Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul Plans Bill To End Police Militarization Alex …

Senator Rand Paul plans to reintroduce legislation to end the disturbing trend of military equipment ending up in the hands of domestic law enforcement departments across the country.

Pauls staff revealed toBuzzfeedthat the Kentucky Senator will re-energise the debate on the matter in 2015 as a priority.

He will focus on ending transfers of military weapons and vehicles under the Defense Departments 1033 program, which has seen billions of dollars worth of excess military gear transferred to police and sheriffs departments in the last two decades.

Pauls legislation will be similar to that introduced earlier this year by retiring Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, and Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia.

Rand Paul has previously slammed the militarization of police forces as stupid and ridiculous, saying that using the threat of terrorism as a justification is a tired excuse.

FEMA gave out 12,000 bayonets last year. Thats just stupid. The Senator urged recently. We are giving out mine-resistant ambush protection vehicles 20-ton vehicles. Dundee, Michigan, a town of 3,000, has a 20-ton mine-resistant ambush protection vehicle. Thats ridiculous, he added.

We have no-knock raids, and a little baby had a concussion grenade thrown in her face at one in the morning without a knock near Atlanta about two months ago, he said. Sometimes its a mistake of police being too aggressive, but sometimes its putting police in an untenable position to enforce laws that really we should not be enforcing with that degree of force.

Its supposed to be for terrorism, but try to explain to me when terrorists are going to attack Dundee, Michigan, or Fargo, North Dakota. Paul added.

As we have previously reported,several local law enforcement agencies have previously stated that they wish to return military gear which they feel was somewhat forced onto them by The Department of Defense. The counties in which the sheriffs offices and police departments are based are being asked to absorb the cost of transporting huge armored vehicles.

The details were revealed in areport by The Washington Times, which found a number of departments complaining about the heavy armored vehicles that have been transferred, finding them to be overkill for the jobs local law enforcement needs to do.

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Rand Paul Plans Bill To End Police Militarization Alex ...

Rand Paul kicks off first event in Iowa

Story highlights Rand Paul makes first 2015 trip to Iowa, home of first presidential caucuses He's trying to build a broad coalition of voters, but says he hasn't strayed far from his roots

"You're going to get a choice on who the nominee is for the Republican Party. You're going to have 9, 10, 15, 20 who are eager to go and want troops on the ground," he said, talking about the war against Islamic extremism. "They want 100,000 troops on the ground. Right now. In all the countries."

The Kentucky Republican had a rough week but found a friendly audience Friday night headlining an "Audit the Fed" rally at Jasper Winery in Des Moines, an event packed with many of his father's supporters and hosted by a group called Liberty Iowa.

It was a curious strategy for a man who's trying to build a broad coalition of voters behind him, but he assured supporters that he hasn't strayed far from his roots.

"Some of you may remember I sued the President," he said, pointing to a lawsuit he launched last year against the National Security Agency over its bulk metadata collection effort.

He didn't, however, mention that the lawsuit has been put on hold, or that he voted against a reform package in Congress last year because he felt it didn't go far enough in tweaking the agency.

Paul, who faced criticism this week over comments expressing doubt about the effectiveness of vaccinations and took heat over drama involving one of his advisers, is in Iowa on a quick two-day swing that puts him in front of familiar audiences.

Following the "Audit the Fed" rally Friday night, he attends the Iowa State University men's basketball game Saturday, as well as a watch party with young voters and a meet-and-greet with freshman Rep. Rod Blum.

Paul is one of many Republicans who will barnstorm the state in the coming months, seeking support ahead of Iowa's first-in-the-nation presidential nominating contest a year from now. While it's his first time in the state this year, Paul visited Iowa five times last cycle, and has indicated he plans to make the state a big part of his 2016 strategy.

His father, ex-Texas Rep. Ron Paul, built a solid foundation of supporters in Iowa during his 2008 and 2012 campaigns, a base that Paul is trying to court while also making inroads with the mainstream and socially conservative Republicans in the state.

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Rand Paul kicks off first event in Iowa

Rand Pauls gaffes offer a glimpse of his worldview

It has become the Rand Paul pattern: A few weeks paddling vigorously in the mainstream, followed by a lapse into authenticity, followed by transparent damage control, followed by churlishness toward anyone in the media who notices. All the signs of a man trying to get comfortable in someone elses skin.

The latest example is vaccination. I have heard of many tragic cases, said Dr. Paul, of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. Following the ensuing firestorm, the Republican senator from Kentucky insisted, I did not say vaccines caused disorders, just that they were temporally related.

In effect: I did not sleep with that causation.

Paul blamed his troubles on the liberal media which, after a little digging, reported that, in 2009, he had called mandatory vaccinations a step toward martial law.

When Chris Christie commits a gaffe on vaccination and reverses himself, it indicates a man out of his depth. With Paul, it reveals the unexplored depths of a highly ideological and conspiratorial worldview.

The same dynamic was at work when Paul accused public health authorities of dishonesty about the true nature of the Ebola threat; or when he raised the prospect of Americans typing an e-mail in a cafe being summarily executed by a Hellfire missile; or when he accused Dick Cheney of supporting the Iraq war to benefit Halliburton; or when he accused the United States of provoking Japan into World War II; or when he criticized the application of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to private enterprise. Wherever you scratch the paint, there is some underlying, consistent philosophy at work.

This, of course, is true of any thoughtful politician (which Paul certainly is). But while many prospective presidential candidates seek catchier ways to express their political philosophy, Paul must take pains to conceal the ambition of his ideals.

His domestic libertarianism provides no philosophical foundation for most of the federal government. As a practical matter, he can call for the end of Obamacare but not for the abolition of Medicare or Medicaid or the National Institutes of Health. Yet these concessions to reality are fundamentally arbitrary. The only principle guiding Pauls selectivity is the avoidance of gaffes. Of which he is not always the best judge.

The same is true of Pauls constitutional foreign policy, which he now calls (as evidence of his evolution) conservative realism. There is no previously existing form of realism that urges a dramatically weakened executive in the conduct of foreign and defense policy which is Pauls strong preference. He denies the legal basis for the war on terrorism, warns against an oppressive national security state and proposes to scale back American commitments in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Paul is properly described as a libertarian noninterventionist.

His father, Ron Paul, is gleefully specific in his charge that American aggression creates the blowback of terrorism. The son qualifies the argument without repudiating it. Some anger is blowback, he now says. In 2009, he called his fathers theory a message that can be presented and be something that Republicans can agree to. A recommended reading list posted (briefly) last year on Pauls Senate Web site included Chalmers Johnsons Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire and Ron Pauls A Foreign Policy of Freedom.

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Rand Pauls gaffes offer a glimpse of his worldview

You’re Making A Joke Of America! You’re Making Syria Into Theater! RAND PAUL vs JOHN KERRY – Video

You #39;re Making A Joke Of America! You #39;re Making Syria Into Theater! RAND PAUL vs JOHN KERRY
You #39;re Making A Joke Of America! You #39;re Making Syria Into Theater! RAND PAUL vs JOHN KERRY. HEATED: Rand Paul Storms John Kerry, Gets Owned at Syria Military. You #39;re Making A Joke Of ...

By: Gaze Yupu

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You're Making A Joke Of America! You're Making Syria Into Theater! RAND PAUL vs JOHN KERRY - Video


Rand Paul eye patient testifies that ophthalmologist operated without being board-certified satire video based on news report:

By: ReidBaerPoetry

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