Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Tea party darlings Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Mike Lee must work …

They were the toast of the 2010 tea party movement, but Donald Trumps election has left Sens. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Mike Lee searching for new roles as they begin their second terms in office.

Each of the three climbed onto the national stage as new kids on the block, ousting Republican establishment favorites and becoming the face of the anti-Washington tidal wave that swept the elections that year.

But Mr. Trump has outflanked them and everyone else in the anti-Washington sweepstakes in 2016, defeating both Kentuckys Mr. Paul and Floridas Mr. Rubio in this years Republican presidential primary, and leaving them to rebuild their careers as Capitol Hill players.

Whether they and Mr. Lee, a libertarian-leaning conservative from Utah who remained at odds with Mr. Trump throughout the campaign, become congressional allies of the incoming president or continued thorns in his side remains to be seen though tea party leaders say theres a critical role for them to play in keeping the unpredictable Mr. Trump on track.

These guys are going to the enforcers, said Steve Lonegan, a tea party activist. They can help force the Republican Party to live up to its promises.

Others are more skeptical about how much sway the 2010 tea party darlings will have on a Capitol Hill many voters consider out of touch.

Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are going to make some great speeches, but remember, these individual legislators, even the best of them, are operating as a small piece of a large body, and that large body doesnt really care about the country, said Mark Meckler, president of Citizens for Self-Governance and co-founder of Tea Party Patriots.

Mr. Meckler said that while Mr. Trump represents a break in the White House, Congress is still controlled by Republicans who failed to overturn any of President Obamas agenda.

This is the same Congress that we had before this election, with the same steely eyed leadership that defunded Obamacare oh wait, they didnt do that. This is the same steely eyed leadership that prevented Obama from funding executive [immigration] amnesty oh wait, they didnt do that, he said. Everybody thinks things are going to be so incredible because Trump is going to be in office. I would argue we dont know.

Mr. Rubio wasnt supposed to be in Washington. When he ran for the presidential nomination, he signaled he was done with the Senate, saying he found the glacial pace of the place frustrating. But after losing to Mr. Trump, and under pressure from GOP party leaders, he had a rethink and jumped back into the race for his seat, cruising to an easy victory for a second term.

Along the way, however, he shed some of the tea party aura hed built in 2010, including backing a bipartisan immigration overhaul bill and supporting deficit spending to combat the Zika virus.

Mr. Rubio has signaled that he wants to put his imprint on world affairs and has warned that he has serious concerns about Mr. Trumps selection of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for secretary of state, who has had a business relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Being a friend of Vladimir is not an attribute I am hoping for from a #SecretaryOfState, Mr. Rubio, who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee that will handle the confirmation hearing, said on Twitter this month.

Mr. Paul had kept open the option of running again for his Senate seat should his presidential bid flame out, which it did after some acrimonious exchanges with Mr. Trump in the primaries.

He has signaled that hell take on the role of referee in a Trump administration, pushing the new president to stay true to his campaign warnings against military adventurism, even threatening to join Democrats in filibustering Cabinet nominees who go against that message.

The Kentucky Republican also has made it clear that he will push Congress to hold an up-or-down vote on a new authorization for waging the war against Islamic State the current authorization dates back to the 9/11 attacks and for Mr. Trump to follow through on his promise to slice taxes.

One of the things I liked about Donald Trumps campaign was that he ran on a big, bold tax plan, that cut taxes for every American, and it was NOT revenue neutral. The government would get less money and every American would keep more, Mr. Paul said in an op-ed on

For his part, Mr. Lee spent 90 minutes this month with Mr. Trump discussing their shared desire to repeal the Affordable Care Act and on legislation to reduce federal regulations. But they did not broach the topic of Mr. Lee serving on the U.S. Supreme Court a possibility some conservatives are lobbying for.

Tea party leaders said, in the best scenario, their three champions from the 2010 election will find ways to work together with their new party leader to cut the size of government.

We gave Republicans the House in 2010 and Senate in 2014, and now they have the White House, so there is really no excuse not to start imposing some fiscal sanity on America, said Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation. I see Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Marco Rubio not necessarily being a check, but being partners with Donald Trump.

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Tea party darlings Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Mike Lee must work ...

Rand Paul Is Unhappy About Trump’s ‘Bilderberg’ Cabinet …

Senator Rand Paul is not happy with some of the cabinet picks by president-elect Donald Trump. So much so that he took to Twitter today to deliver an airing of grievances.

Paul tweeted that he was celebrating Festivus, a reference to an episode of the sitcom Seinfeld, during which a non-commercial Christmas is celebrated by the characters in December 23rd. The airing of grievances in the episode is an opportunity for the characters to lash out at each other and everything around them that has annoyed or frustrated them for the past year.

Paul began his Twitter storm by poking fun at fake news, stating that Festivus is real, and adding that The Onion is more accurate than a Brian Williams report:

Paul then turned to Trumps cabinet picks, referencing Infowars own Alex Jones to make a point:

Paul followed up on his Bilderberger jibe by referencing billionaire Paypal owner Peter Thiel, an actual Bilderberg member, who is involved with the Trump transition team.

The libertarian leaning Senator also hit out at arch neocon John Bolton, who was being touted for the Secretary of State position, prior to Trumps appointment of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson.:

Paul also mocked Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has been slated to run the Department of Energy, a department Perry previously stated that he wished to abolish:

Paul has been outspoken in his opposition to some of the names Trump has floated to take positions in his administration, warning that some are unfit for government.

Trump has come under increased scrutiny in recent days as some have accused him of abandoning a campaign promise to drain the swamp of Washington insiders.

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Rand Paul Is Unhappy About Trump's 'Bilderberg' Cabinet ...

Rand Paul tears into Trump, Cabinet picks in annual ‘airing …

Sen. Rand PaulRand PaulFive Republicans who could buck Trump in 2017 Rand Paul tears into Trump, Cabinet picks in annual 'airing of grievances' Congress should pass balanced budget with ObamaCare repeal MORE (R-Ky.) took shots at President-elect Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump defends foundation, hits media Four starting points for reforming Dodd-Frank Trump will meet president of Republic of Congo MORE and his incoming administration on Friday as part of his annual "airing of grievances" to celebrate Festivus.

The holiday was created on the sitcom Seinfeld, and every year the Kentucky senator uses the occasion to launch attacks on Twitter.

He started this year's airing with an image from Seinfeld and a declaration that the holiday is real.

Hello again, I hope everyone is having a Happy Festivus! It's once again time for my annual #AiringofGrievances...

On the media & #fakenews: Festivus is real, media, so don't try 2 fact check it. And @TheOnion is more accurate than a Brian Williams report

Paul then pivoted to Trumps picks for his Cabinet, which by most estimates would be the wealthiest in modern history.

New administration is lookin good. Haven't seen this many billionaires in 1 place since I staked out Bilderbergs w/ Alex Jones. Good times.

Paul, who leans libertarian, also poked fun at tech billionaire Peter Thiel, an avowed libertarian who is assisting the transition.

.@peterthiel is advising the President Elect. That's great. But his plan 2 make the Statue of Liberty into a digital stop sign is a bit much

Paul set his sights on former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, whom he has vowed to oppose in any confirmation hearings for his interventionist views.

I know I've said a lot about @AmbJohnBolton so you're probably expecting me 2 say something nice for the holidays. Nope. #AiringofGrievances

Bolton was reportedly considered for secretary of Stat before Trump tapped Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson.

Paul also mocked former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) for his 2011 debate gaffe in which he forgot the name of the departments that he wanted to eradicate. One of those was the Department of Energy, which Trump has chosen him to run.

My favorite Cabinet pick is what's his name, umm it's that guy who wanted to eliminate the Dept. of @ENERGY. Hang on I'll think of it...

New administration has some great people. But I wanna know who has to tell @realdonaldtrump he can't build a golf course on the South Lawn?

I've only just begun. I'll be back to talk waste, more gov grievances and nonbinding resolutions against my Senate colleagues #HappyFestivus

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Rand Paul tears into Trump, Cabinet picks in annual 'airing ...

Rand Paul’s Annual Airing Of Grievances Features A Jab At …

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) loves Festivus,a holiday that was the focus of a 1997 episode of Seinfeld that features a ceremony known as the Airing of Grievances.

Every year, Paul takes to twitter for the Airing of Grievances, complaining about some of his colleagues in Congress, the media and more.

This year, Paul set his sights on former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who was recently tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the Department of Energy.

Yes, thats the department Perry famously forgot in a 2011 presidential debate while trying to name three departments hed eliminate as president.

Paul also took a swipe at tech billionaire Peter Thiel, a member of Trumps transition teamwho helped ex-wrestler Hulk Hogan sue Gawker earlier this year, effectively shutting down the website.

Paul also expressed concern over the rise of fake news in 2016, while taking a jab at MSNBCs Brian Williams.

Dan OKeefe, the Seinfeld writer who penned the episode about Festivus, told HuffPost in 2015 he wants Paul to stop using the holiday as a way to make warmed-over 10-year-old talking points.

I hate the guy, OKeefe said. I think hes some sort of lizard that somehow crawled into a suit and somehows been allowed into the Senate.

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Rand Paul's Annual Airing Of Grievances Features A Jab At ...

Rand Paul – Ballotpedia

From Ballotpedia

Paul announced on April 7, 2015, that he would run President of the United States in 2016.[2][3] He suspended his campaign on February 3, 2016.[4]

He won re-election in 2016.[5] He faced Jim Gray (D) in the general election. Kentuckys U.S. Senate race was rated as safely Republican in 2016.

On March 6, 2013, Paul led a filibuster of President Obama's CIA Director nominee, John Brennan, that lasted 12 hours and 52 minutes - the ninth longest Senate filibuster on record.[6] In addition to delaying the final vote on Brennan's confirmation, Paul's stated intention was to highlight his concerns about the Obama Administration's drone policies.[6]

Based on analysis of multiple outside rankings, Paul is an average Republican member of Congress, meaning he will vote with the Republican Party on the majority of bills.

Paul was born in 1963 in Pittsburgh, PA, and grew up in Lake Jackson, TX. He attended Baylor University, although he did not receive an undergraduate degree.[1] Paul received his M.D. from Duke University Medical School. Prior to his election to the Senate, Paul worked as an ophthalmologist in Bowling Green, Kentucky[7]

Paul is the son of former Republican Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul.[8]

Below is an abbreviated outline of Paul's professional and political career:[7]

Paul serves on the following Senate committees:[9]

Paul served on the following Senate committees:[10][11]

Paul served on the following Senate committees:[12]

The first session of the 114th Congress has enacted into law six out of the 2,616 introduced bills (0.2 percent). Comparatively, the 113th Congress had 1.3 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the first session.[13] The Senate has confirmed 3,934 out of 5,051 executive nominations received (77.9 percent). For more information pertaining to Paul's voting record in the 114th Congress, please see the below sections.[14]

On May 22, 2015, the Senate passed HR 1314, which was used as a legislative vehicle for trade legislation with the titles "Trade Act of 2015" and the "Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015," by a vote of 62-37. The bill proposed giving the president trade promotion authority (TPA). TPA, also known as fast track authority, allows the president to negotiate trade deals that cannot be amended by Congress. Congress casts a simple up or down vote on a trade agreement, and the legislation only requires a simple majority for approval. The bill also included a statement of trade priorities and provisions for trade adjustment assistance. Paul voted with three other Republican senators against the bill.[15][16] Trade promotion authority On June 24, 2015, by a vote of 60-38, the Senate approved trade promotion authority (TPA) as part of HR 2146 - Defending Public Safety Employees' Retirement Act. Paul was one of five Republicans to vote against the bill. After, Senate Republican leadership honored a pledge to support trade adjustment assistance (TAA) by passing the measure as part of HR 1295 - Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 by voice vote. The House passed HR 1295 the following day, on June 25, 2015, and both TPA and TAA were signed into law on June 29, 2015.[17][18][19]

On May 5, 2015, the Senate voted to approve SConRes11, a congressional budget proposal for fiscal year 2016, by a vote of 51-48. The non-binding resolution will be used to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government. The vote marked the first time since 2009 that Congress approved a joint budget resolution. All 44 Democrats voted against the resolution. Paul was one of two Republican senators to vote against the bill.[20][21][22]

On November 10, 2015, the Senate passed S 1356 - the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 by a vote of 91-3. The second version of the $607 billion national defense bill included "$5 billion in cuts to match what was approved in the budget" and language preventing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay military prison.[23][24] Paul and five Republicans did not vote.[25] On November 5, 2015, the House passed the bill by a vote of 370-58, and President Barack Obama signed it into law on November 25, 2015.[26]

On June 18, 2015, the Senate passed HR 1735 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 by a vote of 71-25. The bill "authorizes FY2016 appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation." Paul voted with one Republican, 22 Democrats and one Independent against the bill.[27] The House passed the bill on May 15, 2015.[28] President Barack Obama vetoed the bill on October 22, 2015.[29]

On October 30, 2015, the Senate passed HR 1314 - Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 by a vote of 64-35. The bill increased military and domestic spending levels and suspended the debt ceiling until March 2017.[30] Paul voted with 34 Republicans against the bill.[31] It passed the House on October 28, 2015.[32] President Barack Obama signed it into law on November 2, 2015.

On May 7, 2015, the Senate voted to approve HR 1191 - A bill to provide for congressional review and oversight of agreements relating to Iran's nuclear program, and for other purposes, by a vote of 98-1. The bill required President Barack Obama to submit the details of the nuclear deal with Iran for congressional review. Congress had 60 days to review the deal and vote to approve, disapprove or take no action on the deal. During the review period, sanctions on Iran could not be lifted. Paul voted with 52 other Republican senators to approve the bill. Senator Tom Cotton (Ark.) was the only Republican who voted against the bill.[33][34]

Hire More Heroes Act of 2015 On September 10, 2015, the Senate voted to filibuster the measure to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal by a vote of 58-42.[35] Sixty votes were needed to proceed to HJ Res 61 - the Hire More Heroes Act of 2015, the legislative vehicle the Senate was expected to use to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal. Paul voted with 53 other Republicans and four Democrats to proceed to the measure of disapproval.[36]

Hire More Heroes Act of 2015 follow up votes On September 15, 2015, the Senate voted for a second time to filibuster the measure to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal by a vote of 56-42.[37] Sixty votes were needed to proceed to HJ Res 61 - the Hire More Heroes Act of 2015, the legislative vehicle the Senate was expected to use to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal. Paul and one other Republican did not vote.[38]

Hire More Heroes Act of 2015 fourth vote On September 17, 2015, the Senate voted to filibuster a vote on S.Amdt.2656 to S.Amdt.2640 by a vote of 53-45. The amendment proposed prohibiting "the President from waiving, suspending, reducing, providing relief from, or otherwise limiting the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran."[39] Paul did not vote.[40]

On June 2, 2015, the Senate passed HR 2048 - the Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015 or the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015 by a vote of 67-32. The legislation revised HR 3199 - the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 by terminating the bulk collection of metadata under Sec. 215 of the act, increasing transparency of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and requiring the use of "a specific selection term as the basis for national security letters that request information from wire or electronic communication service providers, financial institutions, or consumer reporting agencies." Paul voted with 29 Republicans, one Democrat and one independent against the legislation. It became law on June 2, 2015.[41][42]

On April 23, 2015, the Senate voted to confirm Loretta Lynch as United States Attorney General by a vote of 56-43. All 44 Democratic senators voted to confirm Lynch. Paul voted with 42 other Republican senators against Lynch's confirmation.[43]

On October 27, 2015, the Senate passed S 754 - the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 by a vote of 74-21.[44] The bill proposes procedures that will allow federal agencies and private entities to share information about cyber threats. Paul and four other Republicans did not vote.[45]

On October 20, 2015, the Senate voted against proceeding to a vote on S 2146 - the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act by a vote of 54-45. The bill proposed withholding federal funding from "sanctuary jurisdictions" that violate the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 and other federal immigration laws. In addition, the bill proposed increasing "penalties for individuals who illegally reenter the United States after being removed" and providing "liability protection for State and local law enforcement who cooperate with Federal law enforcement."[46] Paul voted with 51 Republicans and two Democrats in favor of proceeding to the bill.[47]

The second session of the 113th Congress enacted into law 224 out of the 3215 introduced bills (7 percent). Comparatively, the 112th Congress had 4.2 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the second session.[48] The Senate confirmed 13,949 out of 18,323 executive nominations received (76.1 percent). For more information pertaining to Paul's voting record in the 113th Congress, please see the below sections.[49]

On September 4, 2013, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee narrowly approved an authorization for President Obama to use limited force against Syria. It was approved by a 10-7 vote.[50][51]

The vote came after a three-hour briefing with top Obama administration officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry and James Clapper, the director of national intelligence.[50]

Of the nine Democratic members and eight Republican members that make up the committee, seven Democrats and three Republicans voted in favor, while five Republicans and two Democrats opposed the authorization.[50] A single "present" vote was cast by Ed Markey (D). Paul was one of the five Republicans who opposed the authorization.[52]

On February 4, 2014, the Democratic controlled Senate approved the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, H.R. 2642, also known as the Farm Bill.[53] It passed the Senate with a vote of 68-32. The nearly 1,000-page bill reformed and continued various programs of the Department of Agriculture through 2018. The $1 trillion bill expanded crop insurance for farmers by $7 billion over the next decade and created new subsidies for rice and peanut growers that will kick in when prices drop; however, cuts to the food stamp program cut an average of $90 per month for 1.7 million people in 15 states.[54] Paul voted with 22 other Republican senators against the bill.

On January 16, 2014, the Democratic-controlled Senate approved H.R. 3547, a $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September 30, 2014.[55][56] The Senate voted 72-26 for the 1,582 page bill, with 17 Republicans and 55 Democrats voting in favor of the bill.[56] The omnibus package included 12 annual spending bills to fund federal operations.[57] It increased the paychecks of federal workers and military personnel by 1 percent, increased Head Start funding for early childhood education by $1 billion, reduced funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the Environmental Protection Agency, and left the Affordable Care Act without any drastic cuts.

Paul voted with 25 other Republican members against the bill.[55][56]

During the shutdown in October 2013, the Senate rejected, down party lines, every House-originated bill that stripped the budget of funding for the Affordable Care Act. A deal was reached late on October 16, 2013, just hours before the debt ceiling deadline. The bill to reopen the government, H.R. 2775, lifted the $16.7 trillion debt limit and funded the government through January 15, 2014. Federal employees also received retroactive pay for the shutdown period. The only concession made by Senate Democrats was to require income verification for Obamacare subsidies.[58] The final vote on H.R. 2775 was 81-18, with all 18 votes against the bill from Republican members. Paul voted with the Republican Party against the bill.[59]

After the government shutdown went into effect, Paul said on October 1, 2013, that he would support a short-term funding measure to keep the government open while we negotiate.[60]

I think what we could do is pass a very short term, maybe not six weeks, but what about one week, so we could negotiate over a week," Paul said. "I think a continuing bill to keep the government open while we negotiate is a good idea. I do agree that negotiating with the government closed probably to [Democrats] appears like strong-arm tactics.[60]

I think if we did it for a week or two, we could still continue to negotiate, have a conference committee and really I think the American people do want us to work this out, Paul added.[60]

Paul voted against H.R.325 -- No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013. The bill passed the Senate on January 31, 2013, with a vote of 64 - 34. The purpose of the bill was to temporarily suspend the debt ceiling and withhold the pay of members of Congress until a budget could be passed. The vote largely followed party lines with Democrats overwhelmingly supporting it and many Republicans in opposition to the bill.[61]

In March 2013 the U.S. Senate soundly rejected a balanced budget plan by House Budget Committee chair Paul Ryan (R).[62] Five Republicans joined every Democrat present to kill the measure, which failed on a 40-59 vote.[62]

Paul was one of the five Senate Republicans who voted against Ryan's budget proposal.[62]

The proposed budget would have cut about $5 trillion over the next decade and aimed to balance the budget by the end of the 10-year period.[63]

Some tea party members of the GOP opposed the measure because of its reliance on $600 billion-plus in tax revenues on the wealthy enacted in January 2013, in order to balance the budget.[62] Others in the Senate opposed the Ryan plan because of cuts from safety net programs for the poor and the inclusion of a plan to turn the Medicare program for the elderly into a voucher-like system for future beneficiaries born in 1959 or later.[62]

Paul voted for Senate Amendment 1197 -- Requires the Completion of the Fence Along the United States-Mexico Border. The amendment was rejected by the Senate on June 18, 2013, with a vote of 39 - 54. The purpose of the amendment was to require the completion of 350 miles of fence described in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 before registered provisional immigrant status may be granted. It would also require 700 miles of fence be completed before the status of registered provisional immigrants may be changed to permanent resident status. The vote followed party lines.[61]

Paul voted against S.47 -- Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The bill was passed by the Senate on February 12, 2013, with a vote of 78 - 22. The purpose of the bill was to combat violence against women, from domestic violence to international trafficking in persons. All 22 dissenting votes were cast by Republicans.[61]

Paul voted against the fiscal cliff compromise bill, which made permanent most of the Bush tax cuts originally passed in 2001 and 2003 while also raising tax rates on the highest income levels. He was one of five Republicans that voted against the bill. The bill was passed in the Senate by an 89 - 8 vote on January 1, 2013.[64]

On The Issues conducts a VoteMatch analysis of elected officials based on 20 issue areas. Rather than relying on incumbents to complete the quiz themselves, the VoteMatch analysis is conducted using voting records, statements to the media, debate transcripts, or citations from books authored by or about the candidate.[65]

The table below contains the results of analysis compiled by staff at On The Issues.

On May 20, 2015, Paul conducted a nearly 11 hour filibuster of the renewal of provisions in the USA PATRIOT ACT. Paul specifically argued against the mass collection of metadata by the National Security Agency and warrantless wiretapping. He asked Senate leadership to allow members of Congress to debate reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT ACT and propose amendments to HR 2048 - the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015, rather than simply casting an up or down vote on the legislation.

On March 9, 2015, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote a letter to Iran's leadership, warning them that signing a nuclear deal with the Obama administration without congressional approval was merely an "executive agreement." The letter also stated that "The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time." The letter was signed by 47 Republican members of the Senate. Paul was one of the 47 who signed the letter. No Democrats signed it.[67]

The letter caused intense backlash from both the Obama administration and members of Congress.[68] Vice President Joe Biden said of the letter, "In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which senators wrote directly to advise another country much less a longtime foreign adversary that the president does not have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them."[69] On Twitter, the hashtag "47Traitors" became the top trending topic in the world, and a debate raged as to whether the 47 who signed the letter were traitors or patriots.[70]

Paul submitted an opinion editorial to CNN on August 29, 2013, in which he urged President Barack Obama not to rush into a war, saying "America's wars must be debated by Congress, declared constitutionally and fought only for the interests and security of the United States. They should never be fought to save face."[71]

In June 2013, The Guardian reported about a secret surveillance program where the NSA obtained phone records of millions of customers.[72] Paul considered a class-action lawsuit against the National Security Agency over the large-scale surveillance program that was gathering data on American citizens. Paul also said he would consider taking it to the Supreme Court.[73][74] Paul called the NSA surveillance program an "astounding assault on the Constitution."[75]

In June 2013, former vice president Dick Cheney criticized Paul's views that the NSA's surveillance programs infringed on the privacy of American citizens by arguing that most of the current Congress was not present immediately after the 9/11 attacks, and thus did not fully understand the circumstances that led to the adoption of the NSA programs. Cheney stated, "When you consider the possibility of somebody smuggling something like a nuclear device into the United States, it becomes very, very important to gather intelligence on your enemies and stop that attack before it ever gets launched.[76][77]

Paul announced he opposed the bipartisan budget proposal that Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray released on December 10, 2013.[78]

In a statement on September 21, 2013, Paul acknowledged that it was unlikely that Republicans in Congress would be able to defeat Obamacare.[79]

We probably cant defeat or get rid of Obamacare, Paul said in a statement.

However, he did note that efforts by Republicans in the House to defund Obamacare in its government funding bill could lead to a compromise.[79]

Senators Ted Cruz, Paul and Mike Lee (Utah), who led calls in the Senate to defund Obamacare in any spending bills, took part in a September 10, 2013, "Exempt America from Obamacare" event, organized by Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica, along with other conservative groups.[80]

Democrats will stop at nothing to protect the presidents signature legislation, and too many Republicans are afraid to fight, rally organizers wrote.[80] They also took a shot at the Office of Personnel Management rule allowing the federal government to continue subsidizing health plans for lawmakers and their aides.[80] Even Big Government is getting a carve out now, they wrote.[80]

The rally came after 80 House members signed a letter in August 2013, calling on Congress to defund the health care law in upcoming fiscal battles.[80]

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) called for Paul to testify as a witness on a mandatory drug minimum panel on September 18, 2013. The hearings concerned the effectiveness of mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders.[81]

Paul believes "gun control laws only restrict access to responsible gun ownership." He opposes "any proposed gun control law which would limit the right to gun ownership by those who are responsible, law-abiding citizens."[82]

Paul expanded his criticism of gun control laws to include the Patriot Act, which in his view "gives the government the right to search your home without a warrant, when you're not home, leave listening devices, and use any and all information to create a prosecution on any charge regardless of their original reason for the search." Paul believes that the Second Amendment is protected only as far as the Fourth Amendment is protected. He states that unless Americans are free from "unreasonable searches and seizures," their Second Amendment rights are not fully protected.[83]

On energy policy, Paul opposes government subsidies for solar and wind power, claiming such involvement destroys incentives for energy innovation and encourages more lobbying by companies "with the most political clout." Paul supports cutting taxes and eliminating regulations on those businesses involved with developing new sources of energy.[84]

Paul supports the legalization of hemp.[85][86]

Paul considers himself a "libertarian Republican."[87]


Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election.[88]

On August 22, 2015, the Republican Party of Kentucky decided Rand Paul could run simultaneous campaigns for the presidency and the Senate. In a 111-36 vote, the partys central committee approved a presidential caucus to replace its presidential primary, thereby preventing Paul from appearing on two ballots and violating Kentucky campaign law.[89]

Paul was a Republican presidential candidate in 2016. He suspended his campaign on February 3, 2016.[90]

Heading into the election, Ballotpedia rated Kentucky's U.S. Senate race as safely Republican. Incumbent Rand Paul (R) defeated Jim Gray (D) and Billy Ray Wilson (Write-in) in the general election on November 8, 2016. Paul defeated James Gould and Stephen Howard Slaughter in the Republican primary, while Gray defeated six other challengers to win the Democratic nomination. The primary elections took place on May 17, 2016.[91][92][93]

The following issues were listed on Paul's campaign website. For a full list of campaign themes, click here.



On November 2, 2010, Paul won election to the United States Senate. The race attracted more than $8.5 million dollars in outside spending.[95]

Paul was a surprising victor over the favorite, former Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson, in the primary election.[96][97][98]

Paul defeated Jack Conway (D) and Billy Ray Wilson (Write-In) in the general election.[99]

The below chart from Find The Best tracks the fundraising events Paul attends.

In an analysis by Open Secrets of the Top 10 Recipients of Contributions from Lobbyists in 2013, Paul was 1 of 115 members of Congress who did not report any contributions from lobbyists in 2013 as of July 3, 2013.[102]

The Personal Gain Index (U.S. Congress) is a two-part measurement that illustrates the extent to which members of the U.S. Congress have prospered during their tenure as public servants. It consists of two different metrics:

Based on congressional financial disclosure forms and calculations made available by, Paul's net worth as of 2012 was estimated between $231,006 and $565,000. That averages to $398,003, which is lower than the average net worth of Republican senators in 2012 of $6,956,438.47. Paul ranked as the 86th most wealthy senator in 2012.[103] Between 2009 and 2012, Paul's calculated net worth[104] decreased by an average of 18 percent per year. Between 2004 and 2012, the average annual percentage increase for a member of Congress was 15.4 percent.[105]

Filings required by the Federal Election Commission report on the industries that give to each candidate. Using campaign filings and information calculated by, Ballotpedia calculated the percentage of donations by industry received by each incumbent over the course of his or her career (or 1989 and later, if elected prior to 1988). Paul received the most donations from individuals and PACs employed by the Retired industry.

From 2009-2014, 16.07 percent of Paul's career contributions came from the top five industries as listed below.[108]

Based on an analysis of bill sponsorship by GovTrack, Paul was a "rank-and-file Republican," as of July 23, 2014. This was the same rating Paul received in June 2013.[109]

The website OpenCongress tracks the voting records of each member to determine with whom he or she votes most and least often. The results include a member from each party.[110]

According to the website GovTrack, Rand Paul missed 45 of 1,412 roll call votes from January 2011 to September 2015. This amounts to 3.2 percent, which is worse than the median of 1.6 percent among current senators as of September 2015.[111]

The website Legistorm compiles staff salary information for members of Congress. Paul paid his congressional staff a total of $1,454,975 in 2011. He ranked fifth on the list of the lowest paid Republican senatorial staff salaries and ranked fifth overall of the lowest paid senatorial staff salaries in 2011. Overall, Kentucky ranked 40th in average salary for senatorial staff. The average U.S. Senate congressional staff was paid $2,529,141.70 in fiscal year 2011.[112]

Each year National Journal publishes an analysis of how liberally or conservatively each member of Congress voted in the previous year.

Paul ranked 19th in the conservative rankings in 2013.[113]

Paul ranked 6th in the conservative rankings in 2012.[114]

Paul ranked 32nd in the conservative rankings in 2011.[115]

The website OpenCongress tracks how often members of Congress vote with the majority of the chamber caucus.

Paul voted with the Republican Party 83.0 percent of the time, which ranked 35th among the 45 Senate Republican members as of July 2014.[116]

Paul voted with the Republican Party 83.6 percent of the time, which ranked 38th among the 46 Senate Republican members as of June 2013.[117]

Delegates from Kentucky to the Republican National Convention were selected by nomination committees and approved at the county and state conventions. Kentucky GOP rules required national convention delegates to have "supported" the 2012 Republican presidential nominee. Kentucky GOP rules and Kentucky state law required delegates from Kentucky to vote for the candidate to whom they were allocated through the first round of voting at the national convention. If a candidate died or withdrew prior to the first round of voting at the national convention, the chairman of the Kentucky delegation was to call a meeting at which the delegates were to vote on the remaining candidates and be reallocated on the basis of the results.

Kentucky had 46 delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Of this total, 18 were district-level delegates (three for each of the state's six congressional districts). District delegates were allocated proportionally; a candidate had to win at least 5 percent of the statewide caucus vote in order to be eligible to receive any district delegates.[120][121]

Of the remaining 28 delegates, 25 served at large. At-large delegates were allocated proportionally; a candidate had to win at least 5 percent of the statewide caucus vote in order to be eligible to receive any of the state's at-large delegates. In addition, three national party leaders (identified on the chart below as RNC delegates) served as bound delegates to the Republican National Convention. The RNC delegates were allocated in the same manner as the at-large delegates.[120][121][122]

Paul has been married to his wife Kelley (nee Ashby) since 1993. They live in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and have three sons: William, Duncan, and Robert.[7]

Paul is the first Senator to have served simultaneously with a parent, Ron Paul (R), in the United States House of Representatives.[123][124]

In July 2013, it was announced that Kelley Paul was no longer a staff member of Strategy Group for Media, a conservative consulting firm. The firm has previously worked on Sen. Paul's television ads in his 2010 race, Senate candidate Todd Akin's campaign and Michele Bachmann's 2012 presidential bid, among other campaigns.[125]

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