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Sen. Rand Paul sounds Ebola alarm

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, seen here on September 30, 2014 in Charleston, South Carolina. Richard Ellis, Getty Images

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The director of the Centers for Disease Control said a patient in a Dallas hospital has been diagnosed with Ebola. This is the first time the dis...

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, warned that the U.S. could be underestimating the potential for Ebola to wreak havoc in the U.S. because of "political correctness."

"It's a big mistake to underestimate the potential for problems worldwide," Paul said on "The Laura Ingraham Show" Tuesday.

Citing reassurances by the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Tom Frieden, that there was little risk of a traveler bringing Ebola to the United States and causing an outbreak, Paul countered, "I really think that it is being dominated by political correctness and I think because of political correctness we're not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions on this."

The CDC announced Tuesday that the first U.S. case of Ebola had been confirmed in a Liberian man who had traveled to Dallas to visit family.

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President Obama says the international community needs to respond to the Ebola outbreak with the same urgency usually reserved for security issue...

"We should not underestimate the transmissibility of this," Paul, an opthamologist by trade, said, noting that even doctors and nurses wearing gloves, gowns and masks are contracting the disease. "My suspicion is that it's a lot more transmissible than that if people who are taking every precaution are getting it. There are people getting it who simply helped people get in or out of a taxicab."

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Sen. Rand Paul sounds Ebola alarm

Rand Paul stokes Ebola fears

Sen. Rand Paul is warning that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention might be downplaying the threat from the Ebola virus.

The Kentucky Republican, appearing on The Laura Ingraham Show on Wednesday, said the CDC and the Obama administration are giving off a false sense of security.

This could get beyond our control, said Paul, an ophthalmologist.

The CDC on Tuesday announced that a man at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital had the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the U.S. The agency is now monitoring a group of 12 to 18 people who might have been exposed to the virus for symptoms. CDC Director Tom Frieden emphasizing both the sophistication of the U.S. public health system and the difficulty of transmitting a disease like Ebola has said repeatedly that he has no doubt that well stop this in its tracks in the U.S.

Paul, though, on Wednesday questioned Friedens statements and said health officials might be underestimating the diseases potential impact in the U.S. and worldwide.

I think because of political correctness were not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions on this, the senator said. Its a big mistake to underestimate the potential for problems worldwide.

Paul, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, also expressed concern about President Barack Obamas plan announced earlier this month to send up to 3,000 troops to combat Ebola in West Africa, the major hub of the disease.

You also have to be concerned about 3,000 soldiers getting back on a ship, he said, expressing concern about the spread of disease in close quarters. Can you imagine if a whole ship full of our soldiers catch Ebola? he asked later.

The senator also referenced reports that the U.S. patient had contact with another individual who had Ebola, and helped her into a taxi in Liberia after the woman couldnt get an ambulance. There are people getting it who simply helped people get in or out of a taxicab, Paul said.

Health experts have largely expressed caution about a potential outbreak in the U.S., saying that the country has superior treatment, sanitation, communication and medical practices than certain countries in West Africa.

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Rand Paul stokes Ebola fears

Rand Paul campaigns to unite the Republican Party

Mending those fences is where Mr Paul comes in. The son of Ron Paul, the cranky veteran libertarian who ran for president in 2012, the younger Mr Paul is popular with grassroots Republicans who prize the Constitution, small government and personal freedom.

Bookmakers also have him as joint second-favourite to win a tangled 2016 Republican presidential nomination contest when the race for the White House finally get under way towards the end of next year.

With just five weeks until polling day, campaign managers hope that Pauls endorsement can overcome the four point gap between Mr Tillis and his Democrat opponent, Kay Hagan, the incumbent Senator who was a strong supporter of Mr Obamas healthcare reforms.

Wedged into the corner of a diner in downtown Raleigh, Mr Paul tried to work up the crowd about the Obamacare health reforms, a topic that Republicans had expected to energise their voters but which has been somewhat overshadowed in recent weeks by the rise of the Islamic State.

Dressed in slightly ill-fitting jeans and a crumpled blue shirt all part of Mr Pauls anti-establishment image the senator attacked the arrogance of the Obamacare requirement that all Americans must buy health insurance, which is seen by libertarians as an example of gross government overreach.

These are fundamental America choices and it goes against the fabric of the country to have legislation that prevents you from choosing your own doctor, said Mr Paul, 51, who is an ophthalmologist by profession.

It remains to be seen whether Mr Pauls star quality will be enough to convince sufficient numbers of hardcore Republicans to hold their noses and vote for Mr Tillis.

The North Carolina race has been complicated by the emergence of a third party candidate, a pizza delivery man called Sean Haugh who is running for the Libertarian Party and - polls suggest - is stealing precious votes from Mr Tillis.

Which candidate should libertarians back?" someone asked, to which Mr Paul a Republican with strong libertarian instincts gave the establishment answer.

There are many libertarian ideas that are Republican ideas, he said. Lower taxes, the Constitution, limited government, balanced budgets, personal liberties - and I think Thom Tillis represents those ideas.

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Rand Paul campaigns to unite the Republican Party

Rand Paul plays up Ebola fears

updated 8:14 AM EDT, Thu October 2, 2014

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, is considering a 2016 bid for the Republican presidential nomination.


Washington (CNN) -- Sen. Rand Paul said Wednesday that experts and government officials are downplaying the Ebola threat, and he speculated whether the U.S. may end up with a "whole ship full" of American soldiers infected with the virus.

In two interviews the Kentucky Republican and ophthalmologist suggested that the U.S. consider canceling flights from affected countries, and that the border with Mexico is not secure enough to keep infected individuals out.

How the Ebola virus spreads

Speaking to conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham, Paul questioned whether the Obama administration should carry out its plan to send 3,000 troops to Ebola hot zones in Africa.

"You also have to be concerned about 3,000 soldiers getting back on a ship. Where is disease most transmittable? When you're in a very close confines on a ship, we all know about cruises and how they get these diarrhea viruses that are transmitted very easily," he said. "Can you imagine if a whole ship full of our soldiers catch Ebola?"

Your Ebola questions answered

At a Pentagon press conference, civilian officials said no decisions have been made about the procedures for troops returning to the U.S., even though some are already there, CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr reported.

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Rand Paul plays up Ebola fears

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