Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Sen. Rand Paul: I Can Hardly Watch CNN Anymore Because Its …


You know, I think theyre so openly partisan that I cant even hardly turn on CNN in the morning, that theyre going on and on about potential conflicts of interest, Paul said. Not that theyve saidthis is a conflict of interest. They just go on and on and on, so its clearly a partisan network, and theres no news.


During the campaign cycle, they must have spent hours of media time talking about how, No, Donald Trump really wasnt against the Iraq War because he nodded his head one time during an interview with Howard Stern on a question with the Iraq War, Paul recalled. What they missed by doing that, by being so partisan, what they miss is, there really was a substantive difference between Trump and Clinton on the Iraq War, regime change, and nation-building.

He noted that Trump has reiterated, as recently as in the last week or two that we dont have enough money to build nations overseas; we need to rebuild our country.

Hes talked about infrastructure here, and this is a profound difference between him and Clinton because you know Clinton kept talking about how she was still for regime change in Syria, getting rid of Assad. She was for regime change in Libya, and Trump was opposed to that, but the media because theyre so partisan never, ever got to that substantial point because they were too busy trying to point out, Oh, we got Donald Trump because he did say at one time he was for the war. When in reality, what made the most difference was that he learned the lesson that the Iraq War was a mistake, Paul said.

He said that Trump won on a different kind of message and hoped Trump would fill his administration with people who are consistent with the kind of message he ran on. He cited Betsy DeVos as a good pick for secretary of education, and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) as a good choice for Health and Human Services secretary.

Paul said one of Trumps first tasks should be repealing the job-killing regulations put forward by President Obama, which are chasing American companies overseas.

Id like to see us repeal a hundred regulations in a hundred days, if we could, he said. Some of these things can be done by executive order because President Obama put them all in place by executive order. So as much as Im not a fan of a big, powerful presidency, I am a fan of the presidency undoing the power grabs that the previous president did, and I think they will. All the signs weve been hearing is that hes going to be bold and decisive, and that he will get rid of these job-killing regulations.

Paul stressed that lower taxes and less regulations would be key to making America a competitive business environment and preventing companies from moving jobs overseas.

The Senator was humorously frank when Boyle invited him to offer some party-rebuilding advice for the Democrats: You know, being a partisan, I hope they keep doing what theyre doing because it certainly isnt working.

They keep re-choosing leaders from decades ago, he noted. Nancy Pelosis been in charge for decades now. Shes been part of the extreme liberal wing of the Democrat Party that is really the wealthy elite. These people are disconnected from the working class. They probably dont know anybody thats ever gotten their hands dirty. If they keep appointing and having their leadership be the wealthy elite, I think their disconnect with the American people will only grow, and hopefully those of us who want more freedom to go back to the individual and to the states, I think well keep winning as long as they keep the old elite guard in place.

Paul said the Republican Party has taken the lead because it has connected the working class to the small businessperson, to those who are American business versus people who leave us and go overseas.

Ive always said that thats when we become the dominant party, and thats when we connect the worker to the boss, and say, you know what, were not going to have a shrinking American pie. Were not going to have a smaller economy where you have to grab yours before somebody else grabs their share. What we want is an expanding American pie, where workers and business owners and everyone is enjoying a bigger slice of the pie because the economy is growing, he said.

I think we can grow like crazy, Paul predicted. Weve been limping along under the Obama economy at like maybe 1 percentgrowth, if were lucky. If we really do cut taxes, if we cut the corporate income tax and cut the regulatory burden, this economy is ready to really grow and create millions of jobs. So I think youll see not only a transformation of the political landscape, but I think were poised to see a transformation of our economy, where we could really be a vibrant nation that leads the world in job creation.

He advised his fellow Republicans to be on guard against the giddiness that can come when a single party controls the White House and both houses of Congress, and to remember what the party stands for.

We are a party that not only believes in lower taxes and less regulation; were a party that believes, and says we believe, in balancing the budget, he noted. No matter who proposes it, Ill continue to be an advocate for balancing the budget. Ill continue to be somebody and I may be alone in this but I wont vote for budgets that never balance. Were going to have a fight early on in January. People want to repeal Obamacare, and so do I, but I want to repeal it passing a budget that actually is a fiscally conservative budget that balances. Right now, the tussle in the Senate is, people want to pass any old budget, whether it ever balances or not, whether its fiscally conservative or not. They just want to get it done because theyre going to then use that to repeal Obamacare.

Im a physician. I hate Obamacare. I want to do anything we can to get rid of it. But at the same time, Im not willing to vote for a budget, even if its a Republican budget, that never balances and is not fiscally conservative, Paul declared.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 9:00 a.m.Eastern.


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Sen. Rand Paul: I Can Hardly Watch CNN Anymore Because Its ...

Sen. Rand Paul: Trumps Secretary of State Must Understand …


Paul said he has looked at the Secretary of State position as probably one of the most important picks that will come up and hoped Trump would choose somebody who understands that the Iraq War was a mistake.


As one of tenRepublicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Pauls vote could be decisive, should all nineDemocrats on the committee stand together against Trumps nominee.

Regime change hasnt made us safer, that in order to build here at home, to rebuild it, we cant build and spend billions of dollars overseas building other peoples infrastructure, Paul contended. Some of the people hes appointed, I think, have understood this. General Flynn has said that the historical lesson of the Iraq War was that it was a strategic failure, so I think Flynn gets it, and Im hoping hell give him that advice as his national security adviser.

Im really hopeful that theyll end up picking a secretary of state who really understands the Iraq War was a mistake, a strategic failure, and it actually made Iran stronger. The crazy thing about the neocons up here people like Bolton and Giuliani is they never got the message, or the understanding of the Iraq War, he said, referring to former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, two potential secretary of state candidates.

They think, Oh, Iran is a real problem, but they dont realize that the Iraq War made Iran more of a problem. Until they understand that, I think we should try to keep the neocons out of our government, Paul declared.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 9:00 a.m.Eastern.


Sen. Rand Paul: Trumps Secretary of State Must Understand ...

Letter | Rand Paul’s war on drugs?

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Is Rand Paul about to vote for a war on weed? I have several disagreements with the Senator on various issues, but I have always admired Senator Pauls stance on how marijuana should be legal.

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The Courier-Journal 11:32 a.m. EST December 5, 2016

Ky. Sen. Rand Paul speaks during the Republican event at the Galt House in downtown Louisville on election night. Nov. 8, 2016(Photo: Alton Strupp/The CJ)Buy Photo

Is Rand Paul about to vote for a war on weed? I have several disagreements with the senator on various issues, but I have always admired Senator Pauls stance on how marijuana should be legal. Donald Trump has nominated Senator Jeff Sessions to be the next Attorney General of the United States. Jeff Sessions will be the top law enforcement officer of the United States if he is confirmed to the position of Attorney General. Senator Sessions has said that good people dont smoke marijuana.

Rand Paul has the ability to stop anti-marijuana activists like Sessions from obtaining such power. Fifty votes from senators are needed to confirm Sessions to Attorney General, and there are 48 Democrats in the Senate. With just three or four Republican votes, Jeff Sessions appointment could be blocked. As a Senator, Rand Paul has the ability to determine if Senator Sessions is confirmed, and so Rand Paul has the ability to help advance the cause of legal marijuana. I hope Senator Paul follows through on his convictions about marijuana and votes no on confirming Senator Jeff Sessions.

Richard Buck

Murray, Utah 84107

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Letter | Rand Paul's war on drugs?

Will Rand Paul Fight Fake News With a Filibuster? | The Daily …


Will Rand Paul Fight Fake News With a Filibuster?

By Daily Bell Staff - December 03, 2016

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been on the warpath when it comes to President-elect Donald Trumps secretary of state picks. Hes not been one to hold back commentary about former ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, calling him a menace, and vowing that if Trump decided to go with Bolton, the Senator would gather the necessary votes to stop it. -The Blaze

As we can see from the above article excerpt, Rand Paul has made strong public comments about Trumps pick for secretary of state. But he hasnt been nearly so outspoken about the fake news debate.

This is especially startling given that his own father has been mentioned as a proponent of fake news as part of a larger list of non-mainstream media websites. Additionally, he could have spoken out about legislation just passed by the House that, if passed by the Senate and signed by the President, could generate increased scrutiny ofthe alternative media, presumably including his father.

ZeroHedge reported the following:

On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against Russian propaganda fake news, with 390 votes for, the House quietly passed H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, sponsored by California Republican Devin Nunes (whose third largest donor in 2016 is Google parent Alphabet, Inc), a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on offenders.

The idea is that fake news is being promoted by Russia via various Western and especially US websites. Supposed lists have been released of these websites including one famously that has some 200 names on it, mostly involving the alternative media that is in the midst of displacing the mainstream media when it comes to influence and credibility.

Some of these websites are among the largest and most influential in the country and include and a peace and prosperity Institute founded by Rand Pauls father, famous libertarian and former congressman Ron Paul.

Ron Paul at one point in his political career was seen as a serious contender to become the GOP candidate for president. However, raising his profile and educating people about classical economics and republicanism was obviously anoverriding goal.

But now his educational efforts may eventually be jeopardized given the inclusion of his Institute in a prominentlist accusing him of knowing or unknowing support for Russian political and militarygoals.

Ron Paul himself has issued statements regarding fake news. An Internet search turns up the following:

There are not seemingly nearly so many cites for Rand Paul. He has weighed in negatively regarding New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as Secretary of State in addition to Bolton. And he has been relatively positive about Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, saying, reportedly: I think he would be a great pick I do think that in comparison to people like Bolton or Giuliani, that hes much more reasonable diplomatically

But he has seemingly not been nearly so outspoken regarding fake news and the focus onhis own fathers organization as potentially part of a plot to advance the sociopolitical and military interests of Russia at the expense of the US and the West.

The bill possibly intelsponsored is being rushed through both the House and Senate before Trump takes over as President. The alternative media supported Trump as an alternative to Hillary Clinton and thus Trump might have objections to such a bill. Obama, presumably, will not.

Rand Paul is known for filibustering and did so for 13 hours to protest the appointment of CIA chief John Brennan back in 2013 to highlight the dangers of drones being used to target American civilians domestically. Pauls filibuster did have an impact on the drone debate and his concerns were ultimately echoed by others in the Senate before he called a halt to his filibuster.

More recently, Rand Paulfilibustered over National Security Agency surveillance programs authorized under the Patriot Act. This one took place in May 2015 and ran more than 10 hours. Paul, by his own admission, is interested iu protecting US constitutional freedoms, including free speech.

Nothing stops Paul from a filibuster to oppose the House bill once it reaches the Senate. Exposure would reveal for instance that the billwas introduced on November 22, two days before an article in theWashington Post highlighted the supposed dangers of US-presentedRussian propaganda on November24th. The outrage against fake news is apparently subject to considerable political calculations.

Conclusion:In fact, the bills covert supporters probably intend to attackthe alternative media on both sides of the aisle. There is less than a month left for Congress to pass the bill and for President Obama to sign it. Surely such significant legislation should not be rushed but instead considered closely by the incoming regime rather than the outgoing one.

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Will Rand Paul Fight Fake News With a Filibuster? | The Daily ...

Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick …

"You know, I think the problem they're going to have if they put him forward is there's a lot of similarities to Hillary Clinton as far as revealing classified information," Paul told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I think that's a potential problem."

Petraeus, once a widely celebrated military leader who oversaw operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, was sentenced to serve two years on probation and to pay a $100,000 fine for sharing classified information with his biographer and lover, Paula Broadwell.

But during the campaign, Trump castigated Clinton for her handling of classified information, despite the fact that an FBI investigation resulted in no charges being brought against her.

Trump met with Petraeus on Monday.

"Just met with General Petraeus--was very impressed!" he tweeted afterward.

A top Paul aide, Doug Stafford retweeted Trump adding: "Hillary does it -- "lock her up." Gen Petraeus does it -- CABINET POST! No."

Other names being floated for the position include former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, John Bolton and former 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

Paul said he wanted a secretary of state who understands foreign policy, specifically the issues with the Iraq War -- a signal he could be willing to oppose Trump's eventual nominee. The Senate must approve Cabinet nominations and with a narrowly divided body, Trump needs to rally nearly every Republican to his side in order to ensure confirmations.

"What I want is somebody who understands that the Iraq War was a mistake, the nation-building has been a mistake, and that regime change has been a mistake," Paul said. "These are things that Donald Trump has expressed and I believe and agree with completely, which is why I supported him.

"But I don't believe Bolton, I don't believe Giuliani have understood that or come to understand the historical significance of that. I'm unsure where Romney is on this ... Because if we don't understand those lessons, we're still facing the same kind of questions," he added.

Blitzer asked Paul if he'd been contacted by the Trump administration about a possible job.

"I have not been," he said. "I'm pretty happy with my current job."

Originally posted here:
Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick ...