Rand Paul on ISIS Situation – Video
Rand Paul on ISIS Situation
Uploaded under "Fair Use" provisions for discussion and commentary at http://PolitiBrew.com 10-19-14...4:00 PM EST.
By: Rshill7
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Rand Paul on ISIS Situation - Video
Rand Paul on ISIS Situation
Uploaded under "Fair Use" provisions for discussion and commentary at http://PolitiBrew.com 10-19-14...4:00 PM EST.
By: Rshill7
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Rand Paul on ISIS Situation - Video
I think from the very beginning they havent been completely forthright with us. Theyve so wanted to downplay this that they really I dont think have been very accurate in their description of the disease. For example, they say, Dont worry, its only mixture of bodily fluids through direct contact. So what are you thinking? Im thinking like AIDS, you dont get AIDS at a cocktail party so my level of alarm goes down. And if I am treating somebody or looking at them around, Im thinking, oh no its like AIDS, I am not going to get it. But it really isnt like AIDs. And then theyll say in a little lower voice, Oh, but direct contact can be three feet from somebody. But if you ask any American on the street, Do you think direct contact is standing three feet from somebody? Because they so much wanted to downplay that We were in charge, we know everything about this, I think they made mistakes in not really being accurate about talking about the disease.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), interview with Bloomberg News. Oct. 16, 2014
This is an interesting set of remarks from Sen. Rand Paul regarding the administrations response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Did the administration suggest Ebola was like AIDS? Did it play down the possibility of direct contact?
Before entering politics, Paul was an ophthalmologist, so his expertise in medicine might carry extra weight with some readers.
First, lets look at the warnings and cautions posted on the White House Web site.
Now, here are the Centers for Disease Control exposure risk levels. Note that a low risk exposure is being within three feet of a patient with Ebola. The Ebola virus, as far as is known, does not circulate in tiny droplets that hover in the air, such as influenza. But an Ebola patient could cough, sneeze or spit, transmitting bodily fluids that might land on a person nearby and then youmight get Ebola if the virus finds a break in your skin or you touch your eye and it goes in through a mucous membrane.
High-risk exposures
A high-risk exposure includes any of the following:
Low-risk exposures
A low-risk exposure includes any of the following
Read more:
Fact Checker: Rand Pauls claim that the White House suggested Ebola transmission is like AIDS
By Jim Hook
jhook@publicopinionnews.com @JimHookPO on Twitter
CHAMBERSBURG >> U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, a potential GOP presidential candidate for 2016, will speak Oct. 31 at a local Republican fundraiser.
"He's a person we've been after for a long time," Franklin County Republican Committee Chairman Robert Wollyung said.
Paul will be the featured speaker at noon on Oct. 31 at the Orchards restaurant in Chambersburg. Tickets are limited for the event and will be on sale at the Republican Party headquarters at 1320 Lincoln Way East, Suite 8, Chambersburg, or by calling 717-263-7999. Office hours are expected to be Tuesday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The price of a ticket is $60. A portion of the proceeds will be presented to the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition.
Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, was elected senator in 2010. He is among the early leading contenders for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016. Recent polls have placed him in the lead in New Hampshire and third in Iowa among a tight GOP field. His support among tea party followers has shifted dramatically in recent months to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, according to the USA McClatchy-Marist Poll of Aug. 14.
Paul has gone after Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton and President Barrack Obama in his recent speeches.
In 2013, Paul received a score of 96 percent from the American Conservative Union in 2013, and the National Journal ranked him as the 19th most conservative member of the Senate.
He is the son of former Texas congressman Ron Paul, a former Libertarian presidential candidate. Rand Paul has worked on his father's campaigns.
Paul in 1993 began practicing ophthalmology in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He opened his own clinic in 2007. He founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic to help provide eye surgery and exams for those who cannot afford to pay. The Lions Club International Foundation awarded him the Melvin Jones Fellow Award for the project.
See more here:
Sen. Rand Paul to speak at local GOP luncheon
Ron Paul vs. Rand Paul on amnesty
Sign the petition to arrest Marxist collaborator Marco Rubio at mofopolitics.com.
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See the article here:
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U.S. Senator Rand Paul spoke at UC Berkeley on March 19, 2014. The event was hosted by the Berkeley Forum student organization. Sen. Paul spoke about his cla...
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