A Brief History of John McCain and Rand Paul’s Sick Burns – New York Magazine
Why cant we be friends? Photo: Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images
On Wednesday, John McCain advocated on the Senate floor for a vote that would have advanced Montenegros ascension to NATO. But Kentucky GOP senator Rand Paul busted in and objected to McCains stance, stymying the vote. McCain was displeased. He has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians. So I repeat again, McCain said, the senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.
McCain punched first, accusing his colleague of being a foreign agent for an adversary at a time when that actually doesnt seem insane, but Rand Paul came right back at him with a personal attack. Well, I think he makes a really, really strong case for term limits, he responded Thursday on Morning Joe. I think hes past his prime, maybe hes gotten a little bit unhinged. Fight!
This is not the first time the two senators, who are at completely opposite ends of the foreign-policy spectrum, have sparred. Here are some highlights:
March 2013: Wacko birds. This animosity probably all began with the infamous wacko birds comment, which is how McCain described right-wing colleagues including Paul who were trying to block the confirmation of CIA director John Brennan over U.S. drone policy.
You know, I think hes just on the wrong side of history, and on the wrong side of this argument, really, Paul said later, adding: I treat Sen. McCain with respect. I dont think I always get the same in return.
September 2014: Dissembler or crackpot.The McCain-Paul war has involved proxies. Mark Salter, McCains former chief of staff, penned an op-ed in response to Pauls false claim that McCain had met with members of ISIS:
I would give him the benefit of the doubt but Im not sure which characterization dissembler or crackpot would be more generous. Nor are they mutually exclusive. Its quite possible, likely even, that he is both.
A spokesman for Paul fired back: Mark Salter advised the Republican Party down a losing electoral path that paved the way for two terms of President Obama, so people should read his angry screed in that context and disregard it.
April 2015: Obamas lapdog.While criticizing President Obamas foreign policy, Paul called McCain and his hawkish pal Lindsey Graham lapdogs who have been wrong about every policy issue over the last two decades.
McCain later responded by barking to a reporter. I mean, cmon.
And by calling Paul, on Fox News, the worst possible candidate of the 20 or so that are running on the most important issue which is national security.
May 2015: Theres a new breed in the Senate. Paul successfully blocked an extension of the Patriot Act. McCain said: Theres a new breed in the Senate. Some time ago senators would try to sit down and work things out and obviously these individuals dont believe in that, and Im sure its a great revenue raiser.
The [fundraising] emails are out now and they were out during the 11-hour performance a couple days ago, McCain added. Paul only said the veteran senator shouldnt question his sincerity.
May 2015: The senator from Kentucky needs to learn the rules of the Senate. Paul opposed an extension of the Patriot Act that would have continued NSA surveillance, putting him in conflict with fellow Republicans. During a Senate debate, Paul tried to cut in as fellow Republican, Indiana senator Dan Coats spoke. Enter McCain.
February 2017: I would say John McCains been wrong on just about everything over the past four decades.After McCain slammed President Trumps tweet calling the media the enemy of the American people, Paul criticized McCains criticism on ABCs This Week. Everything that he says about the president is colored by his own personal dispute hes got running with President Trump, and it should be taken with a grain of salt, because John McCains the guy whos advocated for war everywhere, he said. He would bankrupt the nation. Were very lucky John McCains not in charge, because I think wed be in perpetual war.
Paul continued: I would say John McCains been wrong on just about everything over the last four decades. He advocated for the Iraq War, which I think destabilized the Middle East.
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He also explained why he wasnt impressed with the current makeup of the Democratic Party.
The suspect was reportedly on a terrorism watch list. Though the airport was briefly closed, no one else was injured.
Shes a star. Not your star, perhaps. But thats the point.
For all the efforts being made to normalize Stephen Bannon, evidence keeps coming out of rather alien influences on the presidents chief strategist.
Preet Bharara was overseeing an investigation into the Health secretarys stock trades when the Trump administration demanded his resignation.
Sensitive documents include floor and evacuation plans.
House Speaker briefly forgets how much he is supposed to love and care about the poor.
As far as wiretapping by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps.
Meals on Wheels, Big Bird, and AmeriCorps are likely to survive.
The extremely mature president never forgets a slight.
But the bill is moving forward and to the right.
According to a report in Mother Jones, the alt-right figure may pay for his lifestyle through an income from a cotton farm.
The two have been trading pot shots for years.
Among plenty of other devastating cuts to New York programs.
This one weird trick involves an arcane interpretation of budget rules that would end the filibuster.
Sean Spicer suggested Obama used GCHQ to spy on Donald Trump last fall. Britain told the White House to never make that ridiculous claim again.
A former U.S. ambassador to Russia on what makes the strongman tick.
Yadira Arroyo, a 14-year FDNY veteran, was responding to a call in the Bronx.
CNN and Fox News are feuding over whether the host aimed his gun at Juan Williams, or just showed it to him.
Shes the second Republican senator to give a firm no, but several others have been railing against the legislation.
A Brief History of John McCain and Rand Paul's Sick Burns - New York Magazine