Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul used tips from ‘the Art of the Deal’ to defeat Trump’s replacement bill –

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he was still optimistic for the repeal of Obamacare after being one of the foremost critics that helped defeat the GOP replacement bill Friday. He also talked about how he encouraged the Freedom Caucus to defeat the bill by using tips from President Trumps book, The Art of the Deal.

He made the comments to Eric Bolling on Fox News.

I want to show our audience a little piece of tape from earlier in the week, Bolling said, where you actually went to the House Freedom Caucus side, and I guess you were teaching them the Art of the Deal.'

I brought you all a gift tonight, Paul said to the Freedom Caucus. The Art of the Deal. I do think its important as we go into this that we realize we have enormous power, actually you guys, have enormous power if you stick together. I put up a quote from the Art of the Deal that I thought was appropriate. The worst thing you can possible do in a deal is to seem desperate to make it. That makes the other guy smell blood, and then youre dead.'

And so, Bolling asked, is the lesson to be learned here that dont accept the first deal, but bring another one?

Well, these were Donald Trumps words, Paul answered. Dont be desperate to make a deal. But at the same time, what I would add to that is that we are open to making a deal and we still are open. Conservatives across the country want to repeal Obamacare.

Unfortunately, as the House leadership brought this forward, he explained, they brought repeal and replace with Obamacare lite. Nobody ran on that, and no conservative across the land wants it. We could start over with repeal as the basis, and actually some of the ideas, look I love the fact that Speaker brought up the association plans last week.

Paul also explained what he called, one of the most unreported stories of the week, that could push Republicans closer to repeal.

You know I think the Freedom Caucus wants what all conservatives want, and that is a repeal of Obamacare that ultimately lowers the price of insurance for people. If you look at the number one problem of Obamacare, its the people in the individual market go out to buy insurance, and the premiums are soaring through the roof, thats the real problem.

And thats why what I promoted as the number one replacement is letting people join buying groups. And one of the unreported stories of this week is the House of Representatives actually passed my replacement version or a similar version, for letting people join buying groups, or co-ops to bring prices down.

What Im advising Senator McConnell and the leadership is, he concluded, that bill should be brought up next week. This is a bill that is a big part of replacement. We should bring it up next week and see how the Democrats respond to that.

Trump said in remarks from the White House that he was moving on to tax reform and would allow Obamacare to collapse. Rather than reach out to Democrats on a bipartisan basis, he said they would run to him when they saw how former President Obamas signature bill would continue to implode and hurt Americans.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Friday after the bill was defeated that Democrats were willing to work with the president to fix Obamacare, but only if they gave up on repealing it.

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Rand Paul used tips from 'the Art of the Deal' to defeat Trump's replacement bill -

Rand Paul: Leadership Needs To Acknowledge They Don’t Have The Votes To Pass AHCA – Daily Caller


Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said Wednesday that House leadership needs to push back the Obamacare repeal vote to allow for changes to the legislation.

Paul who met with members of the House Freedom Caucus, which remains unsold on the measure has been highly critical of the bill, dubbing the legislation Obamacare lite. HFC Chairman Mark Meadows told reporters leadership is short on the votes needed to pass the legislation.

The Kentucky Republican said he believes leadership needs to acknowledge they dont have the votes , and give conservatives a seat at the table. The Kentucky Republican argued they are just moving out of the pre-negotiation phase, saying GOP lawmakers did not run on the House plan.

I dont think its getting out of the House, and thats the most important thing, Paul told reporters, adding he believes the HFC will continue to fight for changes. I think the stage that weve had so far is the pre-negotiation, now that there are enough votes to say that we can stop the Ryan plan, now the real negotiation will begin.

Paul argued the replacement plan he put forward is more conservative, adding he thinks the House bill gives Americans half as much Obamacare for people struggling with costs in the individual marker.

I frankly think that one of the biggest mistakes of this bill is it doesnt provide hope among, what are we going to do for the people that dont have insurance and are going take away government insurance. What are we going to give them? he continued. Ive been making an offer of something we could give them, we could give millions of people the opportunity to be in an association.

Both leadership and the administration are pulling out all the stops to attempt to sway members who remain on the fence. President Donald Trump attended the House GOPs conference meeting Tuesday, and Vice President Mike Pence met with lawmakers of the House Freedom Caucus Wednesday morning in an attempt to reach consensus.

The White House attempted to sweeten the deal for conservatives, with Trump reportedly promising HFC members he will publicly call on the upper chamber to eliminate essential health benefits which critics feel are largely responsible for increasing premiums. But the deal was not enough to get them on board as they want to assure the change makes it into the legislation.

Meadows, who remains a no vote, said he appreciates the administrations willingness to listen to their concerns and attempt to resolve the problem.

The president gets an A+ for being involved I can tell you the entire administration has had all hands on deck in terms of negotiations, and so I know we had a couple of our Freedom Caucus members meeting with the president as well, hetold reporters. I have nothing negative to report in terms of their willingness to engage and listen and hopefully reach a consensus. Im very hopeful that they change the bill, at this point, Ive learned not to bank on expectations.

House leadership counters they are not able to get everything conservatives want into the bill, due to procedural restrictions in the Senate. House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy have repeatedly claimed they plan to accomplish repeal and replacement promises using a three-prong system, which includes using executive orders to roll back Obamacare regulations and passing separate legislation not subject to the procedurallimitations of the Byrd rule.

Proponents tout conservative wins, including changes allowing block grants for Medicaid in various states and a provision incentivizingwork requirements for able-bodied Medicaid recipients.

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Rand Paul: Leadership Needs To Acknowledge They Don't Have The Votes To Pass AHCA - Daily Caller

House Freedom Caucus, Sen. Rand Paul Score Political Victory As Obamacare 2.0 Implodes – The Liberty Conservative

The Liberty Conservative
House Freedom Caucus, Sen. Rand Paul Score Political Victory As Obamacare 2.0 Implodes
The Liberty Conservative
I applaud House conservatives for keeping their word to the American people, Senator Rand Paul said in a statement. In spite of legislating from a different chamber, Paul was in the corner of the House Freedom Caucus from the start urging members to ...
Sen. Rand Paul: Better Healthcare Option Could Change Freedom Caucus' MindNewsmax
Libertarians are flexing their political
GOP senators pitch alternatives after House pulls ObamaCare repeal billThe Hill (blog)
Conservative Review -POLITICO Magazine -STAT
all 5,404 news articles »

See the original post here:
House Freedom Caucus, Sen. Rand Paul Score Political Victory As Obamacare 2.0 Implodes - The Liberty Conservative

Exclusive Rand Paul: Easily 35 No Votes Against Paul Ryan …


The AHCA has been dubbed Obamacare Lite by Paul a leading conservative critic of the plan and by other conservatives as RyanCare, RINO-Care, and Obamacare 2.0, since the bill does not actually fully repeal Obamacare and keeps many of the main structures that the now-former President Barack Obama installed in the healthcare system. It has come under intense scrutiny from both sides of the Republican Party moderates and conservatives are lining up against the bill and Ryan, despite publicly projecting confidence, cannot find the necessary 216 votes to pass the legislation.


Paul, one of the leading senators out of more than a dozen Republicans in the upper chamber criticizing the bill there, told Breitbart News in this exclusive interview he believes there are at least 35 House Republicans ready to vote against the bill in its current form. And he predicted that, unless some major changes come to the legislation between now and the scheduled vote on Thursday, Ryan will need to withdraw the bill and Republicans will have to start from scratch with a new bill and a new strategy on Obamacare.

Paul said in the in-person interview athis U.S. Senate office in the Russell Senate Office Building:

I think theres easily 35 no votes right now so unless something happens in the next 24 hours, I would predict they pull the bill and start over. I think if conservatives stick together, they will have earned a seat at the table where real negotiation to make this bill an acceptable bill will happen. But its interesting what conservatives are doing to change the debate. We went from keeping the Obamacare taxes for a yearhundreds of billions of dollarsbut theyre coming towards us because were standing firm. So we have to stick together, and if we do stick together there will be a real negotiation on this. The main goal I have is not to pass something that does not fix the situation. If a year from now, insurance rates and premiums are still going through the roof and its now a Republican plan it will be a disservice to the president and all of us if we pass something that doesnt work.

There is plenty of reason to believe that Paul is correct in predicting Ryan does not have the votes to pass this legislation and will need to pull the bill to start over. Despite overtures from President Donald Trump, the House Freedom Caucus members and particularly its chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) remain steadfastly opposed to the bill.

NBC News has confirmed at least 26 Republicans who are opposed:

But Breitbart News can confirm several more than that are definitely opposed to the legislation. To kill the bill, Republicans need just 21 Republicans opposedand some are talking about holding a press conference on Wednesday or Thursday with the necessary number of House Republicans to crush RyanCare, appearing arm-in-arm in public opposition before a vote.

House GOP leadership made some last minute changes, too, whichPaul in his interview with Breitbart News flatly said no, were not enough to get the bill passed. Regarding those changed, Paul said:

If you keep all the insurance mandates, and you keep subsidizing insurance, basically its Obamacare Lite. So I think its still Obamacare Lite. The modifications, some are going in the right direction, but they actually expanded some of the subsidies. So one of the new things about it is its actually $75 billion more in subsidies. So, I think theyre stuck trying to split the baby. Theyre trying to give conservatives a few token changes. And theyre trying to give the moderates more subsidies.

Paul added that Ryan would not have dragged President Trump into this awful position if he had been more open and inclusive in the process from the beginning. In effect, Paul argued as he has done before, that Ryan is hurting President Trump by doing this the way he is doing it. Paul said:

Im still unclear as to why they completely ignored conservatives early on in the process and then they had the audacity to look at conservatives and say this is what you all campaigned on. That just, frankly, was never true. I was elected in 2010 in the big Tea Party wave that was for repealing Obamacare root and branch, rip the whole thing out. We were for repealing it. I still think that our grassroots conservative supporters are for repealing it. But somewhere along the line, Paul Ryan decided that it wasnt so much about repealing it but about replacing it with Obamacare Lite. And I think that was a tactical error on their part to think oh, well just be for this and everybody will be for this when in reality no conservatives are really for the Ryan plan.

Paul would not say if Ryan will lose the confidence necessary to run the House of Representatives if this bill fails, as some have suggested. When asked if Ryan can still run the House if the bill goes down, Paul told Breitbart News that instead he thinks the bill going down would lead to real negotiations on healthcare reform. He said:

I think what it will be is the real negotiations will begin the moment his bill fails, and when his bill fails conservatives will have a seat at the table. As long as conservatives stay unified and dont start negotiating one person at a time whats a really bad part of negotiations is if everybody starts saying individually oh if you give me this, give me this, give me this because then you wont really fix the main thrust of the bill and the main outcome is that insurance premiums continue to rise and we continue to bail out insurance companies thats not repeal of Obamacarethats Obamacare Lite.

More from Sen. Rand Pauls latest exclusive interview with Breitbart News is forthcoming.

Read more here:
Exclusive Rand Paul: Easily 35 No Votes Against Paul Ryan ...

Rand Paul’s latest lonely fight incenses fellow senators …

Sen. Rand Paul is holding up a popular treaty ratifying Montenegro's membership in NATO. | AP Photo

Rand Paul is at it again.

Its not enough for the Kentucky Republican to try to tank House Speaker Paul Ryans Obamacare repeal bill. Hes also driving his Senate colleagues crazy by holding up the one thing the Senate could do to quickly rebuke Russian President Vladimir Putin: pass a popular treaty ratifying Montenegros membership in NATO.

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The dispute exploded on the Senate floor this month as Paul blocked Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) from bringing up the treaty. McCain said Paul is working for Putin; Paul responded that McCain is past his prime. But the anger toward Paul goes much deeper than just McCain nearly the entire Senate wants to pass the treaty immediately.

Its a minority position, yeah, Paul conceded with a smile.

Thats an understatement.

Senators and aides said the treaty could be passed easily if Paul would release his hold, sending a swift message to Russia that the United States isnt stepping away from Eastern Europe, even with a NATO skeptic like Donald Trump as president. While Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is demanding a roll-call vote rather than passing the treaty with a quick request to do so unanimously, Paul is far more implacable and doesnt want it to move forward at all.

Montenegro doesnt add a great deal to the national security of the United States, Paul said in an interview. For people who want Montenegro [in NATO], many of them want Ukraine and Georgia in there. And I think if you do that you have to be prepared to go to war with Russia.

Due to Senate rules, Paul can single-handedly force the chamber to spend days on the measure, an impossible feat in the short term since Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is prioritizing a Supreme Court nominee and Obamacare repeal this spring.

That leaves the treaty stalled indefinitely and his colleagues steamed.

He knows the vote will be 99-1, said one angry Republican senator who requested anonymity to speak candidly about his colleague. He could hold the floor for days. I just think its typical.

Its not a stunt. I disagree with him. But these are things he really believes, said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who champions a more interventionist foreign policy.

Notably, McCains charge that Paul is a Putin lapdog could have been a violation of Senate rules but only if raised by another senator. No one came to his defense last week.

But Paul is unmoved, and said his message is in line with Trumps: Adding another country to overextended NATO is unproductive when other countries arent meeting their defense spending obligations. Trump hasnt commented publicly on the issue, but his administration may be lining up against Paul.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson fully support Montenegros accession into NATO. Sources said Vice President Mike Pence is also close to issuing a recommendation. Ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn was close to backing Montenegros entrance into NATO before he resigned.

An administration official said no final decision has been made. However, a Senate source said some White House officials have indicated support for Pauls move to block NATO expansion because it is in line with Trumps campaign platform.

It was very useful what Sen. McCain did, said Montenegrin Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovi, who is in Washington meeting with Senate Foreign Relations Committee members and administration officials. Sen. McCain exposed Sen. Paul being a very stubborn obstacle in the ratification.

For Paul, its just one more example of him against the world. And these days its hard to keep track of his simultaneous fights.

Republicans close to GOP leaders in both chambers are highly annoyed at Pauls high-profile quest to sink Ryans health care bill, which Paul calls Obamacare-lite every chance he gets. And while Democrats are entertained by his criticism of the Obamacare repeal efforts, theyre less enthused with his position on NATO.

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is also frustrated over the treatys delay, sources said, but is trying to work with Paul and declining to call out the senator publicly. Paul has also been blocking several international tax treaties with other countries favored by his colleagues for years.

Although some lawmakers are pushing for new Russian sanctions legislation, Montenegros accession to NATO is more doable in the near term. But McConnell, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Paul have been unable to come to a deal and the Montenegro treaty could easily slip into the summer if Paul holds firm given the crowded calendar.

Its unfortunate. Wed like to see it done now, said Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This is a Republican fight, but we have the overwhelming majority of Republicans that are supporting it.

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Meanwhile, Montenegros future is hanging in the balance as Russia asserts increasing influence in the small Balkan nation. Montenegro has spent more than seven years applying for NATO membership and the vast majority of NATO countries have approved the countrys acceptance into the alliance. The United States is one of the few left to endorse it.

NATO accession remains a highly controversial issue inside Montenegro. An opinion poll conducted in December 2016 has only 39.5 percent of Montenegrins in favor of NATO membership and 39.7 against. Russia has taken advantage of this division by bankrolling Montenegros Democratic Front, a stridently anti-NATO party that won 20 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections.

For Montenegro, time is of the essence. The longer the country remains out of NATOs protective orbit, the more opportunities Putin has to meddle in the countrys internal affairs. The delay also hurts the stature of NATO and the United States, senators said.

You tell them: Go through these steps youre going to be able to become part of our alliance. And they do and then you cant [add them], it undermines the credibility of the alliance, Rubio said. Thats why I think you have 98 people that feel strong about it.

Cardin said Paul wants a vote on one of his isolationist-leaning priorities in return for moving forward. The Kentucky Republican is a master of using the Senate floor for leverage, holding up popular items until he receives votes on priorities like slashing spending on foreign aid or obtaining information from government officials. But he said thats not the case this time.

I dont know that we necessarily need [to send] a provocative message to Russia on Montenegro, Paul said. Im holding it because of the issue. Im not in favor of expanding NATO beyond what we have.

Originally posted here:
Rand Paul's latest lonely fight incenses fellow senators ...