Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill | PANIC – Video

Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill | PANIC
Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill | PANIC Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill | PANIC ...

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Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill | PANIC - Video

Liberty Iowa Audit the Fed Rally with Sen. Rand Paul – Video

Liberty Iowa Audit the Fed Rally with Sen. Rand Paul

By: Joel Kurtinitis

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Liberty Iowa Audit the Fed Rally with Sen. Rand Paul - Video

Rand Paul looks for a 2016 opening in Iowa

AMES, Iowa Sen. Rand Paul, nursing a cold, did not shake many hands on the first day of his swing through Iowa this weekend. Instead, he elbow-bumped activists as he made his way through crowds and hoarsely thanked them for their support.

The Republicans who showed up Friday at Pauls rally did not mind. In a state where caucus-goers often demand warm interactions with presidential contenders, they were happy to hear Pauls riffs on monetary policy and Montesquieu from a distance.

As Paul (Ky.) moves closer to a 2016 bid, he is betting that in a field of big personalities, his low-key style and atypical pitch mixing snarky asides, dovish takes on foreign policy and a compassionate plea for criminal-justice reform will set his candidacy apart.

Just look at whos here, said David Fischer, a former Iowa GOP official, as he surveyed the crowd at Pauls gathering Friday at a Des Moines winery. He is actually bringing women, college students and people who are not white into the Republican Party.

The challenge for Paul is whether his approach, which has echoes of his father, former Texas congressman Ron Paul, will enable him to do better than the elder Pauls third-place finish in the 2012 GOP presidential caucuses in Iowa.

The son is a little more mainstream, said former Republican congressman Jim Leach, who represented eastern Iowa for 15terms. If he can stay there and play into the desire on the conservative side for someone new, he could find an opening.

The latest poll of Iowa Republicans, conducted by Bloomberg Politics and the Des Moines Register, shows Paul in second place among potential GOP candidates. Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.), boosted by his breakout speech in late January at a conservative summit, narrowly leads with 15 percent. Paul is at 14percent, and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is at 10percent.

For now, in this early stage of the primary scramble, Paul is focused on reviving his fathers political base in Iowa, which begins the primary process, by attacking an institution that has long frustrated the libertarian right: the Federal Reserve.

Before Paul took the stage at Jasper Winery, Liberty Iowa organizers played a video featuring archival clips of both Ron and Rand Paul delivering critiques of the central bank.

Minutes later, Paul, who last month introduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, drew raucous applause when he warned its policies are undermining U.S. currency.

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Rand Paul looks for a 2016 opening in Iowa

Rand Pauls vaccine claims under microscope

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) delivers remarks at the morning plenary session of the Values Voter Summit in Washington September 26, 2014. Pauls past statements about vaccination and other medical issues came under scrutiny this week. Photo by Gary Cameron/Reuters

DES MOINES, Iowa As a medical doctor, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has a rare set of credentials at the intersection of science and politics. But the glare of the 2016 presidential race is searing, and under it, Paul had a rough week.

On Friday night in Iowa, Paul faced likely voters in the states leadoff nominating caucuses for the first time since answering questions about a measles outbreak centered in California. Paul said Monday that he had heard about many tragic cases of children who got vaccines and ended up with profound mental disorders.

That assertion has no basis in medical research, and Paul clearly was still upset on Friday about how his comments had been received.

It may be a little because Im a doctor, but really I think its inaccuracies fueled by reporters, he told The Associated Press. From my point of view, thats frustrating.

Pauls supporters in Iowa rallied around him, bestowing on him more credibility than other would-be presidential candidates on the issue, said former Iowa Republican Party co-chairman David Fischer, a Paul supporter.

But the episode probably took a toll on Paul, a libertarian who intends to try to highlight his background as a physician as an advantage if a possible White House campaign.

Republicans in Washington distanced themselves from Paul this past week, and none went out of his way to defend him.

As a doctor, I believe all children should be vaccinated, said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., an orthopedic surgeon. It was a line he repeated several times when asked about the uproar.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has said he would support a run by Paul, made no secret of his disagreement with Paul about the value of childhood vaccinations.

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Rand Pauls vaccine claims under microscope

Rand Paul: Children Got ‘Profound Mental Disorders’ After Receiving Vaccines – Video

Rand Paul: Children Got #39;Profound Mental Disorders #39; After Receiving Vaccines
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) argued Monday that debate over whether to allow parents more choice in the vaccination of their children was a matter of "freedom," citing personal knowledge of kids...

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Rand Paul: Children Got 'Profound Mental Disorders' After Receiving Vaccines - Video