'LBJ rule' revisited? GOP hopefuls looking to run for both White House, re-election – VIDEO: Debate over strongest …
The dreams of a White House run for at least two potential Republican hopefuls could come to a screeching halt if they can't surmount state laws prohibiting them from running for two offices at once.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence are mulling runs for president -- but both are up for re-election, too, and live in states which would force them to choose one race over the other.
Norman Ornstein, political analyst for the American Enterprise Institute, said the conundrum "isn't new." But this cycle is different, he said, in that it involves "two very high-profile" candidates who could be "serious, possible nominees" -- if they aren't thwarted by state election laws first.
At this stage, Paul has far more presidential buzz surrounding him than Pence, but both have allies in the state legislature looking to help them run for two offices.
Pence hasn't commented about the matter, but a Republican-sponsored bill in his state is awaiting action in the upcoming General Assembly session which would allow his name to appear twice -- as a gubernatorial candidate and presidential candidate, if he chooses to run. If the bill passes, he would have the liberty of signing it.
It wouldn't be the first time Indiana decided to give its politicians such a break: former Republican Sen. Richard Lugar got an exception to run for president and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton was given one, too, when he was considered a potential vice presidential candidate -- though both men's prospects never went very far.
Meanwhile, a bill introduced in the Kentucky state Legislature by Republican state Sen. Damon Thayer last year would have changed the law to allow Paul to run for both offices, but it was eventually killed by majority Democrats in the House. Prospects for another go at a legislative remedy appear dim as Democrats held on to that majority in the last election.
For Kentucky Republicans, the issue of what happens to Paul if he chooses to run for president is looming large, especially since he is considered one of the national party's top potential candidates. Paul already has announced his re-election campaign for Senate.
"There is no question that the Democratic-controlled House will not take it up," Kentucky GOP Chairman Steve Robertson said. He said it may come down to Paul litigating his way onto the ballot for both Senate and White House. Political analysts say the Paul team would likely challenge the law on constitutional grounds, charging that federal rules only should govern federal elections.
Paul's office did not return a request for comment from FoxNews.com.
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'LBJ rule' revisited? GOP hopefuls looking to run for both White House, re-election - VIDEO: Debate over strongest ...