Our fact check of Sen. Rand Pauls statements about his undergraduate degree has quickly become one of the most widely read ever and also among the most controversial. The column has about 2,500 comments from readers arguing about its fairness.
Thats a lot of material to wade through, so we thought we would share some of the e-mails we received directly from readers, many of whom like the Republican senator from Kentucky have medical degrees. As you can see, many letters said the column was on target but at least half (or more) said it was ridiculous. Because readers did not expressly say they wanted their name printed, we are using initials instead.
Many readers also asked about the period when Paul set up his own board of ophthalmology. For more on that, we recommend the in-depth look at this issue by our colleague David A. Fahrenthold.
We always appreciate feedback from readers, and we thank those who took the time to write.
He lied
A degree in biology whether it is a B.A., M.A., or Ph.D., is a degree in biology. It is not a medical degree, an M.D. The reverse is also true. That is a matter of fact. Physicians must study biology, and they study various aspects of it in medical school, but it is not correct to say that an M.D. is a biology degree. Its much more complicated than that. Rand Paul may have studied biology as an undergraduate, but he did not earn a degree in biology. Other people have, and do. He lied.
W.M.H. (M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.)
Three wooden blockheads for you
The man has a medical degree which is one form of advanced biology degree. When he claims a biology degree, its a more everyman way of describing his medical degree. Im not a fan of RP but this is unfair to the man.
Continued here:
Fact Checker: Readers respond to fact check on Rand Pauls statements about college degree