Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Why Rand Paul says he’ll win over techies – Video

Why Rand Paul says he #39;ll win over techies
Paul says his views on the role of government in business are consistent with that of the tech community.

By: CNNMoney

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Why Rand Paul says he'll win over techies - Video

Obama Blames Bush for the Rise of ISIS – Video

Obama Blames Bush for the Rise of ISIS
This is why Obama lifted the executive ban on arming terrorist. ISIS came out of the Arab Spring encouraged by Obama #39;s ill fated speech in Egypt. Per Rand Paul weapons was shipped from Libya...

By: ShockDoctrin

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Obama Blames Bush for the Rise of ISIS - Video

Election 2016: Rand Paul sets presidential announcement …

Sen. Rand Paul speaks at SXSW, Sunday, March 15, 2015 in Austin, Texas. AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Deborah Cannon

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, is expected to make his presidential candidacy official, in a speech on Apr. 7, in Louisville, Kentucky, CBS News confirms, citing a source familiar with Paul's plans.

The Kentucky senator's announcement, first reported by the New York Times, is timed to be the day after the NCAA championship game, and also during the two-week Senate recess coming at the end of March. Paul's announcement date enables him to begin his official run for the presidency at the beginning of a fundraising quarter. This will maximize the time he'll have to raise money before his first report is due to the Federal Election Commission. As a declared candidate, his finances will be filed and publicly available each quarter, and part of the success of his candidacy will be measured by the money he raises.

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CBS News elections director Anthony Salvanto discusses the top speakers at CPAC and how they are shaping the 2016 presidential election field.

The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that although Paul may still change his mind about running, "invitations to the event have already been sent to supporters and Republican officials."

Paul will also be running for reelection to his Senate seat at the same time he runs for president. Though Kentucky does not allow candidates to be listed a ballot for two different offices, Paul was able to convince the state party to hold a nominating caucus, which allows him to run for both.

2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Election 2016: Rand Paul sets presidential announcement ...

Rand Paul sets presidential announcement date

Sen. Rand Paul speaks at SXSW, Sunday, March 15, 2015 in Austin, Texas. AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Deborah Cannon

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, is expected to make his presidential candidacy official, in a speech on Apr. 7, in Louisville, Kentucky, CBS News confirms, citing a source familiar with Paul's plans.

The Kentucky senator's announcement, first reported by the New York Times, is timed to be the day after the NCAA championship game, and also during the two-week Senate recess coming at the end of March. Paul's announcement date enables him to begin his official run for the presidency at the beginning of a fundraising quarter. This will maximize the time he'll have to raise money before his first report is due to the Federal Election Commission. As a declared candidate, his finances will be filed and publicly available each quarter, and part of the success of his candidacy will be measured by the money he raises.

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CBS News elections director Anthony Salvanto discusses the top speakers at CPAC and how they are shaping the 2016 presidential election field.

The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that although Paul may still change his mind about running, "invitations to the event have already been sent to supporters and Republican officials."

Paul will also be running for reelection to his Senate seat at the same time he runs for president. Though Kentucky does not allow candidates to be listed a ballot for two different offices, Paul was able to convince the state party to hold a nominating caucus, which allows him to run for both.

2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Rand Paul sets presidential announcement date

Paul to hold announcement event

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Rand Paul's rise to power Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky spoke on the issues of privacy and curtailing domestic surveillance on Wednesday, March 19, in the liberal hotbed of the University of California at Berkeley. Paul has become one of the most visible freshmen senators in recent history and is considering a run for the White House. Click through the images for highlights of Paul's political career.

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Rand Paul's rise to power Paul addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 7, 2014, where he easily won the presidential straw poll, giving the possible White House candidate an early boost ahead of the 2016 election.

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Rand Paul's rise to power In February, Paul announced that he's suing President Barack Obama and top national security officials over the government's sweeping electronic surveillance program made public by intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.

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Rand Paul's rise to power Paul is seen in September at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Syria.

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Rand Paul's rise to power Paul speaks at a news conference in June about the U.S. role in Syria.

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Paul to hold announcement event