Rand Paul Responds to Trump Singling Him Out on Health Care: ‘I Feel Emboldened’ – Mediaite
Senator Rand Paul was one of the most vocal Republicans expressing concerns about the House GOPs healthcare alternative even before it was released this week. As far as hes concerned, the replacement plan is Obamacare Lite and dead on arrival in the Senate.
Last night, President Trump got wind of Pauls comments and tweeted the following:
Paul said on MSNBCs Morning Joe today that the White House is going on a charm offensive to try and win over skeptical conservatives, but he specifically responded to the presidents tweet in an interview with Politico:
I dont feel isolated by this. I actually feel emboldened, Paul, who clashed at times with Trump during the Republican presidential primary last year, said of his reaction to the presidents attention.
Paul read Trumps tweet as a signal that the White House is open to negotiation and that they realize that we have the numbers to stop the Obamacare-lite bill They are concerned because every conservative I know has been called to the White House to talk about Obamacare.
Paul is one of a growing number of Republicans voicing concerns that the American Health Care Act is not an adequate replacement to Obamacare.
Speaker Paul Ryan
[image via Christopher Halloran/Shutterstock]
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Rand Paul Responds to Trump Singling Him Out on Health Care: 'I Feel Emboldened' - Mediaite