria last month purportedly to fight ISIS. Now our troops are at risk of being attacked by #Assad forces.

Watched @POTUS remarks. Congress authorized @POTUS to use force on terrorists. We NEVER authorized force to enforce chemical weapons treaty.



Gabbard sits on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees, and received criticism earlier this year when she took a secret "fact-finding trip" to the Syrian city of Damascus.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky joined Gabbard in expressing skepticism around the Trump administration's Syria move, citing the constitution in a series of tweets, saying the president "needs Congressional authorization" for military action.

Other Republicans were supportive of the move, though, including Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida -- who applauded the "bravery and skill" of the Armed Forces who conducted the mission.

"President Trump has made it clear to Assad and those who empower him that the days of committing war crimes with impunity are over," Rubio said in a statement. "What must follow is a real and comprehensive strategy to ensure that Assad is no longer a threat to his people and to U.S. security, and that Russia no longer has free reign to support his regime."

WATCH: Pentagon releases footage of US airstrike on Syria

Democratic House minority leader Nancy Pelosi showed slight support for the Thursday night missile launch, calling it a "proportional response to the regime's use of chemical weapons," but then added the humanitarian crisis in Syria will "not be resolved by one night of airstrikes."

"If the President intends to escalate the U.S. military's involvement in Syria, he must come to Congress for an Authorization for Use of Military Force which is tailored to meet the threat and prevent another open-ended war in the Middle East," Pelosi added in her statement.

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RELATED: Criticism, praise emerges after Trump' Syria missile strike - AOL