Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

The Kelly File & Rand Paul: Obama Will Add More Debt Than All 43 Presidents Combined – Video

The Kelly File Rand Paul: Obama Will Add More Debt Than All 43 Presidents Combined
The Kelly File Rand Paul: Obama Will Add More Debt Than All 43 Presidents Combined Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) sounded off on President Barack Obama #39;s State of...

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The Kelly File & Rand Paul: Obama Will Add More Debt Than All 43 Presidents Combined - Video

Sen. Paul Discusses the State of the Union on Fox- January 20, 2015 – Video

Sen. Paul Discusses the State of the Union on Fox- January 20, 2015
Sen. Rand Paul joins Megyn Kelly on Fox News to discuss President Obama #39;s State of the Union address.

By: SenatorRandPaul

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Sen. Paul Discusses the State of the Union on Fox- January 20, 2015 - Video

Rand Paul’s Response to Obama’s 2015 State of the Union

America needs many things, but what America desperatelyneeds is new leadership.

Ive only been in office a short time, but one thing Ivediscovered is that there is no monopoly on knowledge inWashington.

The best thing that could happen is for usto once and foralllimit the terms of all politicians. We already limit thePresident to two terms.

I think we should put limits on the terms of Congress andinfuse our government with fresh ideas.

Before I ran for office, I practiced medicine for nearly 20years in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Liberal elites fly overmy small town, but they dont understand us. They simplyseek to impose their will upon usfrom what insurance wecan buy, to what light bulbs we can use, to how wegenerate electricity.

Most of us in flyover country, and I suspect many who livein our big cities, think those in government take us forgranted. Those of us who are actively pursuing theAmerican Dream simply want government to get out of ourway.

For those of us who feel separated and distant from theAmerican Dream, we dont want be perpetually talked downto, forgotten, and left in perpetual poverty. Many arediscouraged that the gifts offered by liberals have notgenerated wealth, but rather perpetuated poverty.

People want a way outnot fake concern and baubles.

The war on poverty is 50 years old, and still blackunemployment is twice that of white unemployment.

Income inequality has worsened under this Administration,and tonight President Obama offers more of the samepoliciespolicies that have allowed the poor to get poorer,and the rich to get richer.

See more here:
Rand Paul's Response to Obama's 2015 State of the Union

Rand Paul Fails Spelling Test in Common Core Attack

First rule of calling someone out on Twitter: Make sure the is are dotted and the ts are crossed particularly if you are debating educational policy.

Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) discovered that Thursday. The senators account tweeted about the meeting in Utah between Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, saying word is there will be a gift exchange between the two.

Subsequent tweets said Governor Bush apparently gave Mitt Romney a third times a charm bracelet with a picture of a bracelet engraved with a 3x and that Mr. Romney gave Jeb Bush a friendship bracelet that said common core. (Mr. Bush is a prominent proponent of the common core educations standards.)

The digs against his possible opponents for the 2016 Republican nomination were popular among his followers, but there was a problem. The tweet about educational standards had a big spelling error in its art, which was quickly picked up on by the Bush team.

You misspelled friendship. Maybe there is something to be said for higher standards?tweeted Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell.

One of the tweets also left out an apostrophe in its art, which read, 3rd times a charm.

The errant @SenRandPaul tweets were quickly deleted and reposted, this time with the typos corrected.

Mr. Paul then tried to make lemonade out of Twitter lemons, with his accounttweeting: Lay off. It was a common core post. We dont have to spell it right!


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See the article here:
Rand Paul Fails Spelling Test in Common Core Attack

Rand Paul to be in first 2016 campaign smackdown

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.(Photo: Associated Press)

WASHINGTON - Three potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates - including Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul - will share the stage this weekend in the first, but unofficial, smackdown of the political season.

Now, you will have to stay up late for this. The much-anticipated confrontation is scheduled for 11:30 p.m. EST Sunday. It will be livestreamed on and moderated by ABC's White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl.

Paul, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will participate in a forum sponsored by the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce in Palm Springs, Calif.

Separately, the three senators, as well as other possible contender, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, will address the meeting.

None of the Republicans has announced his candidacy for president. Paul has said he will make a decision on running "some time this spring."

Freedom Partners is a non-profit advocacy organization connected to conservative mega-donor brothers Charles and David Koch. In 2012, the Koch brothers and their political group Americans for Prosperity spent nearly $240 million. The Koch network also spent heavily in last fall's midterm election.

Subjects slated to be covered during the hour-long "American Recovery Policy Forum" are economic issues, health care and energy policy.

RELATED: Looking to 2016, Paul sees chance for deals with Obama

CARROLL COLUMN: Paul's actions are clues to 2016 decision

Read more here:
Rand Paul to be in first 2016 campaign smackdown