Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul works with Democrats … – Charlotte Observer

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul works with Democrats ...
Charlotte Observer
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul has a conservative voting record. But that hasn't stopped him from voting against his own party and working with ...
Rand Paul Opposes Russia Probe Because Republicans Shouldn't Investigate RepublicansPoliticusUSA

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Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul works with Democrats ... - Charlotte Observer

Rand Paul Walks Out on Paul Ryan, Takes Charge on Repealing Obamacare – Breitbart News


Speaker Ryan spoke with Senate Republicans Tuesday to assure everyone that an Obamacare repeal is under way. Paul stormed out of the meeting, frustrated about keeping Medicaid expansion and creating new tax credits that Paul argues would create a new new entitlement program.


Paul said, I hear things that are unacceptable to me. He continued, If they dont seem to care what conservatives think about complete repeal of Obamacare, theyre going to be shocked when they count the votes.

The Freedom Caucus, along with Senator Paul, announced their support for a 2015 Obamacare repeal bill that eliminates Medicaid expansion, including as the employer and individual mandate. Paul says This legislation is the conservative solution to replacing Obamacare, and it will enable millions more to acquire affordable insurance through the free market.

However, there are 20 GOP senators from Medicaid expansion states, and many Republicans favor block granting Medicaid to the states, while others want to keep Medicaid expansion. Medicaid expansion remains one of the most controversial topics regarding Obamacare repeal within the Republican party.

Senator Paul spokeWednesday about his alternative Obamacare repeal bill, saying, There will be three principles of repealing Obamacare: legalize the sale of inexpensive insurance, expand health savings accounts, and allow associations to create their own health insurance pools. He continued, Lets take what made America great, which is capitalism and free markets, and apply it to health care.

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Rand Paul Walks Out on Paul Ryan, Takes Charge on Repealing Obamacare - Breitbart News

Rand Paul Angrily Leaves Health Care Reform Meeting With Paul Ryan, Cites ‘Unacceptable’ Replacement Plan – Washington Free Beacon

Rand Paul / AP

BY: Nick Bolger February 16, 2017 2:15 pm

Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) stormed out of a meeting Tuesday with other Senate Republicans and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) on repealingthe Affordable Care Act, saying afterward that he heard "undesirable" replacement plans at the gathering.

"I hear things that are unacceptable to me," Paul said after the meeting, according to Politico. "If they don't seem to care what conservatives think about complete repeal of Obamacare, they're going to be shocked when they count the votes."

The Kentucky senator has repeatedly pushed for the complete repeal and replacement of Obamacareand was unsatisfied with the partial replacement plans being discussed with Ryan and Senate colleagues.

Paul reportedly left the meeting after lengthy discussions about keeping the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion andcreating tax credits that he called a "new entitlement program."

A Republican in the room, however,told Politico that Medicaid expansion was not discussed during the meeting.

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Rand Paul Angrily Leaves Health Care Reform Meeting With Paul Ryan, Cites 'Unacceptable' Replacement Plan - Washington Free Beacon

Rand Paul should resign | Letter – The Courier-Journal

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Now is not the time to play politic or cover-up for Trump

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CJ Letter Published 3:43 p.m. ET Feb. 15, 2017 | Updated 4:07 p.m. ET Feb. 15, 2017

Ky. Sen. Rand Paul speaks during the Republican event at the Galt House in downtown Louisville on election night. Nov. 8, 2016(Photo: Alton Strupp/The CJ)Buy Photo

With the Trump Administration in meltdown chaos and the Russian connection unclear, Sen. Rand Paul insults Kentuckians with his flippant no-investigation side-step.Paul needs to study the Watergate era when respectable Republicans in Congress knew it was their duty to investigate Nixon. Now is not the time to play politic or cover-up for Trump.Let a Democrat take that U.S. Senate seat, so Congress can find the truth about the Russians helping to put Trump in the White House.

Michael Gregoire Louisville 40207

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Rand Paul should resign | Letter - The Courier-Journal

Rand Paul Just Cost Republicans The 2018 Midterm Elections – The … – The Ring of Fire Network

Rand Paul said that it doesnt make much sense for Republicans to investigate other Republicans (when asked about the overwhelming corruption in the Trump Administration.) That one statement is going to cost the GOP dearly in the next round of elections, as long as Democrats use it correctly. Ring of Fires Farron Cousins discusses this.

Transcript of the above video:

Great news, Democrats. Youve just won the 2018 midterm elections. How, you ask? Well, you can go ahead and thank Rand Paul for that. During a radio interview on Fox News Radio with Brian Kilmeade yesterday, Rand Paul was asked about the resignation of Michael Flynn and possible investigations into the corruption and unethical behavior not just with Flynn but within the Trump Administration. Here is what Rand Paul said, I just dont think its useful to be doing investigation after investigation particularly of your own party. Well never even get started with doing the things we need to do like repealing Obamacare if were spending the whole time having Republicans investigate Republicans. I think it makes no sense.

Well guess what Rand Paul? That whole sound byte, that little quote from you is going to be used incessantly until after the 2018 midterm elections because you may not think its a good idea to investigate Republicans right now, but you know who does? Everybody else in this country. They want to know whats going on. They want to stop the illegal behavior from this administration. They want to get the people who cant follow ethics laws out of power, and you want to sit there and tell us that its not ethical for Republicans to investigate Republicans? Man, Ive seen a lot of campaign gaffes in the 12-1/2 years Ive been doing this, but to be honest, this one could be one of the costliest mistakes that a Republican has ever made, because again, this will be used as a rallying cry for Democrats in the 2018 midterms when the American public looks around and sees the damage that Donald Trump has caused, sees all of the resignations, all of the unethical behavior and realizes that not a single investigation has taken place. Theyre going to come back to you, Rand Paul. Theyre going to replay that quote over and over and over again until American citizens have memorized it by heart.

To be honest, its not just you. Obviously youre not the only one who can do this, but its all Republicans, but at this point, youre speaking for every member of the Republican Party in Washington, DC. You admitted that you refuse to go after your fellow Republicans. That doesnt make you much of a senator and it certainly doesnt make you much of an American. It doesnt make you much of a person who likes to stand up for the rule of law. It makes you just as corrupt as the other Republicans in Washington, DC, Rand Paul, that you continuously knock.

You know, for a while, in spite of your insane economic policies, you were actually pretty good on social issues. You know, you would have been the least objectionable Republican who ran for president to actually win, but you lost all your credibility right there when you proved with this one quote, this one radio interview, that youre no better than the rest of them. Youre just as corrupt. Youre just as loyal to a corrupt party that doesnt give a damn about American citizens, doesnt give a damn about the rule of law. I hope that you just lost your party the 2018 midterm elections. I hope the Democrats have enough sense to use this quote against every single sitting Republican because they could take back the House of Representatives thanks to you.

Now I know Democrats have more seats up for re-election in the Senate, however, a clean sweep would give them control. Retaining most of them and winning a few more would make the Senate even, so it would only take one or two Republicans switching sides on a couple votes to really change the balance of power in Washington, and Rand Paul, its all because of your little quote right there, for your refusal to take on the corruption within your own party. You have proved that you are just as bad as every other Republican in Washington, DC.

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Rand Paul Just Cost Republicans The 2018 Midterm Elections - The ... - The Ring of Fire Network