A list of the many 2016 candidates Rand Paul has (already …
A funny thing happened last week. As it was becoming even clearer that Jeb Bush would run for president in 2016, a story appeared on the conservative Breitbart.com. It quoted Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) dismissing Bush as a "moderate" and suggesting his support forCommon Core education standards is a deal-breaker in a Republicanprimary.
Paul suggestively questioned "whether (Republicans)want Common Core, whether they want more spending, more taxes, whether they want a candidate who will not pledge to not raise taxes."
It was hissecond thinly veiled attack on Bush in less than amonth. In mid-December, when Bushannounced he would "actively explore" a bid, Paul's PAC took out Google adsfor those who searched for Bush's name. The ads said,Join a movement working to shrink government. Not grow it," and "We need leaders who will stand against common core."
These are notisolated incidents. More than just about any major contender for president in 2016, Paul has signaled a willingness to mix it up. And plenty of folks are only so happy to oblige -- even baiting Paul to hit back.
In fact, with the 2016 campaign not even officially started, Paul hasalready tangled with most of the major 2016 contenders on at least one issue or another. In summary:
Bush: See above
Marco Rubio: He called the Florida senator an "isolationist" for supporting the Cuba embargo and being opposed todiplomatic relations.
Chris Christie: The two argued repeatedly about privacy concerns versus national security, with Paul eventuallycalling New Jersey's governorthe "King of Bacon."
Ted Cruz: After Cruz said his own foreign policy was more Reagan-esque than Paul's, Paul wrote an op-eddenouncing the Texas senator,saying he misrepresentedReagan's legacy (without actually naming Cruz).
Rick Perry: The Texas governorspotlighted Paulin a foreign policy op-edagainst isolationism -- a term Paul rejects -- and Paul fought back with his own op-ed,saying "apparently (Perry's)new glasses havent altered his perception of the world, or allowed him to see it any more clearly."
Here is the original post:
A list of the many 2016 candidates Rand Paul has (already ...