Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Pauls claim twice in one day that he has a …

I have a biology degree, okay?

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), in remarks at the Lincoln Labs Reboot Congress conference, Feb. 12, 2015

This column has been updated with an additional explanation by Pauls spokesman.

We first spotted a version of this quote in a Bloomberg column by David Weigel, and then checked the quotes with our colleague Jose DelReal, who had attended the conference.

This is a bit of an odd one, given that Paul does not have a college undergraduate degree.

Paul mentioned his alleged degree at the conference not once, but twice. First, in an exchange with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Paul said:

Arrington: Lets talk about economics because maybe you can actually explain this to me. I have an econ degree which means I know just enough not to understand any of what our government is [inaudible]

Paul: Mines in biology and English so this is going to be a great conversation.

Then, later in the conversation, expounding on what he considered the virtues of Bitcoin, Paul said:

This is just me. I have a biology degree, okay? But with Bitcoin my concern always was whether or not something has real value. So I could imagine a kind of coin that was exchangeable. This gets back to the whole idea, does money have to be exchangeable for something to be of value?

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Rand Pauls claim twice in one day that he has a ...

Rand Pauls Florida foray wins applause on Bush, Rubio …

Rand Paul speaks at a rally in Sarasota on Saturday.

SARASOTA Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, sounding every bit like a presidential candidate, wrapped up two days of Florida campaigning on Saturday by urging Republicans to boldly go where we have not gone before and reach out to young people, minorities and poor and working-class voters.

Paul has drawn distinctions between himself and Florida favorites Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.

Its similar to the message former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio have been delivering in their presidential explorations. But while Bush and Rubio stress economic opportunity, the libertarian Paul says privacy rights and a non-interventionist foreign policy should be part of the appeal as well.

At the Orange County GOP Lincoln Day dinner on Friday night in Orlando, Paul called for sentencing reform, saying tough penalties for drug offenses disproportionately hurt minorities and were mistaken if we dont understand it.

Read a full account of Pauls Florida foray in

Paul talking with Republicans in Orlando after keynoting Fridays Orange County GOP Lincoln Day dinner.

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Rand Pauls Florida foray wins applause on Bush, Rubio ...

Rand Paul Trying to Run for Both President and Senate

Rand Paul is actively looking for ways to run for both president and re-election to the U.S. Senate, something standard in many states, but not legal in his home state of Kentucky. However, the state GOP has some serious concerns about his desired scenario.

Paul wrote a letter last week to the state party hoping to convince its members to create a presidential caucus, over a primary in 2016, the Lexington Herald-Leader first reported and the Kentucky GOP state party chairman confirmed to ABC News. Pauls letter argued it would make Kentucky more relevant in the primary process, but it also deals with the prohibition on candidates appearing on the same ballot twice.

Paul and his supporters have been strategizing a work-around since he announced his intention to seek re-election and is also considering a 2016 run for the White House. Another potential 2016 candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio has said he will not run for both.

In the letter, he cites Rep. Paul Ryan, who lost the vice-presidency in 2012, but was re-elected to his House seat. There are other examples of victories and losses in states where its legal including then-Senator Joe Biden in 2008, amongst others, something Paul notes in the letter writing "My request to you is simply to be treated equally compared to other potential candidates for the presidency.

Steve Robertson, the Kentucky State GOP chairman and executive chairman told ABC News its an option Paul wants the party to explore, but he said his members have a lot of questions about a caucus and the process.

Most pressing, Robertson said, is their concern that its unclear what would happen if they move to a caucus and Paul were to become the GOP presidential nominee. Under state law, there is no way to substitute a candidate on the ballot after the filing deadline. After a hard-fought 2014 battle to keep Sen. Mitch McConnell in office, Robertson said their biggest concern is losing that seat in the general election because they couldnt field another Republican and state law would still prevent Pauls name from appearing on the ballot twice.

Robertson called this question a major league struggle for members of the committee, and something they are very conflicted about, but they also have questions about a caucus since theyve never had one in the state before and whether a caucus could potentially disenfranchise Republican voters from the process. And, he says, its a question of both cost and convenience.

How long does someone theoretically have to drive [to caucus]how is this going to be a process that is open and convenient and accessible to Republicans, including older Republicans? Robertson asked, adding they also wonder how it affects absentee voting for service members overseas and they are worried it could have a depressing effect on the number of people who could be able to take part in the process.

We are very supportive of Sen. Paul, Robertson said. This is a very big decision with a lot of ramifications.

Robertson said the 54 members of the executive committee will get a chance to meet with Paul on March 7 and he looks forward to hearing Paul make his case then and to better understand it. He said it wont be the last conversation on the topic. There are other possibilities Paul has to get around the issue. Last year, the Kentucky Senate passed a bill that would allow Paul to be on the ballot twice, but it went nowhere in the Democratic-led House.

See the original post:
Rand Paul Trying to Run for Both President and Senate

Vote for Rand Paul, He’s Fully Vaccinated! – Video

Vote for Rand Paul, He #39;s Fully Vaccinated!
Isn #39;t it wonderful when one #39;s vaccination schedule magically lines up with his need to pull a political stunt and appease the puppet masters running the show...

By: TRUTHstreammedia

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Vote for Rand Paul, He's Fully Vaccinated! - Video

Rand Paul in Marshalltown, Iowa – Video

Rand Paul in Marshalltown, Iowa
Presidential hopeful Rand Paul speaks to a crowd in Marshalltown, Iowa.

By: TheIowaRepublican

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Rand Paul in Marshalltown, Iowa - Video