Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul responds to President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address – Video

Rand Paul responds to President Obama #39;s 2015 State of the Union address
Rand Paul responds to President Obama #39;s 2015 State of the Union address Rand Paul responds to President Obama #39;s 2015 State of the Union address Rand Paul responds to President Obama #39;s 2015 ...

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Rand Paul responds to President Obama's 2015 State of the Union address - Video

Rand Paul slams Obamas speech via YouTube, Twitter and …

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. (Timothy D. Easley, AP)

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Sen. Rand Paul, a likely GOP presidential candidate, took on the duties of a one-man rapid-response team and pounced on President Obamas State of the Union Address on multiple platforms.

The Kentucky senator posted his own response to Obamas speech on his YouTube channel offering a separate viewfrom the official Republican rebuttal being delivered by Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa and the Tea Partys view from Rep. Curt Clawson of Florida. Paul is also scheduled to appear on Fox News at 11 p.m. ET.

In his 12-minute video, Paul calls for new leadership and new blood in Washington and leveled broadsides at Obama on issues such as the budget, taxes, health care and foreign policy. Paul pointedly criticized Obama for contributing to income inequality in America and said the presidents policies have allowed the poor to get poorer and the rich to get richer.

The president is intent to redistribute the pie, but not growing it, Paul said in his video. He misunderstands that the bulk of America wants a bigger pie.

Paul didnt limit his criticism to Obama and included his colleagues in Congress as part of the problem.

In another State of the Union-related response, Paul encouragedhis supporters to use a fact-checking tool on his Facebook page to review some of Obamas previous statements.

The libertarian-minded senator is no stranger to the post-State of the Union drill. Paul delivered the Tea Party Express response in 2013 and criticized Obama for increasing spending, raising taxes and overusing his executive authority.

Here are some of the Obama jabs Paul posted on Twitter:

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Rand Paul slams Obamas speech via YouTube, Twitter and ...

Rand Paul on SOTU: 'Turn the page' on Obama's failed policies

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks with people at the Peppermill restaurant Friday, Jan. 16, 2015, in Las Vegas. Paul is a possible Republican presidential candidate. (AP Photo/John Locher) more >

By Christopher White - The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 21, 2015

It was President Obama speaking, but it was rock singer BobSegerthat Sen. Rand Paul said he was thinking about.

The Kentucky Republican and potential 2016 presidential contender, noting Mr. Obamas declaration that the country could now turn the page on recent hard times at his Tuesday evening State of the Union address, said the Detroit rocker expressed it much better in his 1972 song about the difficulties of life on the road.

All I could think about was Bob Segers song, and I was wishing Bob Seger was up there speaking and not Obama, Mr. Paul told a moderate Republican group Wednesday morning at the Capitol Hill Club.

The song is kind of melancholy, he noted. It is ultimately about moving forward. But I think we as a nation are moving backward.

Mr. Obama used the turn the page line to tout what he said were his administrations successes in guiding the economy back from the Great Recession, but Mr. Paul argued the presidents policies have only left the U.S. in a deeper hole.

The president is on course to add more to the deficit than all 43 presidents combined. And he has the gall to brag about reducing the deficit, Mr. Paul told a breakfast meeting of the Ripon Society.

The Kentucky senator offered what he said were better ways to stimulate the economy than government checks to random citizens.

If I have $800 billion and I want to pass it out, if I randomly select people to give the money to, I dont know if they are going to use that money on businesses, Mr. Paul said. But returning that money to Americans in the form of a tax cut, youll find that it is a hundred times more effective than the government just passing it around.

View original post here:
Rand Paul on SOTU: 'Turn the page' on Obama's failed policies

Paul open to working with White House

Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday pointed to several ways he was personally open to teaming up with the White House, noting that the 2016 Republican nominee will be affected by whether the GOP-dominated Congress can accomplish anything.

Paul (R-Ky.), a near-certain presidential contender, offered those remarks to the Ripon Society, a Republican group, at the Capitol Hill Club in an early-morning speech the day after the State of the Union. During the speech, he also offered an impassioned defense of his foreign policy views.

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If were looking forward to 2016, and some of us are, he said to laughs, we need to show we can do something when were in charge and something that works.

He noted a tax effort hes working on that would bring back money from overseas to be reinvested in American infrastructure, saying that it could be a bipartisan success and whoever our nominee is can move forward taking credit for it.

Beyond infrastructure, the senator said he would be willing to work with the White House on a range of issues including criminal justice reform he is a leading Republican advocate for restoring voting rights to nonviolent felons and even said he would compliment the administration for moving to roll back civil forfeiture laws. The libertarian-leaning Paul, who visited Ferguson, Missouri, during the protests following the death of an unarmed teenager, described an undercurrent of unease, in which minorities feel that they arent being treated fairly by the criminal justice system, even as he was quick to stress he didnt think police conduct was racially motivated.

If the president wants to work with me, I have five or six bills, many related to criminal justice reform, the senator said.

Paul, who is seeking to broaden the GOP base in part by reaching out to minority communities that dont often hear from Republicans, also underscored his support for piecemeal immigration reform, though he did not back the comprehensive approach the Senate passed.

But the senator also spent plenty of time mocking the State of the Union, saying at times it was frankly difficult to listen to with a straight face. He said it took chutzpah and gall to tout cutting the deficit by two-thirds, Obama said at a time of significant debt.

He should come to the Hill, Paul said of the president. He should talk to the legislators for all the fire, I will work with him. Ive offered to work with him.

See the rest here:
Paul open to working with White House

Rand Pauls budget quackery: Curing Americas ills with stupid, dangerous policy prescriptions

Of the many terrible Republican responses to Barack Obamas state of the union address Tuesday night, Rand Pauls was hands-down the worst. Standing in a dimly lit and sparsely adorned office, the Kentucky Republican rebutted the presidents upbeat and optimistic speech by slogging through an awkward and rambling monologue about how the country is going down the toilet. I wish I had better news for you, Paul began, opening his remarks as if he were delivering a cancer diagnosis, but all is not well in America.

Prevailing upon his background in medicine, Paul sketched out a governing vision that aligns with medical ethics. As a physician, I was taught first, do no harm. To think before you act. To analyze the unintended consequences of your actions. I think America would be better off if all of our politicians took the same approach. First, do no harm. And whats the very first policy Paul recommends as part of this do no harm philosophy? A wildly destructive and needlessly harmful balanced budget amendment:

PAUL: Its self-evident that the president and Congress are unable to do what every family in America must do: balance their budget. If Congress cannot, or will not, balance the budget, then we should amend the Constitution to make it mandatory.

A balanced budget amendment is a great way to pander to voters and make it seem like you stand for fiscal responsibility. Who doesnt love a balanced budget? Its what every single family does! Hooray for families! However, despite the incessant scolding of centrist pundits, the government is under no obligation to balance its budget. More to the point, imposing that obligation will have hugely negative effects on the economy precisely the sort of unintended consequences that Dr. Rand Paul wants Dr. Government to avoid.

The reason a balanced budget amendment is such a bad idea is that it handcuffs the federal government, providing it little flexibility to respond to shifting economic conditions. With no option but to robotically seek a balanced budget, even in times of economic distress, such an amendment would force the government into a series of horrible economic policy decisions. The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities made this danger plain back in 2011 when congressional Republicans Rand Paul among them were pushing hard for just such an amendment:

When the economy slows, federal revenues decline or grow more slowly and spending on unemployment insurance and other social programs increases, causing deficits to rise. Rather than allowing the automatic stabilizers of lower tax collections and higher unemployment and other benefits to cushion a weak economy, the amendment would force policymakers to cut spending, raise taxes, or both. That would launch a vicious spiral of bad economic and fiscal policy: a weak economy would lead to higher deficits, which would force policymakers to cut spending or raise taxes more, which would weaken the economy further.

Whatever, you deficit fetishists may scoff, thats just the opinion of a bunch of snooty liberals at the liberal CBPP. Fair enough. Heres the American Enterprise Institutes Jim Pethokoukis on why balanced budget amendments are not a great idea.

Again, why do we need to actually balance the budget at all, much less ASAP? Ryans original Roadmap plan, for instance, lowered the debt-to-GDP ratio by 30 points over two decades without a single year in the black. Of course, running surpluses would accelerate the process. But keep in mind how difficult Americas aging population will make it to cut spending.

And heres National Reviews Ramesh Ponnuru:

The senators amendment would make the federal government a smaller share of the economy than it has been since the 1950s. The chief economic argument against it is that it would make recessions worse. When recessions hit, they increase deficits: Revenue falls while spending on unemployment benefits (among other things) goes up. A strict balanced-budget rule would force spending cuts or tax increases at times of economic weakness. The Federal Reserve could theoretically offset these effects, but youd want to be pretty confident beforehand that it would do the right thing.

Go here to see the original:
Rand Pauls budget quackery: Curing Americas ills with stupid, dangerous policy prescriptions